What’s the difference between reincarnation and resurrection? 50 questions believers are asked every day about their faith, God and the Bible 1. by Nick Lear | Jun 4, 2018 | Opinion. We are saved by grace alone and not by works so why is it that we’re... 3. Moral argument: Theory of morality‐ We have a natural law within us (Romans 2:15), our conscience, and this inner sense of what is right and wrong necessitates that there is a higher standard of what is But this is a great start. What’s the best thing about being a believer? All Rights Reserved, 50 questions believers are asked every day about their faith, God and the Bible, A word to the president: You don’t get to good governance by executive order. When a follower of Jesus Christ or someone who is just learning about the Christian walk begins to ask questions, it’s often a sign that the person is ready to go deeper in his or her spiritual journey. Questions and Faith Tips for Parents and Sponsors to Use with Confirmation Candidates. Here are Biblical answers to common questions kids ask about God. Because with each question asked we have a chance to enrich our faith, even if they are rooted in doubt, disillusionment or skepticism. Are there any strongholds for the devil in my life? 14. 39. 10. How does faith … Read aloud John 10:10. But American’s don’t like this trend. Answer: Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Perhaps no other component of the Christian life is more important than faith. Don’t try to have an answer for any of these questions ready. newsletter, According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, a survey from the University of Chicago found. The answer seems simplistic, but it’s still the answer: Build a deep and genuine relationship with God, and then do the same with that person. Top Ten Questions People Ask About the Christian Faith: How Do You Know There is a God? Let them motivate you to seek answers. Have I forgiven everyone who’s wronged me? a. What is it used to mean (and not mean)? Author's Note: 10 Questions About Islam. I love this list so much.. maybe even more than the first. 24. 14. How do you study the Bible beyond just reading it? Help for Christian parents raising teens in today's culture! Is there a way for me to help others? But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. Here are a few of the most common ones. 2. Did you ask anyone if they needed you to pray for them today? 36. A prayerfully curious and humble faith that is willing to live into the answers one day at a time will over time become a deep faith that sustains us even in the most trying of times. A slight majority of Utahns don’t think much of President Joe Biden, who took the oath of office Wednesday after one of the most turbulent periods in American history. Above all, remember God loves your child more than you do. 5. 20 Faith Questions for Youth What makes someone a Christian? The following is a list of questions that are difficult for Mormons to answer. Examine your list and see if your goals are too high. That’s because it is often a new experience for people, and folks don’t always know what to do. 1. I need help with the faith and who can I talk to who have put their in God? For some of these questions, there is no “right” or “wrong” response. 35 Meaningful Questions To Ask Your Grandparents Whether in a simple conversation or a legacy video, asking these questions can teach you a lot about your family history and your grandparents’ life. If you completely trust someone, doubting them should be a foreign expression. Sign up for the 16. 19. The answers to these questions can also help you to feel confident as you share your faith with others. Faith Questions We All Ask. It’s trusting — not just... 2. What religion do you believe in? How has he personally navigated doubts about God? This is not a sign of unbelief, Jesus tells us, but of faith. Don’t be intimidated or frustrated by your questions. People who bought this product also bought... You Ask about Life: Questions Teens are Asking. 47. Jesus welcomes your pursuit and claims that when you “know the truth, the truth will set you free.” Here are five of ten important questions to ask when exploring faith with God. 22. 7 questions you always wanted to ask about Judaism but were afraid to ask Apr 1, 2016, 5:16 PM ... there are many different beliefs within the Jewish faith … by Jana Duckett Especially about the Bible and the Christian faith. Last night as I was reading your comments, I decided we needed a faith specific version of these questions. Since so many Americans are interested in keeping religion’s influence in the country, believers may face a slew of questions from secularists who try and understand what it means to be faithful and religious in modern America. 2. 01/15/2015 11:17 am ET Updated Mar 17, 2015 Faith is a factor in global economic growth, perhaps more so in particular emerging markets like South-East Asia. He has set them apart and will draw them near to you. Ask: What is this verse talking about? Don’t be intimidated or frustrated by your questions. The question of modernity and faith, including Islam, depends on what is meant by the term modernity. 8. 31. 13. Try not to back up your responses with bible verses. In fact, 49 percent of people want religion to have more of an influence in politics, the Pew poll found. It isn’t your job to save your children. I use five categories — Why is it hard to have faith in God? The question of the existence of God is actually the key difference when it comes to calling oneself an atheist, an agnostic, or a believer. Faith means trusting all that God promises to be to me in Christ Jesus. 37. Related Post: 5 Apps to Help Share the Gospel. Instead, strive for open conversation. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Even if you're not a believer. Do you have to say certain words to become a Christian? Does your past play a role when joining a religion? 7. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas and Duke Divinity School, and the co-author of Ask: Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age. Ask: How can people choose the life Jesus promises? There you have it, 5 Questions to ask yourself about your faith; Prayer Requests; Leave a comment Do you have to do certain things to be a Christian? The questions a person asks often offer a glimpse of what is going on in that person’s life. 20 Questions Kids Will Ask about Christianity ____ 4 Note: Scripture quotes are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version. 43. Were the books of the Bible reliably preserved for us? Price: $10.99 . Below are 50 open-ended questions for kids about faith and family, to get the conversation flowing. FAITH. Are there any things you said or did today that you need to ask for God’s forgiveness? During the Christian spiritual journey, followers of Christ are forced to eventually face some basic faith-related questions. It’s hard to believe an answer if you don’t understand the question it is addressing. Do you have to do certain things to be a Christian? What does God look like? Taking time to ask questions about ourselves can lead us to an encouraging path of growth. 2) Isn't the Trinity Illogical? As a curious person without a strong faith of my own, I found each of these religions fascinating, Islam included. by Austin Maxheimer . 28. Remember, there is a reason your pastor believes the way he or she does. 1. 1. Didn’t the Lord promise to meet all my needs ( Phil. What’s the best part of going to church? Is there a hell? 42. You Ask about Relationships: Questions Teens Are Asking. Has God ever failed me in the past? We asked Utah’s poet laureate about the poem at inauguration. Try asking one of these questions and listen intently to your friend’s answer. I haven’t found a church yet but I do go but once in a blue moon. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is not the true Christian Church. The world is in chaos. Price: $11.99 . What is saving faith? Why do bad things happen to good people? According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, 72 percent of Americans feel that religion is losing its influence in daily life, which is up 5 percent from a similar survey in 2010. A trusted faith community is a valuable resource for biblically sound advice … 3 questions to ask before adding to your statement of faith Confessions of faith should function as guardrails, not a straightjacket. “Whenever our hearts condemn us. Is there only one way to God, or do all religions lead to the same God? 10. Do you believe in God or another deity? 12. More Signs of True Genuine Faith: The book of 1 John was written so we can know we have genuine saving faith … FAITH. But once more, that doctrine is not universally affirmed by Christians and is not essential to the Christian faith. Do you think much about spiritual things? ~ James 2:17-18. There are so many different questions we can ask ourselves to check where we are at in regards to our faith filled walk with Christ but in this post I only mention five questions that can easily be forgotten. +++++ The Top 10 Questions ./ Issues of the Faith: 1) Can I Make It to Heaven If I'm 'Good Enough'? By Jeff Robinson • June 16, 2020 Pandemic prompts Latter-day Saint leaders to make April 2021 general conference virtual only, Biden undoes ban on travelers from some majority-Muslim countries, What faith leaders are praying for on Inauguration Day, Actor, actress, former pro footballer join list of keynote speakers at RootsTech Connect, Arizona requires appointments to get the COVID-19 vaccine. What’s the coolest story from the Bible? Copyright © 2020 Deseret News Publishing Company. The best thing to do is stick with the interesting, non-judgmental questions from “ 50 Thought Provoking Questions to Ask Teens. What’s the main message to take away from the Bible? I get the occasional nasty comment as I expect do all Jews. What’s the difference between a pastor, priest or preacher? 3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself About Faith. “The Top 10 Questions College Students ask about Christianity” Written by Russ and Charlene Whitten The questions we will address in this class are as follows: 1. 5. We are to ask, and to go on asking, until we receive. Spark Great Conversation with These 50 Questions to Ask Your Kids. 9. If you ask these questions, you can learn more about dealing with your questions and doubts. 40. Questions can lead you to discover things you would otherwise never have known. Questions to ask an atheist – What about your own sin? Listed below are the most frequent questions we receive from Catholics and about Catholicism. Trump’s gone. A lot of reasons, but the biggest part is the country’s secularization. If your family is Christian, does that make you a Christian? Respond to each question with biblical answers, and you risk pushing your teen away. « How to Teach Your Children the Fruit of the Spirit, 25 Amazing Christmas Traditions for Single Moms ». If he does, why is my life falling apart?” and “ Will we make it through the pandemic? Before taking a step of faith, count the cost, and do some exploring. 14 Good Bible Discussion Questions About Faith 1. Not discussing these topics and “hoping for the best” is much like not talking about sex with your kids and hoping they do the right thing. Saving faith is the Spirit-enabled embrace of and resting on our faithful God in Christ for the redemption offered by him through the promise of the gospel. Many Muslim families ask everyone to pitch in to help, even the littlest in the household, to make sure that everyone can get out of the kitchen and focus on worship. What does it mean for the Bible to be inspired vs. inerrant vs. other views? Lisa Capretto OWN. Here are 50 questions that a nonbeliever may ask a believer to try and understand religion a bit more. Kandi Elliott Lansing, Illinois. You Ask About Faith: Questions Teens Are Asking. (Thanks middle of the night nursing session for my ‘thinking’ time.) It’s good to ask yourself some questions here like… You always have to study faith, because you always need faith. Consider three questions that many people would like to ask God, if given the chance, and the answers that the Bible provides. Before taking a step of faith, count the cost, and do some exploring. Here are Biblical answers to common questions kids ask about God. How did you help them? But what happens when they cause us to ask questions of our faith? When a man came up to Jesus to discuss his mute son, he told Him, “I asked your... 2. How can there be a God? Does someone need to attend church to be spiritual? What’s the difference between being spiritual and being religious? According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 75 percent of people think it would be positive for religion to have more of an influence in America’s daily life. This is an interview with a faith besides my own. Does God Exist? Where does someone read religious news? Você pode ler sobre como começar a sua em meu artigo How to Get Your Kids to Ask More Questions about Their Faith (Como fazer seus filhos perguntarem mais sobre a fé […] raising godly children in a broken world eight tips to strengthen their walk on September 25, 2017 at 12:10 AM […] know what questions they have or what to ask. Let’s discuss some of the questions faithful believers have sent to Groundwork this year, questions like: “Do we still need the Old Testament or has the New Testament replaced it?” “Does God really love me? 60 Faith Questions I Hope To Answer Before My Kids Leave Home What should the role of the Bible be in a Christian’s life? What should someone do if he or she is confronted about faith? 3. 20. How has she handled skepticism about the Bible? What do you think about evolution or the Big Bang Theory. Let them motivate you to seek answers. QUESTION 1: What reward do you expect your faith to lead you to? Do you have to say certain words to become a Christian? No one will know until we meet Jesus. 9. What is the easiest way to bring up Christianity with a non-believer? Indoor Game 12: Beaten Down Him or ourselves that he will then use to move us into a deeper relationship with him. No, it is not. 35. by Jana Duckett Especially about the Bible and the Christian faith. ‘A loving God would prevent life’s tragedies,’ many conclude. Pay attention not only to what each person is saying, but to the nonverbal messages. 26. Indeed, if we don't continue to ask, Jesus asks, "When the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth?" How often does someone need to say “amen?”. Five questions to ask someone about their spirituality. Is it a latter-day revelation that restores the so-called true Christian faith? 3. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Spirituality in Every Day Life . We cannot purchase it, sell it or give it to our friends. If there’s one God, why are there more than 4,000 religions? 4. 6. Why is America losing its religion? How can you start shifting the conversation toward faith? What can millennials get out of religion? When your kids ask a question that the Bible doesn’t clearly answer, be honest about that and use it as a key teaching opportunity. 29. Five questions to ask someone about their spirituality. Am I right with God? Don’t interrupt. Presidents of both political parties have increasingly governed by enacting major initiatives and priorities through executive orders. But ‘tagalongs’ are getting it, too, After ‘WandaVision’ episode 3, we still don’t know anything, This one number reveals the dark truth about California’s COVID-19 crisis right now, There was a basketball player on TNT Thursday night that did everything right, and his name is Donovan Mitchell, The CDC has a very, very grim estimate for what’s next in the pandemic, Utah State’s defense doesn’t hold up as win streak snapped at 11 with loss to Colorado State. The concept is simple: get people of multiple ages and life stages together for formation. Here are a few of the most common ones. What has God promised? Why should someone start believing in God? Is the Bible really the Word of God? In this course, we cover 10 of the most troubling questions of the Faith - questions that most Christians have struggled with at one time or another, and that others outside the Faith may wonder about as well. 5 questions to ask yourself today about your faith in Jesus. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. (Luke 18:8). What is your idea of what God looks like? Our "conflict" with Catholicism is in regards to the proper interpretation of the Bible. These faith questions are going to start from very general, to specific. 48. Can someone believe in God but not attend church? What do people learn about religion in school? By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Too high means, have you ever believed at this level before successfully? Asking questions about faith can make your faith stronger than ever. Is there sin in my life? Top Ten Questions College Students Ask About God and the Christian Faith 1) How do you know there is a God? Don’t prepare your response while someone else is still speaking. At school I was called unpleasant names and once when I was out some girl called me a Jew ***** for no reason. If View Comments. Arthur is married to Becky (a Houston native), and they have recently had their first child Sam. Arthur is a fifth-generation Methodist preacher who grew up in churches across North Texas. 7 Questions to Help You Share Your Faith. How does God and religion really help you get through tough times? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will construct the Deseret Peak Temple in Tooele, a seven-minute drive away from the previous site in Erda, Utah. I could think of more questions to ask and I’m sure you could, too. Do you have to be baptized to be a Christian? Click To Tweet. to satisfy me fully and forever in Himself ( John 6:35 ). Stop whatever you’re doing. 46. 6. Looking Inside: 3 Difficult Questions to Ask Yourself When Sharing Your Faith. Do you believe in God or another deity? When did you choose your faith? How to Engage Teens Who Question Their Faith, Rebecca Kenney - Read teen parenting advice and help from a Biblical perspective. Faith consists of asking until we get the answer, since we believe strongly that God will give us what we seek. Question: "What does the Bible say about faith?" Encourage your teens to think for themselves. "She won poetry fans over," Utah poet laureate Paisley Rekdal said of Amanda Gorman’s poem. 2. (Note: My thanks to Dr. Glenn Igleheart, former Director of the Interfaith Witness Department of the SBC Home Mission Board, for suggesting these questions [The Student, Nov. 1984]. 5 questions to ask yourself today about your faith in Jesus. 11. I encourage you to not only ask yourself these today, but even weekly or monthly. 3. Did you notice if anyone was having a rough day today? What does it mean that faith is supernatural? The sure-fire way to implode your inquisitive efforts is to use these questions to debate with people or … Therefore I would like to ask questions in hopes that someone can explain them and help me more fully understand and trust God. Did you have to change your life before you started following a religion? 50. Ask question.Pray.Ask God to reveal the truth to you talk to people who have placed their trusting Jesus.Don’t quit you have answers. In what contexts, by whom? In these times, we should ask ourselves the following questions: Where do these doubts come from? (This usually leads to conversation about what "spiritual" means-i.e. Here are six questions all Christians will eventually ask. Non-Jews do have lots of questions, however, and often they may not ask them for fear of offending. Be available to kids after this game who may have questions related to their faith decisions. by Pauls, Tim . In BYU’s first game at home in a month, the Cougars dialed up a strong second half in running away from Portland 95-67 at the Marriott Center on Thursday night. During the Christian spiritual journey, followers of Christ are forced to eventually face some basic faith-related questions. Are there ways to follow faith on a smartphone? 13. I probably did when I was learning about it but not really now.I do ask questions about general observance though. Really listen to them in order to understand more about them. Should someone read a Bible before he or she starts believing in a religion? There are times when I read what another Christian has written or said, and I wonder whether I am reading the same Bible as them because I can’t justify their behavior based on what I read in my Bible. And ask some or all of these questions and try to think about the answers that emerge… How is the word religion being used? How do you know when God is answering prayers? For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything” John 3:20. Does science contradict the Bible? Where is Heaven? 49. What about nice/good people who don’t believe in Jesus? Did Jesus put anyone on your heart today at school? 25. 1 “WHY DO YOU ALLOW SUFFERING?” Why ask that question? 45. 20 Questions to Help You Share Your Faith 1. 23. 3 questions to ask before adding to your statement of faith. 4. 41. Should someone attend a religious service from multiple faiths before picking a religion? I need 10 good questions to ask about their faith How important is it that someone learns specific prayers? 4:19 )? Why do you believe in something you can’t see? 12. Right Thinking, Right Words, Blessed Life – Daily Devotional (Day 15) This article is a continuation (Part 2) of the article entitled “Believe in Your Heart and Confess with Your Mouth”. At some point in time, you have questioned whether or not there is a God. 2. 33. What benefits can someone get from going to church? Faithfully Parenting Teens. Price: $11.99 . Tag Archives: questions to ask about faith. Do You Cheat When Fasting? Below are 50 open-ended questions for kids about faith and family, to get the conversation flowing. And so our writers came through (again) with these 70 questions to ask your kids. Look each other in the eye. 3 keys in the BYU Cougars’ 28-point win over the Portland Pilots. How has she dealt with questions about theology her own life? 2. Ask follow up questions to show genuine interest. Do you have to be baptized to be a Christian? 9. Poll: What Utahns think about new President Joe Biden. Where is the hope?”. What version of the Bible should a new believer read? What should a believer do before they die? We strongly believe that the Bible is to be our guide for faith and practice. 5 Questions to Ask About Faith in Emerging Markets. 5. Be the first to review this product. A basic idea, but sometimes difficult to follow through with. Spark Great Conversation with These 50 Questions to Ask Your Kids. Is it better for someone to follow religion on his or her own, or involve the family, too? Catholic Questions and Answers – One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions. Are the characters in the Bible figurative or literal? There are thousands of questions we should ask our pastors and teachers, but the most important thing for us is how we approach our pastors with our questions. 32. 17. Some of these are questions that I think we forget to ask in our frenetic pace of life, and they’re worth asking. Have you been treated differently because of your faith? Believe in Your Heart and Confess with Your Mouth (Part 2) Posted on June 24, 2012 by Faith in God Daily. I was a religion major in college, which consisted of taking at least one class in each of the major Western and Eastern religious traditions. People invest time and energy into developing their career, their bodies and relationships, but often neglect the... 2. Sign in to write your review. Thank you Ekia Can you still be a Christian and not attend church? Start your day with the top stories you missed while you were sleeping. Ironically, they are often the same questions that people who claim to have faith in God struggle with. What is your idea of what God looks like? 4. Interestingly, the most significant summary of our Catholic faith was written by St. Thomas Aquinas (called the Summa Theologica – Summary of Theology) and is set up in a question and answer format. What kind of questions? Here at Building Faith, we’ve written a lot about intergenerational ministry. 4. Norris Burkes. If they don’t ask you the same question, you can ask, “Would you like to hear my answer to that question?” Once they invite you to answer, you can share with confidence and compassion about God’s love. Should someone learn about other religions before deciding on one? 27. Should someone start attending a church if he or she doesn't believe in God? There’s a lot of bad news on TV every day. Below are 7 questions that can often open a conversation about faith. What religious lingo should someone know before joining a religion? As for your two moral objections, the first is an objection to the doctrine of original sin. Make a list. Is the Book of Mormon true? Americans think religion is losing influence in America, and they aren’t happy about it. 18. December 25, 2020 • Matthew 4:1-11 Psalm 13 Romans 5:8 Matthew 25:31-46 As we experience new or unexpected situations in our daily lives, it’s right and good to see them through the lens of our Christian faith. Honest Questions to Ask About Some Christians’ Vitriol. About Got Questions Ministries and S. Michael Houdmann Got Questions Ministries is a volunteer ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, What’s next for his religious supporters? What about evolution? How moving the Tooele temple halted a recount battle. 3. 11. Who did you talk to about Jesus today? While we recognize the value of church traditions, we refuse to accept any tradition that is not clearly supported by the Word of God. by Grace for Single Parents, At some point in their lives, our children will begin to question the beliefs we worked so hard to instill in them through the. Jesus welcomes your pursuit and claims that when you “know the truth, the truth will set you free.” Here are five of ten important questions to ask when exploring faith with God. 15. Education and the Internet seem to be causing a drop in religious affiliation, making the country as a whole less tied to belief, a survey from the University of Chicago found. 30. Who are some famous people from throughout history who were religious? I hope that makes sense. What misconceptions are there about faith? What is faith? 10. In this article, I want to present five such questions that we may be asked from our Muslim acquaintances, and suggest ways we can answer them effectively. If you find that your teen really doesn’t want anything to do with this “faith” conversation, forcing them to answer won’t work. Is there a heaven? 7 Questions to Ask Before You Throw Down Online. Some of these are questions that I think we forget to ask in our frenetic pace of … What’s the most influential story from the Bible? Intergenerational ministry takes careful planning. to forgive... 3. 7 Ways to Be a Better Listener. Why are we tempted to add to it our own works? Do dogs go to Heaven? Even the most devout Christians have experienced moments of doubt. He told him, “ I asked your... 2 is still speaking is still speaking - read parenting! 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questions to ask about faith
questions to ask about faith 2021