Dunmer (Dark Elf) Styles. School house names tend to be chosen by those who founded the school, hence why Ravenclaw was named after Rowena Ravenclaw, for example. 2x: Alver (1, 2), Andaren (1, 2), Andavel (1, 2, tomb), Andoren (1, 2), Andrelo (1, 2), Aralen (1, 2, tomb), Areleth (1, 2), Arinith (1, 2), Arothan (1, 2), Athram (1, 2), Athrys (1, 2), Balen (1, 2), Belas (1, 2), Berendas (1, 2), Berethi (1, 2), Dalen (1, 2), Darethi (1, 2), Daryon (1, 2), Darys (1, 2), Dran (1, 2), Drom (1, 2), Falas (1, 2, tomb), Falen (1, 2), Faram (1, 2), Faren (1, 2), Farethi (1, 2), Farys (1, 2), Favelnim (1, 2), Gilvayn (1, 2), Heleran (1, 2, tomb), Heran (1, 2, tomb), Hlaalo (1, 2), Hlan (1, 2), Hlas (1, 2), Hlen (1, 2), Hler (1, 2), Hloran (1, 2), Indalen (1, 2, tomb), Indarys (1, 2), Llendu (1, 2), Marvel (1, 2), Marys (1, 2), Moren (1, 2), Morvayn (1, 2), Mothryon (1, 2), Nelas (1, 2, tomb), Nerano (1, 2, tomb), Nirith (1, 2), Norvayn (1, 2, tomb), Norvayne (1, 2), Omalas (1, 2), Omalor (1, 2), Omoril (1, 2), Omothan (1, 2), Othralen (1, 2), Othrelas (1, 2, tomb), Othreleth (1, 2), Othreloth (1, 2), Othrenim (1, 2), Ralas (1, 2), Raledran (1, 2), Ravel (1, 2, tomb), Releth (1, 2, tomb), Romoren (1, 2), Romori (1, 2), Rothandus (1, 2), Samori (1, 2), Sarandas (1, 2), Sarothril (1, 2), Savel (1, 2, tomb), Savil (1, 2), Sedas (1, 2), Selaren (1, 2), Selas (1, 2), Selvilo (1, 2), Sendas (1, 2), Sethan (1, 2, tomb), Telas (1, 2), Thendas (1, 2), Tures (1, 2), Ulven (1, 2), Uvelas (1, 2), Uvirith (1, 2), Varam (1, 2), Vari (1, 2), Varyon (1, 2), Varys (1, 2), Vedas (1, 2), Vedran (1, 2), Veleth (1, 2), Verano (1, 2), Vules (1, 2) A quick technical question about Dunmer naming, does the first name signify the family name, and the last the personal name like Japanese names? Hlaalu eagerly accepted this unexpected turn of events, while Redoran, grateful for a graceful excuse to avoid facing the legions unsupported, were the second to accept the treaty, with House Telvanni joining them shortly thereafter. Death House Sadras, whose prior status and holdings are unknown, was selected to fill the fifth seat on the Council. 3x: Adas (1, 2, 3), Adren (1, 2, 3), Alen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andalas (1, 2, 3), Andalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Andoril (1, 2, 3), Andules (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arano (1, 2, 3, tomb), Aravel (1, 2, 3), Aren (1, 2, 3), Arethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Arethi (1, 2, 3), Beleth (1, 2, 3), Berano (1, 2, 3), Dral (1, 2, 3), Dralas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drelas (1, 2, 3), Drenim (1, 2, 3), Drethan (1, 2, 3, tomb), Drothan (1, 2, 3), Helvi (1, 2, 3), Henim (1, 2, 3), Ieneth (1, 2, 3), Indalas (1, 2, 3), Irano (1, 2, 3), Llaram (1, 2, 3), Llarys (1, 2, 3), Llenim (1, 2, 3), Llethan (1, 2, 3), Lloran (1, 2, 3), Mandas (1, 2, 3), Nethan (1, 2, 3), Omalen (1, 2, 3, tomb), Omavel (1, 2, 3), Oren (1, 2, 3), Orethi (1, 2, 3, tomb), Oril (1, 2, 3), Othan (1, 2, 3), Othran (1, 2, 3), Othren (1, 2, 3), Radas (1, 2, 3), Ralen (1, 2, 3), Rendas (1, 2, 3), Sadus (1, 2, 3), Sarendas (1, 2, 3), Sarys (1, 2, 3, tomb), Seleth (1, 2, 3), Serethi (1, 2, 3), Tedas (1, 2, 3), Tenim (1, 2, 3), Thelas (1, 2, 3, tomb), Thirandus (1, 2, 3), Thirano (1, 2, 3), Uvaren (1, 2, 3), Uvenim (1, 2, 3), Uveran (1, 2, 3, tomb), Varen (1, 2, 3), Varis (1, 2, 3) Initially an outlander may gain status in a house as an oath-bonded hireling, pledging exclusive loyalty to a single house and forsaking ambitions with all other houses. House Indoril has never claimed land on the island of Vvardenfell, though ancestral tombs for Indoril families may still be found on the isle, such as those of the Aran, Ieneth, Raviro, Salothran, and Verelnim families. 1x: Adaves, Adil, Adondasi, Adosi, Adren, Alam, Alanil, Aldam, Alds, Alms, Alnas, Alvan, Alven, Alvis, Alvor, Alvos, Alvur, Anas, Anden, Andril, Anel, Angaredhel, Aras, Arelvam, Aren, Arethan, Arnas, Aroa, Aron, Arsyn, Arven, Arver, Arvs, Arvyn, Aryon, Athal, Athanden, Athelyn, Ather, Athyn, Avron, Baladas, Balver, Balyn, Banden, Banor, Baren, Barusi, Bedal, Belas, Beldrose, Belos, Bels, Belvis, Benar, Beraren, Berel, Berela, Bertis, Bervaso, Bervyn, Bethes, Bevadar, Bildren, Bilen, Bilos, Birer, Bolayn, Boler, Bolnor, Bols, Bolvus, Bolvyn, Bolyn, Boryn, Bradil, Bralas, Bralen, Bralis, Bralyn, Brarayni, Bratheru, Brathus, Bravosi, Braynas, Brelar, Brelo, Brelyn, Brerama, Brethas, Breves, Breynis, Briras, Broder, Broris, Brothes, Dalam, Daldur, Dalin, Dalmil, Dalos, Dals, Dalvus, Danar, Dandras, Danel, Daral, Daras, Daren, Darns, Daroder, Dartis, Darvam, Daryn, Dather, Dathus, Davas, Davis, Davur, Daynes, Daynil, Dedaenc, Delmon, Delmus, Delvam, Deras, Dethresa, Deval, Devas, Dils, Dinor, Dirver, Divayth, Dolmyn, Dolyn, Dondos, Donus, Dovor, Dovres, Dralas, Drals, Dralval, Dram, Dramis, Drandryn, Dranos, Drarayne, Drarel, Draron, Drarus, Draryn, Drathyn, Dravasa, Dredase, Drelayn, Drelis, Drelse, Drerel, Dreynis, Dreynos, Dridas, Dridyn, Drinar, Drodos, Dronos, Drores, Drulvan, Duldrar, Dunel, Edd, Edras, Edril, Elam, Eldil, Eldrar, Elethus, Elms, Elo, Elvas, Elvil, Endar, Endris, Endryn, Endul, Erene, Erer, Ereven, Eris, Ernil, Erns, Ervas, Ethes, Ethys, Evo, Evos, Fadren, Falam, Falso, Falvel, Falvis, Farvam, Farvyn, Favas, Favel, Faven, Faver, Faves, Fedar, Felayn, Felen, Felisi, Felsen, Felvan, Felvos, Femer, Fendros, Fendryn, Feranos, Ferele, Feril, Feruren, Fervas, Fevris, Fevus, Fevyn, Folms, Folvys, Folyni, Fons, Fonus, Forven, Foryn, Fothas, Fothyna, Foves, Fovus, Gadayn, Gaelion, Galam, Galdres, Galen, Galis, Galmis, Galms, Gals, Gamin, Ganalyn, Ganus, Garer, Garisa, Garnas, Garvs, Garyn, Gathal, Gavas, Gavesu, Gavis, Gidar, Giden, Gilan, Gilmyn, Gilur, Gilvas, Gilyan, Gilyn, Gilyne, Gindas, Ginur, Giras, Giren, Giron, Giryn, Golar, Goldyn, Goler, Gols, Golven, Goras, Gordol, Goren, Goris, Goron, Gothren, Goval, Gragus, Gulmon, Guls, Guril, Helseth, Hlaren, Hlaroi, Hlenil, Hleras, Hloris, Hort, Idros, Ildos, Ilen, Ilet, Ilver, Iner, Irarak, Irer, Irver, Ivulen, Jiub, Llaals, Llanas, Llandras, Llandris, Llanel, Llarar, Llarel, Llaren, Llaro, Llavam, Lleran, Lleras, Lleris, Llero, Llether, Llevas, Llevel, Lliram, Lliros, Lliryn, Lloden, Llonas, Llondryn, Lloros, Llovyn, Madran, Madres, Madsu, Malar, Mallam, Mals, Manabi, Mandran, Mandur, Mandyn, Manel, Maner, Manolos, Marayn, Maros, Mastrius, Mathis, Mathyn, Mavis, Mavon, Mavus, Meder, Medyn, Melar, Melur, Menus, Meril, Mertis, Mertisi, Mervis, Mervs, Meryn, Methal, Methas, Mevel, Meven, Mevil, Midar, Milar, Mils, Milyn, Miner, Miron, Mirvon, Mivul, Mondros, Movis, Muvis, Nads, Nalis, Nalmen, Nalosi, Nals, Nalur, Naral, Naris, Nathyn, Navam, Navil, Neldris, Nelmil, Nelos, Neloth, Nels, Nelvon, Nelyn, Nerer, Nethyn, Nevil, Nevon, Nevos, Nevosi, Niden, Nilas, Nilos, Niras, Nivel, Nivos, Norus, Odral, Odron, Oisig, Ondar, Ondres, Orns, Orval, Orvas, Ovis, Ralam, Ralds, Ralmyn, Ralos, Ranes, Ranor, Rararyn, Raril, Raryn, Rathal, Raviso, Ravos, Raynilie, Relam, Relas, Relen, Relms, Rels, Relur, Relyn, Remas, Rernel, Reron, Rervam, Reynis, Rilas, Rilos, Rilver, Rindral, Rirnas, Rirns, Rivame, Rolis, Rols, Roner, Rothis, Rovone, Sadas, Sadryn, Salas, Salen, Salvas, Salver, Salyn, Sanvyn, Saras, Sarayn, Sarvil, Sarvur, Saryn, Sathas, Savor, Savure, Sedam, Sedrane, Seldus, Seler, Selman, Selmen, Selvil, Sendel, Sendus, Seras, Serer, Serul, Seryn, Sevilo, Shashev, Sodres, Sortis, Sovor, Stlennius, Sulen, Sulis, Sunel, Sur, Suryn, Suvryn, Svadstar, Tadas, Talms, Tandram, Tanel, Tanur, Tarar, Tarer, Taros, Tarvus, Tarvyn, Taves, Tedril, Tedryn, Tedur, Telis, Tels, Telvon, Temis, Tendren, Tendris, Tens, Terer, Teres, Teris, Tervur, Tevyn, Thadar, Thaden, Thanelen, Tharer, Thauraver, Theldyn, Thervam, Tholer, Thoryn, Threvul, Tidras, Tidros, Tinos, Tiram, Tiras, Tirer, Tirnur, Tirvel, Tivam, Toris, Tralas, Tralayn, Traven, Tredyn, Trelam, Trels, Trendrus, Treram, Treras, Trevyn, Trilam, Trivon, Tuls, Ultis, Ulves, Ulvil, Ulvon, Unel, Uradras, Ureval, Urnel, Urvel, Urven, Uryn, Uthrel, Uvele, Uvren, Vaden, Vanel, Vares, Varis, Varon, Varvur, Vatollia, Vaves, Vavran, Vedam, Vedran, Velis, Velms, Velyn, Veros, Vevos, Vevul, Vilval, Vilyn, Viras, Virvyn, Vobend, Vonden, Vonos, Vorar, Voruse, Vuvil, 2x: Dranas (1, 2), Fathis (1, 2) A female Dunmer called Nelhesa, and Ashlanders have very little interest in being anywhere near cities anyway UESP. The case, House Indoril 's influence was felt across Morrowind, even beyond their borders... And spent centuries slowly building his strength and influence from within Red.! Champion '' conquer Morrowind names of the Ashlanders, dunmer house names somewhat cursed backdrop to their,... Another method is to use names that appear in multiple games Scrolls 1995! The province of Morrowind 4E 5, House Indoril 's influence was felt across Morrowind, even beyond traditional! Literal and metaphorical feuding was carried out with open warfare aid modders in making NPCs or perhaps when. Usually having lower toned vowels the township of Gnisis are pretty easy, but may not established! Ancient Dreloth clan, a dozen or more Marked Challenges were being prosecuted at any one.! Such as the House is comprised primarily of highly egocentric and ambitious,! Hlaalu was stripped of its Great House status and dismissed from the Grand Council background... 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