Sort by. level 1 [Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's SS3] 1 year ago. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Contrairement à d'autres divinités, Zamasu est un Kaiô aspirant à devenir un Kaïô-Shin. AGL Super Saiyan 3 Goku falls into a floater position, but both of the main rotations will be able to supply him with Ki to ensure that he can land a Super ATK when he shows up. share. His best linking partner is teq ss2 majin vegeta if you have him.---Tell me what you cherish most, give me the pleasure of taking it away--- PSN: MHereticM (edited 4 days ago) User Info: BetterThanVegas. LR Goku & Frieza have been the best Leader for this category since their release. His face and hair remain the same as Goku was in his Super Saiyan Blueform before fusing, though his eyebrows and eyes are black. Il est très méfiant envers les humains et leur accorde peu de confiance. The less common Leaders include LR Thousandfold Plea - Goku (S. STR) and LR Courage to the Max! STR Rosé also gives Extreme allies Ki +3 and DEF +50%, providing LR Black & Zamasu with a whopping 8 Ki at the start of the turn so they can reach their 18 Ki Super ATK in this legendary rotation. I did some testing and I'm pretty sure that the AGL God Goku out performs his STR variation. 98% Upvoted. For attack it’s probably Int Blue Vegeta (Super Saiyan and Warrior Gods)... but that’s all I can think of. Malheureusement, Zamasu évoluera vers une voie dont il sera difficile de revenir en a… You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Overall his best linking partner is the upcoming free INT LR ssj Vegeta who he shares KI +3, ATK +25% and flat +5000 when U-SATK is launched -with. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! 1 GOKU (ENFANT) 2 GOKU (ENFANT) & ARALÉ NORIMAKI 3 GOKU (ENFANT) & BULMA (ENFANT) 4 GOKU (ENFANT) (GORILLE) 5 GOKU 6 GOKU (DOKKAN BUTODEN) 7 GOKU & FREEZER (FORME FINALE) (ANGE) 8 GOKU & VEGETA 9 GOKU (ANGE) 10 GOKU (ANGE) & VEGETA (ANGE) 11 GOKU (KAIOKEN) 12 GOKU SUPER SAIYAN 13 GOKU & GOHAN (ENFANT) 14 GOKU SUPER SAIYAN/GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN (ENFANT) 15 GOKU … - Goku (S. INT), who can act as Pure Saiyan Leaders because have a Leader Skill that includes All Types. Pour l’obtenir, il suffit de faire le 1er niveau pour avoir sa carte de base et les 2 niveaux suivants pour avoir les médailles. Super Saiyan God SS Vegito is an amazing Free-To-Play LR that is capable of hitting hard, tanking a increase his stats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. edit: Doubt it changes much, but forgot to mention Phy Goku Black (1 dupe), and Int Goku Black (1 dupe) Despite all the new EZA’s I was still leaning str Rose because he patches up Rosemasu’s def problem, but worried he’s fallen too far behind the power curve help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. They both can hit for 99 mil with the orb changing items. STR SSBKK Simp. 1 bardock 2 bardock & gine 3 bardock (gorille) 4 bardock super saiyan 5 bardock super saiyan 2 6 bardock super saiyan 3 7 bardock super saiyan 4 8 saiyan masquÉ |} Il a des bottes blanches, des chausses bleues, et un paréo de couleur bleu ciel autour de la taille. L'uniforme de Zamasu est noir avec des liserés dorés et la chemise qu'il porte sous cette robe est violette, cela n'est pas sans rappeler la tenue de Kibito. Get rid of Cabba and bring the Buu mentioned or AGL SS2 Angel Goku that is Vegeta's opposite. 3DS friend code: 4398-9791-1950 // Switch friend code:SW-8152-8329-5512, Incoming (Global) EZA F2P LR First Form Frieza Topic. You can also run Vegeta god (40% atk and no ki). SSJ4 Goku + SSJ3 GT Goku Coola + FP Frieza Goku Black, SSJ Rose + Fusion Zamasu (triple treat!) Rose isn't bad and neither is STR SSG Goku after been awoken. Beyond Boundless Power Super Saiyan God SS Goku (Kaioken) & Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta; Beyond the Ferocious Flash Majin Vegeta; Blazing Love and Burning Justice Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 ; Brazen Courage Gohan (Kid) Budding Heart Piccolo; Budding Warrior Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) C Counterattack of the Wicked Family Mecha Frieza & King Cold; Courage to the Max! STR Rosé is the best Linking partner for LR Black & Zamasu, sharing 5 Ki Links and at least 25% ATK Link Skills, plus another 25% when “Big Bad Bosses” is active. Voir le texte source. Both of these Cards are strong on their own, but when paired together, they share +50% ATK and +4 Ki from Link Skills. More realistically any Oiaf unit is fine on pure saiyans. Discussion. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Video Title: BRAND NEW LR SUPER SAIYAN GOD GOKU SUPER ATTACKS! Ce personnage peut être utile pour le(s) événement(s): Ki +2, PV, ATT et DÉF +40 % pour la Catégorie - Survie de l'Univers: Coup de grâce Inflige des dégâts colossaux et diminue l'ATT: Préparation tactique And I gave him level 20 additional attack in hidden potential because of his stacking ability and constant building up of his ATK. … Super Mighty Asspull Trunks + LR … Awakened LR Golden Fist - Super Saiyan 3 Goku Super TEQ. Report Save. No respect for my PHY baby boy /s. One main rotation is the strong pair of the leader LR SSJ4 Goku and his best Linking buddy for the Team, TEQ Super Full - SSJ4 Goku. Overall his best linking partner is the upcoming free INT LR ssj Vegeta who he shares KI +3, ATK +25% and flat +5000 when U-SATK is launched -with. On Extreme rainbow or extreme AGL teams he’s good with Rose (str or AGL) and AGL Turles. does it actually matter what order you choose characters for a team? 2 years ago. level 2. This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so that you can build your team. Movie Heroes is a category with several fantastic stand-ins, who can perform roles that benefit themselves and the Team. The next best Leader for the category is STR SSJ God SS Goku (Kaioken), who has another top-tier Leader Skill, and is a great addition to the Team. 40 comments. Off the top of my head... SSJ4 Goku + SSJ3 GT Goku Coola + FP Frieza TEQ. Along with Ki +3, their Leader Skill provides an unmatched +177% to all stats, allowing all Cards on the Team to reach their maximum potential. - Prepared for Battle - Godly Power - Over in a Flash - Tournament of Power - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Realm of Gods - Universe Survival Saga - Pure Saiyans - Representatives of Universe 7 - Goku's Family - Kamehameha Goku; D Dawn of … Topic Archived; More topics from this board... Fighting Goku - u.s.s: Chris88walker: 14: 12/23 10:53AM: EZA LR Goku disappearing from box: qwertyboy: 6: 12/31 10:07AM: SBR - Goku family: Chris88walker: 3: 12/25 12:36PM: LR INT SSG Goku any good ? In terms of ATK links this Super Saiyan God SS Goku is the best linking partner for Super Saiyan God SS Vegito on Super STR, activating both “Super Saiyan” and “Warrior Gods” and sharing “Prepared for Battle” for Ki. best . You farm up the 50 LR medals per TUR on one of the third event's story stages. [The Godly Ki Within] SS God Goku: This SSG Goku is by far the best linking partner for Goku (Ultra Instinct - Sign-) in terms of ATK links, activating “The First Awakened”, “Godly Power” and “Fierce Battle” adds up to a 55% ATK boost. hide. Like other Metamoran fusions, God Fusion Goku dons a black vest with yellow padding, sporting blue armbands and pants and a white belt. ". Video Title: HOW GOOD IS LR SUPER SAIYAN GOD GOKU WITHOUT DUPES? LR, TEC, Rang A TEC, SUPER. Press J to jump to the feed. Reason- He raises ATK on super(30% with infinite stack ability) plus, the 80% ATK and DEF upon Super Attack. Does anybody actually LIKE the punching bag events? Recommended Alternates. report. Shares the most links with agl godku from what I've tested, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. BOTH Analysis. Find the best linking partner and build the best team! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: 100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM NEW PHY LR BROLY & CHEELAI & LEMO SHOWCASE! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And I have both the STR and AGL God Goku at 100%. LR: Goku SSJ C’est le 1er LR du jeu, il est de type TEC et apparaît dans l’event « Guerrier transcendantal ». TEQ vs STR vs AGL vs INT Super Saiyan God Goku - APT Comparison. These two units share “only” “Over in … For attack it’s probably Int Blue Vegeta (Super Saiyan and Warrior Gods)... but that’s all I can think of. This thread is archived. PHY Omega + Syn LR Goku + SSJ Bardock LR Broly + TUR Broly SSB Vegeta + SSB Goku Buuhan + Janemba SSJ4 Vegeta + Tora for saiyan roar? So he's the best support for him, but he's not the best unit that links well with him. It would be worth having an TUR linking partner as well, so you want to have 3 TUR Goku/Krillin after this story event. Le jeu est classé dans la catégorie \"Top rentable\" et connait une immense popularité à léchelle internationale. Légende absolue - Son Goku Super Saiyan. save. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. 1 VEGETA (PETIT) 2 VEGETA (PETIT) & RADITZ (PETIT) 3 VEGETA 4 VEGETA (ANGE) 5 VEGETA (DOKKAN BUTODEN) 6 VEGETA (GORILLE) 7 NAPPA / VEGETA 8 GOKU & VEGETA 9 GOKU (ANGE) & VEGETA (ANGE) 10 VEGETA SUPER SAIYAN 11 GOKU SUPER SAIYAN & VEGETA SUPER SAIYAN 12 VEGETA SUPER SAIYAN (ANGE) 13 VEGETA SUPER SAIYAN 2 (ANGE) 14 GOKU SUPER SAIYAN … I'm really not used to seeing LR's pop up this frequently in my Dokkan videos. Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? Il est entrainé par Gowasu. LR SS3 Goku on Pure saiyans lol. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle (ドラゴンボールZ ドッカンバトル, Doragon bōru zetto: Dokkan batoru?, littéralement « Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle ») est un jeu vidéo mobile de combat développé par Akatsuki Inc. et édité par Bandai Namco Games sur smartphones (Android, iOS), sorti en 2015. Légende absolue Son Goku Super Saiyan Niveau max Rareté Type Coût 150: 99 Encyclopédie Goku (Encyclopédie) 5120: 15800: 5620: 15100: 3830: 8220: Rang A TEC; 17800: 20400: 17100: 20500: 10220: 13220: Arbre 100% Nombre requis x4310 x2470 x223 Ki +3 … Step 1: Find the character you want. Just pulled LR SS3 Goku, whose his best linking partner? One is the AGL Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta, ... and both are excellent for the Team. User Info: Postaga. WHAT?! The other recommended rotation are LR Gohan & Goten and UR SSJ Goten (Kid). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 118. share. In my experience, their best linking partners are Goku god (agl and str), God Toppo and Jiren (they 4 share 30% atk and 2 ki) or EZA agl Broly and phy DBS ssj Broly (25% atk, 2 ki and 20% atk when you're below 50% hp). The Tec SSB Vegeta has the most links, 4 ki and 20%. BetterThanVegas 4 days ago #5. Historique Discussion (0) Commentaires Partager.
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