>> Approved by the Ministre des Transports du Qubec. 0000020409 00000 n
the technical data sheet. 48 hours after SikaTop-107 Plus application. Disposal Considerations Dispose in accordance with applicable federal, state and local government regulations. product's most current product label, Product Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet which are available at usa.sika.com or by calling SIKA's Technical Service Department at 1-800-933-7452. /BitsPerComponent 8 NSF-ANSI 61 potable water contact-approved formula available by special order only. 9 0 obj Easily applied to clean, sound substrates. 7 0 obj SikaTop Seal-107 Standard; Safety Data Sheets. startxref
For optimum result, Sika TileFix-200 TA should be applied max. trailer
/OPM 1 0000005640 00000 n
It has excellent adhesion and high performance. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our . First Aid Measures Eye In case of contact, hold eyelids apart and immediately flush eyes with plenty of tepid water for at least 15 minutes. It is a high performance repair mortar for horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces in form and pour applications. stream The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material herein and does not relate to use in /Intent /RelativeColorimetric SikaTop Seal-107 Standard (A) SDS; SikaTop Seal-107 Standard (B) SDS; Get in Touch. xref
SikaTop-111 Plus #106571 is a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement-based, fast-setting, screed mortar. Meets MTO MI-67 specification for concrete patching materials. 0000111668 00000 n
0000094719 00000 n
0000049795 00000 n
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Meets AT B391 specification for concrete patching materials. h;HBqs5"v32( 0000012271 00000 n
0000096458 00000 n
Free flowing repair mortar for hard to reach areas.
o.m1b)mu?v[yc!2"1GhU%Y9r\ %0gl,Yga, u!" /SMask /None >>] <>stream Use on, above and below grade on concrete and mortar. Product Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet Show all documents SikaTop-123 Plus Author: Sika Corporation, 201 Polito Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, Phone: +1-800-933-7452, Fax: +1-201-933-6225, usa.sika.com Subject: Product Data Sheet Keywords: SikaTop-123 Plus 020302040070000022 Two-component, polymer-modified, cementitious, non-sag mortar plus Sika FerroGard 901 penetrating corrosion inhibitor . endobj 0000020247 00000 n
bj)lO1(?_/ On grade, above, and below grade on concrete . SikaTop-107 Plus is a two component, pre-packed polymer modified cementitious waterproofing slurry mortar comprising of a liquid polymer and cement with selected grades of sand and several admixtures. 0000111240 00000 n
Sikatop 111, 121, 122, 123, & 126 Plus - Part A 3. 0000000016 00000 n
Product Data Sheet Edition 7.25.2014 . High bond strength ensures superior adhesion. Product Data Sheet. 0000081304 00000 n
VZ :c#CejS\ ~:Af@)MGP#"soA|l5@qUqW/2|[/~?*d%4_:=]YO,XJR?/>hdY,*$+~(E{xob~q'^^Ab$wC>I(gk >> SIKATOP 111 PLUS / 121 PLUS / 122 PLUS / 123 PLUS - PART B 12. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB It is a high performance repair mortar for horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces in form and pour applications. 0000020479 00000 n
/Height 784 0000004305 00000 n
5'S6DTsEF7Gc(UVWdte)8fu*9:HIJXYZghijvwxyz m!1 "AQ2aqB#Rb3 $Cr4%ScD&5T6Ed' /ca 1 IDENTIFICATION Product name : Manufacturer or supplier's details Canada Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 4A9 : (514) 697-2610 / 1 (800) 933-7452 0000002325 00000 n
endstream 0000110955 00000 n
%PDF-1.4 Canadian Food Inspection Agency acceptance. Condition material to 65-75F before using. 0000005391 00000 n
0000016846 00000 n
/Subtype /Image Nothing contained in any SIKA literature or materials relieves the user of the Product Data Sheet Sikacrete-211 SCC Plus March 2020, Version 01.04 Approved by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. 0000003446 00000 n
458 0 obj
459 0 obj
SikaTop-123 Plus is a high performance, polymer-modified, 2-component, fast-setting, non sag cementitious mortar. endobj High bond strength ensures superior adhesion. !2`7b1(e3rU8bC{mp ~Z.!yc~cd\CGM/b'htxnUg[}w2Hxxxnx *Q4''/?@3=C x}&q+"B={BAcUg5mm
AENM]Slz)F$p /SA true 48 hours after SikaTop-107 Plus application. endstream
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TYPICAL DATA Material and curing conditions @ 73F (23C) and 50% R.H.. For up to date and accurate information please consult the current Product Data Sheet at usa.sika.com Shelf Life 12 months months from date of production if . M> Qe'x3}l;Ee4M-+tM $Wp(}^4s^Ia~^tl1pkwK/.Pnx8,zMxl"2Ml6JM}/Y8{
. This product offers the additional benefit of Sika FerroGard-901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor included in . n As with all cement based materials, avoid contact with aluminum to prevent adverse chemical reaction and possible product failure. /Type /XObject % 449 0 obj
Product And Company Identification . Product qualified by The Road Authority (TRA). Downloads. Approved by the Alberta Ministry of Transportation. 0
Structural repair material for parking structures, industrial plants, walkways, bridges, tunnels ramps, and dams. SAFETY DATA SHEET SikaTop Plus Part A Version 1.1 Revision Date: 01/11/2017 SDS Number: 000000603811 8 / 9 . Sikatop 111 Plus - Part B 15. B+ PRODUCT DATA SHEET Edition 12.2017/v1 CSC Master FormatTM 03 01 00 MAINTENANCE OF CONCRETE 3230. SAFETY DATA SHEET SikaTop Plus Part A Version 1.1 Revision Date: 01/11/2017 SDS Number: 000000603811 1 / 9 SECTION 1. xyXR/@EqN,R4Qp {^xA6PpA>zw2'L#bJ|N"[9S!-P\"a}D >rSiZG# 5de` oK|&$+?T>YuY5=.8j#c]9cq'N\7z E"mz)C`}BX
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516 0 obj
SikaTop-111 Plus is a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement-based, fast-setting, screed mortar. SikaTop-111 Plus is a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement-based, fast-setting, screed mortar. n Product is not designed for unconfined placements or overlays (use SikaTop 111 PLUS). /Width 1201 0000110686 00000 n
Protect Component 'A' from freezing. 0000094546 00000 n
0000006795 00000 n
Polymer-Modified, Cementitious Screed Mortar, PLUS Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor, 601 Avenue Delmar << A)%Gp> 6>hyrPr^$wu.Kfha7pvBegU.g&jZX=!Er6:&;7inGE_H g'bD"\^U;>z62tHfo(dUX>]?G*e,H5DU)
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<>stream 4. 1A2# QBa$3Rqb%C&4r SikaTop 111 Plus Crack Repair 1 2 3 . % The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other materialor in any process. Identification Product name : SikaTop-121 PLUS Part B Supplier : Sika Corporation Address : 201 Polito Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 USA www.sikausa.com Telephone : (201) 933-8800 Read more + High compressive and flexural strengths 0000002138 00000 n
0000050581 00000 n
B+ Sikatop 111, 121, 122, 123, & 126 Plus - Part A HMIS HEALTH 1 FLAMMABILITY 0 REACTIVITY 0 PERSONAL PROTECTION C 1. It is a performance repair mortar for horizontal, vertical and overhead applications or form and pour application. C7.?h{8wK=0L>U=cB#ms#m_qnT)+gU~~ :FZk%R 0000094789 00000 n
0000003172 00000 n
Where to Use . ] t%J+AW]ytd)XJd)XJd)XJd)XJdb?~(QGe?~1zOi4zOi4?g~,U5+aA(\2ynnGy|,3]%
/Length 51690 If a bonding agent or a scrub coat of SikaTop-111 Plus are not possible, other suitable means should be employed such as vibration of the material or pumping under pressure to ensure good intimate contact with the prepared substrate is achieved. 0000010117 00000 n
*!" 0000119450 00000 n
SikaTop-111 Plus is a two-component, polymer-modified, Portland cement-based, fast-setting, screed mortar. JFIF d d Ducky d http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ SIK_Logo_Claim_R_Step1_ HPhotoshop 3.0 8BIM Z %G 8BIM% x/4b4Xw Adobe d f L.dcn _5]d7WU kvb}?vb|,-]= }kMwRASUf>J. Product Data Sheet Edition 5.7.2015 SikaTop 111 PLUS Typical Data (Material and curing conditions @ 73F (23C) and 50% R.H.) Shelf Life One year in original, unopened packaging. /}vg{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^QQ%5:B$M#jY > fKkug%U@$ '"IXaRPI$ N tM=D{S70#>sgVtJj"PE8
Fun`om BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. 0000018995 00000 n
0000096553 00000 n
While the scrub coat is still wet, place the remaining thickness of SikaTop-111 Plus needed to complete the repair. Component A shall be a liquid polymer emulsion of an acrylic copolymer base and additives. 2.02 Materials A. Polymer-modified Portland cement mortar: 1. D6Ny(?}dr R3wRFvo\|lw
k8@]ey_zI(#xc^^3ZxfvB`#q~1Z#XiVyZC.#d- !=J{Y{{i^^$7 b+5<5 )zde}E}{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^u~{^|| narof;$VhK #}USZ6k=Sbnvz@e#"^+Fd?~oWk0$TD 0`]|O}n\q"*K\&g35]rl?U%ZXl[up@g!D*4&y,> 3KVeq`0$3[ARPKzmz7B=xz)..a,U[9l /CA 1 Physical And Chemical Properties Appearance Green Liquid Odor Acrylic smell Chemical Type: Mixture Physical State: Liquid Percent VOCs: 0% Packing Density: 8.5 pounds/gallon Vapor Density: >AIR Evaporation Rate: Slower then ether 10. 0000095741 00000 n
Grout for large and small voids and cavities. ' N.Um2o:\
Xl&V?HZv-3wv(>ML0d#Zuw{ { 0000011013 00000 n
With composition that easy to apply Good impermeable V&j6!)8[ZZV8T8YifVN}wy}uyyy-|\U%2LQUea&c$iasf"Sv(*1@"em`_kL& ! @m9ye/h ,=!io0Ay*h+Ws6y}trl&]-#PBBvRRM>}&K%BQUuMm[-;PH:2togf[x?@@8/Mrr9yG@SNbh^yao,fnbY3Hv o7u^N0U%5N . lK /AIS false It_7W`X}_B4y9lrdC !"} Pjw(%t "F"rf,"h7%5M)^Jb/-"|o]mE[=m@KV[g. /OP false 0000007209 00000 n
5 0 obj %PDF-1.6
0000002655 00000 n
13. B+ Hazards Identification - Continued Inhalation Hazards Moderate respiratory irritant. with Superior abrasion resistance over conventional cement mortar. SikaTop-111 PLUS POLYMER-MODIFIED, CEMENTITIOUS SCREED MORTAR, PLUS MIGRATING CORROSION . SikaTop-111 Plus Part B SECTION 1. Product Data Sheets. . Insulate potential areas of contact by coating aluminum bars, rails, posts etc. 1 0 obj Imprint, Legal Notice. Email: waterproofing@uk.sika.com. For tile application on SikaTop-107 Plus, use Sika TileFix-200 TA. 0000008308 00000 n
SikaTop 111 Plus SikaTop 111 PLUS is a two-component, polymer-modified, portland-cement, fast-setting, screed mortar. B+ 0000006654 00000 n
iKA%!hlhP*hh 0000013489 00000 n
C0Ua=1B>72!]QJKD#A^{{VT2_;S4WAxc^)Y,]r+_er 0000137531 00000 n
Formulated with inert, non-reactive aggregates to eliminate potential Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR). If frozen, discard. 0000012408 00000 n
0000096039 00000 n
%PDF-1.4 Data Sheets). . 0000014717 00000 n
It offers the additional benefit of Sika FerroGard-901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor included in its formulation. 0000137268 00000 n
0000077960 00000 n
0000010834 00000 n
0000144509 00000 n
0000095271 00000 n
2/2 SikaTop-111 PLUS CSC Master FormatTM 03 01 00 MAINTENANCE OF CONCRETE Modulus of Elasticity ASTM C469 0000005989 00000 n
It offers the additional benefit of Sika FerroGard-901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor included in its formulation. 0000119706 00000 n
Storage Conditions Store dry at 40-95F. Terms and Conditions; Imprint; Compatible with thermal coefficient of expansion of concrete. H9R 4A9 Pointe-Claire QC, Silane Water Repellents & Concrete Coatings, Self-Compacting Concrete/Cast-In-Place Concrete. High performance repair mortar for horizontal or form and pour vertical applications. Tel: 0800 292 2572. /Quality 60 Title: SikaTop-123 Plus Author: Sika Corporation, 201 Polito Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, Phone: +1-800-933-7452, Fax: +1-201-933-6225, usa.sika.com Subject: Product Data Sheet Created Date: It is designed especially for repair of overhead and vertical surfaces and is formulated with a migrating corrosion inhibitor to reduce corrosion (even in the adjacent concrete). 0000009190 00000 n
Regulatory Information . 0000014903 00000 n
0000020588 00000 n
449 68
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. on use 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet . Product Data Sheet SikaTop-111 Plus November 2020, Version 01.05 020302040070000025 4 / 6 SikaTop Armatec 110 EpoCem. 5R|I8*3j3Efs=VBYVm^d,`]/uBS/IBRg6>u}.3[(}%)+wm .5Aza_u%B VIEW IN OUR STORE SikaCrete 211 Product Data Sheet SikaTop-122 Plus November 2020, Version 01.04 020302040070000021 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SikaTop-122 Plus Two-component, polymer-modified, cementitious, trowel-grade mortar plus Sika FerroGard 901 penetrating corrosion inhibitor PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SikaTop-122 Plus is a two-component, polymer- SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name : TP2 Product code : 04657586190 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Recommended restrictions : For professional users only. Sika MonoTop 111 AntiCorrosion For optimum result, Sika TileFix-200 TA should be applied max. 0000001689 00000 n
0000096388 00000 n
<>stream 0000006907 00000 n
Re1Ed)b0\pjP}o+FxSB>c#P={^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{{^u{Msq Case studies, Data sheets and other publications. =eP7w/wqFYTDpBvY3Uukfv. For tile application on SikaTop-107 Plus, use Sika TileFix-200 TA. SikaTop 123 PLUS is a two-component, polymer-modified, portland cement, fast-setting, non-sag mortar. /op false <<01CA7541E078CB43B66B7D7F30CAF25D>]/Prev 649566/XRefStm 2138>>
Sikatop 111 Plus/121 Plus/122 Plus/123 Plus/126 Plus - Part A 9. << $^ sWx#3|&c84V69fz+U]YIjU-r ^@HsvJBU4[ad0_'(6 7R0V
ob=Y It offers the additional benefit of Sika FerroGard 901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor included in its formulation. It offers the additional benefit of FerroGard 901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor. sFtUeuV7)(GWf8vgwHXhx9IYiy*:JZjz ? . 0000050058 00000 n
SikaTop 111 Plus is a two-component, polymermodified, Portland cement-based, fast-setting, screed mortar. x6_/PSIs_+F_*6]*=8G0_F!G7iX~`';Y#}?0Z;z3>^RRzR*KxwJ)S.wyoo}& &g7!./JiV(z^k6G[7 gCjNns_}^v,ApKLa{~Cxg9~JK{!|.Wi5RL().cI6(h4c kIPE sZTdXp80|~`y41~tyBqGkg|!+& }s6dB78ug*j'{ms#JF If a bonding agent or a scrub coat of SikaTop-111 Plus It is a high performance repair mortar for horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces in form and pour applications. %PDF-1.7 9 0 obj IDENTIFICATION Product name : SikaTop Plus Part A Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name : Sika Canada Inc. 601, avenue Delmar Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 4A9 Canada www.sika.ca Telephone /Type /ExtGState xz9#}A8#&J Increased density - improved carbon dioxide . Ecological Information No Data Available. The information set forth herein is based on technical da ta 0000006016 00000 n
warnings and instructions on the product's current Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet for each Sika product, which are available at web site and/or telephone . 0000006681 00000 n
0000003304 00000 n
0000144769 00000 n
Safety Data Sheet SikaTop-121 PLUS Part B Revision Date 11/25/2013 Print Date 11/25/2013 1 / 11 1. 0000111267 00000 n
0000014413 00000 n
It is a high performance repair mortar for vertical and overhead surfaces, and offers the additional benefit of FerroGard 901, a penetrating corrosion inhibitor. endstream
515 0 obj
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0000015846 00000 n
0000010300 00000 n
Sika FerroGard 903 Plus. Alternately in lieu of a bonding agent, a scrub coat of a Neat mix of SikaTop-111 Plus can be applied to the substrate. SikaTop-111 Plus SikaTop-111 Plus Polymer-Modified, Cementitious Screed Mortar, PLUS Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor Superior abrasion resistance over conventional cement mortar. 0000003701 00000 n
It is a high performance repair mortar for horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces in form and pour applications. xMN09ENP:?bA@I$v3SW3yllm>G(PX@4>Y2@iDDy= /DecodeParms [null << Compatible with thermal coefficient of expansion of concrete. /BM /Normal hbbc`b``3
1 r
Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our . A. SikaTop 111 Plus, as manufactured by Sika Corporation, is considered to conform to the requirements of this specification. 0000081577 00000 n
0000120003 00000 n
Product Data Sheet SikaTop-123 Plus July 2018, Version 01.02 020302040070000022 4 / 4.