Vital records usually contain the full name of the individual involved in the event, the date of the event, and the county, state, or town where the event took place. And that’s where Reclaim The Records enters the story as something more than just an inspiration. The county where the marriage took place will also have a copy, which the county clerk should have. Churches and Wedding Locations Listings. Record Cost Dates Ordering; Birth: $25.00: from 1878 to the present: Order Online: Mail Order: The staff will search the requested year and only the requested year. New Jersey Birth, Marriage, and Death Indices, 1901-1903 and 1901-1914 We acquired and published the first public twentieth century vital records indices for New Jersey. the old list of locality codes that were used between 1949 and 1984, here’s the list with the the modern version of the locality codes, read it for yourself in NJ Rev Stat § 26:8-44 (2013), We’d already won the New York City marriage index, OPRA Request for the New Jersey state marriage index, Government Records Council - Advisory Opinion, Government Records Council - Complaint (July 7, 2017), New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Vital Statistics, New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA). On July 11, 2017, the Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey, Angela Juneau-Bezer, took up the case on behalf of the state. New Jersey Marriage Records are not categorized as public information. In New Jersey, the government started legally recognizing same sex-marriages in September 2013. And you should probably tell him thank you for having the great idea to go after these New Jersey records in the first place. Marriage licenses often include some sensitive information such as address and birth date, but many other public records also contain that information. We in the genealogical community are the beneficiaries of his forbearance. Wait, you mean we’re gonna have to sue the same city agency again? Alec sent us a copy of the data as soon as he received it. And we want to keep helping genealogists like Alec with legal assistance and financial support to reclaim any new records they may discover. And then we realized a few years were missing. Mercer County Marriage Records are official documents that contain information about marriages certified in Mercer County, New Jersey. Almost 100,000,000 public records have been available only through a $300/year paywalled commercial website. The state maintains records through the Vital Records office dating back to 1901 and you can also search through the county records where the marriage occurred. Colonial Marriage Bonds and Licenses, see Secretary of State - Genealogical and Colonial Records also consult the searchable Index to Marriage Records, 1666-1799. This collection is an index to marriage licenses filed at the New Jersey State Clerk Offices from 1915 to 2016. All people and all families deserve to have their genealogical records available to them. No litigation needed! This database indexes approximately 149,645 marriage records filed with the Secretary of State from 1 May 1848 through 31 May 1878. The New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics has records dating back to 1919, and the State Archives has even older records on microfilm. The New Jersey Department of State has records of marriages made between 1848 and 1912. Loose marriage returns organized by surname of officiant. And one more thing to note about the 2001-2016 portion of the marriage index: that data spans across two pages, not just one. The Archives also holds microfilm copies of births from 1901-1923, marriages from 1901-1940 and deaths from 1901-1940. Alec reached out to their executive director Joseph Klett, who is himself a dedicated genealogist, and they agreed to make us copies of the six missing microfilms at the low low cost of $35 per film, which was incredibly nice of them. This is a collection of records of marriages that were recorded in New Jersey. Introducing the NEW JERSEY MARRIAGE INDEX, 1901-2016! 6 c.f. Consult the Secretary of State page linked below for colonial marriage bonds. New Jersey researchers owe a debt of gratitude to the good folks at Reclaim the Records for obtaining the NJ marriage indices and uploading them to the Internet Archive.The indices are accessible for free, and cover almost all of the years from 1901-2016. And … But one week later, a small miracle happened. Vital records are also available from Local Vital Records Offices in the municipality where the event occurred. All already-digitized New York City historical records and their associated text metadata. So Alec turned to the New Jersey Government Records Council (the GRC) and asked them for an Advisory Opinion about the matter, which is a non-binding but very helpful ruling on some of the facts of the case. But after today’s attack on our democracy...I couldn’t go home without seeing the National Archives, where our nation’s founding documents live. And then? This is a collection of records of marriages that were recorded in New Jersey. We got your record. Covid vaccine confirmation cards! This means that if you’re using this marriage index for any point after late 2013, the header row that labels people as Bride or Groom is invalid; from that point forward, anybody could be Spouse #1 or Spouse #2, including opposite-sex couples who might have preferred to switch the order on the marriage license paperwork. Could we set him up with an attorney for either mediation or help him move the case to court? But there was a catch: the backlog of cases meant that it might take up to a year before they heard his case, unless he wanted to file a motion in the New Jersey Supreme Court. The state of New Jersey has been keeping marriage records since 1901. She would drop the state’s refusal and the New Jersey marriage index would be legally declared to be available to the public. DOS Home > New Jersey State Archives > Search the Collections > Catalog > County Marriage Records. This was a little bit intimidating, but we were still prepared to go to court if we had to. Cape May County. This is a collection of records of marriages that were recorded in New Jersey. These documents are public record and can be … The state Bureau of Vital Statistics or local municipal vital records offices maintain marriage records from 1901; certified copies are restricted to family, but genealogical copies will be provided after 50 years. There are a small number of years in the mid-1930’s where the Grooms Index doesn’t exist anymore and the Brides Index had to be scanned from six microfilm rolls that we had to get from the New Jersey State Archives in Trenton. Another small miracle. ); 2 reels (35-mm). The … We got your record too. Whether or not you’ve ever tried to overthrow a democratically elected government by force is literally a question on every US citizenship and immigration form, One interesting voter history project we know about is -- digitized Florida registration rolls from 1867-68. This database is an index extracted from more than 1 million death and burial records from New Jersey. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the New Jersey Department of Health’s Vital Records Walk-in Center located at 140 E Front Street in Trenton is currently closed to the public. Clerk's Office; State Archives holds Book 2 and film of Books A, 2 and the index. They attempted to set a mediation date for late August or early September, 2017. Luckily, we were able to figure out that the New Jersey State Archives in Trenton had copies of the missing years of data on microfilm. The state apparently never updated the database field names, and did not add any new columns to record each spouse’s sex. Consult the indexed Marriage Books for the name of the officiant. New Jersey Vital Records issues certified copies of New Jersey birth certificates, New Jersey death certificates, New Jersey marriage records, New Jersey Civil Union records and New Jersey Domestic Partnership records for events that occurred within the State of New Jersey. 7 c.f. But rest assured that the usual genealogy websites we all know are going to start indexing projects and will make that happen eventually. Marriage license records are available to anyone that requests them. This database is an index extracted from more than 2.3 million birth, baptism, and christening records from New Jersey. Vital records are also available from local vital records offices in the municipality where the event occurred. This means that most years, but not all years, have double coverage. Requests for genealogical records must be submitted in writing. She thought the total costs might be about $675. Online New Jersey Death Indexes, Probate Records and Obituaries. View information about obtaining New Jersey birth, marriage, and death records from 1914 to the present including online orders. The similarly nice people at FamilySearch then agreed to scan the microfilms for us, and the six missing Brides Index microfilms went online a few months later in December 2017. ); 2 reels (35-mm). He started looking around for states where the birth, marriage, and/or death index — just the basic index, not certificates — were not easily available to the public. Governor Phil Murphy • Lt. While the Sussex County Clerk’s Office does maintain in its archives a record of marriages in the county from 1795 through the mid-1850s, current marriage certificates must be obtained from the town in which the ceremony was performed. Really important legal case going on today in Michigan that combines two of our favorite things: people using FOIA to get access to important documents, and archivists being document-withholding schmucks in defiance of the law: I hear there is something happening at the capitol today, but for me the most important event is the Michigan Supreme Court hearing on unsealing the Tanton papers @HMAesq, Reclaim The Records is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Key facts about ordering online: Faster than if you apply in writing directly to the Office of Vital Statistics and Registry; Due to high volume online requests, our processing time is within 8-12 weeks. The State Archives' holdings vary from county to county. Alec was inspired by our work at Reclaim The Records using Freedom of Information laws to force government archives and agencies to release copies of important archival documents back to the public. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Googleâ„¢ Translate. For information about vital records from May 1848 – 1918 visit the State, Archives web page. Hat-tip to genealogy pal who shall remain nameless. Well, in this case we all owe a huge debt to a mild-mannered genealogist who, probably much like you, was just totally fed up with the government wrongly withholding records from the public. About New Jersey Marriage Records A few marriage records were kept in New Jersey as early as 1673, but they are very incomplete. County Marriage Records . The awesome people at FamilySearch once again stepped up and graciously volunteered to digitally scan these six microfilms for us for free. Over the same records set? Governor Phil Murphy and Lt. And that’s when Alec realized that he was going to need to bring in the big guns to launch Ferretti v. NJ Dep’t of Health — Office of Population Health, as a Denial of Access Complaint. New Jersey Death Index, 1904-2017 Why should these records be available if you're onsite at the state archives, but not available on the Internet? This Act was brought in to ensure that all state residents had the fundamental right to access any public record they please. Use indexed marriage volumes to determine officiant. Easy Application; Simplified procedure, 100% online; Fast processing & delivery ; Get New Jersey Marriage Certificate. If both applicants is a non-resident of New Jersey, applicants must apply in the municipality in the State of New Jersey where the marriage will take place. You can start here if you need a certified copy of the marriage record, but aren’t sure exactly where in the state the marriage … ), As a non-profit org, we're not allowed to make statements in favor or against any politician, party, or candidate. So we're just going to link to some newspaper articles here about our open records work, which may or may not intersect with recent news. search this New England data base for genealogy in the 1600+/- to 1700+/- time period State of Massachusetts Archives .com - Search Massachusetts Death Records - Search Massachusetts Birth Records USGenWeb - Massachusetts Marriage Project Marriage Applications and other Marriage Records Massachusetts Genealogy and Family History … New Jersey marriage records are considered private vital records, while New Jersey divorce records are public court records. In fact, Alec was so inspired that he decided to launch his own public records requests! I'm gearing up for an exciting new #dighum project w @archifydd this spring! New York City Birth Certificates, 1910-1917. Rather, it was local communities that kept marriage records instead. The registers span from July of one year through June of the next (excepting a set of registers covering June 1878, and another set covering July-Dec 1900). There is a brides index for 1901-2000, a grooms index for some but not all years within 1901-2000, and a combined … Why did they do this? The New Jersey State Archives also holds microfilm copies of: birth records 1848-1916; marriage records 1848-1914; and death records 1848-1916. The Deputy Attorney General decided that there was no need to go to mediation after all. Well that layout is missing four more columns of data, which are on the next page! Reclaim The Records made plans to reimburse Alec for the cost of these records, with his agreement that they would go online for free without any kind of usage restrictions, and we got our credit card ready. It took us seventeen months of fighting with the government just to get a list of the names of dead people. So we sued them -- and won! Finally, New York researchers can ditch the microfiche sheets and join the twenty-first century., @ReclaimTheRecs Boston College discovered that private agreements can be superseded by laws also: The New Jersey State Archives maintains all birth, marriage, and death records filed at the state level starting in May 1848 and ending 100 years ago. We have information about the public marriage record search locations in NJ. Records Search. We’d won everything and in the end it hadn’t cost us a thing — except for time and stress. We're gonna change that. Either way he was going to need help, both legally and financially. close. Some of these records (earlier years) were obtained from the New Jersey State Archives, in Trenton, New Jersey, in 2015. New Jersey Marriage Index Reclaim The Records. Consult the Secretary of State page linked below for colonial marriage bonds. Previously, only a few years of the marriage index were available, 1901-1914, and those were only available thanks to an earlier records request we made to the New Jersey State Archives. Licenses #11 and #13 are not on the GSU film. Mary tells me, “I became interested in marriage records several years ago, trying to establish information in Butler County, MO as the new CC.” In my research endeavors, after checking the census, I check the marriages in a particular county. Middlesex County . Get Your Certified New Jersey Marriage Certificate Skip the line at the health department office. Now, that might sound like a lot of money, but really, a one-time charge to get about five million records and 115 years of data released to the public domain forever, plus avoiding all the costs of litigation? Some of these records (earlier years) were obtained from the New Jersey State Archives, in Trenton, New Jersey, in 2015. A few marriage records were kept in New Jersey as early as 1673, but they are very incomplete. We’ve posted these images at our favorite online library, the Internet Archive ( What do you do when a city archive won’t share its records with the public? Washington State Marriage, Divorce, and Death Indices, c. 1907-2017. … Index to New York State Deaths (Outside of New York City), 1880-1956. Absecon Presbyterian Church. Find New Jersey criminal, court, inmate, marriage, divorce, birth, death, phone, address, bankruptcy, sex offender, property, arrest, people, relatives, legal, tax and other records on Skip the line at your local office! Requests for certificates of these records should be submitted by mail, along with a fee, using the New Jersey State Archives' downloadable request form. Best new genealogical record of 2021: We can only speculate, but it could be that New Jersey realized that they would lose the OPRA case, had we gone to the Supreme Court. New Jersey Marriage Records. 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