You are wearing a fine suit. I would go with fixable by mending, but the parts follow you around like Thing from the Addams Family until then. 53-54 Well shucks, this looks like a good thing to start using on my PCs without telling them. You wake up in bed with the spouse of an NPC you previously made enemies with. You wake up in your bed. 6. You wake up in an alley. ("See that ladder against that wall and the mug in your hand? The basket has a baby and a note “Her name is Emily. Speed. They are talking about how you ate the last of the cookies. Their tan or brown faces are usually adorned with broad smiles (beneath their prodigious noses), and their bright eyes shine with excitement. A gnomes energy and enthusiasm for living shines through every inch of his or her tiny body. Let’s step into this strange-smelling dojo, and figure out why this might be one of the best Monk subclasses of all time. It’s a baby. You wake up on the floor of a seedy club. Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Source Reference Document. Some are fun, some are... less fun, but they all have their own ways of being interesting... or not. You wake up in jail on minor charges. You are wearing a large hat, fake nose, and moustache. As described in mxyzplk’s answer, there are separate, general-purpose rules for alcohol in Arms & Equipment Guide, a 3.0e book that you can use in a D&D 3.5e game. Summary: AKA, the Drunk Monk. Crowds have begun gathering for service. Your buttocks feel uncomfortably sticky. You wake up in bed with an NPC you previously made enemies with. 2. 5e Random Generator What: Encounters Traps Treasure NPCs Trinkets Cyphers Magic Items Arcane Tomes Spellbook Weird Magic Item Wild Magic Surges Business Events Carousing Events Watered = It's watered down, requires 2 to gain 1 level of intoxication. A proposal to fix it) I think 5e is a good game. You wake up in a closed coffin, crammed in next to you is someone recently deceased. You wake up in your bed. Looks like it was amateur night. The vice of alcohol holds a tight grip on your heart, as well as your liver, for some reason or another. At the center of the circle is a really fantastic looking sandwich. There is a pen in your hand and a note, but the handwriting isn’t yours. You are spooning a whole ham. The table in DMG is starting to get a little repetitive for us, so I put together this expanded version of the carousing table. Roll on the Experimental Elixir table for the elixir's effect, which is triggered when someone drinks the elixir. At your feet, you see 4d6 mice standing on their hind legs watching you. Don’t end up like this chick in the picture below. Bog Grog – A mix of Rum, Orange Juice and fermented herbs that, when drunk, causes the user to gain advantage on saving throws against being poisoned for 30 minutes. You are 3d20 gp poorer. A slightly homely girl is asleep on the hay beside you. Number 56 has so much potential for hilarity. You wake up in an alley. By the altar is a coffin, the corpse inside is wearing your clothes. Up front, you hear two people discussing the pairs of circles now covering all the paintings. Some monasteries experimented with bottling alcoholic beverages such as wines and some merchants were known to bottle wine from casks.7 1 Notable Vintages 1.1 Red Wines 1.2 White Wines 1.3 Fortified … As a Cleric with Life Domain, cross-class to Lore Bard to get the Magical Secrets Ability, now choose from the Druids spell list, Goodberry. Alcoholic []. Sandwiches called forth from Hell are rarely Kosher. 3. You have a number of bound minor wounds and on the nearest chair is a suit made from fox skins that looks to have been savaged by dogs. Oh, I know u/Upchuckerx91 had a great carousing generator on neocities - but it looks like it's down. You wake up in your bed. You can use an action to press the button, which causes the rod to become magically fixed in place. You wake up on the floor of a seedy club. You wake up naked in a fancy sculpture garden. You are wearing a suit cobbled together from bits and pieces of the skins of various animals. You are now: Roll 1d6- 1= green and slimey, 2 = 1/10 your original size, 3 = a toad, 4 = covered entirely in fur, 5 = walking around on giant chicken feet, 6 = modular (Your body parts are all easily removable but can be harmlessly snapped back into place. In 5e that would probably mean disadvantage on most rolls. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls. You wake up in the hut of a local witch. Based on Statblock5e and Open5e. Pay 10gp for bail or spend 1d4 days behind bars. Intelligence is reduced by 1, 3 or 6 depending upon the level of intoxication. My personal favorite is 11-13 -- better get to work on that reincarnation table. Waiting for you on the table are a warm pot of tea, 4d10gp in a bag, and a ‘Thank you’ note. You actually did it. You are wearing feathers, lace, and a full face of makeup. When a Tankard is emptied, it can be refilled at any Grog Barrel, Tavern or a Chest of a Thousand Grogs. You didn’t do it. D&D 5 has a random Carousing Table, but if you're like me you think it could have a lot more entries on it. And in Dungeons and Dragons intoxication has a price too. Taverns have bards playing. They are the place one goes to hear rumors, find other adventurers, hire henchmen or get a good drink. You wake up on the floor of your room. You are holding a whip. STR. You wake up in an alley. You wake up in the tower of a local wizard. You wake up in the communal lodge of a sororal order. You wake up on the floor of your room. Within the hour, 300 freshly baked pastries are delivered. Strangely the 5E rules are silent on Intoxication. You wake up in the private garden of a local noble’s wife. I can't find the rules for this in 5e any help would be appreciated? So people have been grumbling about 5e. Most of the entries involve simple financial loss or gain, but there are a couple of real interesting entries. Centaurs have an… interesting relationship with 5E’s Forgotten Realms. Thanks for letting me know! When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is increased to 25 for 1 hour. Most conditions, such as blinded, are impairments, but a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous. Players can drink Grog by using their Tankards, which they have on them at all times. Encounters with drunks are typically with 1-4 tipsy revelers or wine-sodden bums (50% chance for either). I want to give them the option of drinking and possibly getting drunk. As has been said DC 10 +1 per drink is good for social drinking, like drinks at the palace. You and the statue are wearing matching outfits. Everything seems normal. A skit from the British show "Not the Nine O'Clock News". In your bed, there are 2d4 sleeping prostitutes. You are wearing an immaculate suit. You wake up in bed in an unfamiliar inn, the stranger next to you is: roll 1d6 1-2 = Good Looking, 3-4 = Gorgeous, 5-6 = Way Out of Your League (You should probably just see yourself out before they wake up). Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can magically produce an experimental elixir in an empty flask you touch. The stall didn't quite have 300 sweet rolls but I bought every single one of them. You are 1d20 gp poorer. 11: Unusual gift! Waiting for you on the table are a warm pot of tea, 4d10gp in a bag, and a ‘Thank you’ note. ... will definitely enjoy using this table, and thank Ninja_Prawn for coming up with it. You are 2d6 gp poorer. You can hear the sound of wealthy ladies beginning to gather for croquet. Looks like it was amateur night. Potion of Flying: Very Rare: 5,001: 50,000: 11: 400: 10,000: 11: When drunk, a creature gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed for 1 hour. (the player, not the character, drinks the rum) Started it out in a pirate game we ran, and … (Scrivener’s Guild, Esoteric Brotherhood of the Fish Mongers, town chapter of the Rotary Club, Home Owner’s Association, whatever. You wake up in the woods 1d4 miles from where you last remember being. If your campaign has a strong horror theme, you might want to use madness as a way to reinforce that theme, emphasizing the extraordinarily horrific nature of the threats the adventurers face. Potion of Frost Giant Strength: Rare: … It now bears a lifelike tattoo of an NPC you have made enemies with in the past. Someone enters the other side and begins confessing their sins. Along with the room service breakfast of caviar and sparkling wine comes the bill. Yes, a weasel. Roll d100 and consult the following table to discover what happens. While hungover you gain the Poisoned condition. Look at the table to know the jobs available. You are naked and armed only with a wooden spear hastily carved from a sapling. Pay 2d10 gp or find a way out. 4. Traits Magic Resistance: The mummy lord has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. At the center of the circle is a really fantastic looking sandwich. 53-54 INT. In the center is a crudely drawn summoning circle ringed with the remains of black candles. There are a number of empty vials on the floor around you. A Goliath whirls the table around, breaking everything in his path. The owner of the tavern is an old lady. is this also available in pdf so i can save it somewhere? 5e rules state that drunk=poisoned. One of them is using terms like ‘Brilliant’ and ‘Revolutionary’. Pay 10gp for bail or spend 1d4 days behind bars. Cheers Spellcasting: The mummy lord is a 10th-level spellcaster The casks were then tapped by innkeepers or other consumers. You wake up on the floor of a seedy club. On you is a document from a local judge stating that you have legally changed your name to the same name as your worst NPC enemy. I don't need the ladder.") Then, if you fail, you get drunk. Outside, you hear the sounds of a funeral service. Her cauldron is upended and it looks as though much of the content has been drunk. She cant serve you drinks or food right now because she has to feed her cats first. (A leather animal mask will arrive wherever the PC is staying shortly.). Healing. You wake up in your bed. You wake up in your bed. 51. Dwarf name generator - Dungeons & Dragons . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, You wake up in an alley. Looks like it was amateur night. Rejuvenation: A destroyed mummy lord gains a new body in 24 hours if its heart is intact, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. D6 Place In the crew ; 1. (Ex: Town Cattle Inspector, District Cheese Quality Controller, etc. [5e] Getting Drunk. A gnome… The Way of the Drunken Master teaches its students to move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of a drunkard. Pack Tactics: The lion has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the lion's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. A treatise of radical political and religious ideologies has been nailed to the door. 51-52: A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to Magic Missile. You wake up in the woods 1d4 miles from where you last remember being. I'm pretty sure the. … You wake up in jail on minor charges. Once a player reaches this threshold they are granted \"Liquid Courage\".Drinks have 6 levels of strength: 1. You wake up in the woods 1d4 miles from where you last remember being. (Ink takes 1d6 days or 2d12 washes to fade completely.). You would get up, but you are tied to it with leather straps. You wake up in the office of the dean of the local bardic college. Until you or another creature uses an action to push the button again, … (Once the contract is signed or if the PC refuses, the man disappears in a cloud of sulfurous smoke.). Wounded! A calm emotions spell can suppress the effects of madness, while a lesser restoration spell can rid a character of a short-term or long-term madness.. Take the cost of your armor type (non-magical), multiply it by 1d4. But like all versions of D&D, it's not perfect. Next to you is a complete stranger. They also help us understand how our site is being used. You wake up in jail on minor charges. You wake up in a sumptuous bed in a beautiful hotel. Also, your cellmate is an NPC you previously befriended. You hear retreating footsteps as one person complains to another that nothing makes him go soft faster than realizing they’re still alive. Citation. DEX. You are 1d20 gp poorer, but now have 1d10 very fine hats. Soon a passive aggressive note is delivered explaining how in your intoxicated state, you wound up on the bad side of a middling local organization. Uses Dungeonomicon Monk Length: 10 levels; minimum level: 5. You wake up on the floor of your room. 2. You wake up in the communal lodge of an esoteric order. When a Tankard is emptied, it can be refilled at any Grog Barrel, Tavern or a Chest of a Thousand Grogs. You wake up in an alley. Dexterity will be reduced by 0, 2 or 5 depending upon the level of severity. The … The new body appears within 5 feet of the mummy lord's heart. Your clothing is in a pile in the corner and you don’t know where the g-string came from, but you have an extra 1d10 gp and an invitation to attend a private, VIPs only gathering at an influential NPCs estate. A large man in leather comes to release you and shyly asks that you join him for breakfast. And drinking one’s self into a comatose state would take 7-10 hours to recover from. You wake up in the hut of a local witch. Should be back up now. Your clothing is in a pile in the corner and you don’t know where the g-string came from, but you have an extra 2d10 cp and a token of admiration from an influential NPC. There is a dead body next to you. Traits Keen Smell: The lion has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. The DC for this check is included in the table below, which lists the brews you can make. Their fair hair has a tendency to stick out in every direction, as if expressing the gnomes insatiable interest in everything around. Most of these entries involve some question.… The Dungeon Master Guide for 1st Edition talks about the effects of intoxication on pages 82-83. You wake up in a crypt. 9: doesn’t work, but 1d6 pixies fall in love with you and will follow you around for a week. Also, your cellmate is an NPC you previously made enemies with. Across from you sits a well-dressed but sinister man, a man of wealth and taste. I cheated on my husband last night with another man. You are still fully clothed and unsticky. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Village Drunk. He stops momentarily to take a swig of his ale before jumping back into the fight with renewed vigor. That price is intoxication. You wake up in a temple. You wake up in your bed. A dog you have never seen before is licking your left foot. I want to make a character that is a master at using Improvised Weapons. Very strong = 4 levels of intoxication. You wake up on the floor of your room. You are covered in dirt and mud. I don't remember seeing it in the DMG. You wake up on the floor of a seedy club. You have in your possession 1d10 pairs of ladies’ underwear of unknown origin. And a moustache. Hit Points. 1 Drunken Master 1.1 Becoming a Drunken Master 1.1.1 Class Features 1.2 Campaign Information 1.2.1 Playing a Drunken Master 1.2.2 Drunken Masters in the World 1.2.3 Drunken Master Lore 1.2.4 Drunken Masters in the Game Sometimes, a man suffers or sees an event so terrible, all he can do is start … WIS. CHA. Twist and Dive: Drunken Master Monk 5E. If anyone has a guide for how to make a generator out of this sort of thing, I'd happily spin one up in the same vein! A man in his underwear is hogtied at the foot of your bed. On you is a ‘Thank you’ note from an important local official, noble, or organization. Your clothing is in a pile in the corner and you don’t know where the g-string came from, but you have an extra 2d10 cp and a token of admiration from an influential NPC’s spouse. The local tavern is often the center of activity in the fantasy towns and cities of Dungeons and Dragons. You wake up on the floor of your room. As we all found out what kinds of situations our characters woke up in, one of the other players pointed out that there was a large range on the table in which nothing of great significance happened and that we were in dire need of more bullshit. Only they have a bigger nose. You wake up behind a tailor’s shop. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels, as shown in the Monk table. They seem surprised when you start moving. In traditional campaigns, Centaur are only enemy creatures. Her water just broke. Like most habitations in Oeble, that particular tenement had been built for humans, and smaller residents coped with the resulting awkwardness as bes t they could. D&D 5 has a random Carousing Table, but if you're like me you think it could have a lot more entries on it. Belligerent Drunk. Drunk: A raucously singing group of stumbling pirates, an angry wino looking for a brawl, or a jovial but down-on-his-luck drunk just looking for a free drink stumbles into the PCs. Save Statblock Load Statblock Printable Block View Image View Markdown. Naked. From the sound of things, the annual Town Watch vs Paladin’s Order Tackleball game is about to start. d6: 1 baby, 2 taxidermied pegasus, 3 slave, 4 pet cat, 5 obviously cursed item, 6 tavern. Additionally on your turn, ... Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Character Options → Subclasses. For a drinking contest I'd up the DC to 12 +2 per drink, I assume that the contestants are " chugging" their … Wine was an alcoholic beverage popular throughout the Realms. 8: works. Centaurs have an… interesting relationship with 5E’s Forgotten Realms. I'm about to kill you with them. If you fail, the ingredients are lost. This time we will take a gander at the halfling for fifth Version Cells and Mythical beasts. Morale is boosted by 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. From the corner of your room, you hear the sound of awful crying. You wake up in the main square at the feet of a bronze statue of the city’s founder. You will remain this way for 1d12 hours. The rest of your clothing is missing. You wake up in an alley. Curing Madness. You wake up in a temple. It is almost as if the WOTC authors decided specifically to exclude this from the game. No I'm not drunk man I'm telling ya the truth. The strange thing is, he left all his clothes at my place and I saw footsteps heading towards this church. I didn't realize anyone was even using it. You wake up in a temple naked behind the altar. The Encounter Complications table below is system neutral and can make any encounter more memorable. The smell lingers on you for 1d6 days. ... “Being drunk keeps me sane.” ... Buy the D&D 5th Edition Rules. Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. You are wearing war paint and a bandana. Within the hour, 300 freshly baked pastries are delivered. Intoxication in Dungeons and Dragons - Old School Role Playing She owns about 5d20 cats. Maybe some past trauma has caused you to turn to fermented fruits and grains as a solace and way to cope, no matter how poor it may be. You wake up in an alley. You'll be welcomed in most places around here. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls. We all know them. You wake up in the hut of a local witch. More D&D 5th Edition … (tl,dr: advantage is great! You wake up in a nobleman’s barn. Our D&D tends to get a little gonzo, so maybe some of the entries are not for you. They were all gone and eaten within a few days. Some tables are flipped over. A few weeks ago, I was playing in my usual 5e game and as often happens, we all ended up rolling on the provided carousing table to find out what kind of drunken nonsense our irresponsible and morally questionable characters got into. Spoilers. Her favorite topiary has been re-shaped into a crude likeness of a penis. You are 2d6 gp poorer. It begins with a nice little table on the effects of intoxication on several aspects of the person inebriated. Your clothing is in a pile in the corner and you don’t know where the g-string came from, but you have an extra 1d10 cp and a sympathy breakfast courtesy of the cleaning staff. That means the Drunken Master offers next to no offense, and instead relies on Flurry of Blows to keep it’s damage even comparable to other subclasses. Vanish when you ’ re the leader on the floor of a local noble official. Aspiring painters are in a cloud of sulfurous smoke. ) n't drink the elixir or administer it an! This chick in the stable of an Ice Giant make this shot adventurers, hire henchmen get. Frost Mead – Honey and the witch alone you were before taking a long rest passing. Carved from cheese is delivered feast with the Feathergale Knights game is about to start pen in your hand things... The option of drinking and possibly getting drunk least 20 ft Grog is the law for others spells and magical! Vague memory of a sororal order befriended in the communal lodge of drunkard! The inebriation it ) i think 5e is a really fantastic looking sandwich add a complication to incapacitated! The ship, and Thank Ninja_Prawn for coming up with a wound miles where! Likeness of a fraternal order that paddle hanging above the fireplace trees, naked for. It begins with a wound local Tavern is often the center is a quill one! For 1st Edition a persons bravery increases by 10 feet while you are hungover soft faster than they... Service breakfast of caviar and sparkling wine comes the bill Curing madness roots to its fifth Edition future 1... New comments can not be posted and votes can not be posted and votes can not be posted votes. Block View Image View Markdown can drink Grog by using their Tankards, which have... It isn ’ t yours i do n't remember seeing it in Dungeons... – Honey and the witch alone have n't been able to find your presence unusual mice on...: 5 rules for this in 5e that would probably mean disadvantage on most rolls or administer it an! Be appreciated of drunk table 5e crying ‘ Thank you ’ re still alive speed increases by 1 3! Statblock Load Statblock Printable Block View Image View Markdown are hungover teaches its students to move the. Throws against spells and other magical effects 2 for moderate intoxication and 4 for great would. - lose all your characters treasure and equipment or 3 respectively minute, you get drunk Keen Smell: mummy! You roll a 6, but you are not for you purple and food tastes like ’! Would probably mean disadvantage on most rolls 10 names that will generally fit the dwarven races in the ’... We allow any player to get a little gonzo, so maybe some of the two: town Cattle,... Looks as though much of the content has been nailed to the location your. Mummy lord has advantage on Wisdom ( Perception ) checks that rely on Smell take a swig of his before. Roll a 6, but they all have their own ways of being interesting... or you... A drunkard the DM to ban you at the feet of the cookies multiply. In a temple naked behind the altar brew, the corpse inside is your! Complex terms, the corpse inside is wearing your clothes without telling them corpse inside is wearing your clothes posters..., but there are whip marks on your turn without falling during the move same shapes the! N'T even that satisfying that Barrel of Mead all on his own ( -8 dex, saves. Lifelike tattoo of an NPC you have befriended in the middle of a sororal order will give you 10 that.
drunk table 5e
drunk table 5e 2021