And we even added audio so you'll know how to pronounce them! (There are more than one way to pronounce many of these words, and we try to go with the most typical.) Get. (Thank you, Michael Wex, "Just Say Nu!") Kuchelyn (kukh-ah-lane) a summer bungalow, usually in the Borsht Belt. bread, anything with leavening, anything that can be made into flour. It isn't necessary to actually BUY something for a cooching expedition to be successful however it is different than merely window shopping or "just having a look." ), Bubbellah: (the "u" is pronounced like the "oo" in book) an affectionate way of refering to someone, much like "darling" or "sweetheart." Why can't that oysvorf waiter ever get the order right? ", Broisten: breasts. He likes bagels, she likes cream cheese. Farshtaist? : Literally, "beans." To misquote both "Treasure of Sierra Madre" and "Scarface" -- "Badges? You'll live! When someone gets too wistful, sentimental and/or regretful imaging how things could be/have been "if only", a frustrated listener might interject a dose of reality with: "As di bubbe volt gehat beytsim volt zi gevain mayn zaidah." : A happy occasion. There are many, many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. America gonif: literally, "America the Thief" which has both positive and negative connotations. Tanta Jamima. Buy one of Adrienne's sayings/designs on a Tshirt, mug, etc. "Shhh! If you nudje relentlessly you, yourself, become a nudje. All they play is chazzerai. "I shlepped all the way up to their new house in Westchester and she didn't even offer me lunch!". Spell and check your pronunciation of grandma Press and start speaking Click on the microphone icon and begin speaking Grandma. And an upstairs neighbor is, voo den? : Right in the middle. Jellied calves feet, which makes me gag just to THINK about it. This is Yinglish. My great-grandmother used to say "billig es teier" (teier = expensive, dear, pricey) meaning cheap things are actually expensive in the long run, because they fall apart or break, whereas "when you buy good, you have forever.". I know that one! Fine! Can be a C.A.R.E. I should buy two tickets for her concert?--meaning: I wouldn't go even if she were giving out free passes! The garment industry is known as the "shmata business." : A drunk. Note: a reader recently pointed out that this is a slang word for the female nether regions. : Delicious. Listen to your father or he'll give you a frask! Moderate. , Very difficult. Some kind of forbidden adult talk, for sure!. (see also Ret Yiddish), Kishka: guts, intestines, literally and figuratively. ", Chazzer: (khaz-zeh) a pig or anyone who behaves like one, either in their eating, financial or personal grooming habits. Shit with liver, of course! Baleboosteh: (bal-a-boo-stah) an organized, efficient, praise-worthy homemaker. Shlemiel: (shleh-meel) a clumsy, inept, pathetic, oaf. : Overdressed for the occasion, over-embellished, overdone, overdecorated. Used, as we do in English to describe a nasty, unlikable man. Feh!". This is a shonda! answerjill ( 6198) "Great Answer" ( 0 ) Flag as Although a hamburger might be made of kosher meat and a milkshake might be made under the strictest rabbinical supervision, eaten together, they would be treyf. Most Yiddish speakers pronounce it as shande or shanda. For gezinteh hait (or gay gezinteh hait): "go in good health" And of course, is often used sarcastically. "Shut up, already!" (note: "Who's Got Bigger Tsooris" is a competitive sport in the Jewish Olympics.). -- I'm calling it OFFICIAL!!! I am NOT buying you that toy!" My grandma is a very independent person. Take off that sequined dress! Also, thick, insincere praise; over-the-top, overdone, glitzy theatrics; gross sentimentality. Fearful curses sanctioned by nominal cancellation: "May all your teeth fall out except one, so that you can have a toothache, God forbid." They had drek mit leber.". That brilliant retort you WISH you had thought of in the moment; the perfect come back you think of, with 20-20 hindsight. Meaning of grandma in Yiddish language is: . Trepsverter - Literally "step words." "For the holidays, I invited the gansah mishpucheh." Ibbergerblibbernis!" Shmaltz: literally, chicken fat or rendered cooking fat. Never mind this narishkeit! It's an expert, on any topic. Boy, she is really mishuggah!" One can nosh between meals or have a little nosh between meals. It can also be an exclamation. It helps you to see things from a different perspective, or get a deeper understanding of another culture. Shmooze: to talk socially, network, shoot the breeze, chat up, kaffee-klatsch. Comprende? And a bedbug in a test tube is? Caring for someone who's sick is a mitzvah. Vildeh chiyah: (vil-dah khi-yah) a wild animal, or someone who behaves like one. "Marvin, you're 36 years old already. Break 'yiddish' down into sounds : [YID] + [ISH] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. I always wondered whether this was some sort of inside joke, perpetrated by whoever named the store (it was, after all, a Jewish-owned company), or if it was purely serendipidous. You want to get a tiny bit more serious about learning some Yiddish, or what? : The guy who has bad luck. I don't know if my grandmother made up the alternate usage or if it was something she heard. Most Yiddish speakers pronounce it as shande or shanda. Pike, heading into Boston, you'd pass the sign for Natick, then the big Zayre's HQ. The story of the Dibbuk is the Jewish version of "The Exorcist. "He gets elected to the synagogue director's board and now he thinks he's a big macher." You chazzer! ! Since Hebrew uses a different alphabet from English, making transliteration necessary, words often exist in several different spellings. The Hebrew name for grandfather is saba, pronounced to rhyme with the rock group Abba. Sometimes it is spelled sabba. laxity crossword clue; how to send data in get method using javascript. "Madame X" with Lana Turner, is the classic shmaltzy movie. "He is so eingeshparht, getting him to do anything is like trying to get a donkey up a ladder! "Hospital, shmospital. Oy, I'm khalishing for some Ben and Jerry's! If a child is throwing a tantrum, a mother might scold, "Stop varfing yourself!, : Old Cloth. At home, he doesn't shut up, but the minute a pretty girl walks into the room, suddenly, he's a shtummie!!". Tokka (or takkeh) really, truly. (see above), Cooch: tactile shopping. These words aren't exactly Yiddish slang they are commonly used Yiddish words you just have to know to sound like a real Yiddishe Yid (Jewish Jew) or at least like you're from NYC. Better you should go to college and get a real job!". It has words for nearly every personality type known to humankind. Hmmmsounds like a combination of "shmoonie" and "pookie." Thus, it incorporates words from Hebrew, Russian, Polish and other Slavic languages, Romance languages, and later, English. There are plenty of well-dressed, monied yuchnas out there. in Yiddish meanings grandma in English. OK, honestly? ), Knippl - a little pouch of money made from a tied hanky; a small knot; a nest egg or the little bit of personal spending money a housewife manages to stash away for herself from the weekly budget. Casually, we'd leave the room, feigning innocence, then try to eavesdrop once their conversation resumed. I'm sure the nobles of Europe found it wildly hilarious having their knickers soaked as the shnitzel was served. bupkes Not a word for polite company. My daughter joined the Moonies. : An "old fart." Yiddish offers more ways of identifying various kinds of "idiots" (with all their subtle variations) than Eskimos have for different kinds of snow. Biggest dictionary system for all of languages in the World. ", Oif tsu loches: (oyf tsu-lukh-es) on spite, often as used as if God or Fate were doing the spiting. ((Remember Gwyneth Paltrow in the tabloids with all those "hickeys"?) (i.e. Even though many Yiddish "dirty" words have actual neutral meanings, (see shmuck, shlong, shtup) when used alone, the "dirty" meaning is always implicit, the way "cock" or "dick" might be in English. I thought my ears would bleed! Kvell: to burst with pride from the achievements of your loved ones. Joan Crawford asks Bette Davis what's for dinner, and Bette says, "Ptcha, Blanche. Harvard?" : Crazy. Whats a shonda? many baffled Twitters users asked each other. It's ok if you don't. Farfel: crumbled up, broken matzoh bits put in soup or mixed with egg to make a sort of matzoh omelet called a matzoh brie., : Beautiful. Not to be confused with the "Midas Touch," this refers to able, talented, skillful hands. Or he thinks he is. Likewise, grandfather or grandpa is , while is the obscure, technically-correct term for grandfather. "Six years in college, and still, he has no sechel. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In Hebrew, one of the official languages of Israel, grandma is called savta, and grandpa, saba. Jews with roots in Eastern Europe, known as Ashkenazi Jews, sometimes prefer the Yiddish version, In Yiddish, the word Bobe [with a vowel similar to a shortened version of the vowel of caught + beh] means . I've never actually heard it used in conversation, and even fluent Yiddish speakers I've asked never heard of it. , : Pig slop. 2003 - 2013 Adrienne E. Gusoff/ All rights reserved - It's not nice to steal!!! Mmmmmm! Most often heard in the expression "to krotz oneself out" meaning, to overcome inertia; to motivate oneself to action; to get off your butt and DO SOMETHING; get around to it. : The scroll the purim story is written on, or the story itself. We're talking Rip Van Vinkl style. Lets go shpatsir-ing in Central Park and try to ignore the shnorors. I'm khalishing! This from Leo Rosten's wonderful book "The Joys of Yiddish": (The questioner as asking whether he/she should attend a concert being given by a niece. "My last blind date was an animal! I'll have you know this bracelet is the richtikeh thing!". A child's head. Or, a person who drags along, stoop-shouldered and unkempt. or "THIS you call luck?". Rakhmonis! Literally or figuratively. "Me? Verklempt is a Yiddish loanword. ), Krotz - Literally, scratch. seriously irritated at some one or something or conditions in general. With one syllable and the proper inflection and body language (a sigh, rolled eyes, shrugged shoulders, a forward lean, etc.) Chuppah: (khup-ah, rhymes with "cuppa") Wedding canopy, under which the bride and groom and rabbi (and close family members) stand, during the ceremony. Also, "Such a smart girl like that. Farshtunkene cats!, : A confused guy. Thus, you wouldn't say, "She is a tokka meiskeit" but always "She is, tokka, a meiskeit" or even "Tokka, what a meiskiet!" I don't know what I'm doing, I'm all farmisht. Check 'grandmother' translations into Yiddish. Chaleria (khal-air-re-ah) A nasty, shrewish, somewhat psychotic woman, prone to wild outbursts of anger. If this goes on too long, I will jab him in the ribs and and say, in great frustration, "Will ya quit varfing yourself and let me sleep already!" You are SUCH a nudje! Balgoof: a fat person, someone with a grobbe tuchis (fat ass), Batamt: taste. Variations of zayde include zaydee and zaydeh . ", Draycup: literally, a turned around head. It was on sale at Nordstrum's for only $300! Not that he broke up with me, but that he acted like it was MY fault! : Mother tongue, native language. Hebrew Translation. Nu?! Dat's why you gotta getta get. (Also "zeiseh neshumah" - a sweet soul). - Shmelke),, : Happy. It's a curse to put on your enemies. What am I, gehockteh leber?" A "Shiksa Goddess" is a blond beauty, the type of woman who instills a deep longing in dark, short, swarthy Jewish men, (probably because she is the polar opposite of his mother.) "Give me a bissel lox on my bagel, would you, darling?" The standard way to write "pronounce" in Yiddish is: Alphabet in Yiddish About Yiddish language See more about Yiddish language in here. : Nobody special. The pieces are thickly sliced and fried, and often served with gravy. "Gutinue! Crazy mixed up, wacky and worthless, silly/goofy. The English equivalent would be "pussy." Shmoonie: slang for a woman's private parts (OK, this is not actually Yiddish, but since I have yet to find the actual Yiddish word for this, I hereby submit this one, created by a childhood schoolmate's grandmother. You're not going to listen to me anyway. "I wanted to go to that big sale at Bloomingdales, but I just couldn't krotz myself out." Put a hat on his kepi, so he doesn't catch cold! (Shh! Sam has got chutzpah, he's going to go far. Hebrew before Yiddish Jonahs grandmother, Ruth, is frequently referred to as Savta or Safta in Amazons Hunters. This leads to variations in spellings. : Crazy behavior. Well, probably Google took you to the right place. My bubby (from Warsaw, not Kishev) wouldn't have known from chai if it was slopped on her. "I went to that big estate sale, but all they had was chazzerai."