One study did not point the methodology. [35] The results of the present study indicate that one study[25] assessed consistency using the average inter-item correlation.[3]. MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Place a check [X] in, the appropriate box indicating how often the statement has applied to you in the past week or. This tool evaluates the internal consistency of the study and contains 14 items with a three-option answer (i.e., yes, no, and unknown). Such research points to a need to better understand hope and further investigate the HHI in varied cultural contexts. The .gov means its official. Hunsaker AE, Terhorst L, Gentry A, Lingler JH. 4 PDF The adult hope scale (AHS) measures Snyder's cognitive model of hope which defines hope as "a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful (a) agency (goal-directed energy), and (b) pathways (planning to meet goals)" (Snyder, Irving, & Anderson, 1991, p. 287). Pacific Rim international journal of nursing research, Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, Sunita Ghosh, Allison Williams, Lars Hallstrom, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research, Nurse-Patient Interaction: A Resource for Hope in Cognitively Intact Nursing Home Patients, Nurse-patient interaction is a resource for hope, meaning in life and self-transcendence in nursing home patients, Meaning-in-Life in Nursing Home Patients: A Validation Study of the Purpose-in-Life Test, Lite Satisfaction in Cognitively lntact Long-term Nursing-home Patients: Symptom Distress, Well-being and Nurse-patient Interaction, Rasch analysis of the Herth Hope Index in cancer patients, Construct validity of the Herth Hope Index: A systematic review Introduction, Construct validity of the Herth Hope Index: A systematic review, Self-transcendence in cognitively intact nursing-home patients: a resource for well-being, The relationships between self-transcendence and spiritual well-being in cognitively intact nursing home patients, The Self-Transcendence Scale: An Investigation of the Factor Structure Among Nursing Home Patients, Self-transcendence and nurse-patient interaction in cognitively intact nursing home patients, Indirect Relationship between Alcoholics Anonymous Spirituality and Their Hopelessness: The Role of Meaning in Life, Hope, and Abstinence Duration, The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale dimensionality, reliability and construct validity among cognitively intact nursing home patients, The Relationships among Hope, Pain, Psychological Distress, and Spiritual Well-Being in Oncology Outpatients, A Model of Aging Perception in Iranian Elders With Effects of Hope, Life Satisfaction, and Socioeconomic Status: A Path Analysis, The relationship between nurse-patient interaction and meaning-in-life in cognitively intact nursing home patients, Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Herth Hope Index in Kinyarwanda: adapting a positive psychosocial tool for healthcare recipients and providers in the Rwandan setting, Herth Hope Index: psychometric testing of the Chinese version, Assessment of spiritual suffering in the cancer context: A systematic literature review, The effect of nursepatient interaction on anxiety and depression in cognitively intact nursing home patients. A total of 13 eligible studies were found published between 1992 and 2018 in the USA, Portugal, Switzerland, Iran, Germany, Petersburg, Japan, the Netherlands, Lima, Peru, and Norway. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The 1-factor, 2-factor, and the originally 3-factor solutions of the Herth Hope Index were tested by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the herth hope index within a sample of Iranian older peoples. 0000048399 00000 n
Databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Magiran, SID, IranDoc, and IranMedex were evaluated systematically using the terms HHI, psychometric, validity, reliability, and related terms (with the use of OR and AND operators) and no restrictions on the year of publication. The GAD-7 is a response to the patient's mental psychological activity over the past 2 weeks. Measuring hope among families impacted by cognitive impairment. Results: Four studies reported the total extracted variances to be less than 50%, six studies reported variance between 50% and 60%, and three papers reported variance that exceeded 60%. Measurement of the associations between self-transcendence and spiritual well-being in cognitively intact nursing home patients has not been previously published. Accessibility Background. The aim of this study was to identify the relationships between self-transcendence and spiritual well-being in cognitively intact nursing home patients. In: Simmons C. A. Lehmann P. (eds). Moving to an NH results from numerous losses, illnesses, disabilities, loss of functions and social relations, and approaching mortality, all of which increases individual's vulnerability and distress. Conclusion: Findings highlight the need for future research that appraises the validity of the HHI in different countries, and how the measure relates to other scales that evaluate hope. Nurse-patient interaction and self-transcendence: assets for a meaningful life in nursing home residents? 0000006153 00000 n
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3. The psychological construct of hope is an important determinant for mental health and well-being. One commonly used measure of hope is the Herth Hope Index (HHI) [14]. Obtained from Dr. Sara Staats. Author: C. R. Snyder, University of Kansas WHAT THE QUESTIONNAIRE MEASURES. It is crucial to use a valid and reliable instrument to measure hope, considering the importance of its role in both morbidity and well-being. I have a positive outlook toward life. Studies meeting criteria for final evaluation were published between 1992 and 2018 in the USA, Portugal, Switzerland, Iran, Germany, Russia (Petersburg), Japan, the Netherlands, Lima, Peru, and Norway. Staats Hope Index, 1993. It contains 7 entries, with each entry question corresponding to 4 options. "The McMaster Health Index Questionnaire," J Rheumatol 1982, 9:780-784 . Studying hope in the general population using this index may provide valuable evidence to underpin our understanding of hope. Findings highlight the need for future research that appraises the validity of the HHI in different countries, and how the measure relates to other scales that evaluate hope. Mohammadbeigi A, Mohammadsalehi N, Aligol M. Validity and reliability of the instruments and types of measurments in health applied researches. Conclusion: A 7-item version of the HHI had better psychometric properties than the original 12-item version among patients with cancer-related pain. It consists of 12 items responded to on a four-point Likert-type scale, from one (completely disagree) to four (completely agree).[11]. Results: Five (42%) of the twelve items (#3, #4, #5, #6 and #7) did not meet the criterion set for item goodness-of-fit. Two researchers assessed the titles and abstracts of related articles independently. The original HHS and the abbreviated version, the HHI, are the most widely translated and psychometrically tested tools in a language other than English. QUADAS-2:A revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. Furthermore, the variety of outcomes from using the same index in different cultures sheds light on the fact that underlying factors of hope are not unambiguous. PPE Personal Protective Equipment. The STARD statement for reporting studies of diagnostic accuracy:Explanation and elaboration. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Spirituality Toolkit Brown University. Conclusions The Italian version of Herth Hope Index (HHI) is a valid and reliable assessment tool, useful to initiate conversation with someone who is troubled but finds it difficult to talk, in cancer patients on active oncological treatment during the non advanced stage of the disease, with either solid and haematological cancers. Hence, meeting their spiritual needs for hope might be a greater challenge for NH patients than for healthier, more functional, and community-dwelling older people. There are no right or wrong answers. pdf 53 kb type:psychosocial Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care is a national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation dedicated to long-term changes in health care institutions to substantially improve care for dying people and their families. Therefore, it is vital to use instruments with established validity and reliability to conduct this research or design new instruments when needed.[28]. The availability of valid and reliable instruments to measure hope is, therefore, critical. Bravo G, Potvin L. Estimating the reliability of continuous measures with Cronbach's alpha or the intraclass correlation coefficient:Toward the integration of two traditions. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\OpenAll\, Listed below are a number of statements regarding hope. Social Indicators Research, 29, 229-243. Read each statement and place an [X] in the box that describes how much you agree with that statement right now. [7] Hope has gradually received attention from both policymakers and practitioners concerning its potential impact on well-being and quality of life for individuals. Positive readiness and expectancy - a sense of direction and the ability to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The methodology used in the available studies included principal component analysis (n = 6), maximum likelihood estimation (n = 5), and principal axis factoring (n = 1). and transmitted securely. Three studies used confirmatory factor analysis. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1. 0000048421 00000 n
Learn more [I{ MV;oGP
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After evaluating the quality and accuracy of the articles, the following data were extracted: Authors name(s), publication year, study-type, number of participants (and their mean age), number of extracted variables, and explained total variance and validity. Herth Hope Index. This 12-item questionnaire uses a four-point Likert-type scale that ranges from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) to measure the multifaceted characteristics of hope as a concept with consistency, validity, and . Moreover, all tools need to be culturally relevant and any translation of the HHI or any other tool needs to specifically and systematically address the cultural implications in the translation.