Another major development in the baptismal tradition began to unfold in the second and third centuries. Wolfgang Sending love and best wishes for Ella’s baptism.” “Wishing you joy as Aidan is dedicated. Following are a number of these doctrine. 31:17). “ye shall be baptized {notice the passive voice} with holy spirit …” ). 3:27 John replied, 56 “No one can receive anything unless it has been given to him from heaven. By the way, what is the NT practice of baptism? There is absolutely nothing so far that could even make me entertain your belief . (accessed March 30, 2013). I never knew water baptism for the remission of sins was associated with anything but Christianity. There was much controversy over this practice and in the second century Tertullian argued against it in his work, De baptismo, saying, “Why should innocent infancy come with haste to the remission of sins?”[12] However, within thirty years of his publication, two influential theologians Hippolytus and Origen wrote that infant baptism was an acceptable practice, and derived its origin and authority from the apostles. what did they mean with what they said (since according to your above twist with employing “historical evidence” does not directly address what John and Jesus did say? The purpose of Holy Baptism. Over time, Watchtower has changed the question asked prior to immersion, replacing "holy spirit" with "spirit-directed organization," and then removing reference to the "holy spirit" altogether. Veteran Australian travel writer John Borthwick looks at how far we’ve come (and gone). Those in the Baptist denomination fall into this category. The Bible compares baptism to burial.Romans 6:4; By the third and fourth centuries, baptism involved catechetical instruction as well as chrismation, exorcisms, laying on of hands, and recitation of a creed. Did not Peter command people to be baptized in water even if as you say he didnt follow through and would that not be a false teaching if he followed through? He left because the pharisees had found out he was baptizing more than John. God was teaching Peter a lesson by showing Peter not to prejudge people on race because even some non jews have had Faith in God without the conversion to judaism. All who profess to be followers of Christ are directly confronted with the practice of baptism. In fact, most godparents are not required to be religious. The fact that water is used for baptism signifies that there is a true cleansing that takes place. Photo by John O’Hara If you can, remember back to what the practice of Baptism was like 50 … [13] The practice of infant baptism became a firmly entrenched norm in the fifth century, when Augustine of Hippo popularized the doctrine of original sin. How Christening and Baptism Has Changed Over the Last Several Centuries. “Being a eunuch from Ethiopia he most likely was initially a Gentile, but seeing that he had gone to Jerusalem for seemingly religious reasons, it seems to me that he was a proselyte to Judaism, which is supported further by the fact that he was reading the OT Scriptures”. Feel free to disagree with us as we all work together to discover the truth of Scripture. Today, the acts of christening and baptism have changed drastically within the past few centuries. Nowhere does it state to the exclusion of the other so where do you get one has to replace the other. Jesus' baptism site overlooking the Jordan River, 6 miles north of the Dead Sea. Wolfgang Why Does My Baby’s Chin Quiver Occasionally? But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head into the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit.”[4]. Q: How have the seven sacraments changed over time? [11] Tertullian, De baptismo, XVIII. It’s a washing away of sin and death. I would think that context would determine which shade of meaning is utilized, The first recorded baptisms were immersions performed by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. I’ve not read any such instruction …”, 1 “When therefore the LORD knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, 2 (Though Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples,)”. Did you ever go into the water at a river side or perhaps at an ocean beach? I wholly agree with you, Sheryl. Since the text clearly says that THEY (that is, the one baptizing and the one being baptized, and not just the one being baptized) “went down into the water” and “came up out of the water”, it would seem that according to your understanding of these expressions in this record is that BOTH the one baptizing and the one being baptized are “completely immersed” ??! 4. 2. Over the last century, technology has created more jobs than it has displaced. why wasnt this figured out earlier if what you say about those 2 verses is clear? All believers are baptized with holy spirit by the Lord, yet not all do utilize holy spirit in manifestation …. The water baptism carried out prior to Pentecost was John’s baptism with water … thus it should be obvious that the disciples continued in those early days of Jesus’ ministry to baptize others with John’s baptism (remember, according to John and Jesus there was no other water baptism being performed ! Personal first hand testimonials that witness eachother are not outsider conclusions. but he was right that it didnot mention water so we must assume since there was no HS and no water used they must have used SAND or some new way not mentioned else where. So we agree that there is water baptism post-Pentecost. [16] Richert, Scott P. “The Sacrament of Baptism .” About.Com: Catholicism. They say people detest change but we are changing things all the time, our styles, our likes and dislikes,etc. Which to be fair was a legitimate point he made. I believe Wierwelle was wrong about some things he taught, but that he was spot on about many things. But one thing is without a doubt is under Jesus’ authority they were watervbaptizing more than what was being done under John’s authority as these verses state. (And so you or others don’t quickly jump on this paragraph and claim “See, he defends Wierwille doctrine”, I am not defending Wierwille doctrine at all … no more so, than some of you are defending Buzzard doctrine or perhaps the Pope of Rome’s doctrines, etc …). Thanks The verse should be read in a manner that is consistent with the rest of the NT practice of baptism. will be taking a break for a while from participating with posts … have other things to do. Proper baptism is a big subject. This type of experience generally occurs via a non practising Christian or Catholic who simply wants another option for their child. so then what about the rather clear words of John the baptist and the lord Jesus? which shows the Holy Spirit was not a part of their baptism but he was right that it didnot mention water so we must assume since there was no HS and no water used they must have used SAND or some new way not mentioned else where. The media used have changed relatively little; though new materials have appeared in this century, the conventional media continue to be used. ” Yes, there is …. Since water baptism was for remission of sins just as animal sacrifices were for ,since the head of the family could make this offering I dont see a problem and not sure a married woman or a daughter would be required. have a look in the mirror …. “John baptized {notice the active voice} with water …” and with holy spirit baptism he only mentions that they would receive it (i.e. Please Note: These free will donations are not counted toward membership fees. So by your assumption the Apostles and disciples performed and taught a false teaching for 3 years after pentecost? A.D. 200-258) defends the practice of sprinkling in cases of illness, writing: “You have asked also, dearest son, what I thought of those who obtain God’s grace in sickness and weakness, whether they are to be accounted legitimate Christians, for that they are not to be washed, but sprinkled, with saving water…In the sacrament of salvation, when necessity compels, and God bestows his mercy, the divine methods confer whole benefits on believers; nor ought it to trouble anyone that sick people seemed to be sprinkled or affused, when they obtain the Lord’s grace.”[5]. Updated ed. Could it be that Wierwille was perhaps right on a few things on which you guys are wrong ??? So should I follow your thought or theirs?? (Matthew 3: 13, 16) Likewise, an Ethiopian man asked to be baptized when coming to “a body of water.” —Acts 8: 36- 40. I have took the time to research his teachings and methods and yes he was close on a few things but they were not his original revelations but his belief on baptism is clearly dismissed by many clear passages which you were trained to twist or ignore. Over time the Church has built on their requirements to be initiated into the Christian faith; from needing a sponsor for 2 - 3 years to changing occupation if not accepted by the Church. I do not know why people reading the records somehow do not see this … most likely it has to do with being pre-occupied with “WATER baptism” due to their own experience and church teachings etc …, Being a eunuch from Ethiopia he most likely was initially a Gentile, but seeing that he had gone to Jerusalem for seemingly religious reasons, it seems to me that he was a proselyte to Judaism, which is supported further by the fact that he was reading the OT Scriptures. Iam not sure if anyone is disputing there is also a spiritual cleasing also after pentecost for those baptized in their faith. Only “those judged worthy “to hear the word” became catechumens, and for as long as three years they were instructed and exorcised, and their behavior was observed.”[6] Following the probationary period, catechumens were eligible to be baptized and receive a full membership into the church. Over time, Watchtower has changed the question asked prior to immersion, replacing "holy spirit" with "spirit-directed organization," and then removing reference to the "holy spirit" altogether. Everyday citizens are opting for a godparent to care for their child instead of hoping for the best or for a relative to take their child in if anything were to happen to them. the former is done with water, the other with holy spirit ! Personal first hand testimonials that witness eachother are not outsider conclusions. Like I said Most were allready baptized in the name of Jesus, “It seems more massive “un-training” is needed to see the rather simple truth revealed in Scripture”. Reread post 1. An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. Water baptism was valid before pentecost. After baptism with holy spirit by the one who was to come after John became reality, baptism with water is irrelevant … certainly, someone who has repented and believe in Christ has been baptized by him with holy spirit, whether or not that person then subjects himself to a water baptism by a preacher doesn’t change anything …. Th is review also seeks to expose prevailing themes, key infl uences, and new developments. The coming of the HS as baptism is just figurative . Jesus said unless one is born of water (natural birth) and spirit (spiritual re-birth) he cannot enter the kingdom. The Water that Divides: The Baptism Debate. But again, I am not arguing the method here but the simple fact that water is present in Christian baptism. The incident with Philip and the eunuch is “out of the normal” in that the eunuch desired to go into the creek and wanted to be baptized, it was not that Philip did any teaching too the eunuch about the need for a water baptism …, In all the other accounts about anyone being baptized after Pentecost in Acts, the matter is stated in the passive voice, there is only mention that those who believed “were baptized [in the name of the Lord Jesus]” with no mention of water or any mention of a person who did the baptizing (as was the case with baptisms prior to Pentecost, where we read about John baptizing, etc.) Baptism in the New Testament was a simple affair that involved a complete immersion in water. The only thing I am unclear of is does he believe the Holy Spirit can not come upon someone before or after water baptism. I did not know that the river Jordan was a still water …. Jas said, “Wierwelle was close on a few things”. And not just … Jesus commanded to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Wolfgang Infant Baptism: How My Mind Has Changed 1 By Dennis E. Johnson. What Peter understood the day after pentecost carries 100 times validity as what you claim from misunderstand 2 verses. Maybe you dont understand the events spoken in John were pre-pentecost . Baptism by immersion in water represents the death and burial of the old man of sin, and a type of resurrection to walk in newness of life. Which leads me to conclude that God looks at our heart and how we conduct our lives rather than whether we got our hair wet at baptism, or spoke in tongues when receiving the holy spirit. Wolfgang He left because the pharisees had found out he was baptizing more than John. If they had been baptized by John or in his name the author would no reason to contrast the 2. Of course you ignore the context of my question because you can not answer it. Born of water is natural birth. Okay, so there’s no water involved in Acts 8? Wolfgang answered the question before you even ask it. However, between Jesus’ time and 2012 the ritual itself has been altered significantly to become what is practiced in our Christian churches today. (accessed March 29. Later, in the book of Acts, Phillip preaches the gospel to an Ethiopian eunuch as he rode along in his chariot. I don’t! Wolfgang admitted the enuch was baptized with water but according to him it was the enuchs idea alone. home > changed teachings > baptism. in addition to the “total immersion” claim, I also brought up the important point of what John the baptist and Jesus had to say about baptism with water and baptism with spirit . Development of Confirmation in the Roman Church. It was a single immersion in water following a person’s repentance and belief in the gospel of the kingdom and the name of Jesus. anyone can go about as many times as they want to into whatever water they desire … fully immersed, half immersed, sprinkled over the head or any other way … BUT if they follow some false teaching about the supposed importance or utmost necessity of water baptism in order to be a true believer in Christ, they are mistaken and perhaps believe to be or to have something with God and man which they don’t because it has nothing whatever to do with water baptism. 5. After receiving the gospel joyfully, “he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him” (Acts 8:38). And since baptism is a sacrament, it accomplishes that which it signifies. As a materialistic concept of the baptismal water entered the church, the significance of the … The fact is the verse does not deny Jesus baptized his disciples himself personally while his disciple baptized others in his name. There is nothing wrong with selecting another method, such as a baby-naming ceremony or foregoing such traditions altogether, however, as religion played a far larger part in the old world than it does today. Although new subject matter has evolved, the human condition, nature, and events still continue to capture the attention of artists. So, instead of a regular ritual immersion that’s done every time that you would go up and worship, the Christians took this same practice of physical immersion into a body of water for the purposes of spiritual purification and adopted this as baptism. I have no idea whether full immersion is required or not but when I get baptized it will be by full immersion. Hippolytus describes the baptismal ceremony which he considered to be “apostolic,” in his book Apostolic Tradition, written around AD 215. So I do understand what God was saying to Peter about what God has made clean is already clean enough to have the Holy Spirit come upon them. Paleolithic Era Engineering in this era was very basic, things like bone and stone tools were used to gather and refine resources. From what both John and Jesus have clearly said about the matter of “baptism”, water baptism happened as ordained of God during John the Baptist’s ministry, while Christ (the one who came after John) would not baptize with water but with holy spirit! When John baptized Jesus after came the first giving of the HS which dwelt with a human. In the West, Affusionbecame the no… Professor of Practical Theology Westminster Theological Seminary in California In 1994 one of our daughters, while away from home attending college, asked me to explain the rationale I saw in … For better or worse, travel—how we do it, why we do it, where we do it, and when we do it—has changed a lot over the decades. “Where do you think the several thousand people could be fully immersed in water at the Temple?”. for neither states anything about John’s water baptism continuing and a baptism with holy spirit being added to it. Xavier, Changing Baptism Arrangement Jesus commanded to baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ... Magna Carta has not changed over time, it was signed in 1215, full stop. Where do you think the several thousand people could be fully immersed in water at the Temple? The apostles carried out what Jesus had instructed them to do … they taught and spoke those things which Jesus had taught them concerning himself, and as people believed they were baptized by the lord with holy spirit. This column presents an overview of ways in which technology and innovation are changing the nature of work, leading to demand for advanced cognitive skills and greater adaptability among workers. Who was Jesus who had been given authority to do so From Heaven, “You would be better off to forget about believing and relying on second hand outsider “conclusions” … and to simply acknowledge that you personally don’t know a lousy thing about the man, instead of making a fool of yourself by repeating others’ false assumptions”. Once again, it is clear that this baptism was by immersion, for the Bible records that they “went down into the water” and “came up out of the water” (Acts 8:38, 39). Once again, it is clear that this baptism was by immersion, for the Bible records that they “went down into the water” and “came up out of the water” (Acts 8:38, 39), None of these records actually say anything about “a complete immersion”!! Maybe this is what Peter and John was sent to find out. Any one-time donation to the Bart Ehrman Foundation helps conquer hunger and homelessness. Peter did NOT say anything like “Folks, repent and then let’s all go down to Jordan where we will then perform a baptism with water with each one of you” … or did he? I think that every organization/religion has evolved over time. In baptism there is a real sense of being joined with other believers, not just participating in an individual act of our own spiritual journey. “Didache.” Early Christian Writings. at one occasion, quite extra-ordinary as well, seeing that it involved Gentiles for the first time, Peter – as it seems due to excitement and astonishment at what was happening – forgot what the Lord had told them and did command water baptism … However, as Peter himself states, he then did remember (thus obviously, he had previously not remembered or forgotten) what the lord had said about water baptism and spirit baptism … and since the narrative nowhere states that Peter’s command was carried out, it seems that he remembered rather soon after he had issued the command and the command was never carried out (for it was totally unnecessary for those folks who already had been baptized by the Lord with spirit to undergo a water baptism. People responded to his call for repentance in light of the coming kingdom by “being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins” (Matt 3:6). Maybe an adult unmarried would have to do this. certainly, water was involved in John’s baptism …. But in these three examples, we can infer some important things to consider. The Rosary we pray today is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the Rosary Catholics prayed centuries ago. your ignorance — despite all your supposed study and investigation — shows once again! Xavier Speaking and interpreting tongues were a teaching tool for the disciples. How Christening and Baptism Has Changed Over the Last Several Centuries. How Engineering Has Changed Over Time. Wolfgang Some parents simply dress their child in a plain white shirt and a pair of trousers made for infants. [1] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: New American Standard Bible. They confessed their sins directly to God. (or was this not even your idea, but someone else’s idea whose monitoring this thread in the background and has indoctrinated you to pull out this “Wierwille” talk to distract from the plain argumentation from Scripture? By the way, quite often those are worse than the false assumptions of ignorant outsider conclusions. A new family: Baptism also connects us to the “body of Christ” – his people in the earth. Could it be John was decreasing while Jesus was increasing. Joh 4,1-2 says Jesus baptized more disciples then John which either means they were baptized by him or in his name. And like many devotions, it has evolved over time. plus cities are built around a major water supply . But saving faith is distinct from baptism, and it is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that saves, not baptism. Some faiths insists that all godparents receive their own baptism before taking on the role, though this requirement is not enforced throughout all of the parishes. Every year God required a sacrifice to renew the covenat because sin voided your part of the Agreement. I think that every organization/religion has evolved over time. Maybe if you would have been there you could have enlightened them about the things Jesus taught them personally .You could have been a super apostle to them. The Bible is clear: salvation does not come by works or sacraments, but rather by grace through the obedience of faith. John the Baptist, who is considered a forerunner to Christianity, used baptism … Therefore, it is essential to return to the biblical understanding of baptism, lest one be misled and lulled into a false assurance of salvation. Changing Baptism Arrangement. Unbelievable blinded! Clearly, the church has strayed from the simple tradition set forth in the Bible. “still worship” ? [8] Bridge, Donald, and David Phypers. Pm ET s death, burial, and resurrection baptisms taking place twist. 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