189.Which is identical to the closed list in Graph search? d) Self-serving bias, a) careful, critical thinking 120. b) problem-solving expertise From where did the new fact inferred on new iteration is derived? Explanation: Neural networks are complex linear functions with many parameters. We can say an ambiguous un-proposed situation. Explanation: All mentioned options are applications of learning. Answer:c Explanation:The basic element for a langauage is the random variable, which can be thought as a part of world and its status is initially unknown. Explanation: Yes the perceptron works like that. Following is an example of active learning: a) News Recommender system a) yes Which modifies the performance element so that it makes better decision? Here we de ne the capacity of an architecture by the binary logarithm of the … a) Self organizing maps 000 0 Why do we need biological neural networks? a) Inference rule d) Texas Instruments. Explanation:Linear weighted polynomial is used for learning element in the game playing programs. b) Variables c) Perception d) All of the mentioned. c) Boolean logic d) none of the mentioned d) none of the the mentioned a) Active learning What can be viewed as single leteral of disjunction? Answer: c c) Regular Hypothesis This set of Neural Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Activation Models″. d) algorithms, a) the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer. a) Semantics of propositional logic 43. 27. d) Boolean Algebra, 159. 122. a) generative CAI b) Specific output values are not given Introduction The statistical complexity, or capacity, of unregularized feed-forward neural networks, as a function of the network size and depth, is fairly well understood. 8. 131. c) the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer. Which of the following is the component of learning system? d) Addition of redundant variable. Which company offers the LISP machine considered “the most powerful symbolic processor available”? a) LMI 162. c) a neural network that has only one loop d) None of the mentioned. b) Changing element Deep Neural Networks are ANNs with a larger number of layers. a) Environment a) Because they are the only class of problem that network can solve successfully d) to be versatile The difficulty of the task depends on the chosen representation. c) Semidynamic Explanation: A perceptron is a Feed-forward neural network with no hidden units that can be representing only linear separable functions. b) Target function takes on a discrete number of values. b) Amount of light Answer: b (iii)They are more suited for real time operation due to their high ‘computational’ rates, a) (i) and (ii) are true d) All of the mentioned. Answer:d Answer:c Explore different optimizers like Momentum, Nesterov, Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, Adam and Nadam. What takes input as an object described bya set of attributes? Example of a unsupervised feature map? 76. 11. c) Automated vehicle 114. 65. b) Alpha-beta pruning a) recognizing relative importance Answer: d c) Sensor Explanation:Logical inference algorithm can be solved be using logical equivalence, Validity and satisfiability. c) Environment will be changed 19. Which of the following have people traditionally done better than computers? Answer:c c) Trees d) None of the mentioned. d) All of the mentioned. d) All of the mentioned. 202.Natural Language generation is the main task of Natural language processing. d) Decision tree. a) Depth-first search c) Chance Nodes b) (setq b a ) Answer: c Does for feature mapping there’s need of supervised learning? Answer: d c) Both a & b After generalization, the output will be zero when and only when the input is: a) 000 or 110 or 011 or 101 b) 010 or 100 or 110 or 101 c) 000 or 010 or 110 or 100 d) 100 or 111 or 101 or 001. a) Sales forecasting How can be the goal is thought of in backward chaining algorithm? An Artificial Neural Network was used to model the MAXBEX time series, a specific characteristics of the flow-based capacity domain of cross-border power exchange. • Experiments were conducted with today’s best performing techniques. (ii) Neural networks can be simulated on a conventional computer. Which company offers the LISP machine considered to be “the most powerful symbolic processor available”? a) potential at synapses b) cell membrane potential c) all of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned ... both limited neural fluid & fan in capacity d) none of the mentioned View Answer. b) Unrelizable 59. Explanation: Neural networks have higher computational rates than conventional computers because a lot of the operation is done in parallel. 61. c) Extension of propositional logic a) Along the path of search a) Recognize the people, objects, and situations remain stable over time Answer:b b) to apply heuristic search methods to find solutions of problem 164. d) Natural languages are context-oriented free 53. A neural network is a (crude) mathematical representation of a brain, which consists of smaller components called neurons. However, this field was established before the advent of computers, and has survived several eras. Explanation: Decision trees can be used in all the conditions stated. Explanation:The two formal languages used for stating propositions are propositional logic and first-order logic. b) Heaviside function a) human perceive everything as a pattern while machine perceive it merely as data The most common way to estimate the capacity of a model is to count the number of parameters. Explanation: The resolution rule for first-order clauses is simply a lifted version of the propositional resolution rule. d) Both b & c. Answer:b a) Single test Which provides agents with information about the world they inhabit? b) static inputs & categorization can’t be handled If the data are linearly separable, a simple weight updated rule can be used to fit the data exactly. 34. What is used in determining the nature of the learning problem? c) we make choices to avoid particular stimuli Like the human brain, they learn by examples, supervised or unsupervised. b) input pattern has become static The number of feedback paths(loops) does not have to be one. Answer: c Explanation: The truth table … d) Any depth. c) a double layer auto-associative neural network b) 1950, Computing Machinery and Intelligence d) All of the mentioned. d) All of the mentioned. 1. Answer: d Which values are independant in minimax search algorithm? a) Removal of redundant variable Explanation:Decision tree takes input as an object described by a set of attributes and returns a decision. Which is mainly used for automated reasoning? d) All of the above, 178. a) Decremental forward chaining Explanation:The five logical symbols are negation, conjuction, disjunction,implication and biconditional. c) Sentence remains the same 101 $ c) Xerox Which of the following is not the promise of artificial neural network? d) Irregular Hypothesis Which is used to choose among multiple consistent hypotheses? c) Discrete variable Artificial Neural Networks– Artificial Neural Networks is an imitation of Biological Neural Networks,,by artificial designing small processing elements, in lieu of using digital computing systems that have only the binary digits. d) non-hierarchical planning. Answer: d c) All formal languages are like natural language Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can … b) Inductive learning Explanation: Factors which affect the performance of learner system does not include good data structures. Automated vehicle is an example of ______. c) A false positive hypothesis a) Sense Why are linearly separable problems of interest of neural network researchers? d) All of the mentioned. Explanation:A single literal can be viewed as a disjunction or one literal also, called as unit clause. c) Substitution Explanation: Not all formal languages are context-free. 96. Answer: d d) Because it is the simplest linearly inseparable problem that exists. Explanation: The five types of 3-D image processing techniques are motion, binocular stereopsis, texture, shading and contour. d) output is static a) Local d) Truth-Functionality 60. d) Both a & b, Your email address will not be published. Answer:c d) None of the mentioned. c) Both a & b How the decision tree reaches its decision? Answer: b Factors which affect the performance of learner system does not include, a) Representation scheme used d) Primary. Explanation: Consistent hypothesis go with examples, If the hypothesis says it should be negative but infect it is positive, it is false negative. c) All of the above This can be resolved by, a) Fuzzy Logic Answer: c b) Unrealizable d) Statements. Explanation: Decision trees, Neural networks, Propositional rules and FOL rules all are the models of learning. a) Intelligent computers c) Random variable a) A software used to analyze neurons b) inaccurate and faulty processing However, there are no Attachment properties lies in a Rule-based system. Explanation: Also known as the step function – so answer 1 is also right. 58. 174. c) Learning rules Which is created by using single propositional symbol? d) Conjunction of variables. b) Incompleteness b) Dust cleaning machine a) Hill climbing search algorithm How to eliminate the redundant rule matching attempts in the forward a) Every sentence of propositional logic Answer: e Which will solve the conjuncts of the rule so that the total cost is We cannot expect the specific output to test your result. Explanation: An auto-associative network is equivalent to a neural network that contains feedback. Explanation: Decision tree takes input as an object described by a set of attributes and returns a decision. c) Deduction a) IF and THEN Approach 125. c) Schematas Explanation:Logic programming can be constructed by expressing knowledge in a formal expression and the problem can be solved by running inference process. c) 1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy c) Surface The output will be: Answer: a c) Both a & b b) Narrow fact b) Fundamental attribution error b) (ii) is true Explanation:The three types of random variables are boolean, discrete and continuous. Which algorithm will work backward from the goal to solve a problem? a) Conjunctive normal form The process by which you become aware of messages through your sense is called, a) Organization d) The recency effect. A 3-input neuron is trained to output a zero when the input is 110 and a one when the input is 111. 117. 010 $ 102. The output of the network is (1,1). c) Actuators Answer: a Explanation:The three possible sources of complexity are inner loop, algorithm rechecks every rule on every iteration, algorithm might generate many facts irrelevant to the goal. 011 $ It grows proportionally as the convolutional neural network goes deep. Figure 3 shows how the receptive fields grows in an exemplar convolutional neural network. Explanation:It will contains the list of goals containing a single element and returns the set of all substitutions satisfying the query. d) All of the mentioned. 208.Given a sound clip of a person or people speaking, determine the textual representation of the speech. Why We Need Backpropagation? Answer: c c) Conjunction of literals 54. d) Distinguish facts from inference. b) Attachment After generalization, the output will be zero when and only when the input is: a) 000 or 110 or 011 or 101 Answer:b 200.Which is used to provide the feedback to the learning element? a) First-order definite clause are similar to propositional forward chaining 86. How many kinds of reflection are available in image perception? Explanation: A learning problem is realizable if the hypothesis space contains the true function. In some cases, this threshold can go up to 10 layers. Natural language processing is divided into the two sub-fields of: 175. How many types of 3-D image processing techniques are there in image perception? Carefully studying the brain, the scientists and engineers came up with an architecture that could fit in our digital world of binary computers. e) Estimated Hypothesis. Answer: c b) Substitutes matching the query Decision Tree is a display of an algorithm. These CNN models power deep learning applications like object detection, image segmentation, facial recognition, etc. 14. c) Discrete Functions 124. Decision Trees can be used for Classification Tasks. c) Addition of redundant literal b) It can survive the failure of some nodes When you get fired from your job and you determine it is because your boss dislikes you, you are most likely exhibiting, a) Self-promotion Explanation:Because resolution yields a complete inference rule when coupled with any search algorithm. Answer:b c) Both a & b Which is used to choose among multiple consistent hypotheses? b) It is powerful and easy neural network b) The primary effect Answer:c 172. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. Answer: b 29. e) Optimal algorithm with Dynamic programming. What will happen if two literals are identical? b) highly restricted b) False – perceptrons are mathematically incapable of solving linearly inseparable functions, no matter what you do 81. Answer:a 97. 80. b) Substitution Explanation:For continuous variables, it is not posible to write out the entire distribution as a table. 185.Which value is assigned to alpha and beta in the alpha-beta pruning? With hard-threshold d) Both inputs and outputs are given A bidirectional feedback loop links computer modeling with: a) artificial science The Artificial Neural Networks are basically designed to make robots give the human quality efficiency to the work. a) Old fact 195.What kind of environment is crossword puzzle? This is why the coverage increases as you go deeper in the network, e.g. How many formal languages are used for stating propositions? AI Neural Networks MCQ. A. Learn all about CNN in this course. b) Smoothing c) Speech recognition Answer: a a) Existentially quantified View Answer, 9. d) None of the mentioned. 157. d) Smart computers. a) Propositional resolution rule What of the following is considered a pivotal event in the history of Artificial Intelligence? c) all part-of-speech for a specific word given as input Explanation: Neural networks learn by example. 121. Which algorithm are in more similar to backward chainiing algorithm? What kind of clauses is available in Conjunctive Normal Form? A bidirectional feedback loop links computer modeling with: 177. d) None of the mentioned. How many types are available in machine learning? c) Hill-climbing search algorithm b) Logic c) Propositional resolution Answer: a Answer: a b) Training scenario 132. d) Use a white box model, If given result is provided by a model. Which is meant by assuming any two neighboring that are both edge pixels with consistent orientation? 186.Where does the values of alpha-beta search get updated? View Answer, 12. Answer: b (iii) Artificial neurons are identical in operation to biological ones. b) No function symbols Explanation:Fixed point reached by forward chaining with first-order definiteclause are similar to those for propositional forward chaining. Explanation: A decision tree reaches its decision by performing a sequence of tests. d) None of the mentioned. c) Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors, 191.What is the action of task environment in artificial intelligence? (iii)determine whether two or more shapes in a picture are connected or not, a) (ii) and (iii) are true Explanation: Neural networks parameters can be learned from noisy data and they have been used for thousands of applications, so it varies from problem to problem and thus use nonlinear functions. c) Worst, best and expected values can be determined for different scenarios a) Rational agent 4. c) Every regular language is context-free because it can be described by a regular grammar d) None of the mentioned. 118. b) Combine clause d) Reinforcement learning. Your email address will not be published. ... (internal) has regenerative capacity. b) no Which of the following statement is true? One definition of AI focuses on problem-solving methods that process: a) smell d) All of the mentioned. d) Waves. _____________ is measured by the number of mental structures we use, how abstract they are, and how elaborate they interact to shape our perceptions. 1. In linguistic morphology, _____________ is the process for reducing inflected words to their root form. a) Conjucts d) 1961, Computer and Computer Sense. b) Depends on the order in which they are executed b) LMI It is a hard thresholding function, either on or off with no in-between. What is meant by predicting the value of a state variable from the past? d) Linear weighted polynomial. 152. Which of the following is the model used for learning? Explanation:The main issues for degree of belief are nature of the sentences and the dependance of degree of the belief. d) Both a & b. c) Learning element Explanation:The two proposition symbols are true and false. If we initialize all the weights to zero, the neural network will train but all the neurons will learn the same features during training. 69. d) a response that allows you to state your interpretation and ask your partner whether or not that interpretation is correct. 205.Parsing determines Parse Trees (Grammatical Analysis) for a given sentence. Networking ... Computer Science Bits. Which will be the instance of the class datalog knowledge bases? d) Observation. c) Resolution rule a) It can explain result d) Both a & b. Decision trees are appropriate for the problems where: a) Attributes are both numeric and nominal d) None of the mentioned. d) None of the mentioned. What is the basic element for a language? Explanation: The type of feedback is used in determining the nature of the learning problem that the agent faces. What kind of perception is used in printing? b) Ockham razor a) 1949, Donald O, The organization of Behavior, The cray X-MP, IBM 3090 and connection machine can he characterized as, a) syntactic ambiguity c) Ratioanl Here the agent does not know what to do, as he is not aware of the fact what propose system will come out. 66. a) Locality c) Because they are the only mathematical functions that are continue How fast is propagation of discharge signal in cells of human brain? b) Fully What form of negation does the prolog allows? b) voice recognition a) system can neither be stable nor plastic A model with more capacity can model more different types of functions and may be able to learn a function t… a) Environment does not change with the passage of time 105. a) Specific output values are given View Answer, 8. Answer:d 91. a) Hill-climbing search How many things are concerned in design of a learning element? 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what is the capacity of a neural network mcq
what is the capacity of a neural network mcq 2021