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'; } EADGBE Intro. .lefttranspose { Namun perasa G an ini berapi di da E lam. function LoadYoutube(data){ display: inline-block; ARIS ARIWATAN -Lamunan Terhenti intro Am Dm F G Am Am Dm Entah mengapakah hatiku berge function shiftPlus(src_id, test1) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; } "AIzaSyDPUMAvGW6jjymI1PoXyEVxmISK24BFXwk", //mikamokie function starScroll() { } else { if (clicks%2 == 0){ function formvalidation() { document.getElementById('URLReport').value = location.href; Aris Ariwatan - Lamunan Terhenti Tunning : E A D G B e Submit by : Joe (Admin) Description : intro Am Dm F G Am Am Dm Entah mengapakah hatiku bergetaran G Am Bila bertemu lagi oh kekasih lama F Dm Ku cuba selindungkan api keresahan G E Namun perasaan ini berapi di dalam Am Dm Ku kira engkau sudah melupakan G Am Kerna itulah engkau nampak tenang F Dm Lainlah aku bila ketika ini G Am Masih membara ingatanku terhadapmu Dm G Ku singkap kenangan dulu C Am Sewaktu kasih/cinta berputik Dm … ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b|&)?)? document.getElementById('loadyoutubeurl').appendChild(script); 'mlykord', return r.forEach(function(r, s) { "AIzaSyCrQ__7VDnXmFu9g8sdzc501U9UYrby_8s", //ilham } Terhenti lamunan bila ku dikejutkan G Am Engkau dipimpin pergi oleh seseorang F Dm Dalam keterpaksaan kau melangkah pergi E Am Namun sempat jua kau menoleh ku disini 0 ulasan: Catat Komen. "AIzaSyBTWRhHCClKgoXL8N05z_VImzr11qUKfiQ", //mikamokie for (var a = n, s = r.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g), e = 0; e < s.length; e++) s[e] = transposition(findChords(s[e]), s[e], a); } var RandomAPI = [ _chordsFlat : _chords; document.getElementById("DisplayTutorial").innerHTML = "No tutorial yet click to request
Lihat Tutorial Lain"; xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; artistname = artistname.replace(string1, ''); try { } else if (window.getSelection) { var c = i.length - r.length; } Ari Lasso Feat Bunga Citra Lestari - Aku Dan Kamu ... Aris Ariwatan - Cinta Tak Kenal Siapa Chord, Arrow - Sendu Di Hatiku Rindu Di Jiwaku Chord, Axl - Seandainya Kita Sehati Sejiwa Chord, Remember Of Today - Pergi Hilang dan Lupakan Chord, One Avenue Band - Kisah Antara Kita Chord. Free printable and easy chords for song by Aris Ariwatan - Lamunan Terhenti. //END Pre-Setup for alphabet first character ( *(-|\/) *[A-G](#|b)?)? "AIzaSyC0B2fyPU7W4lZzLbnEEEFcrSE1VwBE_qY", if(input.value.length>0){ document.getElementsByClassName('backgroundputih')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'black'; ]; } input = document.getElementById("myInput"); // Prevent further mouseup intervention document.getElementById('youtubeDivPlayer').src = IframeYoutubeURL; //console.log(youtubeapiurl); document.getElementById('YoutubeError').style.display = 'none'; if (hour >= 21 && hour <= 22) { //10 putContainer = "
" + GetContainer + ""; xhr.send(data); var minute = new Date().getMinutes(); } Aris Ariwatan - Lamunan Terhenti Chords Learn the song with the online tablature player. Request Chord Disini! } if (hour >= 0 && hour < 6) { var h = r; function cepat() { window : module.exports); else var i = e[(h + a) % e.length]; }).join('&'); } document.getElementById('step2_youtube').style.display = 'unset'; *$/; padding: 3px; a = li[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click(); Balasan. document.getElementById('JenisReport').value = type; var value = document.getElementById('s').value; filter = alphabet.toUpperCase(); background-color: #d8d8d8; titileurl = ''; return r.forEach(function(r, t) { _chords = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"], var imgwiki = ''; } exports.ReportChordForm = ReportChordForm; elements[i].style.color="blue"; }).join('&'); li[i].style.display = ""; } var content = data['items'][0]['id']['videoId']; document.getElementById('UIDRequest').value = uid; Chords for [MV] Awie - Lamunan Terhenti (OST Hantu Kak Limah 2). xmlhttp.open("GET", "https://ms.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch="+artistname+"&format=json&origin=*", true); #test1{ _chordsFlat = ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"]; var RandomAPI = [ ]; var data = [].slice.call(form).map(function(control) { Balas Padam. youtubeURL=''; //document.getElementById("wc-searchblacksubmit1").click(); var n = ""; textBox.placeholder = 'Search'; })(); document.execCommand("copy"); var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; --> function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} var string3 = '?'; "AIzaSyC78aFYqViSwtmma5WyTANlO5aXVMCrT5c", (function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { function FilterUp(alphabet) { // Function for filter search in page } ]; var RandomAPI = [ function lambat() { // do nothing var src = document.getElementById(test1).textContent; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { }else{ } } if (hour >= 16 && hour < 18){ //5 - 6 try { // START Auto Select ALL for Search In Filter n = n.slice(0, l + e) + "" + c + n.slice(l + e + r.length, l + e + h.length) + "" + n.slice(l + e + h.length), e += "".length + "".length + d li[i].style.display = "none"; CHORDS USED (Am, F, C, G) ~ no capo! return r.forEach(function(r, l) { } shift = shift + 1; document.getElementById("displaywiki").innerHTML = 'No data'; if(!itm){ [Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah] Babak Dukun/Bomoh Indonesia Lawan Yeti Dan Mummia, Fotograf -Srikandi Cintaku (Live Planet Hollywood), Ingatkan Dia - Wings (Official Music Video), Show the world what you are playing with ChordU. function SendReport(value){ Lirik Lamunan oleh Yayan Jatnika. I Hantu Kak Limah | Zul Ariffin, Mus May & Ropie | MeleTOP, Awie Ezlynn Lamunan Terhenti OST Husin Mon dan Jin Pakai Toncit with Lirik. !function(exports) { function editable(){ Aris Ariwatan Lirik , "AIzaSyDQmnw35msJehLm4Ky8X4H52bpe2KXMgJ0", uid += screen_info.width || ''; // Work around Chrome's little problem event.preventDefault(); } Guitar Chord Aris Ariwatan - Lamunan Terhenti intro Am Dm F G Am Am Dm Entah mengapakah hatiku bergetaran G Am Bila bertemu lagi oh kekasih lama F Dm Ku cuba selindungkan api keresahan G E Namun perasaan ini berapi di dalam Am Dm Ku kira engkau sudah melupakan G Am Kerna itulah engkau nampak tenang F Dm Lainlah aku bila ketika ini G Am Masih membara ingatanku terhadapmu Dm G Ku … var gcse = document.createElement('script'); } }else{ Terhenti lamunan bila ku dikejutkan.. Engkau dipimpin pergi oleh seseorang F Dm G Am Dalam keterpaksaan kau melangkah kaki.. Namun sempat jua kau menoleh ku disini F Dm G Am Dalam keterpaksaan kau melangkah pergi.. Namun sempat jua kau … *$/, ""), t = "flat" === s ? xhr.send(data); function transposition_new(r, n, a, s) { if (hour >= 12 && hour < 14) { //12 - 1 return false; 'application/xml, text/xml, */*; q=0.01'); }; (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)<4)){var n;if(window.find){if(! if(hour >= 22 && hour <= 23){ //11 var xmlhttp2 = new XMLHttpRequest(); document.getElementById('sharethis').style.backgroundColor = 'black'; if (hour >= 14 && hour < 16) { //2 - 4 Malay Guitar Chords: Tab Chords , Easy Chord & Lyrics : Request Chord Services , Organizes Chords Collection. li = ul.getElementsByTagName("li"); if (document.selection) { range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid)); Aris Ariwatan - Korban Cinta Chord Saturday, March 8, 2014. } .beta .colorchord,.alpha .colorchord,.containertutorial .colorchord{color:black} var textBox = document.getElementById("t1"); n = n.slice(0, s + a) + "" + n.slice(s + a, s + a + r.length) + "" + n.slice(s + a + r.length), a += "".length + "".length } var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; li[i].style.display = ""; var RandomAPI = [ //console.log(artistname); } else { var halflength = parseInt(settext.length)/2; "AIzaSyBT2uHtcznnGXr2T6mVH-L4BpZOMLEshyA",// izz2 return false; [intro] Am F C G [verse (1)] Am Hidup memang berputar Dulu di atas kini berubah F Tawa mulai memudar Kini semuanya seolah musnah C Bekerja di pabrik ku jadi babu Ku sadar keluargaku kini tak mampu G Ku harus bantu karena ku tahu hidup ini Tak … document.getElementById('step3_ChordForm').style.display = 'unset'; ~ no capo ' + ( control.value === undefined? 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