The village adoption study envisages integrated and holistic development of village or cluster of villages selected on a micro/macro watershed basis, on an action research mode. Glossary: Anganwadi- An integrated child development scheme (ICDS) promoted by Govt of India ASHA- Village level women trained health worker, promoted by health department in Orissa. This report presents the results of the Village Baseline Study (VBS) conducted on July 26 to 28, 2011 in the village of Doggoh, Ghana (Map 1). Consequently, village adoption concept was evolved and adopted in many states of India to energize the rural economy. Table 5: Marketing avenues for the villagers produces, Availability and Accessibility to Infrastructure Facilities, Table 6: Availability and accessibility to infrastructure facilities. However, suppose that the baseline was … Demographic information was depicted in the Table 1. CCAFS is a collaboration among CGIAR Centers and Reserch Programs.The Program is carried out with support from its donors, Creative commons attribution-noncommercial 4.0 international license, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, Ex-ante evaluation and priority setting for climate-smart options, Food and nutrition security futures under climate change, Participatory evaluation of CSA technologies and practices in Climate-Smart Villages (Learning platform), Evidence, investment planning and application domains for CSA technologies and practices, Equitable subnational adaptation planning and implementation, Business models, incentives and innovative finance for scaling CSA, Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from smallholder systems, Identifying priorities and options for low-emissions development, Policy, incentives and finance for scaling up low emissions practices, Climate information and early warning for risk management, Climate information and advisory services for farmers, Climate services investment planning and policy. The Ohio State University . The authors are thankful to Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai and Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli for the facilities provided to carry out the research work. Average meat production per day is 75 kgs and 25 kgs in Kalakudi and Thulukkarkulam villages respectively. There are various primary sources of livelihood found as reported by the villagers during survey. (2002). IV A Sample Survey Report. Imbalance in sex-ratio (i.e. at . and Ghosh, J. Survey of Academic and General Reading in English. The needs of villagers about various aspects viz., village needs, training needs, livestock farming needs, women welfare activities required, knowledge sharing programme needs for youth were collected and presented in Table 8. A survey report provides a precise account of a particular subject matter. The network of the irrigation system marks full use of the water resources; the natural deficiency has been overcome to a greater extent. Energy Utilization and Demand Baseline Assessment (2009) Rural Support Program Network Pakistan Domestic Biogas Programme . We have apparently heard send delivered various survey reports in schools at work, that we already evaluate them as a … It is also analysed no drop outs in formal education is due to availability of primary institutions in the village itself. Baseline Survey Report . SOILD WASTE MANAGEMENT BASELINE SURVEY FOR ISLAMABAD 7 3.1 WASTE COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION CDA has the overall responsibility for planning, provision and supervision of public health services, covering adequate sanitation and garbage disposal within its territorial limits (GoP, CDA Ordinance: 1960). Average egg production is 250 number and 200 number in Kalakudi and Thulukkarkulam village respectively. The purpose of this baseline survey report is to document the methodology and results of the baseline survey. vi Endline Survey and Evaluation Report APRIL, 2017 LIST OF APPENDICES ... VSLA Village Saving And Lending Approach/Association YHH Youth Headed Households. Panchayat Area of panchayat Population Males Females Hanur 1069 Hectares 9253 4761 4492 3 KeY FinDings The baseline survey was conducted in Hanur Panchayat in Kollegal cluster. At the moment, rural development has been receiving attention of the policy makers since the backwardness of the rural sector would be a major impediment to the overall progress of Indian economy. About 58 per cent of the total land is private. The data in the Table 1 shows that majority of population are in middle age group i.e. FINAL REPORT: HOUSEHOLD ENERGY BASELINE SURVEY IN SNNPR MEGEN Power Plc Page 6 Consultants in Renewable Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development and Hosaena towns, the rural surveys were conducted in satellite rural villages located about 10 to 15 kms outside each town. The local doctors are easily available in the village and provide health care services at nominal cost. Social Participation for Livelihood Approach. Madhuri has yet to incur any food or environmental crises. Availability and access to quality infrastructure facilities is a backbone for rural development. The baseline will be used to highlight the root causes of malnutrition in the selected villages and will provide a baseline Base line survey also sometime referred as need-base assessment survey. This is the report of the village baseline study of Madhuri Village in the CCAFS benchmark site of Rupandehi, Nepal conducted from June 5-9, 2011 to complement an earlier household baseline survey done in the same village. Baseline Survey Report on Village Courts in Bangladesh Paperback – January 1, 2010 by Local Government Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh Project (Editor) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Out of 240 households 75 families were below poverty line. On 8th February 1999, a survey was conducted among 16 overseas postgraduate students at the University of England. Acknowledgement Baseline survey and institutional capacity and training need assessment is an important activity of the TCP Project “Strengthening Disa ster Preparedness of Agricultural Sector”. On the other hand, forty-one per cent of the total livestock population of Thulukkarkulam constitutes poultry followed by cows (23.72%), goats (17.93 %), sheep (8.32 %), dogs (1.35 %) and horses (0.06 %) nearly. Rural development is the product of interaction between various physical, technological, economic, socio-cultural, institutional and environmental factors. To date, fifteen VBS were conducted in the three CCAFS regions. Vol 9(9), 212-220 Final Report: Baseline Study In Bihar 0 | P a g e Final Report: Baseline Study in Bihar 2012-13 Global Partners for Development . Results showed that 28 per cent and 46 per cent of the population are engaged in poultry related activities of Kalakudi and Thulukkarkulam villages respectively. Self Help Groups Microcredit and Empowerment. On the contrary only five per cent of the total land of Kalakudi is Meikal lands (Waste land for grazing). The process of village adoption is thus an experimentation and involvement of faculty members to drive the process of development in a selected village. Re: Final Report on the Baseline Study of “Sustainable livelihoods for 1,500 smallholder farming households (7,500 people) in the extreme north of Bangladesh” (EqualiTEA III) Project Dear Mr. Ferdous Innovision Consulting Private Limited is pleased to submit the draft report on the baseline Once you have finished conducting a survey, all that is left to do is write the survey report. This Web page, along with the Alaska Baseline Erosion Assessment Technical Report, document the study's findings and will provide all stakeholders information on how best to proceed with their particular erosion. Private and government aided schools are not available in the village. 1040 and 287 in Kalakudi and Thulukkarkulam villages respectively. Only two dropouts from formal education of fifth standard are observed. On the other hand, forty-one per cent of the total livestock population of Thulukarkulam constitutes poultry followed by cows (23.72%) further followed goats (17.93 %), sheep (8.32 %), dogs (1.35 %) and horses (0.06 %). May 2018 . The baseline surveys are a key component of CCAFS monitoring, learning and evaluation (ML&E) system. During the year 2011, baseline data was collected at the household and village level covering 50 HHs (if there was one village in a GP) and 25 HHs ( if were 2 villages in a GP). There are few formal alternatives for saving and receiving credit in the villages we are studying: at baseline only 0.6% of households are participants in a formal micro-finance institution, and 5 to 6% in a VSLA group for example. 1 Ruth Malleson (Socio-Economic Adviser) October 2005 for the Operation Wallacea Trust Lambusango Forest Conservation Project After completing the baseline survey, one should conduct need base assessment with the data and information collected. The VBS aims to provide baseline information at the village level about some basic indicators of natural resource utilisation, organisational landscapes, The Continuing Possibilities of Land Reform, Food and Agriculture, Macroscan, New Delhi: Economic Research Foundation, 3.2 Survey questionnaire According to the survey purpose and surveyed target, three different types of questionnaires are used for this survey: a questionnaire ecological environment and water on usage safety in forest community (for the villagers), a questionnaire on basic village situation (for natural village Socio-Economic Baseline Surveys of Communities Bordering the Lambusango Forest, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia Report No. The proportion of irrigated versus un-irrigated land in Thulukarkulam 54.0 and 46.0 per cent respectively. The data were collected by using well-structured interview schedule for households and key informants during the year of 2015 – 16. In this … The study concludes that Integrated approach of using meikal lands for livestock related activities, create both backward and forward linkages for agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector and farmers need to be provided with periodical mass contact programme for health care facilities are needed in the adopted villages. S. Senthilkumar M. Vinothini R. Sanagmeswaran V. Thanaseelaan A. V. Gensis Inigo M. Boopathy Raja Government primary school is in the surveyed villages to provide formal education upto 5th standard. Devangapet and R. S . 0.4 Main Findings There is limited access to the market information, literacy level among the farmers is low, multiple channels of distribution that exploiting both farmers and consumers. 60 samples were collected in each site (8 sites x 60 samples = 480 samples). Table 4 shows that nearly thirty-three per cent of the total livestock population of Kalakudi village constitutes goats followed by cows (21.49 %) further followed poultry (16.33 %), sheep (16.27 %) and dogs (3.29 %). The infrastructures and facilities available in the Thulukkarkulam and Kalakudi villages were presented in the Table 6. Awareness regarding health and dental care was not organized in the Thulukarkulam village. acknowledge and certify that this Baseline Conditions Report, and all of its inclusions, is an accurate representation of the condition of the Property as of the date of the Deed of Conservation Easement. Thus, the baseline survey research was conducted in the adopted village to obtain baseline information of the villages, to understand the training needs of the village households and to know the accessibility and availability of health care and veterinary services. n To report the alternate compensations to concerned communities by the project ... arise due to the concerns of village community ... 5.6.3- Baseline Studies Prior to the survey, the available baseline studies and secondary data about the area was thoroughly analyzed. Pond irrigation and river water forms a major source of irrigation in Thulukkarkulam and Kalakudi villages. 63.40 per cent of population in Kalakudi village belongs to backward class (BC) and 46 per cent of population in Thulukkarkulam village belongs to most backward class (MBC) followed by almost 30 per cent of population belongs to scheduled caste (SC) in both villages. Production Baseline Survey [Impact Assessment Countries] Introduction My name is _____ and I am working for the World Food Programme here in _____ [name of country]. Sudha Rani et al. Only seven children were less than one year. Baseline Survey of a village will involve systematic collection & compilation of data on, inter alia, the following areas:- I.