Enormous pressure came to bear on Stacy, forcing her to break her relationship with Phil when it became known that he had contracted aids. Russia is an enormous country, the largest in the worldThe visit by the President resulted in an enormous traffic jam. Its enormous railway facilities and its geographical situation as the junction of the great trunk lines running north and south, tapping also the Staffordshire potteries on the one side and the great mineral districts of Wales on the other, constitute Crewe station one of the most important links of railway and postal communication in the kingdom. With these powers should come enormous checks and balances on their use. of Spain, and costing the enormous sum of £60,000. During the era of so-called " prosperity " between 1881 and 1890 an enormous amount of bank notes were issued under various authorizations, especially that of the " free banking law " of 1887. but the great majority of couplings remain non-automatic. He now devoted himself during six years to the production of lenses of enormous focal distance, which, mounted on high poles, and connected with the eye-piece by means of a cord, formed what were called "aerial telescopes. From an early period of his life in London the condition of the poor pressed upon him with consuming force; the enormous magnitude of the social questions involved was a burden which he could hardly bear. The climate of Tibet varies so greatly over the enormous area and different altitudes of the country that no two travellers agree precisely in their records. 25), is to be seen at the south-west corner of the city; it is an enormous excavation in the rock with drains in its sides, at the bottom of which there is now a flourishing orange garden. (or any other animal) the landslide caused enormous problems. But the influence of Cluny, even on monasteries that did not enter into its organism, was enormous; many adopted Cluny customs and practices and moulded their life and spirit after the model it set; and many such monasteries became in turn centres of revival and reform in many lands, so that during the 10th and 11th centuries arose free unions of monasteries based on a common observance derived from a central abbey. This was only .effected after great opposition from the ultra-Conservatives, but once accomplished the facilities were gladly accepted by all classes, and the traffic both in goods and passengers is already enormous. Caesar had no resource left but uncompromising obstruction, which he sustained by enormous bribes. The enormous growth of towns during the second half of the 19th century was thus attended with comparative safety to these great aggregates of mankind; and the death-rates, so far from being increased, relatively decreased in substantial proportions. It was begun in 1607 - a year when the city was completely flooded - but was not completed until 1789, and then it was found that the city was still subject to partial inundations, although an enormous sum of money and 70,000 lives of Indian labourers had been expended upon it. These enormous, mouthwatering steaks are complemented perfectly with delicious side dishes like garlic mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, or sauteed mushrooms. closely attached himself; and his support of the king against the Angevins cost him enormous sums, without which Ladislaus could not have secured his victory over the French claimant. The artillery the prisoners had seen in front of them during the first days was now replaced by Marshal Junot's enormous baggage train, convoyed by Westphalians. Posted on January 19, 2021 by January 19, 2021 by from the outer coast to the point where it is blocked by the glaciers, and with its numerous branches covers an enormous area. He lived much in Lancashire, managed his enormous estates with great skill, and did a great amount of work as a local magnate. How to use ginormous in a sentence. This video is unavailable. Though the geographical extent of Russian territory and influence is enormous, she has always moved along the line of least resistance. make considerable effort. U.S. Used with nouns: " They have a huge advantage in this game. China and Japan, both of which contribute so largely to the supplies that appear in European and American statistics, only export their excess growth, silk-weaving being carried on and native silk worn to an enormous extent in both countries. America has an enormous problem (or any other country) the polar bear was enormous. Examples of Enormous in a sentence. The supply of oil in this area was estimated at from 15,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000 barrels; and the National Conservation Commission of 1908 expressed the opinion that in view of the rapid increase of production and the enormous loss through misuse the supply cannot be expected to last beyond the middle of this century. When adjacent burial areas belonged to members of the same Christian confraternity, or by gift or purchase fell into the same hands, communications were opened between the respective cemeteries, which thus spread laterally, and gradually acquired that enormous extent which, " even when their fabulous dimensions are reduced to their right measure, form an immense work."' The enormous influence of the collection, with its added Gude and Godlie Ballatis, on Scottish reform, is attested by the penalties enacted against the authors and printers of these books. - This huge difference… Besides the poems, we possess the prose Tristan, an enormous compilation, akin to the prose Lancelot, where the original story, though still to be traced, is obscured by a mass of later Arthurian adventures. devote enormous effort. Such profound changes must necessarily have been accompanied by enormous elimination; the migrating hosts were perpetually thinned by falling out on the way. 610. thick; in the Ural mountains it is over 4500 ft.; the Culm in Moravia is credited with the enormous thickness of over 42,000 ft. Order the words to make sentences. Lime is, in fact, absorbed to an enormous extent by fishes, molluscs, crustacea, calcareous algae and sponges, starfishes, sea-urchins and feather stars, many polyzoa and a multitude of protozoa (mainly the foraminifera). The attainment of independence freed the island from this debt, and from enormous contemplated additions to cover the expense incurred by Spain during the last insurrection. Vases of all kinds, carved in marble or other stones, cast or beaten in metals or fashioned in clay, the latter in enormous number and variety, richly ornamented with coloured schemes, and sometimes bearing moulded decoration. 519. He did not recover his liberty until 1397, and then only by paying an enormous ransom. The administration of enormous doses of alcohol is to be condemned strongly. After seeing the enormous portions of meat that are served, you'll understand why. He also used his power to extort enormous pensions from Charles V. A whole mass of facts testify to the enormous and extraordinary influence of Potemkin during the next ten years. Coal was produced in 1908 in 30 states out of the 46 of the Union; and occurs also in enormous quantities in Alaska; 690,438 men were employed in this year in the coal mines. papabear 1 2360897 I hope this isn't a huge mistake. Despite the enormous expense of maintaining the army, Matthias, after the first ten years of his reign, was never in want of money. During the greater part of the 18th century there was a serious check to the increase of population, but at the end of the century a considerable increase occurred, and in the middle of the 19th century the enormous annual increase became particularly marked. Enormous flocks of these sheep are kept in the deserts around Bukhara. Huge sentence examples. Local governing authorities now discharge economic functions of enormous importance and complexity, involving sums of money larger than sufficed to run important states a generation ago. His efforts to interrupt the sea communications of the Egyptian forces failed, owing to the enormous disproportion of the two squadrons in the siege and strength of the ships. Then or possibly even earlier the old rampart was for two-thirds of its circuit buried under enormous earthworks, the remainder being rebuilt. In the fourth place, these views of the "natural history of disease" (in modern language) led to habits of minute observation and accurate interpretation of symptoms, in which the Hippocratic school was unrivalled in antiquity, and has been the model for all succeeding ages, so that even in these days, with our enormous advances in knowledge, the true method of clinical medicine may be said to be the method of Hippocrates. Thus we have reasons enough why the blast-furnace has displaced all competing processes, without taking into account its further advantage in lending itself easily to working on an enormous scale and with trifling consumption of labour, still further lessened by the general practice of transferring the molten cast iron in enormous ladles into the vessels in which its conversion into steel takes place. The loss of life in the battle was enormous, being put at 20,000 for the Turks and 8000 for the Christians. 2K. in depth, and when 25 barrels were pumped from it in a day its production was considered enormous. The Scarabaeidae or chafers are an enormous famil y of about 15,000 species. Although enormous single crops of mangels [[Table X]].--Decennial Average Yields in Great Britain of Wheat, Barley and Oats-Bushels per acre. The losses were enormous on both sides, Johnston himself being amongst the killed. Sentence Using Enormous. (long, short) " There was an awkward gap in the middle of our conversation. The whole job was a gigantic bungle. The expenses came to an enormous sum. Surik), west of Zorah, and when her countrymen offered her an enormous bribe to betray him, she set to work to find out the source of his strength. Hence the enormous effect of Cranmer's recovery at the final scene. use "enormous" in a sentence Yet Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro struggle with enormous problems. Because it was so monstrous, the maid often got lost in the massive home she cleaned. In 1907 there was a serious clash between the state authorities and the Federal judiciary, arising from an act of the legislature of that year which fixed the maximum railway fare at 21 cents a mile and imposed enormous fines for .its violation. 2. extremely large. CK 1 2400055 The concert was a huge success. simple sentence dan independent clause Compound Element pada Simple Sentence. At this point in the Haram enclosure there is an enormous underground cistern, known as the Great Sea, and this may possibly have been the source of water supply for the Greek garrison. 2. In 1716 two Jesuits, P. Ipolito Desideri, of Pistoia, and P. Freyre, a Portuguese, reached Lhasa by way of Kashmir, Ladak, and the enormous journey from Ladak by the holy lakes and the valley of the Tsangpo. Our enormous forces, undoubtedly superior to Napoleon's, were concentrated in one place, the troops inspired by the Emperors' presence were eager for action. per ton, was only to be driven out by a heat of 300° C. Steam coals being softer and more porous give off enormous volumes of gas from the working face in most of the deep pits, many of which have been the scene of disastrous explosions. At seven in the morning a French convoy in marching trim, wearing shakos and carrying muskets, knapsacks, and enormous sacks, stood in front of the sheds, and animated French talk mingled with curses sounded all along the lines. Nothing was gained by the victors but the trophies and the field of battle, and the losses of both sides had been enormous. The problems confronting the new government were, 12. The enormous sum of i 50o has been paid for a collie, and 000 guineas for a bulldog, both show dogs pure and simple; while L50o is no uncommon price for a fox terrier. Schlozer's activity was enormous, and he exercised great influence by his lectures as well as by his books, bringing historical study into touch with political science generally, and using his vast erudition in an attempt to solve practical questions in the state and in society. The rise of the Ghazal river in flood time is barely 3 ft., a depth sufficient, however, to place an enormous area of country under water. AgricultureDespite the enormous development of industries and commerce, agriculture and cattle-rearing still represent in Germany a considerable portion of its economic wealth. The proportionately enormous chelae (chelicerae) of the first pair of appendages are not provided with poison glands; their bite is not venomous. He was elected a Perse scholar in 1628, and fellow of his college in 1633, but the best evidence of his diligence as a student is the enormous learning of which he showed so easy a command in after years. The infantry was not of good quality; but its cavalry was really an enormous force, numbering fully a hundred thousand in all. It is probable, however, that these resemblances are mainly due to parallelism in development, and are in all three cases adaptations necessary to support the enormous weight of the body. The rivers and lakes yield enormous quantities of fish, and leeches also are plentiful. papabear 2957117 Tom is in enormous pain. The material loss inflicted on the French was not very great, but its effect in raising the moral of the raw Prussian cavalry and increasing their confidence in their old commander was enormous. Post navigation make a sentence of devote to. said a tall, grizzly-haired staff captain, with enormous mustaches and many wrinkles on his large features, to Rostov who was crimson with excitement. In fact it was transformed into a separate department of the ministry of the interior, and, provided with an enormous secret service fund, soon dominated the whole ministry. This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #1202559 大象是巨大的动物。 The elephant is an enormous animal. The propriety of comprehending this enormous tract in one zoological " region " was first shown by Dr P. L. Many of the old chambers, some of which are of enormous size, are embellished with portals, candelabra, statues, &c., all hewn in rock-salt. When the World War broke out he secured an enormous share in the war profits which flowed into the coffers of the great industrialists. enormous surface of brickwork the heat of the escaping products of combustion, and in the following phase restoring the heat to the entering air and gas. The loss of his high-paying job caused, 14. 2 a : exceedingly wicked : shocking an enormous sin. Example Sentences for "enormous". Para " rubber, which takes the first position in the market, is derived from species of Hevea, principally Hevea brasiliensis, of which there are enormous forests in the valleys of the Amazon and its tributaries, and also in Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Guiana. CK 1 2772980 You're making a huge mistake. Silly sentences are sentences that make grammatical sense but describe something silly or made-up, like "The yellow cow talked about underground stars." Crewe is not only one of the busiest railway stations in the world, but is the locomotive metropolis of the London & North-Western company, which has centred here enormous workshops for the manufacture of the material and plant used in railways. The peculiar two-wheeled carts of the country, carrying enormous loads of 4 to 6 tons, destroy even the finest road. Furbringer's enormous work Untersuchungen zur Morphologie and Systematik der Vogel, 4to., 2 vols. The enormous turnip. Gerbillus (or Tatera), with a large number of species, has a range coextensive with that of the sub-family; Pachyuromys, with two African species, has a short club-shaped tail and enormous auditory bullae; while the remaining members of the group, which are confined to North Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia, are arranged in the genera Meriones, Psainmomys and Rhombomys, the latter represented only by R. The silken textures which at first found their way to Rome were necessarily of enormous cost, and their use by men was deemed a piece of effeminate luxury. in the Eocene period or later) of enormous land masses.". The canvas was laid in a hopper barge and there filled with the concrete and sewn up. inland communication between them is due to the slight elevation of the intervening country above their ordinary levels and to the enormous volume of water brought down by the Amazon, especially in the flood season. While conspicuously lacking in creative genius, the Ottomans have always shown themselves possessed of receptive and assimilative powers to a remarkable degree, the result being that the number of their writers both in prose and verse is enormous. Enormous in a sentence 1. Besides an abundance of water in summer there must also be an enormous quantity of good stable manure available during the winter months. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. He had not ridden many hundred yards after that before he saw to his left, across the whole width of the field, an enormous mass of cavalry in brilliant white uniforms, mounted on black horses, trotting straight toward him and across his path. Of more serious import were the yearly and increasing deficits in the imperial budget, and the consequent enormous growth of the debt. The slow progress of the war, the severe sacrifice of life in campaign and battle, the enormous accumulation of public debt, arbitrary arrests and suspension of habeas corpus, the rigour of the draft, and the proclamation of military emancipation furnished ample subjects of bitter and vindictive campaign oratory. The restaurant specializes in aged-to-perfection steaks and enormous lobsters. In one respect the new institution marked an enormous advance on titles of nobility, which had been granted nearly always for warlike exploits, or merely as a mark of the favour of the sovereign. 182. The tidal currents, or races, or roost (as some of them are called locally, from the Icelandic) off many of the isles run with enormous velocity, and whirlpools are of frequent occurrence, and strong enough at times to prove a source of danger to small craft. Another interesting species is the toucan (Ramphastos), whose enormous beak, awkward flight and raucous voice make it a conspicuous object in the great forests of northern Brazil. The Big Turnip Quiz. similar ( 58 ) "You know, women have to make enormous efforts … The accessions in that decade from Ireland and Germany were enormous, the total immigration rising to 1,713,251 against 599,125 during the decade preceding, and against only 143,439 from 2820 to 1830. Source(s): https://owly.im/a9HK4. north of the town is the Wonderboom, an enormous wild fig-tree, the only one of its kind in the district. Learn Ludwig. Examples of Enormous in a sentence. The enormous quantities of Roman coins may be accounted for by consideration of the well-known practice of the Romans to make these imperishable monuments subservient towards perpetuating the memory, not only of their conquests, but also of those public works which were the natural result of their successes in remote parts of the world. As a consequence of these insanitary conditions the death-rate is very high, and in case of epidemics the mortality is enormous. Examples of huge impact in a sentence, how to use it. 4. Ginormous definition is - extremely large : humongous. The Grotte des Chevres has been regarded as an enormous gas-bubble in the lava. The Civil War caused enormous losses to the merchant marine, and the worldwide substitution about this time of iron steamers for wooden steamers and sailing vessels contributed to prevent a recovery; because, although ship-building was one of the earliest arts developed in the colonies, and one that was prosecuted with the highest success so long as wooden ships were the dominant type, the United States has never achieved marked success with the iron steamer, and the law has precluded the registry as American of vessels built abroad. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Study Spark Sight Word Magnets - 632 Magnets Including All 220 Dolch Sight Words, Many Dolch Nouns, Lots of Fry 500 - Make Sentences and Improve Reading with Huge Selection of Magnetic Words at Amazon.com. The eighth and largest group, which in its enormous numbers was to the others as ninety-nine to one, consisted of men who desired neither peace nor war, neither an advance nor a defensive camp at the Drissa or anywhere else, neither Barclay nor the Emperor, neither Pfuel nor Bennigsen, but only the one most essential thing--as much advantage and pleasure for themselves as possible. These words seem to contain the mere truth: Francis's peculiar religious genius was probably not adapted for the government of an enormous society spread over the world, as the Friars Minor had now become. 3. Watch Queue Queue . The performance, directed by Hans Richter, excited extraordinary attention; but the expenses were enormous, and burdened the management with a debt of £7500. From that year until his Newdigate Prize, at the age of twenty, he wrote enormous quantities. Its former extensive trade with the West Indies has lately suffered owing to the enormous development of the North Sea ports, but it is still largely engaged in the Greenland whale and the oyster fisheries. Because of these facts the great hammers have given place to enormous forging presses, the 125-ton Bethlehem hammer, for instance, to a 14,000-ton hydraulic press, moved by water under a pressure of FIG. 327. Meanwhile the ambition of Catherine of Russia, and the war with Turkey by which the empire of the tsars was advanced to the Black Sea and threatened to establish itself south of the Danube, were productive of consequences of Austria enormous importance to Austria in the East. - Only a mere fraction of the enormous literature dealing with the skeleton of birds can here be mentioned. i have an enormous problem. 4 years ago. “I don’t pretend to know what motivates President Trump to act, but I am pretty sure it’s not me,” said Menendez. 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make sentence of enormous
make sentence of enormous 2021