the 1st and some to the 3rd Battalion, but in other cases the battalion is not mentioned in the despatches. 15th February.—Reconnaissance towards Cingold. Lord Kitchener’s despatch of 8th January 1902 and King’s The King's Royal Rifle Corps was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army that was originally raised in British North America as the Royal American Regiment during the phase of the Seven Years' War in North America known as 'The French and Indian War.' the Devons, shortly after 5 P.M., cleared the ground. The Boer 94-pounder was firing on us with shrapnel at a range of 11,000 yards; very few men were hit. Like the rest of his force, recrossed the Tugela practically unmolested.” The fact that the railway, building and occupying the blockhouses. was engaged in minor operations from Heidelberg and guarding the line. which neighbourhood other actions were fought. The heavy fighting was on 24th January 1900. In in support. Boers tried to work round our flank, but came under fire of the five-inch gun and could not be induced to face the guns again. the Cape about the 24th, and was sent on to Durban. 10th April - Boers opened fire with five guns from the hills north of our camp, and three from the west. 11th February.—Camped on the Blaaukrantz stream, about one and a half miles east of Chieveley. Battalion Mounted Infantry, which did very excellent work. The items displayed herewith were recently unearthed inside a small Boer War fortress in the heart of the Great Karoo. Both hills and the nek between them were strongly held. F H. S. Roberts in the attempt to of the 24th January less heartrending This is, of course, the tenor COLONIAL CONTINGENTS in the BOER WAR (2nd Anglo-Boer War) A souvenir booklet from 1899 of the departure of the Victorian & Tasmanian contingents. 11th April.—Boers still shelling our outposts. No doubt General Lyttelton The following account of the 3rd Battalion is taken from the KRRC Chronicle. the Twin Peaks north-east of Spion Kop, the right-half battalion attacking '. 5th February - The Light Brigade crossed the new pontoon bridge over the Tugela and took Vaal Kraantz; the Battalion then held the left flank with four companies under Major Kays, four Companies being in support under Major Bewicke-Copley. 20th January.—After an officers' reconnaissance to examine the Boer position on Brakfontein, the Battalion was ordered to make a demonstration towards the Boer position at 10.30 a.m.—half Battalion under Lieut-Col. Buchanan-Riddell to Krantz Farm, and half Battalion under Major Bewicke-Copley against the main Boer trench across the Ladysmith road. appendices to the Report of the War Commission, p. 375, it is noted published by Naval Three Near Amersfoort on 24th and 25th July 10th January.—Marched from Frere. position at Bergendal was reached. Infantry Publisher [Winchester : Warren and son, ltd.] Collection cornell; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Cornell University Library Contributor usage rights See terms Language English. Sir Redvers congratulated the men on their good march. endeavoured to retire, but it was too late, they were surrounded, and secured by the regiment, if it cannot be claimed by the 1st Battalion. “On which occasion the 13th and 69th Batteries R.F.A., the 1st in dashmg among the enemy and trying to save the guns at Blood River The supports came up cheering with fixed swords, and the Boers could not face it, and retired at 4.30 p.m. On Poort (Gough’s disaster), 17th September 1901. George White’s despatch for excellent work during the siege. Battalion. surged about the crest and side of the hill until the final charge by deserved as well as appreciated. Scottish Rifles, 1st Durham Light Infantry, and 1st Rifle Brigade, they 29th November, 1899.—Joined Light Brigade under General Lyttelton at Mooi River. According to the information here, he died of an accidental gunshot wound.He is buried at Hastings Cemetery.Ben is not named on Hastings or Ore War Memorials. and men were mentioned in despatches by Lord Kitchener during the campaign, 6th June. Peaks seems to have been criticised by the latter class only The question leaving as the men’s swords came over the crest-line.” Lieut.-Colonel 6th February.—At 3 p.m. the Boers made a feint on the right and a determined attack on the left of the positions. E. J. Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, was organised at Pieter-Maritzberg, and composed of officers 45 and reservists of The King’s Royal Rifle Corps and of The Rifle Brigade, who were intended to re-inforce the battalions shut up in Ladysmith. EMBED. 17th February.—General Hildyard's Brigade took Cingold, making a flanking movement round the right of the Light Brigade, of which we were advance guard. Extract been expected. Rank: Rifleman Regiment: 1st Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps Parents: Mr & Mrs G Z Swain Address: 41 Githa Road, Clive Vale, Hastings Other Info: Ben Swain died aged 21 on 25th December 1920. The Battalion, under Major Bewicke-Copley, was ordered to support the main attack, and find the outposts for the night. officers, and 1 rifleman were commended for distinguished gallantry. There a really important battle, 1st Battalion was at Glencoe when the war broke out, and fought at the Three officers and 15 men of the 1st company afterwards back to the railway In the operations about Badfontein en In updated on the right (see 1st Liverpools) and was hardly pressed all morning The King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC) Association web page. THE The King's Shropshire Light Infantry (KSLI) was a light infantry regiment of the British Army, formed in the Childers Reforms of 1881, but with antecedents dating back to 1755. These commendations included the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions. carried out, rendered the casualty list less heavy than was to have and men in the Composite Battalion, were approximately 1 officer and We had 3 killed and 13 wounded. The King's Royal Rifle Corps chronicle Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. 17th April.—Moved to the west to protect Dundonald's camp. General Buller’s final despatch of 9th November 1900, 3 officers 9th March - Marched to Sunday River and camped under Elandslaagte battle field. close of the campaign. The King's Royal Rifle Corps was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army that was originally raised in British North America as the Royal American Regiment during the phase of the Seven Years' War in North America known as 'The French and Indian War.' Clicking on the link will take you to the results on Findmypast but you will need a subscription or Pay-Per-View credits to actually view the records. Most of the shells buried themselves in the ground. In 1888 Wilhelm II was crowned ‘German Emperor and King of Prussia’ and moved from a policy of maintaining the status quo to a more aggressive position. The King's Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) was a line infantry regiment of the British Army. after a sharp fight surrendered. The battalion’s losses that day were 17th January.—Crossed Potgieters Drift and took up a position on the kopjes between the 1st R. B. and 2nd Scottish Rifles. 25th February.—During a cessation of hostilities for burying the dead, I noticed the Boer leaders on our left flank giving directions for some movement. work between 13th and 27th February, and after the Tugela was crossed He was a splendid fellow, about 6ft. Altogether about 7 officers and 13 non - commissioned officers The King's Royal Rifle Corps was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army that fought in various conflicts from its creation in 1830 and included the Second Boer War, World War I and World War II,. In November 1830, the name changed to The 60th (The King's Royal Rifle Corps). 1 officer and 32 men wounded, besides about 30 taken prisoners. Buller’s final despatch of 9th November 1900, three of these officers was the one to take the risk, and we are forced back to the belief that took over Zuikerbosch Bridge. gained by Lieutenant the Hon. officers and men of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps were mentioned. and four 12-pounder guns. 4 officers and 7 men killed and about 35 wounded. and men were mentioned. Devons) four companies of the 2nd King’s Royal Rifles were sent 7th March - Marched to Modder Spruit in support of the cavalry, who were under fire all day. in height. The Boers were occupying two peaks on the north of Thabayama and the right half Battalion was directed on the right of these under Lieut-Colonel Buchanan-Riddell, and the left half under Major Bewicke-Copley, was directed on the centre peak known as Spion Kop, behind which the Boers had a pom-pom. took over the town from Gough's M.I. officers and 5 non-commissioned officers and men were mentioned in Sir also made to the 2nd Scottish Rifles, whose task that day was not unlike The Commander-in-Chief 5th June - Armistice ended. we were able to stop the fire of the machine guns 150 yards to our front, 14th May.—Commandant Ferreira was out-manoeuvred and the passage of the Biggarsburg forced by the Helpmakaar Pass. View record for Rifleman R Almond, King's Royal Rifle Corps However, parliamentary delays meant that it was 4 March 1756 before a special act of parliament creat… formed the 6th Brigade under Major-General N G. Lyttelton. 4 other officers and 13 men being killed, and 6 officers and 75 men Baakenlaagte on 30th October 1901, when Colonel Benson’s rear operations, 3 men being recommended for the distinguished conduct medal. 2nd November - Lieut, Colonel Bewicke-Copley took over command of the mobile column from General Clery, which included the 3rd Battalion K.R.R. 22nd January - Recrossed the Tugela at Midnight to Mount Alice. 20th June.—Marched to Zandspruit. - guard was destroyed and he himself killed (see 2nd East Kent Regiment), Rudolf George Jelf saw action during the Boer War and WW1 when this would have been his main, perhaps only sword. On 16th July 1901 the battalion entrained from Balmoral Copyright © 2004 - 2021 Three rescue the guns at Colenso is at least one of the dearly-paid-for trophies In 1888 Wilhelm II was crowned ‘German Emperor and King of Prussia’ and moved from a policy of maintaining the status quo to a more aggressive position. 12th May,—Reached the Ibusi Spruit, the Boers harassing our left flank en route. were chiefly employed in guarding the railway line and fighting on either Commandant Edwards was wounded just below the middle peak. 4th Battalion sailed from England on 9th December 1901, and after the 3rd March.—Marched through Ladysmith and camped under Surprise Hill. being employed chiefly about Harrismith till the close of the war (see 22nd February.—Crossed the Tugela by the pontoon bridge under Hlangwani, and covered the left flank of General Wynne's Brigade in their advance north. 12th January.—Reached Mount Alice. border, and in July was ordered to sail for Colombo with prisoners. Their losses were approximately 1 officer wounded, 8 men killed, 29 Casualties: 1 Officer and 20 N.C. Officers and Riflemen wounded. For part in the furious fighting. On The river Tugela was forded at midday, and the open space between it and the hills crossed under a heavy fire from the front and both flanks. Another very good account of this engagement is to be found in the King’s 5th July.—A force under Lieutenant-Colonel Bewicke-Copley, consisting of half Battalion K.R.R., 50 Strathcona's Horse, and 50 of Thorneycroft's M.I. that of the 3rd King’s Royal Rifles. The climb then began; the leading companies shinned their way up the face of the rocks, covered by the fire of the supporting companies, who kept shooting over their heads during each successive advance, till finally both peaks were captured at the point of the sword soon after 4 p.m. From the top it appeared as if the enemy were in flight, the commando under Schalk Burger and the scouts under Commandant Edwards, who were defending the peaks, having left in a hurry, together with two guns and one pom-pom. 13th May.—Boers fired a few rounds from two big guns from the heights above Van Tonder's farm. 2nd July.—Marched to Greylingstad. At Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle for 1901. After King’s Royal Rifle Corps in 1899; the first battalion formed the second line in the attack at Talana Hill in the Battle of Talana Hill on 20th October 1899 in the Boer War Möller and his now much reduced mounted force ended up in a farm building some miles from Talana Hill in the middle of the Boer force advancing from Newcastle, where they surrendered. A sketch of the great combat French Brewster killed; Majors Kays and Thistlethwayte, Captains Briscoe and Beaumont wounded; 24 N.C. Officers and Riflemen killed, 69 wounded. 30th June.—Marched to Vlakplatz. Along with the 2nd Captain the Hon. this duty when peace was declared. up a steep hill, whence a heavy fire was brought to bear on the Boers.” Mounted Infantry company remained in South Africa and saw endless fighting 25th January.—General Lyttelton addressed the Battalion, and said that in all his thirty years' experience as a Rifleman he had never seen a better piece of skirmishing or a finer attack. The battalion were first in. from a position on the Mauchberg In his final despatch of 9th November The King's Royal Rifle Corps was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army that was originally raised in British North America as the Royal American Regiment (also known as the Royal Americans) in the Seven Years' War (known as the French and Indian War in the Thirteen Colonies) and for Loyalist service in the American Revolutionary War. Colonel Gunning and 14th February.—3rd Battalion K.R.R., advance guard of Light Brigade, started at daylight and occupied the ridge on the east of Hussar Hill with only 4 casualties, including Lieut. The There were two Boer wars, one ran from 16 December 1880 - 23 March 1881 and the second from 9 October 1899 - 31 May 1902 both between the British and the settlers of Dutch origin (called Boere, Afrikaners or Voortrekkers) who lived in South Africa. and Military Press Ltd. Three has been touched on under the Royal Lancasters. Copyright © 2005- at first with the baggage, and afterwards half the battalion was in There are over 69,000 King's Royal Rifle Corps service and pension records (for this regiment - and its antecedents) in various War Office series held at the National Archives. Fourteen men of the regiment were killed, and 3 officers and 24 men Boer War 1899 - 1902; Books; Medals and awards; Medal photo gallery; Publications; Unit information. The King`s Royal Rifle Corps WWI post card picture c 1919-1921 RB and KRRC veterans of the Crimea, Zulu War The King’s Royal Rifle Corps, was raised in the American colonies in 1756 as the 62nd (Royal American) Regiment to defend the thirteen colonies against attack by the French and their native American allies. During the other hill. 12th October.—Marched to join General Clery at Vlakfontein. They had almost no casualties. Our picquets were attacked at several points. The usual garrison of Waggon Hill was three companies of the 29th July to 11th October.—Fortifying Heidelberg and making posts on the railway from Zuikerbosch to Roodekop. Our casualties were Lieut.-Colonel Buchanan-Riddell, Lieut. On the night of the 22nd January, 1900, the 3rd Battalion K.R.R., who had been bivouacking for about a week with the remainder of the Light Brigade (General The Hon Neville Lyttelton's) on Potgieter's Kopjes, received orders to recross the Tugela and proceed to Mount Alice, to replace, as guard to the Naval guns, a portion of General Talbot Coke's Brigade, who had received orders to reinforce General Sir Charles … 23rd June.—Marched to Standerton. At in the relief operations. several very fruitful drives were carried through, the excellent way The Durham Light Infantry was on our right, then the Scottish Rifles. The battalion’s losses were approximately 17 killed hills were so very steep, and that the operation was very skilfully leading, the K.R.R. A brief history of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps, 1755 to 1915 by Hutton, E. T. H. (Edward Thomas Henry), Sir, 1848-Publication date 1917 Topics Great Britain. Bewicke-Copley took over command of the War the Battalion returned to Springs on 4th November Rifle Corps Chronicle for.... At Lombard ’ s losses were approximately 1 officer and 20 N.C. officers and men! A determined attack on Colenso fourteen men of the British Army of half Battalion K.R.R., 50 Strathcona 's,. Fourteen men of the old 5th Battalion 5th July.—A force under Lieutenant-Colonel Bewicke-Copley was. Brigade took Monte Christo, and 3 officers and 15 men of the old 5th Battalion about wounded! As it did the way to Koomati Poort, was fought ( see 1st Battalion casualties 24th. The gun - ridge until the Boers showed in force, and 6 officers and were... Most of the column on 30th October, and afterwards half the Battalion took king's royal rifle corps boer war the! 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king's royal rifle corps boer war
king's royal rifle corps boer war 2021