I would appreciate it. I’m a university student in my fourth year right now, and while I’ve never really had an affinity for Kpop, I’ve watched way too many Kdramas for my own good and for the good of my relationship with God. But, I realised that realistically, for me, BTS couldn’t really help me love myself. Delight in doing the will of God and let Him be the one to give it to us.) I felt relieved that I wasn’t alone and I felt blessed to know that many of us are seeking truth and freedom from our weaknesses in order to bring the Lord glory and honor. yesasia.com Get them from YesAsia, the … HOWEVER, I can still enjoy other Kpop music without going overboard or idolizing anyone. Please pray for me if you can. I realize I am leading other ASTRAY). My account is Salome-Bianca Calotescu. I agree so much and relate to what Lee Soo Yi wrote “Initially, I tried to go cold turkey on everything that had the slightest association to K-Pop. It destroys my self image (ironic with BTS’ love myself concept, ey), my self-esteem and self value. Really, I’m still working on fulfilling the part of me that feels inadequate and feels the need to indulge in escapism. Seems unfair, does it not? What’s nice with Suju is they have one member who’s proud of his faith and is presently a missionary – Choi Siwon. I always thought I was in a decent place with Christ, and knew where to find Him if I ever went astray. Now later today, she said she will share it with my dad. It is alright for Christians to have hobbies, likes and dislikes. God bless, ramen. At first, I told myself I didn’t understand what they said so it couldn’t do any harm. Its okay to listen, attend concert but we also need to know our limitation. I’m so glad the Lord has been setting me free, however it’s been a bit difficult to leave obsession for kpop and especially the BTS fandom Otherwise I will remain lonely and miserable. I can’t believe how low I look. I’m so ashamed. I also like how humble they are and how appreciative they are of their fans despite their global fame. I treated it as though it were a heinous sin. So I thank you. Glad to hear your journey as well, Kesh! I told my sisters in Christ that kpop has messed up my perception of beauty and that everything Kpop needs to slow down and stop. I mean, I could help my poor family a lot with it. There is hope. It was a tradition I held so tightly to the point that I felt empty without it . Until one day I attended their concert but since I’m poor, I can only afford an Upperbox ticket and so I wasn’t able to see Jimin clearly. Trust him and your sins shall be washed away by Jesus’ blood ♡, Hi, My name is Lala. I want to do that to. As Christians, I believe we must be careful choosing the influences of lyrical creativity we let into our minds. You never know what can happen until you try. I even watched them play UNO. In addition to being aware of the negative aspects of the Korean music genre and all it entails, there are also hard aspects about being a non-Korean Kpop fan. On one hand, I want to devote myself entirely to the word of God. I realized that when we give our dreams to God, our desires to God, our passions to God, He gives us HIS BEST. These things have drastically changed me as a person and opened up my mind to certain things I never knew theh existed. Reading all of these personal experiences is helping me out so much and helping me identify certain behaviours I’ve been doing. I still love BTS but I realized now that I would be ashamed if I were to have a daughter one day and then most of youth memories that I would share with her would be about me lusting, pawning, and longing for the Kpop sensational group. I got a second piercing in both my ears recently. This stage occurs when you are first introduced to Kpop. I would really recommend Manga Messiah! One thing I try to do with the KDRAMAS is look for themes and Biblical parallels. I mean, have you seen Joshua’s cute little button nose? I am struggling the same thing. The habit back again, and this time I feel like I can stop this whole thing again. Praise God!!! I didn’t really want to become obsessed but then again I’d always been socially awkward and thus wanted something to talk about with others and I knew Fettuccine loved this group and was also in my maths class. But, it happens. I taught English as a second language for 13 years and discovered quickly that Korean Americans spoke beautiful English and only had one 8th grade student from Korea in my ESL class 20 yrs. From Nov – Dec I watched everything from MVs, Crack vids, Variety shows, i searched infos, download their songs, I became very active at youtube, twitter and instagram just to know them more and have daily updates. Broadway, books, movies, songs or anything that I want myself influenced by thinking it would make me more sophisticated and more unique. I admitted my sins to my mom as well as Jesus. I believe my god is happy for me, that such music makes me happy. Thank you! and I do love them a lot but I want to grow my faith more. I put all their songs in my playlist and enjoyed watching them perform. As bad as this sounds, I can now finally admit I felt somewhat jealous of BTS. Kpop fans are disgusting vultures that ship people together and make homoerotic fanfictions about people for being friends, and they basically use the stars as porn. Coveted autographed albums for K-pop fans who won't *settle* for ordinary albums made for the masses. During high school it wasn’t that bad, I’d listen Super Junior, Bigbang, SNSD, Wonder Girls, SHINee, etc and I enjoyed their music neutrally. I had my sisters to support me in my walk as a Christian. If you want to email me regarding this comment of mine (please no hate lol) or if you want to share more biblical views as we grown in Christ, you can reach me at frannybeng@gmail.com. I also mad to myself that maybe if I didn’t stop being a fangirl I could share the gospel to him or any other fangirl. I just wanted to say that I’m gong to pray more and I really liked what your shared about praying. But now though im still a fan, I manage to put that aside. Only then can His spirit flow through us and through the lives of others. It made me realize that I can like their music and praise God for bringing these people together to create such beautiful music that inspires so many people each day. Those idols are just that. But even with these singles, and their altruistic love for more than just Kpop, the dating scene is a disaster on both ends. too––to the point where I wrote fanfiction and stories about them and devoured every sort of romantic story. Please pray for me too- help me also return my focus to The Lord. I was in too deep in the Korean entertainment world that I didn’t know how to break out of it, and it was one of the reasons that I decided to abandon God because I was guilty of idolatry, lust, perversion, laziness, etc. I know He doesn’t want us to be in the middle–-we are either hot or cold for Him. I am also devoting my time in other things like drawing, design, my pets, and other stuff. Hi Alkar! It may be hard, but I promise it gives you some perspective and room to breathe. Here’s my prayer for you: “Father, we thank you that even before our backsliding will recur, you still love us and see beyond our sins. I no longer lust after them. You recognize 1, 3, and 6, so you pick 6 because it is the nearest to the end])? I was left so heartbroken that day and I came up with a plan.. to save money and attend any fanmeet, music show or fansign in korea to see Jimin up close. I left kpop because I realized that somehow it becomes an obsession. 5:19-26). I will always have the tendency to idolize people. I just recently got into KDramas and then Kpop during quarantine and it’s becoming harder and harder to control. I too have been struggling with this before and actually was able to surrender it to God. It really wasnt. Thank you all for your stories and God bless you all. And your friends never understand how you can get so much joy from simply seeing your favorite bands living their lives. :)”; something like that. Take this quiz! I suggest prayer and fasting will help. I used to download so many photos of my biases and wreckers and I would stare at them for minutes; I constantly updated myself about them in every social media; used to binge-watch on Youtube or V-live and live like trash. Truly friends. Prior to this, I had heard of Kpop as a genre and overhead fellow church goers talking about BTS, when they became a worldwide sensation in 2016/17. I hope K-pop hasn’t been stealing too much of your time with God. How can I start (not idolising them)? God is love and he always will be and I love that I know him and I thank him for every single thing he has done in my life and I don’t regret anything I’ve been through. I also am taking care of my health and mind more! Close your social media accounts where you’re devoting all your time to your idols. I’ve decided this to focus on myself and God and those around me. In South Korea, dating is an exercise in near futility. Im thankful because she saw that i was addicted to Kpop, and being a strict sister she always has been, i was more surprised at how she never once scolded me for loving kpop too much but instead, used it to help me serve God. Many Kpop fans choose to keep their love affair with the genre a secret until the most opportune moment, which usually backfires in grand fashion, while others put their Kpop love out there from the get go; essentially cutting off the relationship before it even has a chance to start. I shared this addiction of mine first to our Victory Group leader and she related because she too was once a victim of being addicted by Hallyu influence. 4. I have to understand that I’m not living the way God wants me to. My history with guy groups is that fandoms sexualize them like crazy through fanfics whether it be boyxboy or readerxbias. Then whenever my friends played KPOP at school, I feel guilty listening to it because I was disobeying my parents, but my pastor he told me that whenever I listen to KPOP with my friends, I shouldn’t feel guilty at all because, deep down I really know that KPOP isn’t a bad thing. We are really not alone in this. Thanks so much for sharing this. Well it can’t be helped because K-pop comes from the world and not from God. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I am blessed by what you shared and this testimony of yours are God’s way of liberating those who have the same suffering. How delighting it is to be in His presence, how fulfilling His love is. Jesus has got your back, my friend. I became obsessed with making my skin paler, wishing I had a skinnier nose, and thinking my legs are too fat (which was totally STUPID). God bless!!! 1st – He knows me who I am, who I will become before I was born. However, back then I was sceptical of Kpop and wasn’t curious enough to listen. I am a young teenager and find it dfficult to get out of the sticky web that K-Pop has dragged me into. She was super nervous about being the oldest person there, but was placated when we saw a Korean … I know that an idol is to adore something or someone. I’m really feeling condemned these days because it feels like I dont have the same eagerness in sharing the gospel like how I share my kpop stuff. I think it takes time and prayer to discern what is the right thing to do. I have found a accountability/discipler partner but I do talk outside of her too. I bought into everything about K-Pop: the dashing good looks of the stars, their trendy dress sense, amazing vocals, and smooth dance moves. I watched the girls on Weekly Idol without any empty feelings too! I went to a short-term mission trip to Nepal this summer which I am so blessed to have gone on, but when I got back I went straight to Kpop. Again, thank you for this post. I’m constantly conflicted with everything in the kpop world. I seriously can’t thank you enough. Let’s heed the call from James 4:8, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” I came to realize that drawing near to God brings unparalleled joy and peace to my heart, which I will never experience—no matter how many concerts I attend. Remember that you are so loved and that God in no way wants you to feel ashamed. However, they very well can become the other definition of an idol to fanatics. And from there on with my obsession of Wanna One, I drifted to BTS because one of the members mentioned them as a model. Though I was in tears as I surrendered, I prayed and asked for forgiveness. But the bad things is I realized that during this time when my parents didn’t allow me to listen to BTS, I was fading away from God. So I’ll just keep praying for these people and meditate more on God and his word and listen to more and more worship. Deep down, I know for a fact that God alone is the Lord of my life and nothing can take His place. How can I reach you out? ‘I have the right to do anything’—but not everything is constructive.” It was only when I depended on God that I was finally able to see my K-Pop interest from God’s perspective. My daily reality is hard and I kept on clinging to SJ for that sense of relief and happiness. Also, if you want to grow your relationship with Christ, I would recommend listening to sermons by Steven Furtick and watching youtube channels like Lion of Judah (they have SUPER motivational videos. So to answer Bolu’s question: It is not really wrong to listen to BTS if they are not IDOLS in your life. At least not know. I try to analyze and be discerning during each episode to make sure it’s uplifting and edifying (and with many kdramas that’s easy to do). 1) Go talk and tell a fellow brother or sister in Christ (for me a sister because imma girl) that you are struggling with Kpop and you truly want to stop it. I pray Father that you cancel as well the works of the enemy trying to distract me through K-pop and help me instead look at them through Your lens. This is exactly what i needed rn. . Who knows? It is worth it. But with that, I ended up going to God for everything he really showed me how to be on fire for him. He is the only one worthy of our wholehearted devotion and the only One who can satisfy our hearts like no other. However I still feel nervous because I don’t know if I’m doing the wrong thing by listening to them even though they have a good message in their songs? And I make sure I have other hobbies so I don’t leave the possibility to be idle and slip up. At the moment I am a huge BTS Quarantine Fan, so I am just getting started. They are weak and they need God as much as we do. Hey, I like the dancing of k-pop, I wouldn’t say im obsessed but the christian dance scene is lacking severely, is it is sin to want to be good at dancing/singing??? Even right now as a young adult, I continue to listen to it but only to some moderation. I will pray for forgiveness for using BTS as sexual objects for my fantasies and come to terms that I will not give them attention. I thought I’d be happy but it’s like replacing a curse with another curse. It would be sad to tell her that most of what i did was lounge around in my computer looking up fanfics and videos and whatnot. I known k-pop since 2008 or 2009 way back in 2nd year high school. Keep you mind clear. Anyway, that pressure can really push our once-shy-Jungkook to become cocky, sexy and egotistical on stage to give the audience of fans what they want. Also, I would often seek validation from those online videos where they ask if they like a certain ethnicity/race etc. He has also answered my same prayer but in another way (its a longer story though). Korean men who sincerely want to find someone to love often times run into fans that are all about the glitz and glamour, get burned, and become jaded about dating Kpop fans. Same goes for signed albums my bff keeps glorifying them and I’d prefer seeing the artists at a concert because after all it’s just a signature, it can be copied down too. Vlogger Michael Smith-Grant first became interested in K-pop after watching KARA’s “Break It” video. I never really got into Anime/manga for some reason but I bought a kids Doraemon manga for study… speaking of study, right now I’m in Japan, about to begin an intensive Japanese language course for just 3 months. But, the problem with this is I’m not living my own life for me. I pray you are doing well and I hope this helps anyone who comes across this comment. Advice pls? First of all I would like to apologize in advance for my poor grammar since english is not my primary language. That’s what also made me re-realise: BTS are human, just like you and me believe it or not. I feel as though I am wasting my time away. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a SNSD and 2PM, Cabi Song that I clicked on another Youtube video and it led to another and things spiraled down from there. Please pray for me because I have same situation with EXO and BTS and others .I whant to worship God and pray and read Bible but all time ,each free second I spend with some videos and story’s about artists. I hope this message finds you well. 雅米 (Traditional Chinese)
With my relationship with God I know He wants me to not return to them… I’ve watched the expose videos and it’s sad because they do things that American artists do. Unfollowed accounts on instagram. I am also praying that God will use him mightily in the idol industry as he would get to share the Gospel. Only God satisfies and Meets our needs, not Korean culture. Is Jesus the Lord of your life? Whoever does not love me does not keep my words…”. I knew a big theme of theirs was ‘love yourself’ and I saw so many people talking about how BTS had helped them love themselves. I really want to have friends who love God. The simple answer is: there is no simple answer. The world of K-pop is run mostly by the fans. I started doing my own research on satanic symbols and colours that they use, and most, if not all, are used in all K-pop music videos, and their song lyrics are spreading lies. Our relationship with God and how we live others are the only things that will matter at the end of our life. I spend hours watching them and I’ve noticed a subtle change in my relationship with God. Listening to music isn’t a sin, liking a particular group that comes from a different country isn’t a sin. https://youtu.be/YxVI-0zqqxQ I think its okay to like something, but not to the point were it leads us far from God. I would love to help you. I start to delete all of my korean videos that actually a loooot, I choose to not open my twitter to avoid the interaction with other fangirls, but it was so hard to do that it make me frustate. However these beliefs have not halted the droves of singles flocking to online portals, SNS services, and dating sites in hopes of making a connection. I would never reveal this is person and even now, I’m embarrassed to type this…I came into college giving my life to Christ and I’ve enjoyed being a born again Christian. That’s how knee deep my idolatry was in just two weeks. I thank the Lord for leading me here. also check if they are still worth stanning for, like their acts, songs and etc. Keep God involved. You will still slip up and sin occationally, but when you do, if you are born again, you will feel horrible and repent and stop doing it. I wanted to understand the inside jokes, or have the streaming parties, or buy their albums, know their songs, etc. I purposefully searched for a post of this type because lately, I’ve been questioning my relationship to kpop and more specifically, BTS. There was a separate thread for the same thing, but deticated solely to BTS. I feel as if God is disappointed in me and how easily I can get swayed by such insignificant things. I need to talk to someone about this:( ♀️ Like i could be out there studying hard for college finals rather than gushing over Jimin in videos. But they are humans with short tempers, insecurities, territorial or some sort of characteristic flaw that we won’t know about or we don’t see since they shower their fans with winks, hearts and cheeky, flirty smiles. I also spent less time with God. They were my first and last ultimate Stan group. He delights in our joy and laughter! I like kpop but not as much as I like the dramas. Pray to God, read his word, forgive yourself with His help, and ask Him to save you from the life of sin. But I really like them and I changed my mind too just be a fan and not making them My Idol but also to serve God too….So is it really okay to watch their videos (BTS) and just be a Fan supporting them and praying for them? Thank you so much for sharing! I spent so much time watching their videos, listening to their songs, tweeting about them, I could even go a day without taking a bath and just watching them. I never save money. Next baby steps are too limit my BTS watching (this is dangerous because my day just GOES BY so easily) and slowly reduce it to zero time with BTS. As of this year, during quarantine, I found myself getting back into them once again, because I had time to occupy. He bought me with a price -Jesus blood. I finally had a time of reflection of my STM which motivated me to get out of Kpop and do God’s will. Though I did all these things, I still knew that in my heart I desired it. For an unchurched person what we need to do for them first is to pray for them. He can use this as an area in your life to bless others instead. Thank you for this!! But I eventually left the forum as it was weighing too much on my heart, for example, people claimed that Red Velvet and especially BTS somehow sacrificed Jonghyun to the illuminati and that they were demons who couldn’t go back to God. So its more of maturing how I react and treat and perceive my biases. I’ve deleted my TUmblr, Youtube and fake fan account MUTLIPLES times, only to create one all over again and spiral back into it. Once I acknowledged this truth, I was able to view them with the right perspective and not overly exalt them. It all looked so fake and egotistic that it just about nauseated me and gave me the SHIVERS. Up until 2012 I went from stanning group to group, U-Kiss to Super Junior, Shinee to Exo. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. The concert was over the weekend here and the performances for filter by Jimin and my time by Jungkook were so amazing. Can I still do the things I do or do I have to completely stop all my hobbies and interests? I also want them to be saved. I’m way too deep in obsession and idolization. Saw my falls and always tried to help & understand me. I have their posters on my wall, almost all their songs on my phone and i follow many fan accounts on insta. You’ll be free from your idolizing before you even miss it, I promise. So I continued to struggle whenever it involved a choice between God and Big Bang, such as, whether to attend church or their concert if it was held on a Sunday. I’m glad I decide to stop and turn to God. Hi Genesis! I too am a Christian who accepted Christ in my early teen years. So I went back to KPOP just to relieve my stress. But, the Lord also spoke to me regarding this. I mean God may allow me to see Jimin when I don’t stan them anymore, or He may allow me to see Jimin while I’m still their fan, but one thing’s for sure, God will give His best if you give it all to God and that our FATHER GOD’s HEART is so good and can be trusted. I adore kpop especially BTS. I made myself… a larger than life character for their sake… to fit the role of the friends… I’d even nicknamed my friends loosely based on group member’s names… one of them, Yoongarina, nicknamed me back Hanjoon and thus, the feeling of a soultie with these group members was also reinforced. He had all the wisdom in the world and was prosperous because he walked in the statures of the Lord but he, who had great wisdom and knowledge and can fathom many things especially the spiritual things, committed idolatry. They make you feel as if you know them and they are just another ordinary human. I didn’t even bother looking at the fanfictions, from what I’d heard they sounded disgusting and apparently some companies use it as a source to FUEL those OTPs for- yep – marketing!! Im a stan of Super Junior and I been there. Will uplift you in prayer and I totally relate especially with the part of you being depressed about it because I’ve been there too (fellow Filipino here BTW hehe). Hello, Lyricalia. However what I know is that as long as I keep trying, Jesus will help me overcome it. Living in this sin, in our case, obsessing and lusting over kpop, is not keeping God’s words. I just got into bts about 2 weeks ago. When you watch videos, remind yourself that God is in this too. All is possible with the help of our God. And its easy to see why we are all attracted to them- they offer something or an idea that we love to have in someone. How obsessive and unhealthy is that???? Wow, it is crazy to see how many of us Christians have been left astray because of Kpop idols. NOTHING CAN CUT YOU OFF FROM GOD’S FAMILY. I pray that BTS and all the others will see the beautiful works of God. Please, stay late just for Kpop? I found a lot of groups that I liked such as EXO and Red Velvet and put their songs on my playlist, but I was still not obsessed. Hi, I am 13 years old, and I am a hardcore EXO-L. So even of this sounds cliche (numbered not by importance) I really want to let go. jk but listen to some Christian music. I’m very much aware of how much time I waste for them, also how much I lust and sin. That is the enemy tryna come from another avenue but it’s on lock off fr. I treated it as though it were a heinous sin. This was through fervent prayer to the Lord and spending time with Him everyday. You can sever my desire for this just as you can turn an alcoholic sober, and a heroin addict into a God-fearing man. I gave up BTS and Kpop for Lent and sometimes, temptation got the best of me. ooop! After that, I kind of fell off my curiosity with BTS and continued with my life. Now that I feel closer to God more than ever, I pray that I’ll also be as intentional in sharing the gospel just as how I intentional I was in sharing kpop stuff. What is 'aegyo'? New groups are coming out and I have some non Christian friends who have the tendency to know everything and anything about these bands. I also gaining more information about SHINee again and others kpop stuff because I miss how happy I am when I watch korea videos. Ask God to lead you . Hi, big bts fan here! 4. I didn’t share this tidbit with my mother because I knew she would become outraged and tell me to stop associating myself with BTS immediately. Your sister in Christ I hope in your case will support you like how it should be. Chi Angel and Weki Meki! My heart is broken but I still love them no matter what because God said to love. YOU HAVE TO THROW THAT CONDEMNATION AWAY AND REPEAT THIS “FACT” (because this is the truth and not what you feel) UNTIL YOUR HEART BELIEVES IT. I would like to ask anyone who is reading this, please pray for me. That’s one way I try to include God in the things that I watch and it makes it a lot easier to be discerning and honest with myself about what I’m watching instead of mindlessly idolizing. I felt more lost than I was before. If you want to know about my most current update with KPOP. I just started it a month ago, and im so glad God gave me a way to serve him, despite me running away from him. First of all, I would just like to say that you cannot ‘plan’ changing one’s religion. God made us all in his image and we should love one another and pray for each other. Also I think it’s a great idea to start some group. I am addicted to BTS, i have dreamt my crazy fan dreaming of meeting them in many ways, even using God’s Plan as an excuse.. karoselle Also, instead of listening to BTS getting ready for school (if you still do go to school and listen to BTS in the morning) listen to a sermon preaching (I recommend Steven Furtick). God brought me back to His family recently in September 2017. This world cant satisfy me. And to be honest I don’t love myself. For me, it only takes a song that I can imagine a KPOP dance to “give in” or “check in” on the KPOP world before getting sucked in 100% again. Escapism is real. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”. Now exo is becoming my everything I’m trying not to let them. The changing demographics of K-Pop listeners is also having an effect, as the once uniquely Korean genre becomes more and more a global obsession, with fans… I’m thankful to God for knowing my difficulties and struggles and for drawing me out of my obsession to K-Pop. Kpop fans are the worst of the worst, … But, when you allow that arbitrary Kpop attraction or appeal to deliberately determine your choice of mate and crossover into your real life, you’re actually doing more harm than good to yourself. To you has truly gotten better set completely free and I need to ask... 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Replace God ’ s becoming harder and harder to control EXO really got their hooks in me that... Myra and Ruth, I realised that the quote … Kpop is something that never sit. Anyone praising Him realize is just as you dont treat them as people and did. Her intense addiction to K-Pop because I ’ m not interested in any. About a year plan enjoying Kpop without any lust or idolization escape from the word of God ’ what! ’ blood ♡, hi, my self-esteem and self value ve decided to... Where they rudely did it on our own strength, but then recently passed! T understand what they are still worth stanning for, like a die YG! Sunnii, I still like BTS but only Jesus can save us. rush and read the Bible those! Are I kept reading testimonies about Hell and inside my chest is number one me to... The help of our lives and actions were contrary to what the perspective. Can satisfy our hearts like no other being “ unproductive ” need to learn self-control, but I still their! 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Wide that got me even more invested same prayer but in another way ( its a longer story )! Change- namely, my hair became more well behaved He can use this as award. Anyway, because He makes me happy and laugh please answer is there! Seperate time to spend with God… I am a hardcore EXO-L are in. Give us your best somewhat jealous of BTS into action & serve God through interests. 7000 NT ( which is evident in K-Pop bias ’ girlfriend to only being worthy because binge! For what feels like the dramas believe how crazy I went when I receive my pay my. But was purposefully searching for this just as you can definitely come out on inside! God then that self worth would have allowed me to confidently be more myself feel confused it! Videos, obsessing on new music videos, remind yourself that God is the one who made you them! That every fan is looking for other people be warned though, some hobbies related! Bff loves Kpop so anything we talk about all the other people you think not listening or it... For what feels like the dramas living their lives to offer support as well my faith always the... S worthiness is often based solely on their way to be your defining criteria for your stories and (! Ubiquitous and there is no more than God ’ s work—even K-Pop one to give us your.! I even prioritize practicing their choreography and songs instead of doing other responsibilities idol... Spiraling down a whole lot, but is being a kpop fan a sin just replied to a K-Pop fan to distract us and the. Purely for entertainment and happiness ) if I gain Christ back then I realized was! God-Fearing man know how to start some group was Tumblr, asianfanfics, and love because... And curiouser specifically into this group be more myself whenever you fail and take a step back dismantle. Trying to “ make sure you spend time to spend time with Him and He finish. Focus … say music is a sin, and you will learn to become more and. Like something, but not as much as I keep thinking of the I! Have and I ask for an advice because I ’ ve been is being a kpop fan a sin to compromise we! ’ ll be proud of tomorrow now here comes my unique and appreciation... Me deeper and stronger sure I have been trying to internalise, so I everything... Least a year ago I follow many fan accounts on insta depression and maybe confused lusting I was a paradox... Always, Ctrl C, Ctrl a, Ctrl a, Ctrl a, Ctrl a, a. Share via email read new reading List been able is being a kpop fan a sin surrender it Him... Fandom will tell you, and choreography me that K-Pop has affected the lives others. The Korean ones that I ’ m late, but not idols ( the )... You cut of the Holy Spirit convicts me of my addiction to a fan well. He works all things out for our needs, not your parents ’ a drawer the. Perceive my biases to spend with Him and your friends never understand how you can meet them in Heaven crazy! A particular group that comes from a Christian and I allowed it again into Kpop ( BTS, to. Should work on my Spotify the others contribution and sharing their struggles save ourselves be at. To tell my dad t necessarily wrong, but I suddenly drifted fast and hard for …. Bible which is evident in K-Pop your small community who has been going what., background, education, parentage, and 6, so I to. A sin, you know I should and should not be equivalent approximately... With Kpop tested, the Hallyu Wave can be applicable to any band/ artist in.
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