It’s on the south side of the bridge. The last log is in the north part of the map. After listening to the three Typhon Logs … It’s hard to miss – it’s literally standing out in the open next to the railing. Looking for all of the Borderlands 3 Typhon Logs? And finding Typhon Logs can be a chore with such a large area to explore. Grapple up toward the top of the pile of crates, using the splatters of yellow paint and bits of walkway hanging out as indicators of where you can grapple. Then, turn the corner toward the larger walkway hanging over the initial open area. Borderlands 3 Maps, Game Guide & Walkthrough In other words, if you want to unlock the cache, you’ll have to collect the logs. On the east side of the camp you will find the Typhon Log. Borderlands 3 video game released September 2019. You’ll find the first one in the desert on the northern edge of the map. As you enter the room in the picture, head right and look for a ladder. You’ll find it in the bathroom, next to the sink. Hector’s Lament. Before the bridge, find a glass enclosure connecting two buildings. It’s in the northwestern part of town, at the end of a hanging bridge. The last one is in Azlan’s Stash, a hidden cave in the northwest of the map. If you face this, then look up and left and you will see a small strut sticking out from the bridge, coloured orange, or rusty orange. The last one is in the south, on a hill in the desert, near a giant skeleton. The first log is found very early in The Anvil. Climb on top of the roof of the container and there’s a hole you can drop through to get to the dead drop. Before heading to the prison’s entrance, turn left and look for a metal walkway you can walk along to the Southeast. Go into it using the stairs next to the vehicle bay and head to the eastern part of the village. A Borderlands 3 guide on the Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges in Eden-6. A Borderlands 3 guide on the Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Crew Challenges in Eden-6. The first Typhon Log is easy to grab. Typhon Log: Azlan's Betrayal. It’s near the edge of the map, on top of a building. The marker will lead you to a glass skyway with vines. The next one is in the west. Go through the main door, then climb up the stairs to the top. or affiliated Trademarks and protected by international copyright laws unless otherwise noted. You can get up there by climbing up the scaffolding on the left. Thanks for showing us how to get in…, Your email address will not be published. You’ll find it on the platform at the entrance to the settlement. The second one is in La Cage o’ Tinks, the cave in the southeast of the city. The first typhon log in Atlas HQ is in the southwest, on the terrace overlooking the sea. The last one’s in the southern part of the mine shaft. News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork..... You name it! As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. Typhon Log 3: Dahl Orbital Control The final Typhon Log is located in the area known as the Dahl Orbital Control. The third Typhon Log in Droughts is locked behind the last story mission that takes place on this planet, which will take you inside Dahl Orbital Control. If you're having trouble with other things in the game, you might want to check out some of the other guides we've written. Exit the corridor to the north and immediately turn left. Jump up onto the crates, and then grapple up onto a gap in the walkway’s covering hidden by some plant overgrowth. The second Typhon Log can be found on an overlook to the South of the bridge leading toward The Anvil. You’ll find the terminal at the entrance to the tunnel, in the rubble on the right. Unlike the first one, it’s easy to miss, tucked away between the containers and trucks in the middle of the road. The Anvil. Head out along the walkway until you come to some crates on your right. Head under the broken door, and then turn right. The last one is all the way to the east, on a cliff with several Skagg nests, overlooking the giant satellite dish in the distance. Typhon Logs are a kind of crew challenge in Borderlands 3. The third terminal is in the northwestern corner of the map, next to a tree by the edge. Near it, there’s a segment of the cliff wall that looks like a ramp. It’ll lead you to the Vault of The Serpent, a small temple outside the main map. To reach it, head toward the northeast corner of the map toward a path leading into an area with overlapping walkways. There is a frankly terrifying number of collectables to acquire as you loot and slay your way across the various Borderlands 3 planets. It’s on top of a tall building, and in order to reach it, you’ll have to climb the smaller building next to it, then jump across the gap. The first log is in the northwest of the map, at Bollock’s Niche. Go to the crypt in the north of the graveyard, then around it from the left. The terminal will be waiting for you at the bottom of the pillar. Page Tools This page contains information on the locations of Typhon Logs and Dead Drop Locations found in Borderlands 3. We've also covered secrets, like the one where you have to open the Holy Broadcast Center locked door. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Borderlands 3 Atlus HQ Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Drop & More Fortnite 15.21 Update Adds Predator Boss to Map, Cloaking Device Mythic Item & More There’ll be a small opening you can drop down into beneath some graffiti on the wall. The first one can be found in the city in the southeast. The second one can be found in front of the big Children of the Vault building in the north. As the road makes its first bend northeastwards get out of the vehicle and go towards the edge of the map close to the guard tower. At the top of the ramp, turn left, and keep trying to jump onto the rock above until you manage to pull it off. The third is on the balcony overlooking the courtyard in the northeast. You’ll need to jump along a series of ledges to get to it. The Anvil. The terminal will be next to one of the windows. It’s on the sidewalk by the edge of the area. Typhon Logs are a kind of crew challenge in Borderlands 3. The Typhon Log will be to your left. The second one is in the Outer Sanctum, on a walkway above the big courtyard. The first log is in the southeast of the map, north from the place where you first met Lilith. The first log in the Metroplex is on the western edge of the map. Borderlands 3 The Anvil Challenges Completing these challenges rewards you with a decent amount of XP and some pretty good loot so it is always worth it to take the time out for them. Azlan's Betrayal. The next one is near Soggybog Rigs, in the northwest. Go along the walkway, and then crouch down under a half-opened gate to enter a new section of the area. Borderlands 3 (BL3) has 66 Typhon Log Locations and 22 Typhon Dead Drops (88 total). Enter through the door with the number one next to it, and follow the stairs to the control room. While the area may mostly be laid out in a linear fashion, it’s easy to pass over some of its Crew Challenges if you don’t keep your eyes peeled for ways to stray from the beaten path. It’s right next to the stream with the waterfall. You’ll find it next to a shack overlooking the western plains. If you’ve been struggling to find every crew challenge in Borderlands 3‘s The Anvil area, we’re here to help with a guide on how to find each one’s location. The next one is directly north of it, in the Forgotten Halls. ... Posted by 1 year ago. The Search for Red Jabber (Part 3) On the wooden platform attached to the columns that hold up the overhead pipe. You’ll find it above the vehicle bay entrance, next to the container. The last one is in a tiny cave in the west. The last one is all the way to the south, in the large temple. The second Crimson Radio Station can be found in the area right before The Warden’s boss arena at the top of a lookout tower. The second Typhon Log can be found in a side section of the outer areas before you enter the prison proper. You will go here during a Story Mission called Sanctuary. The Typhon Log will be right there, on the edge of the cliff. To reach it, look for a cement block you can grapple up onto. The third is in The Yard. Eden-6 - The Anvil : Parting Thoughts: On a desk in the Warden's office. Proceed across the small coutryard, and head right. The last terminal is on a ledge overlooking the dome at the Science Outpost, in the northeast. You’ll find it by the road, next to a tree in a flower box. The third log is near Tig’s Big Rig, in the south. Around the corner from under the Typhon Log, to the west, there’s a small pond. The content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of It’s slippery, but you can hop up there if you do it just right. It’s on the upper floor, so you’ll have to take the stairs. Head into the corridor and go through the huge hole in the wall. Two Overview maps of the Location of the Typhon Logs and the Dead Drop at Athenas. Simply head north from the area’s main Fast Travel Station toward the bunker with the Warden poster on it. Sorry. The way it works is that some maps have 3 typhon log locations in them. From the open area that follows your first encounter with Tina during the main mission, head west toward a path leading into a side area in the Northwest corner of the map. You’ll find it between a dried up tree and the wreckage of a car. You’ll have to do some parkour in order to reach it. To reach it, head toward the cluster of crates at the area’s center. Head out the exit next to the ammo and health vendors, and turn right at the dead end. In order to climb there, you’ll have to look for a latter in the south of the room. The second log is at the end of a jumping puzzle in the northwestern part of the upper level. There is no way to open them with your own two hands. The secod one is at the farthest south point of the map, in front of the bed. When you reach said bridge, with the typhon log located above you, at about the centre, there is a small ramp, the base of which is outlined with yellow and black hazard tape. Does anyone know how to access the Typhon Log behind the locked door in The Anvil? Your email address will not be published. On top of this enclosed walkway you will find the Typhon Log. It’s next to the generator in the middle of the valley. Characters: Clay & Montgomery Jakobs. Character: Hammerlock. Grapple to the top of the bunker, and then look to your left to find the Log. 362k. You’ll find it on the porch in front of the house on stilts, next to the crashed spaceship. Instead, once you’ve found all three Typhon logs on a certain map, Tannis will mark the dead drop cache on your map, and send a signal that’ll open the blasted thing. The second log is nearby – if you turn to the northeast, you’ll spot a pillar in the middle of the canal. Continue along the path toward the main chamber of the area, and the Crew Challenge will trigger after you reach the center of the chamber. As soon as you enter the hangar off the main corridor, turn towards the door and you’ll see it between the two walkways. Number 1 is found by following the road to the east/southest from the first fast travel marker. To that end, use these tips and tricks to make sure you get every challenge in one visit. You’ll find it in the area with the large rock outcrops. Climb up onto it and then use a sprinting jump to reach a bit of platform on top of a pipe directly in front of you. It is next to the vehicle spawn area, in a metal container. We've listed the locations of Red Chests, Typhon Logs, Dead Claptrap Parts and Hijack Targets. The place for everything Borderlands 3! They’re collectibles – each map will contain several, and when you’ve found them all, Tannis will be able to triangulate the locations of secret Typhon dead drop cache, which you can raid for rewards. You’ll find the Dead Claptrap in a small side room in a pool of electrified water. The terminal will be on a platform on the tower. You’ll see a settlement on the underside of the bridge. The Anvil Typhon Logs. You’ll find it in the water to the left of the statue. Borderlands 3 features five planets to explore, each with a variety of collectibles to find. The first typhon log in Floodmoor Basin is located in the swamp settlement in the southeast. You’ll find it on a pier next to a fishing net, by the small fisherman’s shack. The second one is in the winding mountain pass in the northwestern corner. The last one is inside the mansion – you’ll find it in the theater. Climb the stairs across the room from the stage and look for it in the gallery. The terminal is on it, and you can reach it by jumping onto the crates between the two. You can get the first log from Norton’s Study, in the south of the map. The Anvil is another challenge area you will come across in Borderlands 3. The second one is in the big hall in the middle of the map. Borderlands 3 Typhon Logs are voice recording collectibles that you can find throughout the game as you play. The Radio Station will be at the very top of the pile. Once you’ve found all three Logs, the location of Typhon’s Dead Drop will be revealed to you. At the beginning of the area (picture1,2and3). Look for a yellow truck by the cliff, then drop down onto the platform with the terminal. Follow the canal until you reach the tunnel leading to the northern fast travel point. Borderlands 3 video game released September 2019. Plus in-game location screenshots. The first log in Athenas can be found in the western part of the area. All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O. It’s on a floating platform in the back of the hall. In this part of the Borderlands 3 walkthrough, discover the location of the three Typhon Logs as well as the Typhon Dead Drop in the Anvil. The Anvil Typhon Log #1 (Image credit: Gearbox Software) The first log is in Charnel Keep, in the north of the map. The logs in this area are pretty hard to find. The next Typhon Log is found near the end of the wreck of the Jakobs Family Jewel. Ok so this area in The Anvil is pretty small, but nevertheless, there is a door, and what seem to be two rooms behind it (photos below). There are three The Anvil Typhon Log locations in Borderlands 3. The terminal will be on the wall next to the crate. The second one’s on a ledge overlooking the central valley from the east. Walk across the enclosure, climb up … The first log in the Voracious Canopy is in the Green Labyrinth, the area in the middle of the map. You’ll find it on a hillock overlooking the northern plains, next to a chair. Continue along the cneter of the covering, and you’ll see the Typhon Log on your left. The last one can be found in the shanty town in the east, on a terrace in the northeastern part of it, overlooking the settlement. For more on the game, check out our Borderlands 3 guide wiki as well as our guides on how to get the Loaded Dice and Annexed Jericho gear. Required fields are marked *, Deluxe suits and preorder suits in Hitman 3…, Hitman 3 Bird Art achievement requires you to…. Circle around the side area and look to your left into a small room to find a Claptrap strung up in chains. 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The Anvil only has one Target of Opportunity, and it’s fairly easy to reach. You will go under a rock arch and by just sticking to the road you should discover the log along the eastern edge of the map. Home » Borderlands 3 » Borderlands 3 Typhon Logs Locations Map. When you do, you’ll find yourself next to a chest that you can loot. Picture1 Picture2 Borderlands 3 Dead Claptrap Locations Map – Claptrap Parts. Borderlands 3 Map of Crew Challenges Locations in The Anvil on Eden-6 planet, Typhon Logs, Typhon Dead Drop, Legendary Hunt, Dead Claptrap, Hijack Target, Crimson Radio, Target of Opportunity in Borderlands 3 … They’re big containers, often very well hidden, and they’re always locked. The last one is in the eastern part of town. Borderlands 3 The Anvil Typhon Logs Inside The Anvil prison you’ll come across another three Typhon Logs. When you reach the edge of the map go left, under some overhanging Rakk nests. Game should provide you with the location on the map. The first typhon log in Lectra City is in the northwest. The first typhon log is close to the base in the south of Meridian Outskirts. Head down the path, and then circle to the right and back up some flights of stairs. The first log’s in the northeast, on the northern edge of the map. The first log can be found in the far south, on top of the small watchtower with the Warden graffiti and poster. From there, grapple up onto the bits of pipe around the tower to reach its top and activate the Station. The map shows it’s next to the eastern door, but it’s actually above it, on the catwalk. Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. Go past them and head to the edge of the cliff. There is an overgrown … The terminal will be on the terrace of the leftmost container. The second log is right in the middle of the map, on the edge of the overlook with the bust. Typhon Logs in Ascension Bluff can be found if you approach the edge of the map frequently. They are Crew Challenge Collectibles that give you good gear and bonus XP. Finding the 3 typhon logs allows Tannis to triangulate the First Vault Hunter’s Dead Drop on that map. Second Typhon Log is found by continuing along the main road. The final Typhon Log in the Neon Arterial area can be found just before the exit leading to the Forgotten Basilica. Typhon Log 3 The third Typhon Log is easy to spot but hard to get to. The first one’s in a small cave in the eastern corridors, next to a bunch of glowing flowers. You may have found a Typhon dead drop on your own – after all, they aren’t invisible. The second one is at Buff’s Bluff, the hill in the middle of the area. The second one is at the graveyard at Dido’s Remorse, in the east. Vault Hunters. The first one is the easiest – you’ll find it in a building in the east. The last one is in the far south. Typhon Log #3: The Yard Make your way northeast through The Yard. Ride the elevator up, then go right and drop down onto the balcony – but go slowly or you’ll risk missing it and falling back down. Climb it, then jump across the gap to reach the log. The Anvil Typhon Logs is a location-based challenge in Borderlands 3. The terminal is on top of it, and you can use the boards on the platform next to it to get up there. Eden-6 - Ambermire : Trouble: On the desk. You will cross a small river and on the edge above it is the third, and final, Typhon Log. The ECHO terminal will be on top of one of those, above a cave with some loot containers and a barrel fire. Circle around to the back of the bunker and look for a stone block you can use to grapple up on top of the bunker with. Home » Guides » Borderlands 3 Anvil Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Claptraps & More. Follow the path in front of you, past the satellite dish, and drop to the courtyard below. The second log will be next to a tree in front of the mansion, in the west. We've explored the mission choices, like what happens when you side with Holder or Ramsden in On The Blood Path, or when you tell Rhys to keep or lose mustache in Atlas at Last. The Droughts Typhon Dead Drop location in Borderlands 3. You’ll have to use the pipes and ledges to jump across the room and get there. Borderlands 3 Map for The Anvil on Eden-6 planet, with Zone Progress, Quest Starters, NPC, Bosses, Crew Challenges, ECHO Logs, Typhon Logs, Eridian Writings, Vending Machines, Red Chests, Vehicle Station and Fast Travel Station. The first Crimson Radio Station is in the open area you can enter following your first encounter with Tina during the main mission. Head to the point marked on the map above, and … Typhon Log … Archived. The last one is on the lower level, in the northeast. After entering the prison section of the area, head into the larger entrance room and turn left. Leave the camp in your car and follow the road north until you jump across a chasm using the ramp. Check out this Borderlands 3 The Anvil Crew Challenges guide to find them all because finding all the challenge targets can be a pain if you don't know where to look. In the bottom left corner of the room, there will be a broken door you can crouch under to reach some smaller rooms. Borderlands 3 players are going to spend a lot of time on Eden-6 and in Floodmoor Basin especially. Go to the pier near the marker, and you’ll see a metal construction in the water nearby. The location of the Typhon Logs and the Dead Drop at Tazendeer Ruins, Nekrotafeyo. The second Dead Claptrap can be found to the west of the first Crimson Radio Station, in an area to the Northwest of the main mission path. Now go and pick up the Typhon Dead Drop. Does anyone know how to access the Typhon Log behind the locked door in The Anvil? They’re collectibles – each map will contain several, and when you’ve found them all, Tannis will be able to triangulate the locations of secret Typhon dead drop cache, which you can raid for rewards. Head along the curved entryway toward the main prison chamber, but look to your right for an opening leading into a side area. The second one is further north, in one of the sheet metal shacks on the edge of the aloe forest. From the second set of Vending Machines, head right and grapple up … The second one is in the soutwestern area called West of Gross. To complete this challenge, all Typhon logs must be recovered. The next one’s at the top floor of the factory in the middle of the map. From there drive north, exiting the main road. Right before the gate to the Ultramax Spire look up for an enclosed walkway between two building. The final log is far in the southeast, and it looks like it’s outside of the map. The first typhon log in the Splinterlands is in the far north. Below is a guide to each of the Typhon Log locations. You’ll have to go through the purple portal in the Eterenal Silence. If you’re having trouble finding the terminals containing the logs, we’re going to help you, so keep reading our Borderlands 3 Typhon Logs locations guide. As soon as you’re past the gate, turn left and you’ll see the Log. To reach it, head back to the area where you met Tina during the main story mission. The second one is all the way in the north. The second one is near Big Dock Energy, south of the middle of the map. You’ll find the first log on this map in the south, on a walkway above the swamp. Borderlands 3 Floodmoor Basin Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Drop & More, Borderlands 3 Tazendeer Ruins Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Drop & More, Borderlands 3 Atlus HQ Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Drop & More, Genshin Impact’s Version 1.3 Story Content Sparkles in New Trailer, Hitman 3 Has Recorded the Biggest Digital Launch in the Franchise’s History, Granblue Fantasy Versus DLC Character UNO Gets Gameplay Trailer; Coming February 6, Nioh 2 Remastered for PS5 Shines In New 4K & 60 FPS Gameplay, Humble Bundle Offers World War Z and Mad Max in Latest Bundle, Borderlands 3 Anvil Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Claptraps & More. The last Typhon Log can be found in the open area that follows your first encounter with Tina during the Main Mission. This log is located on top of the first structure you come across in the Anvil. The last terminal will be to the left of the giant statue. thanks bro been trying to find the last one for a bit, Dude, the first one on the asteroid is behind a locked door. The third one’s all the way in the south, in the Testament to Longing area. Gosu Noob Copyright © 2012-2020 All Rights Reserved. That’s every crew challenge in the Anvil area in Borderlands 3. Immediately turn left and hug the cliff until you’re in front of giant bone pillars. It’s on a platform overlooking the lake. Drop down into the opening, and the Dead Drop will be directly in front of you. The last one is in the northeast, in an area called the Neglected Solarium. It’s by the west wall, on a walkway on the second floor. The first collectible in Ambermire is in the north, in the Moist Hoist area. Typhon Logs and Typhon Dead Drop in the Anvil: Typhon Log 1/3. The Anvil Crew Challenges Locations Borderlands 3 Map . Borderlands 3 Game Guide & Walkthrough. You’ll find the terminal there, near a broken down bus. Borderlands 3 Atlus HQ Crew Challenge Locations: Typhon Logs, Dead Drop & More Fortnite 15.21 Update Adds Predator Boss to Map, Cloaking Device Mythic Item & More Especially if you need something. The last log is in the north. If you don’t want to wait that long, there is a way to cheat the system, if you don’t mind trying to clamber up a cliff wall for a few minutes. Small watchtower with the location of the small watchtower with the location of map..., grapple up onto challenge collectibles that give you good gear and bonus XP, south of aloe... Are a lot of words ( and stuff ) there, so you ’ ll find it borderlands 3 the anvil typhon logs. Circle around the corner toward the northeast 1 is found near the edge above it the. The Green Labyrinth, the cave in the far south, on tower! To you including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB.... Two Overview maps of the mansion – you ’ ll find it in the Voracious Canopy is in the.. 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