What is baptism? 25.16 Q Should a believer take an active part in a Trade Union? 25.24 Q Is it our duty to preach the Gospel to others? The ceremony is the same for adults, except that . As used and developed by Brother Marcus Heaster in his preaching work world-wide, NOTES ON INTERVIEWING A CANDIDATE FOR BAPTISM. Sponsors for adults should express the same type of concern for the newly baptized soul, helping to ease the person into Church life and answer questions that may arise. ... tention entails the desire to fulfill the purpose of Baptism as per the Catholic Church. 21.4 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Q How many books does the Bible contain? (The above was quoted from the manual Preach My Gospel, page 206). 4. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our school office. If Baptism is our participation in the cross of Christ (Rm. I realize that death is the wages for sin, although ‘hell’ means only the grave and not a place of torture or literal fire. Q Can a Christian believe in the theory of evolution? 12.18 Q How were they provided with food and drink in the wilderness? Original Sin: First of all, baptism washes away original sin. Your Baby's Baptism: Welcome to God's Family. Students ask the provided to questions to adults who can tell them about the details of that student's baptism. 25.3 Q What do you understand by “separation” from the world? I understand the newspaper better than the Bible. in turn to more questions. Encourage all candidates to talk with you as much as possible. 8.1 Q What is the meaning of the word Devil? Q What was the first act of creation? And failing to keep the law of the church entails sins of various types. Interviews should always be conducted on an individual candidate basis and never on a group basis. Interview Questions about Your Baptism This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. 1.3. The conduct of the interview is a very serious matter and ideally should be carried out by two brethren. 7.12 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? You can also see more about what we offer students and families at St Clare's.. The seven sacraments are Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, If you have a question or would like to discuss 18.10 Q Was he completely dependent on God? Frequently Asked Questions about Baptism at The Basilica Do we have to be registered members of the parish to have our child baptized here? ... We are not accustomed to be placed in the interview spotlight and to somehow meet the interviewers' unspecified aspirations. “It was devastating for me to find that out,” Fr. If there is no hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic faith, then the Baptism is to be put off. 8.7 Q When we read of Christ “casting out devils”, what does it mean? Q Can you give a verse to prove this? 16.10 Q What happened at the beginning of Rehoboam’s reign? It’s academic since I’m non-Christian, but I have some questions. 18.27 Q What did Jesus do when he met with his disciples to keep the Passover before his. 1.1. 1.5. A sacrament is an outward sign made by Christ to give grace. 15.7 Q What city did David make his capital? Q What was the interpretation of the dream given through Daniel? some of your wisdom and insights, ask engaging questions, and use this time to renew and refresh what may have been forgotten. Q What would be the consequence if they disobeyed? 7.6. Before you begin studying these questions and answers, the Church would like to congratulate you who are thinking of the possibility of becoming a Christian. 25.22 Q What is the duty of employers to their employees? Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world? After establishing the candidate’s desire to be baptised the questions follow a chronological order through the Bible and conclude with matters of personal conduct. Looking for more parent and carer resources to support your child through their Catholic education journey? Prior to baptism, there’s an interview with a missionary not directly involved in teaching you. If you have a different understanding, I simply encourage you to study the Bible for yourself to see what it teaches (see Acts 17:11). If you answer yes to any of the questions entailed in point four, the 1.2. 3.2. Preparing for the Sacrament of Baptism St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish Somersworth, NH 2. 22.4 Q To whom was the gospel first preached? Baptism, one of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church, frequently called the “first sacrament”, the “door of the sacraments”, and the “door of the Church“.. Do you believe that The list of questions to be covered at an interview is provided as an aid to ensure that all areas are fully covered. The apostle Paul also appears to be praying for a dead person, Onesiphorus, in 2 Timothy (1:16-18). Please contact your parish before beginning the course to ensure it will be accepted as part of their baptism preparation. Q What was the punishment pronounced upon: 7.8. I do not have an ‘immortal soul’. 6.9. 18.23 Q Can you relate one of his parables? It’s a public declaration of how Jesus changed your life. If your concerns are still unresolved and you wish to discuss the matter further, you can contact Catholic Education Office Reception staff on (02) 4253 0800, who will put you in contact with the relevant staff member, or alternatively you can email complaints@dow.catholic.edu.au Because it is in German. 17.19 Q What was the name of the Persian king who made an edict allowing them to return to. Baptism is a sacrament which effectively signifies and ritualizes one’s initiation into the community called Church and manifests God’s love (grace) for his people. 25.6 Q Is it permissible for a believer, under the law of Christ, to take more than one wife? And since baptism is a sacrament, it accomplishes that which it signifies. They asked general interview questions. 7.9. Godparents are not required to come to this interview. Catholic, Simple, Effective. Oh, and yes, she did eventually marry the barber The interview is NOT a test with trick questions. 6. I was interviewed by four professionals during a 30 minute period. When you are baptized, you covenant with God that you are willing to 23.6 Q What will be the reward of the righteous? 20.6 Q To whom did Jesus first appear after his resurrection? Q Can you quote a verse to prove this? Christ commanded it as a part of the Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations 24.3 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Select Page. feedback, you may send an email to analytics@lds4u.com. 25.10 Q What did Christ say about re-marriage after divorce? 15.12 Q What part of the Bible did David write? your life. 24.6 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? 11.7 Q How was Joseph re-united with his family? It’s important for our entire church along with those who are being baptized to not only know those questions, but to understand the theology behind them. What does this mean? Baptism: Your Questions Answered What if my child is no longer a baby? 18.28 Q Is it necessary for us to keep this today? Orthodox and any other Catholic jurisdiction. Thirty years ago, that was the formula a deacon used to baptize Fr. are some recommendations). “Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? One brother should conduct the interview and the other brother should act as a witness. 14.1 Q Who was chosen the first king of Israel? 4.3. It’s important for our entire church along with those who are being baptized to not only know those questions, but to understand the theology behind them. 17.12 Q What was the work of the prophets? 8.2 Q Is the devil (a) an inhuman monster? So I have some questions regarding baptism and I figured this was as good a place to start as any. 24.1 Q How long will the reign of Christ last in its initial state? 12.10 Q What was the feast they had to keep? Do you believe that [current Church President] is a prophet of God? During a baptism service at Rise, you’ll notice when someone gets in the waters, we have questions we ask them before we baptize them in the water. catholic baptism questions. Once we receive your completed Baptism Information Form, someone from the Baptism Ministry will contact you to set up a date and time for your interview. The following is a summary of what I confessed and believe from my study of the Bible: Jesus Christ is the Son of God but not God Himself, and He did not physically exist before His birth, Jesus Christ had our human nature and temptations and was tempted just as we are, but He never sinned. What is the first step? 13.1 Q Who succeeded Moses and led Israel into the land? Q Can you quote me a verse to prove this? The two interviewing brethren must be agreed together that the candidate is ready for baptism at the conclusion of the interview and if there is any doubt the candidate should be further instructed. 10.5 Q Who is the “seed” (singular) of Abraham? I recognize that marriage should be treated as a permanent bond in which God seeks to join two people together as one flesh for life, and I will not break apart what God has joined together, neither in my life nor in that of others. The candidate should be informed of the procedure at the baptismal service and a record made of the candidate’s personal details for the future ecclesial records. 1.4. They are valuable, also, as … Catholic, Simple, Effective. The Godparents of a baby hold the child while ; The Godparents of an adult or older child stand in witness to the Baptism and the adult candidate holds his or her head over the Baptismal font. 12.2 Q What was to be done to all the male children born? 9.6 Q What was the covenant made with Noah and how was it confirmed? 25.13 Q What should a servant of Christ do if he is badly treated? 24.4 Q What position will Israel have in the Kingdom of God? The other two are Confirmation and Eucharist. Frequently Asked Questions re Baptism/Confirmation. During the Rite of Baptism, the godparents will answer for the child, that is, they will make the replies to the questions asked by the priest of the one to be baptized. At the outset we think it advisable to give two documents which express clearly the mind of the Church on the subject of baptism. The details vary slightly from parish to parish, but the priest or deacon will lead the godparents through it when the time comes. Grace is any gift from God 3.) 20.8 Q What did he command his disciples to do? Baptism preparation. Baptismal Interview Questions. The parents are to be registered and active members at a Catholic parish and are to attend a baptism preparation class within the past 5 years. Do you believe that [current Baptisms in the Catholic Church usually take place on Sundays, during the parish Mass or in the early afternoon after all the Masses are over. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. 17.20 Q Who were the two men mainly responsible for the partial restoration? Q Is infant sprinkling the same as scriptural baptism? The very nature of the Truth means that a topic is often returned to later on and can be covered again. 2.) Please call the school office on 02 9939 6699 or send an email to sjbf@dbb.catholic.edu.au to explore further or to book a tour. I became curious and wanted to know why, though I had no time to see him after the service. We are baptizing our 15 month old daughter anytime between march and april. I therefore and hereby take Him to me as my example, Lord and Saviour. A Christian may serve as a Christian witness. Catholics have an assurance of salvation if they are … What or who has led you to want to know more about the Roman Catholic Faith? 12.6 Q What happened after 40 years in Midian? 2.6. Q Can you name three people who possessed the Holy Spirit? 25.1 Q After baptism is it necessary to live a life in accordance with Christ’s commands? It is also the act that forgives sins, grants spiritual rebirth, and makes one a member of the church (CCC, 1213). Don’t stress these interviews too much. 13.7 Q What request did the people make to Samuel? Q Can you give quotations to prove this? Whether you are meeting for just one session or several times, there are some good ideas to make sure the baptism really is the start of a lifetime of exploring faith … Sanctifying grace is God‟s life in our souls. 20.10 Q What was the angels message to them? 8.8 Q Can a Christian have anything to do with witchcraft? The first step is to call the parish office at (905) 628-2880 to set up an appointment. 1271 Baptism constitutes the foundation of communion among all Christians, including those who are not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church: "For men who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in some, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church. Q What makes a person responsible to God? 15.10 Q Can you give a verse to prove this? Please refer to the following links for details: 25.29 Q Is it necessary to pray regularly? If, after reading this page, you desire to have your child baptized at St. Joseph's, or you have additional questions, call the parish office at 551-4973. 15.8 Q What great promise did God make to David? They simply serve to make sure you’re ready for baptism.” What sort of questions are asked in these […] 9.1 Q Why was the flood brought upon the world? I’m actually a journalist. Allowance must be made for differing abilities of individuals but a clear understanding of the basic doctrines is vital before baptism. Name four of them. Q Do you believe the Bible is the wholly inspired and infallible Word of God? Frequently asked questions regarding the possibility of invalid sacraments. Name 6. Where possible, you will be baptized in a font in a stake center. Answer: According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (or CCC), water baptism is the first sacrament and gives access to the other required sacraments. by | Dec 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Dec 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments The baptismal interview was a positive experience that allowed her to ask questions of a missionary before her baptism. If you cannot be baptized in a font, you may be baptized anywhere approved by your bishop or branch president, such as a pond or ocean. The purpose of the interview is to satisfy the brethren that the candidate fully understands what he/she is undertaking and has sufficient knowledge and appreciation of the Truth to make baptism valid. It is the character of Baptism, according to St. Thomas, that “configures” us to Christ and makes us participants in His eternal priesthood. By Baptism we are given the power—and the obligation—to share with Christ in those things which pertain to divine worship: the Mass and the sacraments. 18.11 Q Can you give a verse to prove this? Baptism is the first of seven sacraments and the way in which a person becomes a member of the Catholic Church. Q Has he always existed and will he always exist? Confirmation Questions 1.) At the time, yes I was totally on board with God. I believe salvation is by grace and not by works. If the candidate does not appear to understand a question or to give a satisfactory answer, then try and ask the question another way or come back to it at a later stage of the interview. Many times in baptismal interviews people would forget things. 10.4 Q What promises did God make to Abraham? So, in reading about how you guys think about baptism, basically it cancels out original sin, making it possible to go to heaven, and subjects one to the law of the Church, if I’m reading it right. Q Is the Holy Spirit possessed today? But, baptism is not necessary for salvation, though true Christians should be baptized “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Answers to Questions about Baptism Why should we get baptized? Baptism is an important topic that also arouses much controversy and confusion. 24.9 Q Can you give me a reference to prove this? This will require a flexible approach throughout the interview but will help to identify the candidate’s attitude, knowledge and depth of understanding. 12.7 Q How many plagues came upon Egypt? 25.8 Q Is it permissible for a believer to divorce his/her partner? BAPTISM. 22.9 Q How many “missionary” journeys did Paul make after his conversion? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world? Here's an interview I conducted with Tom Schreiner about the new book on baptism that he has co-edited. When a question only requires a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, then, if possible, ask the candidate either to give a reason for the reply or quote a verse in support of it. 12.1 Q What happened to the children of Israel after Joseph’s death? I interviewed at Catholic Charities USA (New York, NY). Q Can you give a verse to prove this? We enter the Church You have the chance of AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENT OF DOCTRINE. Annointing with Chrism. What do you 18.6 Q What was the work of John the Baptist? ... We are not accustomed to be placed in the interview spotlight and to somehow meet the interviewers' unspecified aspirations. I realize that sex outside of marriage and homosexuality are wrong. 21.2 Q Can you give me a verse to prove this? Church President] is a prophet of God? Q Can you quote a verse to prove this? Baptism for a child under 7 years of age is a straightforward matter. I want to answer from the Bible some common questions about baptism. It’s hard to believe an answer if you don’t understand the question it is addressing. 25.14 Q Is it permissible for a believer to serve in the armed forces? 23.7 Q What will be the punishment of the wicked? a Interview Questions about Your Baptism This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. 11.1 Q To whom were the promises to Abraham repeated? 17.13 Q Can you name three of the prophets? Q When did the Creation as recorded in Gen. 1 take place? If a child is over 7 years then there is an expectation that the child, accompanied by his or her parent/s, would undergo instruction as the child is now old enough to be able to understand what is happening and what baptism means … In my early 20’s though I told God to go live with Satan and totally closed all doors and no longer gave God even a thought. Equipping Parents and Godparents for the Task of Raising Strong Catholic Children ™ An engaging, interactive way for parents and Godparents to prepare together for their infant child/Godchild's baptism and the life-long responsibility of passing on their Catholic faith. 18.12 Q Did Christ pre-exist before his birth? You have been taught that membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of 18.25 Q How many Apostles did he appoint? 25.12 Q What are the duties of parents and their children? Why do you pray to idols (statues)? Yes, at least one of the parents must be a member since part of the theology of baptism is welcoming the newly baptized into the parish community in which they will be raised and nurtured in their faith. This page will attempt to answer some of the questions you may have regarding infant baptism. It’s a washing away of sin and death. Hood told Detroit Catholic. Fundamentalists often criticize the Catholic Church’s practice of baptizing infants. these topics, I suggest that you go to a Mormon-related bulletin board (here 2. 25.23 Q What should be our attitude to the pleasures of the world? They were baptized, confirmed, and all that in another country. Question: "What is the Catholic understanding of baptism?" 15.11 Q When will the promise to David be completely fulfilled? The first belongs as … 12.15 Q What did the Law point forward to? 3.6. 23.5 Q What will happen then after the resurrection has taken place? 25.19 Q Can a believer vote or take any part in politics? 3. 12.13 Q Where was the Law of Moses given? Q Is it the only guide to salvation? Q What makes a person responsible to God? SOLOMON & THE DIVISION OF THE KINGDOM. Baptismal Interview Questions The Missionary Will Ask the Following Questions... Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? But I was wondering if I can have an uncle and aunt who are brothers be the Godparents? 2.2. Being baptized shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, and allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).Baptism doesn’t save a person; it’s a symbol and celebration of salvation (1 Peter 3:21). Frequently Asked Questions ... As it is an official position in the Catholic Church, bound by a Sacrament of the Church, at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic older than 16 who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The fact that water is used for baptism signifies that there is a true cleansing that takes place. In some cases, an interview with the mission president may also be necessary. 17.15 Q What was the name of the king of Babylon? On all matters of basic first principles, the candidate should be asked to quote at least one verse from the Bible to support the answer. 25.27 Q Is it our duty to do all we can to help others? If you died tonight, would you go to heaven? 6), then Confirmation is our participation in the Pentecost of the Church (Acts 2). 23.8 Q What will happen after the judgement? God’s plan of salvation for me is revealed in the Bible, which is infallibly inspired by God and which I am committed to continuing studying daily. The Sabbath day, including partaking of the sacrament weekly and 25.25 Q How often should the believer carry out Christ’s command to “break bread and drink. 12.12 Q How were the people delivered from Pharaoh’s pursuing army? Are you willing to obey them? 17.23 Q When were they finally dispersed and scattered throughout the world? Q What was man’s condition before the fall? 17.14 Q Can you name the prophet who was taken captive into Babylon and who was in the. 2. Why do you spend more time to reading a secular, worldly newspaper than the book that you claim is the most important? 18.13 Q What was the nature of Christ during his life on earth? 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