Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Use of elbow crutches for non-weight bearing 3 of 4 Descending:1. Elbow crutches usually have two adjustment points. HEY Email | About us Our Trust. To stand: • You should hold both your crutches in one hand. endobj
Introduction This leaflet has been produced to give you general information about how to use elbow crutches. If you have any problems with your crutches or have any queries then please contact the department in which your crutches were issued using the switchboard telephone line (01482) 875875. Note: Your walking pattern should be as normal as possible using one crutch. What is important is that your consent is genuine or valid. They will assess your personal requirements and will ensure that the equipment is the correct height, size and type for your needs. As you transfer your weight to the toes use the crutches to prevent you limping and bring the unaffected leg level with affected leg, The photographs above for partial weight bearing also demonstrate this technique, Stand up with the crutch on the side of the unaffected leg, Once standing, place the crutch one step in front of you to the side of your unaffected leg. Using crutches Crutches provide temporary support if you're struggling to balance or need to take weight off of one, or both, of your legs. 3 0 obj
Check that all the gold or silver buttons on your crutches (that adjust the height of the crutches) are sticking firmly out of the metal and are not pushed in. Put the affected leg forward first striking the heel to the floor, level or just behind the level of the crutches. Position the cuff one to two inches below your elbow, around the thickest part of your forearm. Place the crutches one step ahead, and continue moving forward 4. Use of elbow crutches for non-weight bearing Leaflet number: 397 Review due date: October 2021 Ensure the crutch is firmly on the step so that it cannot slip back off the edge. Full weight bearing (FWB) or weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT). Your physiotherapist or nurse will tell you how to use your elbow crutches. �d@# For further information visit the following page: Confidential Information about You. A physiotherapist will measure these and advise you on how to use them. For this, NHS helps patients by renting the crutches. Once your crutches have been set up, you should not need to adjust them. Toe touch weight bearing (TTWB) means the tips of your toes can rest on the floor but you still should not put any weight on them when attempting to stand, walking with crutches or sitting down. Put the affected leg forward first striking the heel to the floor, level or just behind the level of the crutches. The crutches available here are manufactured to a high standard, ensuring their robust quality. Many of the models here are frequently prescribed by the NHS. Under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 we are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any information we hold about you. When you are balanced repeat from step two. Do not move your feet in front of your crutches as this can make you unsteady 5. 1 Check the Padding and Grips Check the crutches to ensure they have ample cushion on the armpit, grips, and especially on the base that contacts the floor. Only use the crutches as you were instructed by the physiotherapists, Ensure you wear well fitted full shoes or slippers where able, Remove all obstacles including rugs and other trip hazards around the home, Take care when carrying bags. Crutches should hit about one to two inches below the armpit when you're standing straight and have the handles at wrist height, so that your elbows are slightly bent when you grasp them. Hull GP (01482) 300003, East Riding GP (01377) 208300. It is very important you follow this advice to give you the best chance of recovery. Take the weight through the arms, and then take the good leg the normal stepping distance past the crutches. This may be the physiotherapy department or fracture clinic if you have not yet been referred to a physiotherapy team. Non-weight bearing (NWB) means you should not put any weight through the affected leg when attempting to stand, walking with the crutches or sitting down. Your … Read More Elbow crutches Page 1 What are elbow crutches? You may like to read our basic guidelines for the use of crutches.. Assessment by a qualified Physiotherapist is recommended when considering walking and standing equipment. Safety It is important to check your elbow crutches regularly as over time they may get … When turning, make sure you step round with the elbow crutches in a small circle rather than twisting on the spot. Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust – runs a scheme to reuse returned walking aids, such as frames and crutches. Using elbow crutches 3 Regularly inspect equipment for signs of wear. f�>5鸝D�I���G��}�m�Al���4؉� When climbing the stairs you should follow the pattern below: When coming down the stairs you should follow the pattern below: If you have someone available to you it is usually easier if they carry the second crutch up or down the stairs for you, If this is not possible you can hold the second crutch in the same hand as the supporting crutch by making a cross with it at the handle. It will take a little time to get used to the crutches and so it is important you try not to rush. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your local department: Airedale General Hospital 01535 293656 Bingley Canalside 01274 221043 %PDF-1.5
All information is treated as strictly confidential and is not given to anyone who does not need it. Physiotherapists at the Royal Bolton Hospital have declared an amnesty for people to return elbow crutches that are no longer needed. Ensure the chair is lined up right behind you. Get set for crutches at Argos. Once in standing place both crutches one step in front of you, level with each other and bend the knee of your affected leg to ensure it stays off the ground. You may find that you need to adjust the height to suit you and make you most comfortable. The information you receive should be about your condition, the alternatives available to you, and whether it carries risks as well as the benefits. How to walk with elbow crutches: 1. Please contact the issuer of the crutches if you find any signs of wear. Use one crutch in the other hand. The following information will remind you how to use and care for your crutches. Firstly put the supporting crutch down onto the next step first, ensure the crutch is firmly on the step so that it cannot slip forward off the edge. Move your crutches onto the same step. This leaflet has been produced to give you general information about how to use elbow crutches. If there is no handrail available, keep your crutches with one either side of your body. Find out more about our specialist children's services. Please refer to Browsealoud Supported Voices and Languages. Here are some instructions on how to use your crutches. It is possible to use a swinging action with elbow crutches, but I think it'd be pretty difficult at 30 weeks pregnant. You have been provided with elbow crutches to help you walk safely whilst allowing you to protect the injured leg. | Adjust the height of the crutches so your elbow is at a slight bend and your back is straight (figure 1). Also check for any other signs of wear on the handles, cuffs or crutch poles themselves. You have been provided with elbow crutches to help you walk safely whilst allowing you to protect the injured leg. 2. When fully weight bearing or weight bearing as tolerated, it is possible for you to progress to one crutch to help you walk, if you feel able to do so. And the needy people can use them when they needed. If you have been referred on to a physiotherapy service for further assessment and treatment you can discuss any issues with the relevant physiotherapy team. Same Day delivery 7 days a week £3.95, or fast store collection. Sitting down. Push down through the crutches & hop up with your healthy leg onto the step, and then bring up your crutches. Put the affected leg forward first striking the heel to the floor, level or just behind the level of the crutches. Make sure the push buttons are secure and locked in place. Ensure you keep your toes off the floor, Now put weight through your crutches and bring the unaffected leg level with affected leg. The cuff is usually made of plastic and can be closed or a half-circle with an opening in the front, allowing the forearm to slip out in case of a fall. Partial weight bearing (PWB) means that you can put some weight on your affected leg; you will have been advised how much by the clinician that you saw. In order to make a decision, you need to have information from health professionals about the treatment or investigation which is being offered to you. Make sure the rubber stopper (ferrule) has sufficient grip and beware of slippery surfaces such as wet floors, wet leaves etc. Push down through your arms and crutches, hop or step your unaffected leg up to the crutches 3. Safe use of your elbow crutches: Elbow crutches should be used with the handle facing forwards. Arrange the crutches into a ‘H’ shape 3. Heel weight bearing (HWB) means you can place weight through your heel only when standing, walking with crutches or sitting down. We know how tricky it can be to use crutches in the right way so that they help you to recover as quickly as possible. Easily height adjusted to suit individual needs, they are available in a variety of colours and makes. You should grasp it between your forefingers so that the two crutches form a ‘T’ shape, or get someone to carry it up the stairs for you. The NHS has declared a 'crutch amnesty' to stop perfectly good hospital equipment 'littering living rooms' across the country. Keep repeating steps 1 and 2. %����
Information Leaflet NHS Foundation Trust Use of crutches Advice and safety You will either have been given elbow crutches (metal) or underarm crutches (wood). <>
It is important to obtain crutches that are comfortable for use and are in a safe and working condition. Place both your crutches slightly in front of, and out to the side of, your feet 2. 2. <>
A rucksack worn over both shoulders is the safest way to carry anything you need as this will ensure you are equally balanced, you must be given enough information to enable you to make a decision, you must be acting under your own free will and not under the strong influence of another person. Let your forearms and crutches take your weight as you swing your body forward. ~@-ɳF����G���=�
���Z��r3r�� ^z���J=�� �V����҂�Bϝώ.��U�����!䏸"w�D�A�. Returned items are examined, decontaminated and reused or recycled. At the other side place the crutches in a H shape in front of your leg and place your other hand on the crutch handles, Once standing, place one arm in the cuff of one of the crutches and, again, hold both crutch handles while you let go with the other hand and put this arm into the cuff, Now move the crutches into a walking position either side of the legs, Ensure the chair is lined up right behind you, Put both crutches together at one side of your body making the H shape as you did to stand up, Take one arm out and take hold of the crutch handles while you remove the other arm and place this on the crutch handles, Put the free arm on the chair to ensure it is stable for you to sit on and lower yourself down, Stand up on the unaffected leg keeping your affected foot off the floor. As you transfer your weight to the toes of your affected leg, put weight through your crutches and then bring the unaffected leg level with affected leg. Elbow crutches are used by slipping your arm into the cuff and holding the hand grip. Stand close to the handrail and hold with one hand. That means: We collect and use your information to provide you with care and treatment. Need some help choosing a language? Before any doctor, nurse or therapist examines or treats you, they must seek your consent or permission. Step down Keep the injured leg off the floor in front of you, and place the crutches on the step below. Move both crutches forward together the normal stepping distance keeping affected leg between the crutches. Hop forwards with your unaffected leg so that your body is level or just behind the crutches, Use the same technique as for NWB but instead of holding your knee bent, let the toes of your affected leg touch the floor, Stand up on the unaffected leg keeping the weight through the affected heel only. If any of these issues are noted then this could affect your safety and you should contact the department in which you are currently under the care of for this injury as soon as possible. 2 0 obj
If appropriate you will be given metal elbow crutches. 4. If you find that you are leaning heavily on the crutch it may be that you are not ready to progress to one crutch as yet. Once standing, place both crutches one step in front of you, level with each other. Hold onto the handrail with one hand and the crutch/crutches with the other hand. They are used to support you when walking. Non-weight bearing with elbow crutches 3 Step up Keep your injured leg off the floor, by bending your knee behind you. The picture illustrates that the crutch handle should be just above the wrist crease, level with the prominent ulna bone. Put the heel of the affected leg level or just behind the level of the crutches. Step or hop up with your good leg first, supporting the affected leg with the handrail and the crutch, Now bring your affected leg up onto the step (if you are non-weight bearing do not put weight through this leg) followed by the crutch. When we give you the crutches, we will measure them so they are the right size for you. Your information may also be used to help train staff, to check the quality of our care, to manage and plan the health service, and to help with research. Generally, elbow crutches are used by people who can partially weight bear.
h�uU��c1m�bc�$� ����jK���=�cY!���v�!�7. As you take weight on to the toes of the affected leg put some weight on the crutch and step the unaffected leg through. Wherever possible we use anonymous data. Take one arm out and take hold of the crutch handles while you remove the other arm and place this on the crutch handles. Hold your crutches on your good side. Grip the handles firmly. ?�ӓi��37��VE )̥3�-�z�K\��V�5��e�6���P�\Eх����ؚ��ak�*'l7�٭�5 9���u����_��E)R�N? We may pass on relevant information to other health organisations that provide you with care. Ensure you have no upper limb injuries that may be aggravated through the use of crutches. 4 0 obj
It will take a little time to get used to the crutches and so it is important you try not to rush. If you have any concerns please ask your doctor, or the person caring for you. 3. If you or your carer needs information about your health and wellbeing and about your care and treatment in a different format, such as large print, braille or audio, due to disability, impairment or sensory loss, please advise a member of staff and this can be arranged. Remove both arms from the crutches, stand on the good leg with the affected leg in front of you. x��Zmo�� ���b��/��va���-���e�)��}pl�V�X��l��R�HɔU㰈W�8Cr���3#��T���rU���o~���j��ɷ�۲����o����rS�uQ�r�����*Β0�I�(aF�0�xJ�ޜEa�dd�|}u��y��c�$_���ϟ�ȍgʇ�02�Ґ��2N�daBNØY��f������$O�WT/�$,�� IF���dD6����o�{�3�dz|_�O���zV7(����w��뫟:����E2��V�mF,�ѽ��'��š�Y��=��|����:��7A ���V�0�������%'m�;�b��0���Y�)*E_��L�z�Q��^�x�� �g{��� c�)�6s�GW;+��n'��V��(J���}�$��+�D���X*C�&�|1g���$���y�"Eq����v1���#��"y�#�[-m�Ʋ~��~��}���&�3���fa���su • Stand close to the handrail and hold on with one hand. Remove the crutch nearest to the handrail/banister and place it on the outside in the opposite hand. Our Elbow Crutches category contains a wide variety of crutches that provide temporary support to help with balance or to take the weight off one or both legs. In fact where I work (I'm a physio) I can't remember the last time I saw a pair. © 2020 Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Browsealoud Supported Voices and Languages, Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation (EMSA), Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response, Care Quality Commission: Fundamental Standards, Trust Board Statement: Countering fraud and bribery in the NHS. Now using the support of the handrail and the crutch put your affected leg down towards the same step (if you are non-weight bearing do not put weight through this leg), Lastly, step or hop the unaffected leg down onto the same step as the affected one, If there is no handrail available, use your crutches with one either side of your body. Push down through your arms and crutches, hop or step your unaffected leg up to the crutches 3. Advice about Elbow crutches. Position yourself in front of the chair ready to sit down. Figure 1 – Crutches Setup Who we are and what we do Values and behaviours Sustainability Equality and diversity Our pledge on safety Tackling fraud ... How to use crutches GHPI0023_03_19. The clinician you see will ensure the elbow crutches are the correct height for you. Consultants. These returned crutches are being reused. The NHS very rarely supply underarm crutches these days as people were using them incorrectly and getting shoulder and nerve problems. <>>>
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Forearm, or elbow crutches have a cuff that encircles your forearm and a handgrip that you hold onto. NHS video calling. NHS expects that you return the crutches when you are not needed but if you need this for a lifetime you can use this. Hold on to both of the crutches in your other hand. To do this, keep your arm in the grey cuff of the crutch supporting you on the other side to … You can translate this page by using the headphones button (bottom left) and then select the globe to change the language of the page. These crutches are … As part of your care, information about you will be shared between members of a healthcare team, some of whom you may not meet. Keep the injured leg off the floor and in front of … There are some photographs over the page to demonstrate the process. It is important you do not adjust this height as it may affect your posture and lead to pain elsewhere. You should watch all of them. Lean weight onto the hands and swing through the crutches keeping your weight forward. endobj
Take as much weight on your affected leg as you can. Put both crutches together at one side of your body making the H shape as you did to stand up. We have therefore prepared some videos that will guide you. Pattie | �Iĝ�r�~,�a�؆ �H���۬(=��RR�H���/>���Q�J)�Q��i��q�&aǒ`�{�}0g��r�c�%%���&���-^,�o���R;|�(C�Cݫ�J�"gO���p�=�V)�Z�. The patients who have not to need crutches anymore give their crutches to the NHS. Push down on the crutches and step up with your good leg. Place the crutches one step ahead, and continue moving forward 4. Most of your questions should have been answered by this leaflet, but remember that this is only a starting point for discussion with the healthcare team. Your clinician will advise you on whether you can put weight through the affected leg whilst using the crutches; this will depend on the type of injury you have sustained. Do not move your feet in front of your crutches as this can make you unsteady 5. The metal crutches cost £7.50 a pair which doesn’t seem a lot, but in the last financial year (April 2016 to the end of March 2017) 1296 of the 2224 pairs issued by A and E and plaster theatre were not returned, at a cost of £9720. 2. Move to the front of your chair 2. Stand up with weight on both feet but favouring your unaffected side. The section below give a step by step guide to how to use the elbow crutches depending on what weight you are allowed to put through the affected leg. Place the crutch tips one step in front of you while standing on your uninjured foot. Elbow Crutches when Weight Bearing Introduction You have recently been given elbow crutches for your own use. To ensure you do not injure your shoulders or elbows it is important you stand up and sit down following the advice below. Elbow crutches are mobility aids designed to take weight off your lower limbs by increasing the weight you put through your upper limbs. Put the other hand on the chair arm, and using the chair and crutches for support, sit down. TURNING . Please browse our complete range below. Lift your unaffected leg up … If you are given crutches by a healthcare professional pay attention to their advice on how to use them. walk with your crutches and to go up and down stairs. You should always ask them more questions if you do not understand or if you want more information. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Place both your crutches slightly in front of, and out to the side of, your feet 2. Always use the crutches as advised by the healthcare practitioner. ESR Self Service and Payslip. How to use crutches. The crutches should be moved one pace forward and shoulder width apart. Most models of crutches are available in adjustable lengths, ensuring they can be set for maximum comfort for the user. They can feel more stable and secure than a walking stick, but less than a walking frame. Has declared a 'crutch amnesty ' to stop perfectly good Hospital equipment 'littering living '! Push buttons are secure and locked in place moving forward 4 in place sufficient grip and beware slippery. Your affected leg put some weight on your affected leg as you take weight on your uninjured foot contact issuer... Take weight off your lower limbs by increasing the weight through your arms crutches! Therapist examines or treats you, level with the handle facing forwards off your lower by. 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