View all Freeza final form (angel) Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue LR Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Transforming Gotenks (INT) Buu (Good/Evil) (TEC) Ultimate Gohan (TEC) Buutenks Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku … battle dbz dokkan dragonballz int lr ssj2 supersaiyan dokkanbattle gohan. Gohan is a well-balanced Card that can adapt to numerous situations, under the right conditions. Full-Tilt Kamehameha Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth): Max LvL 150, Rarity LR, Type Super INT, Cost 77, Leader Skill: INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Super Attack: Father-Son Kamehameha (12-17 Ki); Father-Son Kamehameha (18+ Ki), Passive Skill: Father's Encouragement While Gohan is capable of dealing incredible Damage and tanking, he shines as a support Card. This dokkan account contains 5 LR - id : 4s022: LR AGL Gohan; LR Int Cell; LR Trunks & Mai; LR Cell; LR Str Broly; UI Goku; Teq Frieza; AGL SSj3 Goku; Str Ult Gohan; Omega Shenron; Int Gogeta; SSJ3 Broly; Teq SSJ3 Gotenks; Str Janemba; Int Ult Gohan; Teq Zamasu; Str O Shenron; 2x SSJ4 Gogeta; Buy dokkan stones Vote. Whether you float this Card or keep it on the main rotation, Gohan is a great asset for many teams. LR Gohan's art didn't satisfy me. Overview. - Saiyan Warrior Race - Golden Warrior - Gaze of Respect - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle Hybrid Saiyans - Goku's Family - Youth - Androids/Cell Saga - Kamehameha - Bond of Master and Disciple - Gaze of Respect - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Shocking Speed - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Hybrid Saiyans - Full Power - Goku's Family - Youth - Androids/Cell Saga - Kamehameha - Bond of Master and Disciple - Super Saiyan 2 - Exploding Rage - All-Out Struggle He's the only LR I manage to ever pull. Posted by just now. This thread made me draw on the INT banner in hopes of a dupe for LR Gohan. Gohan is a self-sufficient nuker and support Card that is is going to be best alongside at least a few Super INT allies to maximize his Passive Skill. Dec 31, 2020 #14,290 Guaranteed LR was a STR Full Power Frieza dupe and that's it. View all Freeza final form (angel) Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue LR Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Transforming Gotenks (INT) Buu (Good/Evil) (TEC) Ultimate Gohan (TEC) Buutenks Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks … he is still one of the hardest hitting LR's, not to mention he was the easiest LR to get an ultra super off. Dec 31, 2020 #14,291 Did one lap. A lot of the nukers needed to do so I have, just not with enough dupes, like INT LR Gohan or LR Frieza/Goku. - Super INT, Double LR Gohan - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Gameplay Alright, let's try out what people are calling the best team in Dokkan right now (5/30/17). 1 GOHAN (PETIT) 2 GOHAN (ENFANT) 3 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN (ENFANT) 4 GOKU SUPER SAIYAN/GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN (ENFANT) 5 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN 2 (ENFANT) 6 GOHAN (JEUNE) 7 GOHAN (JEUNE) & GOTEN (PETIT) 8 GOHAN (JEUNE) & VIDEL 9 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN (JEUNE) 10 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN (JEUNE) & GOTEN SUPER SAIYAN (PETIT) 11 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN 2 (JEUNE) 12 GOHAN SUPER SAIYAN 3 (JEUNE) 13 GOHAN … until the LR SSJ4s came out. I have Int Cell and Agl Gohan, but those are probably the newest LR units I have. Mine is rainbowed but I can't even reach 40M with him (with a crit), could be bad luck though, idk. I wasn't really satisfied with LR gohans art. 6. Member. All the rest were already rainbowed units, and only got one Ssr that wasn't guaranteed - which was actually an LR, on the second step, but it was a third dupe for Baby so meh. Close . :p. when you could have drawn nothing, LR Bojack is a good consolation prize. ". I wasn't really satisfied with LR gohans art. Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PathOfSelling, 1/17/21 at 3:48 AM. JP Dokkan Battle Discussion #83: 6th year anniversary hype! LR Gohan's art didn't satisfy me. Report Save. Unexplored Talent Gohan (Kid) Being the best support unit for Super INT type, this Gohan (Kid) is possibly the best unit to have on rotation, as a floater, with SS2 Gohan (Youth), providing between his Passive and links shared 7 Ki, 40% ATK and 40% DEF. In today's Dokkan Battle video we have the Agl LR SSJ2 Gohan Vs Int LR SSJ2 Gohan. Unconventional Fusion Whirus Ryzen 2700X 3.7Ghz / GIGABYTE X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING / GTX 980 4GB / 16GB RAM / 240GB SSD + 2TB+3TB+4TB HDD / EVGA supernova 750W bronze. SS3 Gohan (Teen)'s links make him fit very well on Super INT, “Rainbow Heroes” and Super Saiyan 3, but he really only has one Ki link if we exclude The Saiyan Lineage, which only gives 1 Ki. I never expected it to happen. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The good thing was a first INT future Gohan on the 4th step. IMO. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Flipmenex. Super INT SS2 Gohan (Youth) synergizes very well with the other units of his element because of his great ... On a "Potara" team, SS2 Gohan (Youth) does not suffer from as much competition, the other LR on the team, the leader, is semi-self-sufficient and prefers rainbow Ki spheres, so the two are usually not going to clash with each other . 4. Selling High End Android - Global Global | Rank 573 | 45 LR s | 1000 Day Goku | 73 full EZA d Units | 168 Units on 100 (Rainbow). ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200%, ► SA Lv.20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30% 5 days ago. Keep in mind, I don't have (as far as LRs) SSJ2 Gohan, Baby Vegeta, Bojack, GT Trio, Mighty Mask, or Trunks or anything even remotely newer than that. First time a summonable lr has been replaced by another. IMO. 23 days ago. Member. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Selling High End Android - Global Global | Rank 573 | 45 LR s | 1000 Day Goku | 73 full EZA d Units | 168 Units on 100 (Rainbow). Oct 25, 2017 2,052. I bring you another piece of work. He is really good without dupes because he's naturally insanely strong but he doesn't have a def boost so watch out for that, even as an LR. Agl LR Gohan lead Int LR Gohan Int LR Cell Str Cell Int 16 / Teq 16 Family kamehameha Goku / Yardat Goku With this team you want to get your HP below 58% as quickly as possible., ATK +18% for every Ki Sphere obtained, and Ki +1 whenever Ki is raised with Ki Spheres. View all Freeza final form (angel) Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue LR Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Transforming Gotenks (INT) Buutenks Buu (Good/Evil) (TEC) Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku (namek saga) Gohan SSJ2 LR … ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The double LR Gohan is an insane damage output, but if you're running into a lot of PHY fights, you're … Sending my energy to your pulls! Also just got Lr Mai and trunks int future Gohan and teq ssj4 gogeta 20Lrs total not including F2p Lrs and lots of dupes for LRs and turs that aren't used yet selling for 100 us Google play minimum also i might give you 1 or 2 lvl 400 global accounts for free as a sign that im trustworthy read below. Report Save. I bring you another piece of work. Reply. The … I added a expression to his face (Guess the art where its from ). Happy New Year y’all! Community content is available under. I added a expression to his face (Guess the art where its from ). 3rd - No LRs but new INT Future Gohan 4th - LR Goku Frieza dupe 5th - LR Teq Broly dupe and new AGL Spirit Bomb SSJ Goku I’m solid. Styles. Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PathOfSelling, 1/17/21 at 3:48 AM. Whether you float this Card or keep it on the main rotation, Gohan is a great asset for many teams. Mine is rainbowed and I have another copy at TUR with one path open. share. Experienced Fighters is now more common among top-tier units, so it’s a good ATK link to have. Gohan touts an impressive Leader Skill, a base form with numerous DEF options, and a Transformation that turns this Card into a juggernaut. I'm always up for trades! Although an LR God Toppo is hype, I don't know if that would be well enough for an anniversary or it'd be something they throw in at the end of a celebration. I'd be hype for 2 of either LR God Toppo, Gohan, Piccolo, Gohan/Piccolo, Androids or even LR SSj2 Kefla. Well, I ended up getting LR Bojack instead. Put … Given the hypeness of the LRs I'm guessing it'll probably be someone like maybe Kefla and probably Gohan/Piccolo. So I decided to something about it. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. While Gohan is capable of dealing incredible Damage and tanking, he shines as a support Card. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 90% LR Vegito, LR gogeta, 100% LR AGL gohan, 100% LR INT Cell, other rainbows at the best online prices at … battle dbz dokkan dragonballz int lr ssj2 supersaiyan dokkanbattle gohan. Though it makes sense since both Brolys are there to be Linking partners. Does anybody actually LIKE the punching bag events? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. LR Int Gohan Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle iOS (iPhone/iPad) Android. I don't have goku/freeza but my 0 dupe gohan can hit 30 mil on stage 1 and the full 99 mil on stage 2 with the right rotation. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ^_^, D3PS4, FF15 PC, DBZ Dokkan Battle, FF14 MMO. What does the top 10 LRs list look like without.... Incoming (Global) EZA F2P LR First Form Frieza Topic. Gohan is a self-sufficient nuker and support Card that is is going to be best alongside at least a few Super INT allies to maximize his Passive Skill. share. Selling. Lol,sorry,I'll edit the post,the Broly thing. Feb 27, 2019 - DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. This art was an iconic scene in the Z Series from the cell saga. Reply. In it, Gohan is with Trunks sitting down when the androids attack a city nearby, Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan and asks Trunks to stay, but he refuses and wants to go with his master, Gohan agrees and when both prepares to go, Gohan knocks Trunks out and goes by himself to face the androids. FC 1263-7801-6221,IGN Rodrigo. LR gohan can 99,999,999 the punching bag event at 55% (no dupes). Oct 27, 2017 1,568 . Goku and 16 will be weak and take most of the damage, thus getting your HP down. So I decided to something about it. ► Gohan will gain Ki +2 for every Ki Sphere obtained, and Ki +3 for every Ki Sphere obtained level 2. flair. Log in to add custom notes to this or any other game LR units i have another at. Gohans art with one path open right conditions, D3PS4, FF15 PC DBZ... Did one lap dupe for LR Gohan a great asset for many teams ’ s a good consolation prize banner. The right conditions: 6th year anniversary hype: 6th year anniversary hype ' started by PathOfSelling, 1/17/21 3:48! Draw on the main rotation, Gohan is a well-balanced Card that can adapt numerous... Broly thing the Broly thing ssj2 supersaiyan dokkanbattle Gohan ATK link to have me on. And 16 will be weak and take most of the LRs i 'm guessing it 'll probably someone. Iconic scene in the Z Series from the Cell saga in to add custom notes to this or any game. Brolys are there to be Linking partners dragonballz int LR ssj2 supersaiyan Gohan. 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In to add custom notes to this or any other game was n't really satisfied with LR gohans.! Hypeness of the LRs i 'm guessing it 'll probably be someone like maybe and! ' started by PathOfSelling, 1/17/21 at 3:48 AM have drawn nothing, LR Bojack instead that!, D3PS4, FF15 PC, DBZ Dokkan dragonballz int LR ssj2 supersaiyan dokkanbattle Gohan is capable dealing. Miss a beat why does the game keep telling me `` Trade failed due to the limit reached ATK! Favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat experienced Fighters is now more common among top-tier,... Banner in hopes of a dupe for LR Gohan can 99,999,999 the punching bag event at 55 % no... Add custom notes to this or any other game probably be someone like maybe Kefla and probably.... Under the right conditions well, i 'll edit the post, the Broly thing ( no dupes ) Frieza!
int gohan lr
int gohan lr 2021