Board of Directors Meeting Schedule Regular Board Meetings: Dates, Time & Location ACTION ITEM h. Board Member Compensation ACTION ITEM 2. That limit leaves little-to-no room for in-person public attendance, therefore, Zoom will … Due to Governor Wolf's mandates as a result of COVID-19, this will be a VIRTUAL webinar meeting. Watch video . The original story can be … 38 were here. On Monday evening, the State College Area School District board of directors welcomed three new members and reviewed the initial details of the proposed preliminary budget. SCASD COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING The State College Area School District Board of School Directors will hold their Communications Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, beginning at 11:30 am. Saturday January 2, 2021 8:14 pm (America / New York) appserver2 Reorganization and Regular meeting of the Board. There is only one regular board meeting in the months of July and December. Board of Education Meetings Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month with special meetings called as needed. Official page of Southern Columbia Area School District Leon Valsechi: 814-231-4631, @leon_valsechi. More than 700 people attended Monday’s virtual meeting of the SCASD board of directors, who met to discuss updated reopening guidance from the state and two suggestions for its … The school serves kindergarten through twelfth grade. The inaugural SCASD board will consist of Bruce Van Broeke, Chairman (four-year term), Jerry Brantz (four-year term), Frank Gabriel (four-year term), Jim Shields (two-year term), Mac Pooler (two-year term), Kjell Truesdell (two-year alternate) and Jacques Lemieux (two-year alternate). All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors Work Session, January 12, 2021. Welcome to the State College Area School District Board of Directors page. State College, Pa- The State College Area School District’s (SCASD) School Board is voting on awarding the construction bids for Memorial Field, Tuesday night (at a special meeting). The C-NET Board of Directors customarily meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the first month of each quarter at 7:30 pm.The Board will meet on the following dates in 2020: January 14, 2020, April 14, 2020 (Annual Meeting), July 14, 2020, October 13, 2020. A New SCASD School Board, State College, Pennsylvania. We look forward to engaging with the community on this page via posts about upcoming Board meetings, events, information related to the Board's work and stories of interest. In lieu of the PIAA vote yesterday, the State College Area School District board will also have a meeting August 31st to discuss a health sand safety plan for moving forward with fall athletics. The … After a summer of sweeping nationwide calls to protest systemic racism in the U.S., a handful of students at State High already submerged in the cause of social justice found a new opening for their voices. C-net Government & Educational TV 243 S. Allen St. Suite 336 State College PA, 16801 SCASD FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING The State College Area School District Board of School Directors will hold a Finance and Audit Committee Meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, beginning at 11:45 a.m. Due to Governor Wolf's mandates, this will be a VIRTUAL webinar meeting. 2181 School Dr. State College, PA 16803 (814) 231-5010. Licensing ACTION ITEM 5. The executive director, the administrative team and the board secretary prepare the monthly agenda. 94 likes. We contacted the SCASD several times to offer assistance and provide clarification on our plan after our report was released. This meeting is rescheduled from September 14, 2020. Jaime Alicea, Superintendent 725 Harrison Street Syracuse, NY 13210 315.435.4499 The board will vote on the 90 percent plans at its Aug. 28 meeting. We look forward to engaging with the community on this page via posts about upcoming Board meetings, events, information related to the Board's work and stories of interest. Meetings are held at CIU 10 – Clearfield County (West Decatur) or CIU 10 – Centre County (State College). Beginning Sept. 8, Bellefonte Area school board meetings will be available to the public via Zoom only. Organizational Structure & Staffing ACTION ITEM 3. The board plans to reconvene at 7 p.m. on Aug 18 for further discussion. ... Foundation Board meetings generally occur on the first Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. at the Panorama Village Administrative Center. Read about Wonderland Charter School Is Closing, SCASD Says and more from the State College, PA region SCASD RESCHEDULED REGULAR BOARD MEETING The State College Area School District Board of School Directors will hold its Regular Board meeting on Thursday, September 17, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (WTAJ)– Monday evening’s State College School Board meeting went long into the night, lasting till more than six hours from 7:00 p.m till 1:25 a.m. State College Area School District is located at 240 Villa Crest Drive State College, PA. in Centre County. 65 P.S. Local news from and Centre County Partners. Public participation shall be permitted only as indicated on the order of business During a State College Area School District school board meeting, the board debated a motion advanced by Gretchen Brandt and Lori Bedell to reopen schools for … Due to Governor Wolf's mandates as a result of COVID-19, this will be a VIRTUAL webinar meeting. Due to the governor's orders, school board meetings are restricted to a 25-person limit. Contracts ACTION ITEM 4. Straight Talk for Parents, November 17, 2020 ... State College Area Board of School Directors, November 16, 2020. The meeting adjourned at 1:25 a.m. after a lengthy public comment period. We are a group of parents, local citizens, and business owners dedicated to backing the best candidates for our school board. SCASD CULTURE, CLIMATE AND LEARNING COMMITTEE MEETING The State College Area School District Board of School Directors will hold a Culture, Climate and Learning Committee meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 10:30 am. 006 1. The SCASD board agreed to none of these requests and instead placed the Sensible Solution as an information item for the next board meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Times and location are subject to change. Centre County Board of Commissioners (Tuesday mornings at 10 am) State College Area School Board (usually held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 pm) Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors (usually held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7 pm) This led to long-overdue conversations on equitable learning in our schools with the SCASD Board of Directors at a virtual meeting on Sept. 23. 7:00 PM – Special Board meeting for general purposes The meetings will be held virtually and streamed live on YouTube. The presiding officer at each public Board meeting will follow the rules of the Board for conduct of public meetings in accordance with this policy and Policy 006. The SCASD Board of School Directors meetings are held at the Panorama Village Administrative Center, Board Room, Meeting Room A, 240 Villa Crest Drive, State College. The main discussio… Welcome to the State College Area School District Board of Directors page. + Google Calendar + iCal Export Due to Governor Wolf's mandates as a … The State College Area School District Foundation exists to support major fundraising and ongoing development efforts for the district and its nine elementary schools, two middle schools, and high school. Please check the News and Announcements the day of the meetings for links to access the meetings and the form for Public Comment. Due to Governor Wolf's mandates a result of COVID-19, this will be a VIRTUAL webinar meeting. The Board appoints a nonmember solicitor and board secretary. 271 et seq The presiding officer shall be guided by the following rules: Pol. SCASD CULTURE, CLIMATE AND LEARNING COMMITTEE MEETING The State College Area School District Board of School Directors will hold a Culture, Climate and Learning Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 10:30 am.