It is now around 200KHz. 12. 2015 Pozor pro vechny majitele zazen spolenosty Sony Mobile : Vechna zazen ady Z, dostanou Android 5 Lollipop. There are 8 fonts. I'm at least able to create a firmware update file, so that part of the todo is done. Costed me a couple of days to fix it. Veker nov lnky a vynlezy budou v rozbalovacm MENU v pslunch kategorich. A little more information about repair of FNIRSI-1014D 100MHz Digital Oscilloscopes exhibiting issues with AC/DC input coupling: If you use the wrong one of the 2 provided firmware files, nothing bad will happen to your FNIRSI-1014D, Flag for inappropriate content. So what do I think of the FNIRSI-1014D 100MHz Digital Oscilloscope now that mine is working "properly"? 10. 2019 Nov lnek o LED ROVKCH v sekci Elektrotechnika teorie. Started with the implementation of the picture and wavefrom view part of the code. fnirsi 1014d firmware. UPDATE It appears that FNIRSI has at least attempted to post a new firmware for the FNIRSI-1014D Digital Oscilloscope. You signed in with another tab or window. The bar should complete within about 20 seconds. 2019 Pidna monost koment u ESP32 a Arduina. 12. Got the long time base trace capture and display working. 24. ELEKTROTECHNIKA, BASTLEN, IT, ARDUINO, ESP, PRVN MC TEST OSCILOSKOPEM FNIRSI-1013D. Neste tutorial, mostro como podes efetuar o upgrade de firmware do FNIRSI 1014D, informao que no se encontra no website da FNIRSI e que consegui reunir para ti. The startup screen will appear twice, followed by a very basic horizontal progress bar. 5. Not a big deal and might change my setup. Between the writing and the reading it needs a fair amount of time. 5. Zatm jej testuji na Arduinu UNU a pozdji pejdu na RPI Pico, nebo ESP. The FNIRSI-1014D will reboot by itself, and the Firmware file will be gone from the FNIRSI-1014D's storage. Started with a new netbeans project for the scope code. I thought so. The other options are not yet implemented. A variable width type like Arial and a fixed with type like courier. Since they use bitmap versions a separate font is needed for each size in use. YMMV depending on the app you use to display the files. Are you sure you want to create this branch? 15. The signal traces can be moved, but the display flickers when this is done. 03. A peek into the FNIRSI firmware backup software showing it detected the non standard touch panelMore info can be found on EEVBLOG in between the different actions, of which only one is realy needed. Description: <=== Back to the Homepage V aqui: quiseres ajudar o canal para continuar a fazer estes vdeos, por favor utiliza os links de afiliado abaixo para as tuas compras: Aliexpress - Banggood - Amazon - fantstico! 6. . It is quite the job but it is already running the boot loader code and some of the initialization of the. Read more. 2015 Spolenost Sony, vypustila aktualizaci pro Xperii Z2 Android 5, 15. 18. !! There is an entry for a Version 3.0 Firmware dated 06 October 2021 on thier Support Page. Uploaded by Fernando Manchado Arranz. Next up is making the functions to display things on the screen. 18. Also made a new bootloader that allows loading of the new scope code through FEL for easy testing. 14. 11. This is about the FNIRSI FNB48 USB firmware upgrade tester,Some friends will not upgrade the firmware.So we made this video.FNIRSI official website: http://w. 2018 Microsoft uvolnil opravenou aktualizaci Windows 10 October Update 2018. Still a long way to go. Finished the largest part of the display library. 6. This will take a bit of time. The new file can be found here: Notice: Trying to get property 'post_excerpt' of non-object in /home2/smboxus/public_html/wp-content/themes/smartboxmedia/singular.php on line 18 Notice: Trying to . 2019 Mn se vzhled webu jvelektronika a prohlen jednotlivch lnk. Newest Forum Posts. The recreation of the scope project is setup to create a binary in the emulator project directory and start the emulator for testing. To short a time and the reading part needs to be repeated. Pictures saved to the scope's storage are still not correct when they are viewed in a PC image viewer. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. the remainder of the user interface first. SROVNN VIDEOZZNAMU OBOU TELEFON. It contains some very important hints and instructions, especially in case you are working with higher voltage and higher frequency. Made quite a bit of progress, but the reversing of the short time base handling code is a big task. 22-JUNE-2021 The process of reversing the complete software is still ongoing. An oscilloscope with 2 channels, (allegedly) 100 MHz/1 GSa/s, portable, with decent display size, incl. . Try the desktop or command line interface if it does !! Most of the original code on this subject has been analyzed now and judged as crap, so my version will differ in code, but will try to. Made a simple display library to display text and draw rectangles. Switching down to 50nS/div kills the program, but this most likely has to do with the fact that the 50nS processing is only partialy implemented. Even that the 100 MHz can not be true, was foreseeable before. Dale Carnegie. Neil Gaiman. Connect the scope to the computer via USB. Obrigado ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vdeo da review inicial: Vdeo do giveaway : Vdeo da resposta s tuas perguntas: English version of this video: - Intro TechCorner.TV fabulstica0:10 - Bem-vindo0:42 - Passo 1 - Download da nova firmware1:25 - Pequena pausa! FNIRSI 1014D Oscilloscope - 2 in 1 Digital Oscilloscope DDS Signal Generator, 2 Channels 100Mhz Bandwidth 1GSa/s Sampling Rate Built-in 1GB Storage Space . Top Rated Plus. There is progress in getting to an open source version. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Without it I would not have gotten this far. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change: 25th Anniversary Infographics Edition. New. 2018 Nov videa a test kamery v MENU Xperia XZ1. 6. (This is in roll mode and fully done), Short time base settings 50mS-10nS. I'm writing, without the need for loading it to the actual scope. Quite a few commands to control the FPGA are now known. As part of what is on EEVBLOG, resources for the reverse engineering of the FNIRSI-1013D scope are put together in a single repository. Pevn vm, e se vem bude nov vzhled lbit a pispje i k lepmu ovldn webu. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. 1. The font data being used has been found in the flash. PRVN MC TEST OSCILOSKOPEM FNIRSI-1013D. Focus at the moment is on the display library. 5. like time base setting and trigger mode it is becoming more and more clear what the scope is doing. (Still needs displaying of the trace data), Long time base settings 50S-100mS. 10. FNIRSI 1014D. Nyn se ve zobrazuje v rozbalovacm MENU a pvodn strnka, kde jsou jen odkazy na druhou strnku s videem a schmatem ji nebude aktualizovna. This is for the scope version with the W25Q32 flash chip (32Mbit). Looks like they used two font types. combination with Windows they seem not to do what is wanted. 2020 Tranzistorov logick sonada: Doplnna hodnota rezistoru R5 . Started with the implementation of the functions that send commands to the FPGA. Got the adjusting of the time base setting working. Updated the Ghidra archive with the new findings. 2022 Nov poloka menu ePAPER. Optional, suggested step, at least on Linux: Open a terminal, and type the command: Properly "eject" or "unmount" the FNIRSI-1014D's storage. The main program is slowly revealing its secrets. $15.00. Manuel em Portugus Brasil do Osciloscpio FNIRSI-1014D by vander3cds in Orphan Interests > Electronics. There are 0x1F4 bytes there that are loaded after the scope has started. In the original code there are some delay's. 13. SO ALWAYS make a copy of your own flash first and compare the data with what is in the new firmware, !! Managed to create a firmware update file based on the original scope code, but when I updated my new scope it f-ed up the touch panel. does with it. 28. 2019 Aktualizovn software+firmware pro PIC 12F629 a pidn odkaz pro staen. AGILENT / HP INFINIIVISION 6000 SERIES OSCILLOPSCOPE MANUAL SOFTWARE -NEW. "sudo ./sunxi-fel -p spl fnirsi_1013d_startup_with_fel.bin" starts the system and returns to FEL. 9. 2. The FNIRSI startup image is displayed. Made a list of what is done and still needs, Saving and loading of the settings to and from flash, The picture view screen with picture view almost done. on this code. Uploaded the Ghidra archive with the latest findings. 2015 Vloeno nov video na YouTube ve 4K a to OHOSTROJ o plnoci na SILVESTRA toen Xperi Z2, 14. 5. Also need to write the touchscreen code to be able to control the scope. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. The touch panel problem that lead to this hack has been resolved. 2022 Chystm video se zkladn deskou s CPU 286 10MHz a instalac Windows 2.0/2.1x. 9. Yes it didn't come with much documentation in the box, but a quick Google Search and you can download the manual, firmware, etc from Hantek's Website. Wrote a font extractor and got font_2 from the binary. Make sure you read the manual carefully. A lot of code to work through. The startup imagewith the FNIRSI logo is displayed and the emulator window shows the processor status and the registers when the core is running. FNIRSI-1014D Product Manual. ), Put the FNIRSI-1014D in USB Export mode. They are displayed correctly in The GIMP. Zaloena nov poloka menu: APPLE. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. 4. 10. A fair amount of work, but with most. An update of firmware required, you have to be in contact with the whatsup FNIRSI Technical support (some delay will be occured because is time of the comapany vacation). DIY. 2018 Nov vrobek: 3x3x3 Led CUBE with Arduino UNO + VIDEO. Channel 1 data is fetched and displayed raw. 12. All the top menus are implemented and except for the main manu functional. The emulator is functional and the working of the system is slowly being revealed. Most of the FPGA functions have been discovered and described. Hopefully it will aid in a full reversal of the actual code. hora de me despedir -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canais TechCorner.TV Reviews e Dicas - Eletrnica, Projetos \u0026 Tutoriais - Channels Gadgets Reviews \u0026 Tips - Eletronics, Projects \u0026 Tutorials - Mailbag day - ligaes (links) de afiliado existentes nesta pgina permitem-nos, sem aumentar o teu preo de compra, que recebamos uma muito pequena comisso, no caso de comprares alguns dos itens atravs das nossas ligaes. 20. Crimes cibernticos: ameaas e procedimentos de investigao - 2 Edio. (MENU ---> USB export), Copy one of the FSI-1014.bin files to the FNIRSI-1014D's volume (8 Gig drive). 3. (This is partially implemented. Managed to get an emulation of a CH340 device working and are basing the mass storage device. The latest Ghidra archive has more and more of the functions identified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . 2. Turn the FNIRSI-1014D off and then back on. There are two other repositories with code for the STM32F103 based bluepill boards for reading and writing the touch panel configuration, but when used in. 0. Got some crude implementation to communicate with my Linux machine. that has the problems with the reversed coordinates when the touch panel is replaced with one that uses a GOODIX GT915(7) touch panel controller. Still has a problem in the timing area, but signals are apearing on the screen. See attached picture for the last bytes of a firmware update file. Robert B. Cialdini, PhD. 148/files/71398..rar?Expires=1636160238, Simply connect your FNIRSI-1014D to a PC with the "A" to "A" USB Cable (a cable that should technically not exist. 2019 Nov lnek: Ochrany ped peptm od NOARK pro fotovoltaick systmy. At the moment working on the USB interface. Good Omens: A Full Cast Production. Checked a couple of the fill rects from the original scope code to see where they are used for. Note that you may even be able to upgrade from your phone, but you must use an USB OTG cable or adapter, and the included "A" to "A" cable. 4. 2019 Mn se vzhled webu jvelektronika a prohlen jednotlivch lnk. 7. Re: New bench scope - Fnirsi 1014D, 7", 1GSa/s. Need to fill in the file operations on top of FatFs and the connections with the user interface. "sudo ./sunxi-fel -p write 0x7FFFFFE0 fnirsi_1013d_scope.bin exe 0x80000000" then loads and executes the output of the scope project, Tested and tweaked the FPGA parameter ic code I wrote a while back. The main menu allows for opening the system settings menu. The font data being used has been found in the flash. This new scope uses a different touch panel than the other one I have. Been busy with the SD card part of the code and managed to get FatFs into the mix and filled in the functions for talking to the card. !! The short time base trace capture is partially implemented and is still a lot of work to get it all implemented. 2019 Aktualizovn software+firmware pro PIC 12F629 a pidn odkaz pro staen. Need to make a code packer to write the separate parts to a binary file. This is really needed since the FPGA in the scope uses 2,5V and the STM runs on 3,3V, so the levels need to be matched. Deal and might change my setup one to one touchscreen code to see where they used. Jvelektronika jsou nyn v novm kabt a byl zcela pepracovn vzhled celho webu resources the!, uvolnn vak nen znm can do with improvement + video 1 GS/s 240. Sekci Elektrotechnika teorie between the writing and the firmware temporarily, or i & Done ), long time base trace capture is partially implemented and is still needed to clear a garaged after. 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