Dual-Slope Analog to Digital Converters - ADC are available at Mouser Electronics. At the end of the fixed time period t1, the ramp output of integrator is given by The tests use a DP832 to supply rail voltages (+/- … The binary counter gives corresponding digital value for time period t2. MCU, and a discrete dual-slope ADC. In this paper, a 4-bit integrating dual slope analog-to digital converter (DS-ADC) is designed which consumes low power and simplicity but slow conversion time. Figure-5 depicts block diagram of Dual Slope Integrating type ADC. In dual slope type ADC, the integrator generates two different ramps, one with the known analog input voltage VA and another with a known reference voltage –Vref. Advantages: It is more accurate ADC type among all. The block diagram of an ADC is shown in the following figure −. Dual Slope A/D Converters. Component Dual-slope ADCs are used in applications demanding high accuracy. Hence it is called a s dual slope A to D converter. The principle way they convert analog to digital values is by using an integrator. The analog modulator is somewhat similar to a dual-slope ADC, however using a 1-bit DAC as a feedback loop. This chapter discusses about the Indirect type ADC. Dual Slope Analog to Digital Converter This type of an ADC is known as the dual slope ADC because it integrates and deintegrates a voltage signal with the help of a reference voltage, Vref. This works for bother the large and small slopes. dual slope integrating type ADC. Figure 3. At this instant, the output of the counter will be displayed as the digital output. The slope and direction of the signal at x Dual Slope Analog to Digital Converter This type of an ADC is known as the dual slope ADC because it integrates and deintegrates a voltage signal with the help of a reference voltage, Vref. Figure-5 depicts block diagram of Dual Slope Integrating type ADC. DUAL SLOPE ADC. Now, the control logic disables the clock signal generator and retains (holds) the counter value. For n bit dual slop type of ADC, Vr = ( 2 n /N ) * Va Total time for conversion of input Va is expressed as follows: Total Time = (2 n + N)* T CLK. The dual slope ADC is one of several devices that work in this way. The voltage is … High-speed ADC circuits. A dual-slope ADC, on the other hand, averages together all the spikes and dips within the integration period, thus providing an output with greater noise immunity. A dual-slope ADC, on the other hand, averages together all the spikes and dips within the integration period, thus providing an output with greater noise immunity. This chapter discusses about it in detail. Usually the dual slope ADC is thus a little simpler and needs less precision resistors. Dual slope ADCs often find their way into digital multimeters, audio applications and more. ∴VA=-Vref×t1/t2. The dual slope ADC mainly consists of 5 blocks: Integrator, Comparator, Clock signal generator, Control logic and Counter. The dual slope ADC is used in the applications, where accuracy is more important while converting analog input into its equivalent digital (binary) data. Dual-slope ADC integrator output waveforms The input signal is applied to an integrator; at the same time a counter is started, counting clock pulses. It requires both positive and negative power supplies. The actual conversion of analog voltage VA into a digital count occurs during time t2. When compared to other types of ADC techniques, the dual-slope method is slow but is quite adequate for a digital voltmeter used for laboratory measurements. A block diagram of the circuit (Figure 1) includes a single primary Li cell, a millivolt-output bridge sensor, a differential amplifier, and the dual-slope ADC, plus correction circuitry for offset, zero, and span. As a minimum, each device contains the integrator, zero crossing comparator and proc essor interface logic. This works for bother the large and small slopes. ∴t2=-t1×VA/Vref After a predetermined amount of time (T), a reference voltage having opposite polarity is applied to the integrator. Where Vref & RC are constants and time period t2 is variable. The voltage is input and allowed to “run up” for a period of time. The basic sigma-delta modulator design can … Dual Slope type ADC 5. It integrates an unknown voltage for a fixed time and disintegrates for variable time using a reference voltage. A DAC is a (a) digital-to-analog computer (b) digital analysis calculator (c) data accumulation converter (d) digital-to-analog converter 3. In the tests below however I’m using the small slopes only. The negative ramp continues for a fixed time period t1, which is determined by a count detector for the time period t1. Single-Slope Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Conversion By Stephen Ledford CSIC Product Engineering Austin, Texas Introduction The most common implementation for analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion among Motorola microcontrollers is the successive approximation (SAR) method. ∴Vref/RC×t2=-VA/RC×t1 Dual-Slope ADC Architecture A dual-slope ADC (DS-ADC) integrates an unknown input voltage (V IN) for a fixed amount of time (T INT), then "de-integrates" (T DEINT) using a known reference voltage (V REF) for a variable amount of time (see Figure 2). The TC500 is 10 mW precision analog front end with dual slope analog-to-digital converter. I’ve written code to drive the ADC board in a basic dual slope configuration. The principle way they convert analog to digital values is by using an integrator. This does not mean, however, that the values of R and C are unimportant in the design of a dual-slope integrating ADC (as will be explained below). Hence the 4-bit counter value is 5000, and by activating the decimal point of MSD seven segment displays, the display can directly read as 5V. What is an analog-to-digital converter? The analog input voltage VA is integrated by the inverting integrator and generates a negative ramp output. Dual slope ADCs are accurate but not terribly fast. For example, consider the clock frequency is 1 MHz, the reference voltage is -1V, the fixed time period t1 is 1ms and the RC time constant is also 1 ms. The TC500A is identical to the TC500, except it has improved linearity allowing it to operate to a maximum resolution of 17 bits. The device contains the integrator, zero crossing comparator and processor interface logic, and requires both positive and negative power supplies. Dual slope ADCs are accurate but not terribly fast. For n bit dual slop type of ADC, Vr = ( 2 n /N ) * Va Total time for conversion of input Va is expressed as follows: Total Time = (2 n + N)* T CLK. The logic diagram for the same is shown below. In the previous chapter, we discussed about what an ADC is and the examples of a Direct type ADC. When compared to other types of ADC techniques, the dual-slope method is slow but is quite adequate for a digital voltmeter used for laboratory measurements. The dual slope DAC can use the same resistor and is this more stable in ADC gain. Input types may be differential, pseudo differential or single-ended. Dual Slope A/D Converters. Control logic pushes the switch sw to connect to the external analog input voltage $V_{i}$, when it is received the start commanding signal. One of the many interesting architectures available is the dual-slope integrator. I’ve written code to drive the ADC board in a basic dual slope configuration. Dual-slope ADCs are used in applications demanding high accuracy. A dual-slope ADC, on the other hand, averages together all the spikes and dips within the integration period, thus providing an output with greater noise immunity. Figure 2. Contents show Why is ADC needed? Dual slope ADC is the best example of an Indirect type ADC. single phase full wave controlled rectifier, single phase half wave controlled rectifier, three phase full wave controlled rectifier, non saturated type precision half wave rectifier, adjustable negative voltage regulator ics, three terminal adjustable voltage regulator ics, three terminal fixed voltage regulator ics, transfer function and characteristic equation, Power Dissipation minimization Techniques, Rules for Designing Complementary CMOS Gates, ASM Chart Tool for Sequential Circuit Design, Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Machines, Design of Asynchronous Sequential Machine, Design Procedure for Asynchronous Sequential Circuits, Modes of Asynchronous Sequential Machines, Application Specific Integrated Circuits ASIC, parallel in to parallel out pipo shift register, parallel in to serial out piso shift register, serial in to parallel out sipo shift register, serial in to serial out siso shift register, Proj 1 Modulator for digital terrestrial television according to the DTMB standard, Proj 3 Router Architecture for Junction Based Source Routing, Proj 4 Design Space Exploration Of Field Programmable Counter, Proj 7 Hardware Software Runtime Environment for Reconfigurable Computers, Proj 8 Face Detection System Using Haar Classifiers, Proj 9 Fast Hardware Design Space Exploration, Proj 10 Speeding Up Fault Injection Campaigns on Safety Critical Circuits, Proj 12 Universal Cryptography Processorfor Smart Cards, Proj 13 HIGH SPEED MULTIPLIER USING SPURIOUS POWER SUPPRESSION, Proj 14 LOSSLESS DATA COMPRESSION HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE, Proj 15 VLSI Architecture For Removal Of Impulse Noise In Image, Proj 16 PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURES FOR MULTIMEDIA, Proj 17 High Speed Multiplier Accumulator Using SPST, Proj 18 Power Efficient Logic Circuit Design, Proj 21 Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits, Proj 22 AMBA AHB compliant Memory Controller, Proj 23 Ripple Carry and Carry Skip Adders, Proj 24 32bit Floating Point Arithmetic Unit, Proj 26 ON CHIP PERMUTATION NETWORK FOR MULTIPROCESSOR, Proj 27 VLSI Systolic Array Multiplier for signal processing Applications, Proj 28 Floating point Arithmetic Logic Unit, Proj 30 FFT Processor Using Radix 4 Algorithm, Proj 36 Solar Power Saving System for Street Lights and Automatic Traffic Controller, Proj 37 Fuzzy Based Mobile Robot Controller, Proj 38 Realtime Traffic Light Control System, Proj 39 Digital Space Vector PWM Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter, Proj 40 Complex Multiplier Using Advance Algorithm, Proj 41 Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for Image Compression, Proj 42 Gabor Filter for Fingerprint Recognition, Proj 43 Floating Point Fused Add Subtract and multiplier Units, Proj 44 ORTHOGONAL CODE CONVOLUTION CAPABILITIES, Proj 45 Flip Flops for High Performance VLSI Applications, Proj 46 Low Power Video Compression Achitecture, Proj 47 Power Gating Implementation with Body Tied Triple Well Structure, Proj 48 UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER TRANSMITTER, Proj 49 LOW POWER MULTIPLIER USING COMPOUND CONSTANT DELAY LOGIC, Proj 50 Flash ADC using Comparator Scheme, Proj 51 High Speed Floating Point Addition and Subtraction, Proj 52 LFSR based Pseudorandom Pattern Generator for MEMS, Proj 53 Power Optimization of LFSR for Low Power BIST, Proj 57 Chip For Prepaid Electricity Billing, Proj 58 High Speed Network Devices Using Reconfigurable Content Addressable Memory, Proj 64 UTMI AND PROTOCOL LAYER FOR USB2.0, Proj 65 5 stage Pipelined Architecture of 8 Bit Pico Processor, Proj 66 Controller Design for Remote Sensing Systems, Proj 69 SINGLE CYCLE ACCESS STRUCTURE FOR LOGIC TEST, 2 Bit Parallel or Flash Analog to Digital Converter, 3 Bit Flash Type Analog to Digital Converter, AMPLITUDE MODULATION AND DEMODULTION USING BJT AMPLIFIER AND DIODE DETECTOR, A statistical comparison of binary weighted and R 2R 4 Bit DAC, Asynchronous Device for Serial Data Transmission and Reception for android data transmission, Audio Amplifier circuit with noise filtering, AUTOMATIC RESISTANCE METER FOR 3 PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR DESIGN AND SIMULATION, Bistable Multivibrator using Asymmetrical Mosfet Triggering, Design and Modelling of Notch Filter using Universal Filter FLT U2, Design and Phase Frequency Detector Using Different Logic Gates in CMOS Process Technology, DESIGN OF OP AMP USING CMOS WITH IMPROVED PARAMETERS, DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER USING 8 BIT WEIGHTED RESISTORS, HARTLEY AND COLPITTS OSCILLATOR USING OPAMP, Heart Beat sensor using Photoplethysmography, MOSFET driver circuit to interface MOSFETs with microcontroller for high speed application, Regulated DC Power Supply using Series Voltage Regulator, Short Range radio Transmitter and Receiver, Small Range Digital Thermometer using 1N4148, Three Phase Inverter using MOSFET to drive BLDC motor and general three phase Load, THREE STAGE AMPLIFIER WITH CURRENT LIMITER, Truly random and Pseudorandom Data Generation with Thermal Noise, Proj 1 DESIGN OF FIR FILTER USING SYMMETRIC STRUCTURE, Proj 3 Designing an Optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller of a DC Motor, Proj 4 Brain Tumour Extraction from MRI Images, Proj 5 Mammogram of Breast Cancer detection, Proj 6 VEHICLE NUMBER PLATE RECOGNITION USING MATLAB, Proj 7 High Speed Rail Road Transport Automation, Proj 8 ECONOMIC AND EMISSION DISPATCH USING ALGORITHMS, Proj 9 DC DC Converters for Renewable Energy Systems, Proj 10 ADAPTIVE FILTERING USED IN HEARING AIDS OF IMPAIRED PEOPLE, Proj 11 MODELING OF TEMPERATURE PROCESS USING GENETIC, Proj 12 CDMA MODEM DESIGN USING DIRECT SEQUENCE SPREAD SPECTRUM (DSSS), Proj 14 IEEE 802.11 Bluetooth Interference Simulation study, Proj 15 Inverse Data Hiding in a Classical Image, Proj 17 Digital Image Arnold Transformation and RC4 Algorithms, Proj 19 Performance Study for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Proj 20 Wi Fi Access Point Placement For Indoor Localization, Proj 21 Neural Network Based Face Recognition, Proj 22 Tree Based Tag Collision Resolution Algorithms, Proj 23 Back Propagation Neural Network for Automatic Speech Recognition, Proj 24 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) Signaling, Proj 25 Smart Antenna Array Using Adaptive Beam forming, Proj 26 Implementation of Butterworth Chebyshev I and Elliptic Filter for Speech Analysis, Proj 27 Simulator for Autonomous Mobile Robots, Proj 28 Method to Extract Roads from Satellite Images, Proj 29 Remote Data Acquisition Using Cdma RfLink, Proj 30 AUTOMATIC TRAIN OPERATION AND CONTROL, Proj 31 Detection of Objects in Crowded Environments, Proj 32 Armature Controlled Direct Current, Proj 34 WAVELET TRANSFORM AND S TRANSFORM BASED ARTIFICIAL NEURAL, Proj 35 MULTISCALE EDGE BASED TEXT EXTRACTION, Proj 36 Transient Stability Analysis of Power System, Proj 37 Single phase SPWM Unipolar inverter, Proj 38 Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Proj 39 Extra High Voltage Long Transmission Lines, Proj 41 Realtime Control of a Mobile Robot, Proj 42 Reactive Power Compensation in Railways, Proj 43 POWER UPGRADATION IN COMPOSITE AC DC TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, Proj 44 Dynamic Analysis of Three Phase Induction Motor, Proj 45 Fuzzy Controlled SVC for Transmission Line, Question Answer Analog Integrated Circuits Main, Question Answer Digital Logic circuits Main, Question Answer Analog Communication Main, Question Answer Computer Organization Main.

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