If you are a KUED member and are here to activate your Passport account in order to access PBS' and KUED's entire video library please visit this link.You may have questions on how to complete the activation process, please contact our membership team at 801-581-3284 or email membership@kued.org.. Click here for common error messages and what to do if you encounter one. Members should log in with the email they used to create their membership account. This includes every film Ken Burns has ever made, from 1981’s Brooklyn Bridge to 2019’s Country Music. If the Passport icon does appear by your name, and you still encounter the above message stating "This video is only available in Passport," please try signing out and signing back in with your PBS login account. How do I log into my Passport account on my Roku device? Stream on any device. If one business day has passed and you still have not received activation instructions from your PBS station, please contact them directly. In your message, please include the contact information for your membership, the name of the local PBS station you are a member with, and the email address you are currently signed in with. Vegas PBS members can now enjoy Passport, a new viewing option. WKNO Passport is a new member benefit offering extended on-demand access to a rich library of public television programming. The Passport icon is a light blue square with a white compass rose symbol, and will appear exactly as pictured below. The PBS Helpline for WETA Passport can help if you continue to have problems. How long after I donate should I expect to receive my Passport activation code? Watch PBS and THIRTEEN programs on-demand with member benefit THIRTEEN Passport. If I donate to my local public radio station, can I get Passport? Stream top food shows, dramas, histories, documentaries, and more. Once your PBS station has completely processed your donation, they will send you activation instructions for your Passport benefit and you're ready for the next step below! Modified on: Fri, 8 Nov, 2019 at 11:35 AM, If you do not see the blue Passport icon (. Passport videos display the Passport icon in the top left corner of the video thumbnail image. You may call 703-270-0069 Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. – 11 p.m., or send an email to help@pbs.org. Is PBS Passport available outside the U.S.? Try requesting an activation email with our Passport Lookup Tool. Use one of the services below to sign in to PBS: You've just tried to add this video to My List. close close By becoming a Vegas PBS member today with a yearly, tax-deductible contribution of $60 or more (or going $5 per month, as a sustaining member), you’ll be able to enjoy out latest member benefit! visit our Passport activation page at this link. Please use our Passport Lookup Tool to see if your benefit is active, How to Reset Your Access for Your Passport Benefit. Don't see the Passport icon by your name like in the picture below? If you do not have a PBS account, click Create one now. Are you trying to activate the PBS Video App or the PBS KIDS Video App? A video of the Passport activation process is available below. PBS is committed to protecting users' privacy. Therefore, you must ensure that you are using the account you signed in with when you activated WETA Passport. Skip to Main Content. The blue Passport compass rose icon displays next to your name, indicating that the account is linked to your Passport benefit. How do I get Passport access on my iPad in addition to my laptop or desktop? Can I view Passport shows on my Smart TV? Only this single account will be linked to your Passport benefit. But first, we need you to sign in to PBS using one of the services below. Codes will be auto-capitalized when entered, but are not case-sensitive. Once you have your unique Passport activation code, please visit our Passport activation page at this link and enter your code. If you encounter this screen when you first try using your Passport benefit, we recommend confirming you have followed all of the steps listed above on this page. Questions? How do I log into my Passport account on my Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Fire Stick, or Android Smart TV? ... You may have an unactivated WHYY Passport member benefit. To get started, sign in at the top of the site by selecting Sign In. Further Activating Instructions & Helpful Videos: Milwaukee PBS Passport is the member benefit that provides you with extended access to an on-demand library of quality public television's premier programming, including current and past seasons of PBS shows - including drama, science, history, and the arts. Passport and non-Passport videos can be found in one place! Select Create one now beneath the Sign in with PBS Account option. Passport can be accessed by downloading the PBS app via streaming device, or going to our Passport website: video.sopbs.org (do not type www. Ways to Support WFSU Home Page. Looking for KUED Passport? Enter your email below to receive a link to reset your password. Modified on: Mon, 16 Mar, 2020 at 9:10 AM. If I do not have PBS Passport, will I still be able to watch shows on PBS.org and my station's site? Some PBS stations will provide you with this activation code immediately following your donation, while other stations will require more time to set up your benefit and will send you this activation code once your benefit is ready. Watch full episodes online of shows from MASTERPIECE on PBS like All Creatures Great and Small, Miss Scarlet and the Duke and Poldark. Haven't received an activation code yet? Click here for more information about the PBS Video app and supported devices. Watch anytime on MilwaukeePBS.org or on the PBS App. The PBS Helpline for WETA Passport can help if you continue to have problems. Click here for more information about finding and viewing Passport videos on PBS.org. We are currently experiencing high volume. On the right, sign in with a PBS, Google, or Facebook account. What shows are available with PBS Passport? Once you sign in with your Passport credentials, your name displays in the upper left side of the screen. Click here for common error messages and what to do if you encounter one. We recommend allowing for one business day to give your station time to create your benefit and send you activation instructions. . If you have ever considered a Passport membership, this is a great time! For 30+ years, Ken Burns has been telling America’s stories. There is no separate Passport website. ... You may have an unactivated WITF Passport member benefit. Milwaukee PBS Passport is the member benefit that provides you with extended access to an on-demand library of quality public television's premier programming, including current and past seasons of PBS shows - including drama, science, history, and the arts. Do I have to choose a local station to use the Passport benefit? The personal account you sign in with on this screen will be the same account you log into from now on at PBS.org and the PBS Video apps when viewing Passport videos.