If you want to promote the activities you do, or you're looking for new members, use . B . When a studys design is overly complicated, whether due to treatment groups, schemes, or statistical analyses, it makes it that much more difficult to replicate the results. A negative side effect will be presented as a number (rather than a percentage) to make it seem smaller. Clinical trial endpoints are so important that we dedicated an entire post to them. HV]o6}GR_Uccl (QtSj)0^0Dm0sA4xWL$k|d]$-0j8x8r/%qT0p""7? When you think about blowing the study up and starting from scratch, its sometimes easier to find holes in the methodology. 0000000796 00000 n H{,}riZmv4J.SQTt/DcFTt1H$J(Dq=}|9|yay?>CCVEEE9fttt&Ow-&]L|]0*)`W1La Thats pretty impressive, yay? The exclusion. Please, for the love of all that is holy, dont treat the template like a scavenger hunt. You can achieve your primary intervention with p-values and confidence intervals that are borderline magical. It also makes it more difficult for the peer review community to call foul. 0000003661 00000 n If the result was powerful enough to achieve statistical significance, the authors would have used statistical termswouldnt they? Problem statement: B., Richard (2007) gives the problem as a lack of high-quality conclusive research evidence able to identify a support surface, which is appropriate for patients with high probability of pressure ulcers development. 1. Our most comprehensive DVD! Journal Club - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Its the same thing the car dealership does when they list that vehicle with a sale price of $24,999. By sharing knowledge and insight, your efforts can compound to the whole group. It just means that you need to read with an eagle eye and your BS radar tuned up. H])\^G\%W'?6 1. But there are pretty strict dos and donts when doing this (read a nice review article here). Journal club participation is not a passive spectator sport. Reviewing over 130 leading medical journals, it is a monthly feature in Annals of Internal Medicine and contains easy to read one-page summaries of articles that report original studies and . Butthats just one study. There is a tendency, especially when rotation gets crazy and youre pressed for time, to plug the information into each box and then read it aloud like youre checking off boxes. Actually, this is a good rule for every presentation. You may as well make it fun and beneficial for yourself by picking something that piques your interest or even something that you know is a weak spot for you. What is most important to them? To summarize, drug companies will fund almost every clinical trial you read. @w>[2r_[zsWirW9N;{#\lO9\i-fWEqwiV|V2U $~!"^;O#Pj:,Ibv.>:3CjgM@XPDPz$q&8v,(pS FSmN They'll cover a lot of ground that we weren't able to get to in this post. l$mF6Ykc66Wl^N[?7w!myr6A?W;m,Mw tUp;c~>Ka94Hzd}mDG|:G{'tek('m{g8/C2}?\%w9/:/wFdW).Cu|g]G6]/sM$?~qD_&l?/_SQW8~7dcVYWBvsR6"rb;vy:/Mwy^^ZVyC_s8pFC9v;} Is that a source of bias? Its a lot easier to report that 8 people compared to 4 people experienced a major bleed. In our (anecdotal) experience, its becoming increasingly common to see Pharma act like a helicopter parent and micromanage every aspect of the publication. But, if you've read our article on the p-value, you know how fickle it is. If the endpoints they publish in the paper arent whats listed on that site, you can pretty much assume they went fishing for significant data. Cairngorm Club Journal Aug 02 2022 The Geological Record Feb 02 2020 A list of publications on geology, mineralogy, and palontology. We can already see your eyes starting to glaze over, so let's start by checking out this article. Presentation for the Journal Club (includes references for both articles) . Do you agree, or would you have designed/presented the information differently? An innovative hybrid format combining the traditional in-person departmental discussion with input . %PDF-1.4 % Is the purpose of the study clearly stated? The answer: journal club does get you closer to achieving your scientific goals! We encourage you to find a topic that youre genuinely interested in learning more about. 0000003860 00000 n Otherwise, youd have to say that there was a 100% increase in major bleeds. The primary endpoint p-value. They can help guide your thinking when you are reviewing the article, and they are a good place to drop important reference points. Youll do yourself a favor by getting comfortable evaluating less-than-ideal publications (the better to hone your BS Detector!). Its looked at as a form of data dredging (see the next tip). Move the goalposts of what youre measuring. Where does the new drug fit (and how much does it cost) compared to current treatment options? Choose a time that will be the least . Oh, BTW, it was only in 40 people. Take it out to a nice steak dinner. Today's host is Charnae Ross, PGY2 Health System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Resident at VCU Health. Last updated: 8 September 2020. Clinical, Pharmacy School, Practice, Residency, evidence-based medicine, EBM for pharmacists, how to practice EBM, how to incorporate literature evidence into patient decisions, how to ask targeted drug information questions, pharmacist burnout, how to adapt to changing healthcare as a pharmacist, how to improve adaptability, coping with stress as a pharmacist. | | $ F( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' >) + ' ' ( What you will find here: Example of a journal club presentation handout provided to the audience. %PDF-1.3 A one-tailed test, by contrast, assumes that there is only one possible direction of benefit. The point of a p-value is to delineate statistical significance or not. Residents' skills are reinforced and refined throughout residency at a weekly journal club attended by 10 to 20 reported to improve attendance. You technically can design a non-inferiority trial and then analyze it as a superiority trial. Are you telling me that NONE of the patients in this American cardiovascular disease study are obese? 0000005368 00000 n But being able to answer these questions (especially the why part) will put you on your way to journal club success. And, sure, you can temporarily get off the hook with the standard, Ill look into it and let you know type of answer. A group of people gathers together to share their opinion and assess articles, publications or books on disciplines such as philosophy or science. It will be noticed that the drapers and clothers of W Of course, it is likely impossible to know everything that would relate to your journal club presentation . We mentioned this above, but its worth repeating. Capisce? The less involved the drug company is, the better. But then you gotta actually be able to read those articles and formulate a reasonable, educated opinion. LCQaqQ{s|qe,0\t'%OrYoRoj ]K7_O?_[Zra7p U#blf3\81?M4`*4(6 Other common marketing terms include descriptions of substantial or profound effects. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Journal clubs tend to be fairly informal and are amenable to small group in-person sessions, or they can be conducted virtually. Sowhat do you choose? Studies were excluded where 2 types of stretch were . Or you might specialize in an area (e.g., oncology) where drugs can get an accelerated approval based on their Phase 2 results. 10. This is straight out of the Used Car Salesmans Playbook. If you do a study comparing your new drug to an ineffective (or overly toxic) therapy, your new drug will look amazing. A journal club is a dedicated meeting where medical practitioners gather to discuss published articles from peer-reviewed journals. Is there an endpoint that would have made sense to study for the disease state or treatment, and its not there? They do this because its more attention-grabbing. For example, if the new article is about glucose control in the ICU, you can be sure that the letter to the editor will mention other landmark trials such as Van Den Berghe 2001 and NICE-SUGAR. Just because Pharma sponsors a study doesnt mean they have a hand in every single aspect of the publication. Journal Club: 2015 August; START study. 0000003265 00000 n Journal Club Presentations When presenting a scientific paper, your job is not simply to reiterate what the author said, but to make . What do they need to know? Its really only a 5% reduction in absolute risk. Just because youre looking at a super-separated Kaplan-Meier curve doesnt mean the endpoint is relevant. Or, if the trial protocol is realistic in the real world. One way to mask the frequency of side effects of a drug is to over-represent younger and healthier people in the study population. This is a relatively simple one, but even if you are using PowerPoint to present your journal club, be sure to include handouts. Does massaging the data until you have a statistically significant result make it clinically significant? Youll find the discussion will take some interesting turns (and youll likely learn a lot) in the process. The broader impacts of the proposed research center on the preparation by the PI of a popular article on the evolution of black holes down to modest mass examples, and the outreach work of Jonathan Trump at Ehime University, where he will coach local graduate students on skills in giving presentations in English and on surveying research . But if you really want to be a successful pharmacist, you have to learn how to evaluate and discuss the evidence. Many schools (or even specific rotations) will provide you with a journal club template. A journal club is an educational meeting in which a group of individuals discuss published articles, to keep themselves abreast of new knowledge, promoting in them the awareness of current research findings, teaching them to critique and appraise research, and encourage them to utilize research in evidence based practice of the speciality. Finally, you should also be aware of how much information the first year students will have covered in the Epi series by the time of your Journal Club presentation. This program also includes client . Journal club is a common teaching format used within academic programs to review recently published literature or other key articles selected within a specific domain. Once the article is selected, I tell my students/residents to present the article this way: If you had to repeat this study, what would you have done differently? Another general rule -- The more secondary endpoints there are, the more likely there was dredging. This helps listeners more fully engage with your presentation and makes it more of a story. Reviewing over 120 leading medical journals, this monthly feature in Annals of Internal Medicine contains an editorial, easy to read abstracts, and a page of other notable articles. The future of . endstream endobj 80 0 obj<> endobj 81 0 obj<>/Height 144/Type/XObject>>stream 0000003364 00000 n Or youll get a patient that REALLY wants to take scorpion venom to treat their cancer (and they have an article to show how great it works). Weve argued that the abstract is like a magazine cover for the drug company nothing more than a sexy headline to convey their message. vUvjGGe']m*- +v+6U{9[~v`c =Fwor8d << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Taking out one study and analyzing it is like removing one picture from one of those flipbook animation thingys. A lot of advanced science education takes place in the more-or-less formal setting of a Journal Club where one member of a group presents a paper from the scientific literature to the whole group. Remember, the end goal of a journal club is to help you make informed decisions about patient care. We hinted at this one above, but its worth mentioning again. 0000003759 00000 n Yy&AD()Kz(l-|CY]W_,MV#L6zl]Q,KfE:O;)BjtZ biwh, >0\A G*c"X\]]Y>9Z5z U6qy{@(sj_TwGJ;vp-`Pilof c3:n}*N ~ B9`f' For example, point out something on the slide by using a slow, circular motion around it, not a frantic jittery . If youre on an infectious disease rotation, its probably best not to suggest an article about the latest findings in heart failure. 0000004137 00000 n Your lizard brain tells you youre getting a steal for less than $25K - when in reality, were talking a dollar difference. Figure Presentation Tips . Game format, debate format, or Journal Club fair/poster presentations may be incorporated. Giving a good presentation is a learned skill; here are some tips on how to do it well. One component of a community hospital's current evidence-based practice (EBP) initiative is the establishment of an on-site journal club for nurses. That means you need to know what other treatment options are available. Youll see the opposite as well. (Image). Here's the big takeaway. Fostering community encourages active participation and the exchange of ideas, and can increase participant satisfaction and collaborations. Its more common than you think. Prepare beforehand for your journal club presentation by knowing the research that has preceded and is related to the paper you will be presenting. The worst thing ever would be if you prepare your whole presentation and then you find out your preceptor doesn't approve or another student did the same article just a month prior. Stealing another page from the Used Car Salesmans Playbook, positive results can be presented as percentages (rather than absolute numbers) to make the outcome seem bigger. Is it a clinical trial, cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, or case-series? Almost every study you read will be funded by a drug company. (Image), But (you knew this was coming, didnt you?). Journal club organizers and leaders should aim to create a community where the members feel safe enough to share their thoughts and ask questions. If youre not using a template (or you just REALLY want to avoid reading your template), a good rule framework you can follow for your journal club presentation is: Who, What, Where, When, Why. And without a larger body of evidence to support it, it doesnt help us all that much when were treating actual patients. In terms of what to talk about, remember that most of the available journal club templates we mentioned will inherently provide some semblance of a structure to follow. This makes sense when you think about it. bumper of the PEG can damage or tear the esophagus "buried bumper" syndrome Disruption of the . How to Be Awesome at Biostatistics and Literature Evaluation Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Everything You Know About the P-Value is Wrong, Clinical Trials That May Change What You Were Taught in Pharmacy School Part I, Part II, The Use of Aspirin for Primary Prevention, The tl;dr Journal Club - The COMPASS Trial, Get up to speed in a hurry, save time, and get a handy (and printable) practice reference: What additional information would you like to have to make a decision about X therapy? A Good Journal Club Presentation . Journal clubs offer an opportunity to discuss selected articles with colleagues, reflect on practice and share insights and ideas in a relaxed and sociable setting. There isnt necessarily a right way to do a journal club, but there is definitely a wrong way. 65 25 These are the extra things that add weight to (or subtract weight from) the conclusion the authors reached. ACP Journal Club helps you stay current with the latest evidence-based clinical information relevant to internal medicine and its subspecialties. 2 0 obj We've given a high-level summary here, but if you want to learn more about journal clubs, biostats, and literature evaluation, check out these other posts on our site. Here is my go-to template for all of my journal club presentations. When youre reading the latest sexy study, watch out for this trick. You can also provide a short background on the drug, disease state, or procedure that is being evaluated. Pick a good paper. Holdings: May 2008-present Find Supporting Literature EXSC 651 Assessment 2 Journal Club PresentationLecturer in charge - David Opar (Don't get all neurotic about this. Make sure that the figure is LARGE enough to be seen from the back of the room. Will you use this new drug to treat your patients? Why?? Howtopickapaperforjournalclub Thepapershould: I interestyou. Or youll have someone that wants to know if the Pfizer COVID vaccine is safe for their pregnant wife (and if so, does the trimester matter?). A neat trick you can do is to look the trial up on clinicaltrials.gov and see what they were supposed to be studying. Broadway theatre, or Broadway, are the theatrical performances presented in the 41 professional theatres, each with 500 or more seats, located in the Theater District and the Lincoln Center along Broadway, in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Its OK to ask questions! . How it feels when youre in the journal club audience and you realize the presenter is just going to read directly from their handout. Whoa, this intervention reduced the primary endpoint by over 30%! }{[ Z+2;QuE"Kq These are the types of hard questions you should ask yourself during a journal club. Broadway and London's West End together represent the highest commercial level of live theater in the English-speaking world. Believe it or not, you can learn a lot from a BAD journal article in fact, one might argue you can learn MORE from a bad article than a great one. For every section of your presentation template, consider the following: Do you understand why a particular methodology was selected? If you have any queries or suggestions, please comment below. Journal Club - Journal Club Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health: Current Evidence January February 2011 Featured Article Primary Care . How does this therapy fit with other available management strategies? Sri Lanka College of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine. 0000003166 00000 n Transcript: 10% and 15% of patients experience a major complication within 1 year and 5 years, respectively. Journal Club Presentation Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template . Behind-the-scenes speed improvements because your time is valuable! Thats a perk, for sure. You can review example handouts here and use this outline to help you get . Think back to your high school chemistry class. Is the research question or hypothesis clearly stated? Ultimately, whether you use a template or not, there are a couple of questions youre seeking to answer with a journal club: If you had to repeat this study, what would you have done differently? The study was based in a nursing home where the problems of pressure ulcers prevail. Large institutions usually decide the topics for discussion and organize the journal club, whereas participants from other centers that are part of the StrokeNet network contribute to the discussion. Updated our screenshots in the App Store to reflect what trials are currently in Journal Club. But think about it Who else is going to pay for an expensive clinical trial? This drug just got approved for 5th-line multiple myelomahow is it that the treatment population in the study all had an ECOG performance status of 0-1? - Antibiotic Cheat Sheet Were just saying its better to approach a study thinking, The benefit of this thing is probably overstated, and the risk is probably understated. What is clinically significant versus statistically significant? 65 0 obj <> endobj L}"t j- 'pu Monday next, in honor of the Queen's Birthday, will be observed as a close holiday at the Post Offices throughout the Colony. The NNT is a great value to discuss during your journal club presentation. Hone your BS-ometer. I havebeencited"abunch . Encourage discussion in your group session, and make it an environment where its safe to share thoughts, even if others disagree or theyre incorrect. Quickly create quizzes to measure student knowledge, evaluate class progress, and focus on subjects that need improvement. Its a way of exploiting our human nature. If youre anything like us, you might now find yourself thinking, Yeah, yeah, but what do I actually TALK ABOUT during my journal club?. We Are Art Studio Powerpoint Template.This Presentation can be used for any type of presentation: Portfolio, Company Profile, Multipurpose, Creative Agency, and also can be used for Custom Production. Always be on the lookout for the term Exploratory Analysis because that literally means p-hacking. Basically, if you analyze the data from enough angles, youre probably going to find something significant. 4? The drug company gets to pick WHICH graphs they show you. But we shouldnt be quite so elated when it seems like study authors magically find nuts (Image). effective ways to do this. ' ' % ' ak Journal club participation is not a passive spectator sport. Only then can you determine if the difference is clinically relevant. If you reach Crazy Charlie level trying to prepare your journal club, the study design is probably too complicated. That means you need to know what typical patients with the disease state look like. Yes, you should have already emailed the paper to your audience (at least a few days in advance, but ideally a week). While this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are some common hacks you may encounter. FYI, most clinical studies (and especially the media) report relative risk reductions (and increases) instead of absolute risk. Make sure the charts youre reviewing actually SAY something. Several resources are available to help you select important and timely research, including the American College of Physicians (ACP) Journal Club and the Diffusion section of The Hematologist.McMaster University has created the McMaster Online Rating of . In order to extrapolate the results of a study to real patients, the patients in the study have to be similar. Design of the experiment/trial. 0000015603 00000 n You betcha. #86 Navy SEAL Ryan "Birdman" Parrott. Make It a Routine. Clearly filmed and enhanced with computer graphics this DVD will lead you step by step through every aspect of Pregnancy Massage from beginning to end. For example, the following figure from one of the presented papers might be redrawn as shown in the second figure below - the redrawn figure makes the same points and it is much easier to draw on the board. Your handout can also include your summary which brings us to our next section. Another way this trick presents itself is when the authors present the median even in cases where the mean would be more appropriate. injury to abdominal viscera - gastrocolocutaneous fistula rate has been reported to range from 1.7% to 12.5%. Journal Club - Title: Journal Club Author: roguerri Last modified by: donna vaillancourt Created Date: 6/1/2004 6:16:38 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view. You really need the total package to see the entire picture. Corruption may involve many activities which include bribery, influence peddling and the embezzlement and it may also involve practices which are legal in many . Look, we know glatiramer isnt all that effective for multiple sclerosis. Let the data prove me wrong!. You have to think critically about the information youre plugging into your template. #87 Affordable Pharmacies, Good Riddance to PBMs, and Reducing the Impact of Alcohol. Make sure that youre presenting information that your audience will find useful. Seriously. Sometimes theyre involved in study design. Sree Nivas Reddy. journal clubs are groups of individuals who meet on a regular basis to discuss and critically evaluate the biomedical literature. Posted in Literature Search and Evidence Appraisal and tagged appraisal, case control, critical appraisal, evidence, example, journal clubs, literature, observational studies, randomized controlled trials, RCT, studies . ACP Journal Club (Annals of Internal Medicine ) Previously a stand-alone journal, the ACP Journal Club has been incorporated as a section of Annals of Internal Medicine. You'll also receive updates from our blog and exclusive, members-only content. For example, lets say you are a student taking Brandons APPE rotation (you lucky duck, you). Methodology/Study Design. Purpose/Background Give a brief summary about why this study is important. We'll give you a hint the answer isn't, " Because my preceptor told me to ," or " To satisfy a requirement for my P4 portfolio ." if these augmented instrumental variables are valid, then the control function estimator can be much more efficient than usual two stage least squares without the augmented instrumental variables while if the augmented instrumental variables are not valid, then the control function estimator may be inconsistent while the usual two stage least. To the best of our knowledge (and practice experience), that is a 100% made-up endpoint. Lets point out some other ways to make a study look better than it really is. As a sample journal club presentation, I have uploaded my first attempt of journal club presentation. Plus, there are different levels of drug company sponsorship. Example handouts and outlines are available to help in facilitating discussion and reviewing the main points of the article.There are several formats you can use to create your own Leadership Journal Club experience. "13 ?P+SmILGZq3#kn+gL0{-w6u2 a`TRqq 2 LF%pbCkx080aJn*aXACR^G& T &9'0sj+C;00 pE 1. This presentation will help the nursing instructors to start Journal . You know the saying, Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while? This is an apt description of data dredging. This is a huge red flag for data dredging. Honestly, that's pretty surprising given the FDA guidance on the subject. % Obviously, this isnt ALWAYS true, just something to be aware of. Did the authors create a composite endpoint or use a surrogate endpoint? Basically, were asking you to think critically. Dont just pick blindly from the latest NEJM. If you are using a laser pointer, use it in a controlled fashion. Journal Club. Examples of journal club (JC) formats. 0000003463 00000 n All of this is to say that your information is in safe hands. Easily create surveys and polls to collect customer feedback, measure employee satisfaction, and organize team events. Muhammad Asim Rana. 0000015830 00000 n Bhargav Kiran. But it does this in indirect ways that subtly make you a better scientist. . A Journal Club might also be combined with . If you see these terms, remind yourself that they are another way of saying, We didnt get the result we were hoping forbut we really felt like we should have!. In your practice life, prescribers will ask your opinion on X therapy given the new data that was just published. Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to manipulate the data to make a drug look fantastic? And either way, the practice is generally (at least in the circles I walk in) not welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, you will have to go through the article and calculate absolute risk by hand. What you will find here: Example of a journal club presentation handout provided to the audience. If so, which ones (and under what circumstances)? Broadly speaking, they apply whether you are a student, resident, or a seasoned practitioner: To develop your ability to sift through minefields of clinical data and formulate an evidence-based plan for your patients, To improve your ability to communicate that information to others. STATEMENT A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and practice of intensive care nurses on prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) among patients admitted in critical care units of Government Medical College Hospitals, Jammu (J&K). They will be speaking on guidelines and best practices for journal club presentations. It is the student's responsibility to contact the program coordinator and arrange a replacement if they are unable to present during their assigned week. 0000015903 00000 n This is exactly what a body of literature looks likes. Example Journal Club Template Background and Overview Study Citation Cite your article here using proper format. Absolutely. Why is this important to them? Is a risk of 10% for Treatment B really what were after? zMH`1[*Z? We'll treat it with courtesy and respect. Just to be clear, were not saying that you should always choose articles of poor quality.