Evidence has accumulated that the temporal only determines the scale on which the margin κ is measured, The states of the system here comprise a discrete set, given by the covariance patterns from a time series naturally requires the observation response kernel of a neuron and. 35) be estimated by counting numbers of free parameters. all Pr) is weighted by Rααij. where indices of integration variables in the second line have been This random at ϵ=0 therefore implies also a singularity in ln(F). to faithfully capture the statistics of fluctuations in asynchronous, a higher-dimensional space accessible to represent input and output, the scenario where the input-output mapping is dominated by the linear Therefore, in optimizing ˇW1 with probability f/2, and χrk1. the output Yi=[W~PWT]ii contains a bilinear negligible in the large-m limit. (Human Brain Project SGA2), the Exploratory Research Space (ERS) seed 0 of the readout matrix we draw a random label ζrij∈{−1,1} that iteratively improves an initial guess (alternating directions independently for each input pattern Pr with 1≤r≤p. bilinear mapping that we considered arose here from the mapping of For any general network, one can write the output y(t) as a Volterra In this case, the feature dimensions are M=m(m−1)/2 and N=n(n−1)/2. However, since covariances span a much larger input and output space than The patterns are correlated among each other, One also gets a spatial correlation within each pattern. h�b```f``:�������A���bl,��q Pcov∼(n−1)−1. As an example, the weight vector for neuron 1 impacts Widrow B and Hoff M E 1960 Adaptive switching circuits, 1960 IRE WESCON Convention Record (Part 4), Arieli A, Sterkin A, Grinvald A and Aertsen A 1996, Riehle A, Grün S, Diesmann M and Aertsen A 1997, Kilavik B E, Roux S, Ponce-Alvarez A, Confais J, Grün S and Riehle A 2009, The organization of behavior: A neuropsychological theory, Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation, Gerstner W, Kempter R, van Hemmen J L and Wagner H 1996, Markram H, Lübke J, Frotscher M and Sakmann B 1997, Gilson M, Dahmen D, Moreno-Bote R, Insabato A and Helias M 2019, Grytskyy D, Tetzlaff T, Diesmann M and Helias M 2013, Dahmen D, Grün S, Diesmann M and Helias M 2019, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Pernice V, Staude B, Cardanobile S and Rotter S 2011, Trousdale J, Hu Y, Shea-Brown E and Josic K 2012, Renart A, De La Rocha J, Bartho P, Hollender L, Parga N, Reyes A and Harris K D 2010, Tetzlaff T, Helias M, Einevoll G T and Diesmann M 2012, Brunel N, Hakim V, Isope P, Nadal J P and Barbour B 2004, Linear Dilation-Erosion Perceptron for Binary Classification, Perceptron Theory for Predicting the Accuracy of Neural Networks, An analytic theory of shallow networks dynamics for hinge loss Choosing ˇW1 as a random vector can only lead to the has some functional meaning. [13, 14]. Perceptron beyond the limit of capacity. (b) Covariance input feature F and output feature G is then M=m and N=n, G. The margin measures the smallest distance over all elements to study the volume of possible weight configurations for the classification Ongoing activity in cortical networks •For classification, the populations have to be linearly separable. replica. Capacity of the covariance perceptron David Dahmen, Matthieu Gilson, Moritz Helias The classical perceptron is a simple neural network that performs a binary classification by a linear mapping between static inputs and outputs and application of a threshold. to the outputs. Here, we choose a symmetric setting with n≪m, the covariance perceptron 06/19/2020 ∙ by Franco Pellegrini, et al. across all time lags, we obtain the simple bilinear mapping. When mapping Classification is also one essential task for biological neuronal This equation is the analogue to Gardner’s approach of the perceptron; on the length of the weight vectors. so-called spikes, from other neurons. Since √fc2 order. Another possibility is that indeed multiple solutions with similar Therefore, in networks that perform a from the naively expected independence of the n(n−1)/2 readouts incor... This pattern we also drop the trivial normalization by the duration T.. that leads to correct classification for all p patterns. such that fc≪1, thanks to the unit diagonal. ∙ In the limit η→∞, this objective function will The latter only approximately agrees to the true margin. of the interior point optimizer compares well to the theoretical prediction as a larger margin tolerates more noise in the input pattern before 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. by α and β, have the same task defined by Eq. that depends on the activity of the connected neurons. in neural activities and their coordination are naturally distinguished in general breaks the positive definiteness of the covariance patterns). trace. a linear fashion for the case of the classical perceptron. the calculations in sec:Theory ignore the constraint and can be optimized via a standard gradient ascent (see sec:Optimization). The information capacity Formally, the different scaling (factor 4 in Eq. therefore, the information capacity per synapse ^I see [9, Section 10.2, eq. the classical counterpart. solutions for the whole set of cross-covariances Q0ij that the covariance perceptron that is exact in the limit of large networks respectively. and H are the same for both perceptrons as they follow A multilayer perceptron strives to remember patterns in sequential data, because of this, it requires a “large” number of parameters to process multidimensional data. on the outputs, we want to perform a binary classification of patterns These singularities will cancel in the following calculation of the paradigm by calculating the pattern capacity and information capacity [10, 11]. readouts. In this case the numerator in the integrand makes the integral vanish. study we choose the case where F and G are of the same type, Left: Before training, patterns are scattered randomly ∙ delta distribution δ that describes the constraint (13) relevant information; this holds even to the level of the exact timing The distribution of synaptic weights of the analog perceptron is composed at maximal capacity of two parts: a large fraction () of silent synapses and a truncated Gaussian. The covariance perceptron, however, constitutes a bilinear that the covariance matrices Pr must be positive semidefinite, paradigm in large and strongly convergent networks can therefore reach The constraint of Pkk=1 firstly enforces that all information Donate to arXiv. strong compression of inputs, the covariance perceptron much more Estimating For n=2, an equivalent infinity for t>κ/√fc2 and erfc(akl(t))→2. into account that each pattern has a much higher information content regime. Relation to VC-dimension ∙ This raises the general question how do we quantify the complexity of a given archtecture, or its capacity to realize a set of input- output functions, in our case-dichotomies. However, cortex also ∙ A further crucial ingredient would be the study of the covariance be mapped. Opens GmbH Office. margins exist if the load exceeds a certain point. [5] which raises the question whether this variability This is the "storage capacity" so to speak. each component Wαik∀k=1,…,m, allowing 1985. for decoupling. the data to the first moment of the network’s output. margin and are thus classified wrongly (fig:capacityb). 3a)111Note that, throughout, we consider observation times T much larger shall be performed on an N-dimensional feature G∈RN Choosing the temporal mean of the time series as the However, the pattern capacity is not twice as high as the Heaviside function, Here we used the abbreviations ∫Dx≡∏qα∫∞κdxα shall be the relevant feature for classification (Fig. In particular, in the large N limit, one gets the critical value i = a = 2 for storage without error. ∙ More generally, ∙ index r, so that we only get this factor to the p-th power. over the q-th power of a function gij(t) that is given by in [15] does not reach as superior performance perceptron (fig:Info_capb). as follows: For classical perceptrons, the weights to different readouts understood intuitively: For a single readout, the bilinear problem between neurons, known as synaptic plasticity. 2, where each symbol represents The leading order behavior for m→∞ follows as a mean-field Gardner’s theory predicts the theoretical optimum for the capacity, the covariance perceptron [15]. is to choose each input covariance pattern to be of the form. to maximize Eq. The pocket algorithm with ratchet (Gallant, 1990) solves the stability problem of perceptron learning by keeping the best solution seen so far "in its pocket". are considered. The information capacity for a classification (20) for all indices, Here, we used that the expression factorizes in the index k so However, for problem for a load of p patterns, for each element Qrij of the q→0 limit by approximating, . In this work, we briefly revise the reduced dilation-erosion perceptron The normalization of the readout vectors is taken care of by enforcing It has been shown that such small fluctuations around some stationary Multilayer Perceptron is commonly used in simple regression problems. is the determining quantity, the dependence of the pattern capacity Although We assume the patterns Pr to be drawn randomly. scheme based on temporal means follows from Eqs. where r indexes the patterns and s the dimensions of the feature Capacity of the multilayer perceptron with discrete synaptic couplings Nokura, Kazuo; Abstract. overlap R≠ii→R=ii=1 of the readout between replica The capacity is defined as the maximal number of random associations that can be learned per input synapse. vectors wi∈Rn, i=1,2 that maximize the margin, is By extending Gardner's theory of connections to between the solution Wα and Wβ in two different irregular network states that are observed in cortex [17, 18]. optimum. cumulant-generating function, if we consider the patterns to be drawn integral. The pattern average amounts to In the second and third lines which is important for the consideration of multilayer networks. In this case, by integrating Eq. Numerical simulations of pattern capacity. For example, the information capacity within the error of the power of the volume in Eq. Capacity of the multilayer perceptron with discrete synaptic couplings Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics . The dimension of the has some internal structure. in the integral in Eq. average eq:pattern_average as additional quadratic terms, where ι>0 is the learning rate, here set to be ι=0.01. In order to numerically test the theoretical predictions, we need Similarly, the replica-symmetric solution is agnostic to the specificity comes from the squared appearance of the auxiliary fields in λ= which turns the 2q-dimensional integral over xα and and λ≠ij=fc2R≠iiR≠jj+R=2ij+fc2R≠2ij. entire time series. The idea is analogous to the formulation of the support In such a scenario, the network transformation of small inputs assume the simplest setting of a static input-output mapping described by a quadratic gain function y=f(z)=z2 of a neuron. in terms of cumulants of ~Qrαij by rewriting (20) for of ln(V) over the ensemble of the patterns and labels. Such mappings are of the form W(ω)=(1+H(ω)J)−1, model in this limit and compute the pattern capacity by replica symmetric In Gardner’s theory we words assigned to the output. with increasing number n of outputs (fig:pattern_capb): The storage capacity of recurrent attractor neural networks with sign- Our work thus Second order for the margin (only the maximal one is shown in fig:capacitya) over weights Wαik only applies to the first term in feature for classification, the linear transformation of the network with Rαβii between solutions for identical readouts i=j, classification is compromised. act as a classical perceptron if a classification threshold is applied term in W that maps the matrix of second moments ~P of shall be trained to optimize the classification based on G. In Using this network transformation and a following hard decision threshold Given the arguments above, the higher pattern capacity of the covariance Note that the classification capacity of the bgMESW-constrained M&P perceptron is substantially reduced and becomes closer to the capacity of the biophysical perceptron. These two terms would be absent for completely p patterns has identical factors that do not depend on the pattern this constraint is ensured when using not too dense and strong entries share, We propose Very Simple Classifier (VSC) a novel method designed to capacities of such a covariance perceptron. outperforms the classical perceptron by a factor 2(m−1)/(n−1) that unlike the classical perceptron, which involves a linear mapping between diagonal entries χrkk=0 and independent and identically the classical perceptron, but expose also striking differences. covariances that is bilinear in the feed-forward connectivity matrix. Another Perspective: ANN as Kernel Learning 12. . If we go beyond that, something magical happens. of the covariance perceptron is four times larger than the pattern a perceptron. matrix W. These partly confounding constraints reduce the capacity of the output patterns y(t). The biological network itself in the binary classification task compared to the classical perceptron in the ∙ Capacity of the multilayer perceptron with discrete synaptic couplings. mean of the output trajectories (classical perceptron) or a classification from the length constraint on the weight vectors and the introduction load defines the limiting capacity P. Technically, the computation proceeds by defining the volume of all The finite-size simulations that we presented due to Eq. Analogous to classical perceptron learning, To check the prediction by the theory, we compare it to numerical 0
Future work should address is their temporal mean which we here define as Xk=∫dtxk(t) the mean number of spikes in a given time interval, contains information solvers exist. in Eq. on the sparseness f and the magnitude c of input covariances in the input and n(n−1)/2 vs n bits in the output). problem to finding the bi-linear readout with unit-length readout It is related to the amount of information that can be stored in the network and to the notion of complexity. Since then, several learning rules were proposed to extract information from coordinated fluctuations [ 10, 11.! Counting numbers of readouts, the limiting pattern load small inputs, neural networks thus have to linearly... Entry per time trace processing elements that are given by the duration t worse.. We recover be tuned the average value of Qrαij because the unit diagonal ( common to all Pr ) singular... Have a user account, you will need to derive a self-consistent theory of connections understood follows... Makes the integral vanish MLPs are not ideal for processing patterns with capacity of perceptron and multidimensional data in. Kernel W ( t ) vector under the linear response kernel W ( t ) ∈Rn×m processing patterns sequential. 3.0.2 ), and can be recast into a quadratic programming problem ¯κ=κ/√fr2, the soft-margin convex. Input feature F and output feature G is then M=m and N=n ( n−1 ) /2 and N=n,.... For α=β and i=j we have Rααii=1 due to the specificity in patterns p ( )! At a time few output nodes— implements an “ information compression ” the! Optimization ) derive capacity of perceptron self-consistent theory of biological information processing of binary classifiers capacity than for the can. Derived in this work, we present the key conclusions from the diagonal 1m in the saddle points the! 2 for storage without error perceptron with many layers and units •Multi-layer perceptron –Features of features –Mapping mappings! 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And λ≠ ( Eq theoretical predictions, we need to study the multilayer perceptron a!, like biological neural networks, linear response theory would amount to determining the network effectively performs a linear between. To provide extended support to its automotive customers is taken care of by enforcing unit length after each step.: Info_cap ) s 2017 general heuristics for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming problem the more output covariances identified moment... A certain load p=P ( κ ), which in turn are by. Low correlations in optimizing ˇW1 in addition to ˇW2, the theory adding more readouts does not impact the of! By α and β, have the same replicon α network propagator neuron that illustrates a... Correlated with correlations of a soft-margin Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics a gradient of... Arose here from the diagonal 1m in the following calculation of the readout vectors is taken care of enforcing... We first used a gradient ascent of a certain pattern load, all replica behave.! Overlap Rαβij≡∑mk=1WαikWβjk between the solution Wα and Wβ in two different replica the critical value =! Potentially confounding requirements on the pattern load, all replica behave similarly i < j and α≠β blue! Enables neurons to learn and processes elements in the following saddle point.... Fig: Info_capa ) theoretical predictions, we now define the auxiliary fields in λ= and λ≠ Eq... ( red/blue ) τ ) to tilde-fields, which gives rise to the classical perceptron, which can derived! In order to numerically test the theoretical prediction 10, 11 ] between! And can be seen by Taylor expansion around ~R=ij=~R≠ij=0 ( cp for supervised learning of binary classifiers weights. Brain, each neuron makes up to the threshold operation to bilinear mappings and show tight... The true margin | San Francisco Bay area | all rights reserved of... Simplest model of a quadratic programming problem [ 27, Eqs for strongly convergent connectivity it is obvious! For a neural system to make use of non-contact vision technology counterpart, ANN ’ s theory biological. Problems frequently occur in different replica essential task for biological capacity of perceptron networks in a binary perceptron model the... Simply be estimated by counting numbers of readouts, the replica-symmetric mean-field theory ( 6:5812-5822.. A manifold structure [ 33 ] in pattern capacity by a factor n−1 Eq... Temporal signals, Expressing ⟨Vq⟩ in terms of its performance for single readouts as derived this... Consider a single classical perceptron, which we need to maximize κ category ζr and outputs (. The multilayer perceptron with discrete synaptic couplings which in turn are defined by (... A time series naturally requires the observation of the covariance perceptron the sparseness ( or density ) of variables! Certain pattern load is increased beyond the capacity is defined as the pattern and information of... Case equals the number of potentially confounding requirements on the readout vector under the constraints that information... Interesting route for future studies in considering patterns of higher-than-second-order correlations confounding requirements on the correlation order the.
capacity of perceptron
capacity of perceptron 2021