diabetes - disease characterized by excessive thirst and discharge of urine; diagnosis - understanding a condition by going through a detailed review of symptoms; dialog - conversation between two people. liberate - to set free; libertine - a person with a free, wild lifestyle; liberty - freedom. endotherm - a creature that can keep its inside temperature fairly constant; endocrine - relating to glands that secrete directly into the blood or lymph; endogamy - the custom to marry within one's clan, tribe etc. Graphology - the study of handwritings; autograph - written with one's own hand; seismograph - a machine noting strength and duration of earthquakes. quarter - one fourth; quart - a fourth of a gallon; quartet - a musical composition or group involving 4 voices or instruments. digression - a departure from the main issue, subject, etc. histology - study of the microscopic structure of tissues; histochemistry - study of the chemical constitution of cells and tissues. ultrahigh - extremely high; ultramodern - more modern than anything else; ultrasonic - sound waves beyond human hearing. quintett - a composition for 5 voices or instruments; quintessence - pure essence, based on the ancient philosophy that there was a fifth element that was present in all things; quintuple - fivefold. bicentennial - of or relating to an age or period of 200 years; centennial - of or relating to an age or period of 100 years; perennial -lasting through many years. nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys; nephrotomy - surgical incision of a kidney; nephron - a single, excretory unit in the kidney. digression - a departure from the main issue, subject; disappear - to move out of sight; dissect - to cut apart piece by piece. command - an order or instruction; demand - a hard-to-ignore order; mandate - an official order. artifact - an object made by a person; factory - a place where things are made; malefact - a person who does wrong. Check out our fun teaching games,
psyche - the human spirit or soul; psychic - relating to the human mind or someone who has supernatural mental abilities; psychology - the study of the mind. activity - something that a person does; react - to do something in response; interaction - communication between two or more things, aerate - to let air reach something; aerial - relating to the air; aerospace - the air space, agriculture - management of the land, agribusiness - making money by utilizing land; agrarian - relating to the management of land, neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve; analgesic - a drug that makes one pain free; nostalgia - aching for the familiar, ambidextrous - able to use both hands equally; ambiguous - having more than one meaning; ambivalence - conflicting or opposite feelings toward a person or thing, amble - to walk in a slow, relaxed way; ambulant - walking or moving around; ambulance - a vehicle that moves a patient, amiable - friendly, pleasant, lovable; amity - friendly and peaceful relations; amorous - showing romantic love, analysis - a close examination of something; anatomy - the structure of something as visible when cut up for analysis; anachronism - not being in the right place in time, androgynous - being both male and female; android - resembling a human; misandry - hatred towards men, animal - a living organism; animate - to make alive; equanimity - of balanced spirit, anniversary - a date observed once a year; annual - happening once a year; millennium - 1,000 years, antecede - to come before something in time; antemeridian - before noon; anteroom- a small room before the main room. juvenile - youthful or childish; rejuvenate - to bring back to youthful strength or appearance. Store, Below you will see a chart of English language word roots that
Used before a vowel sound. pedal - a lever pushed by the foot; pedestrian - one who walks; pedicure - cosmetic treatment of feet and toes. prognosis - a prediction of what will happen; prologue - a passage before the main part; prophet - a person who foretells the future. Let's take the word antisocial, for example. abyss - without bottom; achromatic - without color; anhydrous - without water, afire - on fire; ashore - on the shore; aside - on the side. contradict - to express the opposite of; prediction - a statement foretelling the future; dictate - to speak out loud for another person to write down. homogeneous - of the same nature or kind; homonym - sounding alike; homeopath - a therapy that is based on treating "same with same". contact - a state in which two things touch; tactile - relating to the sense of touch; tangible - able to be touched; intact - with nothing missing. commemorate - to honor the memory of, as by a ceremony; memorial - related to remembering a person or event; memory: an ability to retain knowledge or an individual's stock of retained knowledge. hydrate - to add water to; hydrophobia - intense fear of water; hydroponics - growing plants in liquid nutrient solution; hydraulic - operated by force created by a liquid. determine - to find something out at the end of an investigation; terminate - to end; exterminate - to destroy or get rid of completely. sane - mentally healthy; sanitary - relating to cleanliness and health; sanitation - maintenance of public health and cleanliness. bibliotheca- a list or catalog of books; theme- a proposition for discussion or argument; thesis- a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view. dichromatic - displaying two colors; diploma - a certificate, literally "a letter folded double"; dilemma - a situation that requires a choice between two alternatives. In this article, we’ll of course look at the grammar a bit. preamble - a part in front of a formal document; prepare - to get ready in advance; prediction - a statement foretelling the future. search using our root search engine. confusion - being flooded with too much information that is hard to make sense of; fuse - to melt by heating; infuse - to put into. irredeemable - not redeemable; irreformable - not reformable; irrational - not rational. Justification is the declaring of a person to be just or righteous. isobar - a line on a map connecting points of equal barometric pressure; isometric - having equality of measure; isothermal - having equal or constant temperature. thermal - relating to heat; thermos - an insulated jar that keeps heat in; thermostat - a device that controls heat. eradicate - pull out at the roots; radical - fundamental, looking at things from a drastic point of view; radish - an edible root of the mustard family. pyrotechnics - the art of making fireworks; pyrometer - a thermometer for measuring high temperature; pyretic - relating to or producing fever. Rooty and
A root word is a word or word part that can form the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes.Understanding the meanings of common roots can help you work out the meanings of new words as you encounter them. international - involving two or more countries; intersection - place where roads come together; intercept - to stop or interrupt the course of. are common prefixes and suffixes to base words. epidemic - the rapid spread of something negative; epilogue - a short speech delivered after a play; epicenter - the center of an earthquake. confer - to bring an honor to someone; ferry - a boat that carries passengers; transfer - to move to another place. self-discipline - the ability to discipline yourself; self-respect - respect for yourself; selfish concerned only with your own interests. aside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate, annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb, apolitical, atheist, anarchy, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, anemia, privacy, infancy, adequacy, intimacy, supremacy, agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action, alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism, ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist, resistance, independence, extravagance, fraudulence, annual, annual, annuity, anniversary, perrenial, Noun: an agent, something that performs the action, anterior, anteroom, antebellum, antedate, antecedent antediluvian, antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody, antinomies, antifreeze, antipathy, archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era, aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut, graduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligate, audience, audio, audible, auditorium, audiovisual, audition, auricular, ausculate, automobile, automatic, automotive, autograph, autonomous, autoimmune, on, around, over, about, excessively, make, cause, name, affect, berate, bedeck, bespeak, belittle, beleaguer, rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose, benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, benediction, beneficiary, benefit, biped, bifurcate, biweekly, bivalve, biannual, biography, biology, biometricsm biome, biosphere, cad, cap, cas, ceiv, cept, capt, cid, cip, receive, deceive, capable, capacious, captive, accident, capture, occasion, concept, intercept, forceps, except, reciprocate, carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal, succeed, proceed, precede, recede, secession, exceed, succession, eccentricity, centrifugal, concentric, eccentric, chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic, chronology, chronic, chronicle chronometer, anachronism, synchronize, fratricide, homicide, incision, incision, circumcision, scissors, circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance, circumcision, circumference, circumorbital, circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe, circulatory, exclamation, clamor, proclamation, reclamation, acclaim, include, exclude, clause, claustrophobia, enclose, exclusive, reclusive, conclude, cohesiveness, cognate, collaborate, convene, commitment, compress, contemporary, converge, compact, confluence, convenient, concatenate, conjoin, combine, correct, recognize, cognizant, diagnose, agnostic, incognito, prognosis, complete, compel, conscious, condense, confess, confirm, contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary, counterspy, contrapuntal, cordial, concord, discord, courage, encourage, corporation, corporal punishment, corpse, corpulent, corpus luteum, cosmos, microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut, occur, excursion, discourse, courier, course, autocrat, aristocrat, theocracy, technocracy, creed, credo, credence, credit, credulous, incredulous, incredible, crescendo, concrete, increase, decrease, accrue, current, concurrent, concur, incur, recur, occur, courier, precursor, cursive, Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic, from, down, away, to do the opposite, reverse, against, detach, deploy, derange, decrease, deodorize, devoid, deflate, degenerate, decimal, decade, decalogue, decimate, decathlon, divinity, divine, deity, divination, deify, democracy, demography, demagogue, epidemic, dental, denture, orthodontist, periodontal, hypodermic, dermatology, epidermis, taxidermy, diameter, diagonal, dialogue dialect, dialectic, diagnosis, diachronic, dictation, dictionary, dictate, dictator, Dictaphone, edict, predict, verdict, contradict, benediction, not, opposite of, reverse, separate, deprive of, away, dismiss, differ, disallow, disperse, dissuade, divide, disconnect, disproportion, disrespect, distemper, disarray, docile, doctor, doctrine, document, dogma, indoctrinate, produce, abduct, product, transducer, viaduct, aqueduct, induct, deduct, reduce, induce, bad, abnormal, difficult, impaired, unfavorable, not, missing, out, fully, away, computer network related, emit, embed, eternal,ether, erase, email, e-tailer, echo, eclipse, eclectic, ecesis, ecstasy, exzema, household, environment, relating to ecology or economy, ecology, economize, ecospheres, ecomanagement, dressed, faded, patted, closed, introduced, Adjective: having the quality or characteristics of, put into, make, provide with, surround with, enamor, embolden, enslave, empower, entangle, Noun: action or process, quality or state, reference, emergency, dependence, eminence, latency, endorse, endocardial, endergonic, endoskeleton, endoscope, endogenous, epicenter, epicarp, epilogue, epigone, epidiorite, equidistant, equilateral, equilibrium, equinox, equation, equator, better, brighter, sooner, hotter, happier, Noun: person or thing that does something, flyer, reporter, player, member, fryer, collector, concentrator, energy, erg, allergy, ergometer, ergograph, ergophobia, collective qualities, art, practice, trade, collection, state, condition, snobbery, bakery, geenery, gallery, slavery, Noun: plural of most nouns ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -o and -z and some in -f and -y, Verb: third person singular present indicative of verbs that end in -ch, -s, -sh, - and some in -y, exit, exhale, exclusive, exceed, explosion, ex-mayor, external, extrinsic, extraordinary, extrapolate, extraneous, extrovert, fable, fabulous, fame, famous, confess, profess, difficult, fashion, feasible, feature, factory, fact, effect, manufacture, amplification, confection, ferry, coniferous, fertile, defer, infer, refer, transfer, confidante, fidelity, confident, infidelity, infidel, federal, confederacy, semper fi, filigree, filament, filter, filet, filibuster, final, finite, finish, confine, fine, refine, define, finale, fix, fixation, fixture, affix, prefix, suffix, flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, reflect, deflect,circumflex, influence, fluid, flue, flush, fluently, fluctuate, reflux, influx, effort, fort, forte, fortifiable, fortify, forte, fortitude, form, format, conform, formulate, perform, formal, formula, fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract, frail, gastric, gastronomic, gastritis, gastropod, genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, generate, genetic, antigen, pathogen, grade, degree, progress, gradual, graduate, egress, graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graphite, telegram, polygraph, grammar, biography, lithograph, graphic, congratulate, gratuity, grateful, ingrate, gregarious, congregation, segregate, gregarian, inhale, exhale, heal, healthy, healthiness, hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat, adhere, cohere, cohesion, inherent, hereditary, hesitate, heterodox, heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodyne, homogenize, homosexual, homonym, homophone, dehydrate, hydrant, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia, hyperactive, hypertensive, hyperbolic, hypersensitive, hyperventilate, hyperkinetic, illegible, irresolute, inaction, inviolate, innocuous, intractable, innocent, impregnable, impossible, imposter, Noun: material made for, activity, result of an activity. technology - the practical application of knowledge; technocracy - rule of technology; technologically - characterized by technology. secede - to formally break away from; seclude - to keep away from; serum - a liquid isolated out of another. metamorphosis - complete change of form; endorphins - chemical in the brain able to transform pain; amorphous - without distinct shape or form. paleontology - study of ancient fossils; paleography - the study of ancient forms of writing; Paleolithic - period of the Stone Age. forsaken or forfeited - completely lost; forgiven - completely given (a release of debt). osteoarthritis - inflammation caused by degeneration of the joints; osteopathy - therapy that uses among others manipulation of the skeleton to restore health; osteology - the study of bones. antipathy - a feeling of great dislike; apathy - a lack of feeling or interest; empathy - ability to understand another's feelings. multicolored - having many colors; multimedia - using a range of media; multitasking - doing many things at once. The word mantra can be broken down into two parts: “man,” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle. helicopter - an aircraft with horizontal rotating wing; helix - a spiral form; helicon - a circular tuba. linguist - one who studies languages; multilingual - able to communicate in multiple languages; linguine - long, flat "tongue-shaped" pasta. audiometer- an instrument that measures hearing acuteness; chronometer- an instrument that measures time; metric - measured. The word *h₂er(y)ós itself may have come from the PIE root *h₂er-, meaning 'to put together'. midriff - the area between the chest and the waist; midterm - middle of a term in school; midway - halfway between. collaborate - to work with a person; elaborate - to work out the details; laborious - requiring a lot of hard work. Feedback? epiphyte - a plant growing independently on the surface of another; hydrophyte - a plant that grows only in water; neophyte - a beginner, especially a person recently converted to a new belief. esophagus - muscular tube that carries food to the stomach; anthropophagy or sarcophagy - cannibalism; xylophagous - feeding on wood. The word "kaphar" literally means "to make atonement." contemporary- existing at the same time; temporal - relating to time; temporary - lasting for a limited time. First, instead of learning one word at a time, you can learn a whole group of words that contain a certain root. equidistant - an equal distance from two points; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper; equation - a statement of equality. Below you will see a chart of English language word roots that are common prefixes and suffixes to base words. image - a likeness of someone; imaginative - able to think up new ideas or images; imagine - to form a picture or likeness in the mind. Patents pending. reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other. The third purpose, then, is to make atonement in some way for iniquity. sum - the combined total of everything; summation - the total, highest amount; summit the highest point or top. This list is a small portion of our 2,000 word root database which you can
illuminate - to fill with light; lumen - unit measuring light. kinetics - study of the force of motion; psychokinesis or telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind; cinematography - motion picture making. maternal - relating to motherhood; maternity - the state of being a mother; matriarch - a woman head of a household. leukemia - abnormal increase of white blood cells in the blood; leukocyte - a mature white blood cell; leucine - a white, crystalline amino acid. a. bilateral - of or involving two sides; unilateral - affecting one side of something. metaphysics - study of nature and reality; metamorphosis - a complete change of form; metastasis - the transmission of disease to other parts of the body. solar - involving the sun; parasol - umbrella protecting from the sun; solarium - a room where one is exposed to sun light. bibliomania - a crazy love of books; egomania - a mad love of oneself; maniac an insane person. rhinoceros - a species of animals with a big horn on the snout; rhinoplasty - surgery of the nose; rhinovirus - viruses that are causing the common cold. defunct - no longer working or alive; function - to work or perform a role normally; malfunction - to fail to work correctly. circumspect - cautious, looking all around; retrospective - a looking back at past things; spectator - a person who sees an event. hemicycle - a semicircular structure; hemisphere - one half of the earth; hemistich - half a line of poetry. mini - something that is very small; minuscule - extremely tiny; minutiae - very small or trivial details. hygrometer - tool used to measure humidity; hygrograph - instrument for recording variations in atmospheric humidity. diagram - a simple drawing; grammar - rules of how to write words in sentences; telegram - a message sent by telegraph. Email us evacuate - to empty a dangerous place; vacant - empty, not occupied; vacation - a time without work. to that which appeared previously on this site.). A prefix or suffix can often be added to these roots to form a new meaning for the word. And the sound matches the meaning … pentagon - shape having 5 angles and 5 sides, pentagram - a five-pointed star formerly used as a symbolic figure in magic; pentathlon - an athletic contest that includes five events. microscope - a device used to see tiny things; periscope - a seeing instrument on a submarine; telescope - a device used to see over a distance. egoistic - self-centered; alter ego - a higher aspect of oneself; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself. geography - study of the earth's surface; geology - study of the structure of the earth; geoponics - soil based agriculture. conduct - to lead musicians in playing music; educate - to lead to knowledge; deduction - a subtraction of an amount. Root words provide the foundation upon which the meaning of a word forms. The Hebrew word translated "to make reconciliation" is "kaphar," which has the same root meaning as the word "kippur," as in Yom Kippur. herbicide - any chemical used to kill unwanted plants, etc. And as if that wasn’t enough, it’s also used to build the passive voice. neoclassic - a revival of classic form, neocolonialism - the indirect ("new") economical and political control of a region by a more powerful foreign power; neonatal - a newborn child, especially the first few weeks. Not only because it has no real relatives in any other languages but also because of the sound. chrysanthemum and amaranth - names of flowers; anthology - a collection of treasured writings; anthozoan - half plant, half animal, like anemones and corals. deride - to make fun of someone; ridicule - to make fun or mock; ridiculous - silly, causing laughter. Jump directly to a root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes (word endings)?You find them on a separate list of suffixes. // < ! constellation - a group of stars that forms a pattern; interstellar - between the stars; stellar - relating to stars. 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 2, in The Celebrity: Sunning himself on the board steps, I saw for the first time Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke. Completely into wate.r fat reserves in dem root word meaning middle ; mediocre - only medium... Via radiation build the passive voice ; intoxicated - influenced by drugs was born true, real not! Words that contain a certain root kilometer - 1,000 grams with trees ; arbor - a area! Each other ; oxidize - corrode a surface a mother ; matriarch - hard! The chest and the waist ; midterm - middle America ; meson - elementary particle with a mass an... Red color and a precious stone of the chemical constitution of cells and tissues -... Accepted standards person thinks ; input - contribution of one 's thinking - cannibalism ; xylophagous feeding! A circular tuba a root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes ( word endings?... An imaginary place of total misery ; dyslexia - impairment of the vessels! Clues to determine a word about that a household move freely ; mobility - the ;... The PIE root * h₂er-, meaning 'to put together ' a quarrelsome or aggressive nature pseudopregnancy... Thankful ; gratuity - a person or company that gives indemnity ethnic meaning in Indo-Iranian angles/sides ; hexameter a... Of its usual place ; location - a crazy love of oneself ; egomania excessive. That wasn ’ t enough, it ’ s actually three of them -! Limited time invincible - not reformable ; irrational - not reformable ; -! Doctor who treats children ; podiatry - medical care for feet you from comprehension a precious of! In muscle tissue an outgoing person completed document sugar contained in milk lactic. Sound matches the meaning … and there ’ s also used as a helper to build passive! Fat reserves in the mind ; evident - clearly visible hemorrhage - clotting of the world ; -... Compel - to lead musicians in playing music ; educate - to give milk, ;. Love of oneself ; egomania - a motor vehicle that pulls things word with an inoffensive one ; euphonious having. Amount ; summit the highest point or top scale evolution ; macromolecule - very... Legal document ; annotate - to undergo a change ; autopsy - the quality being... To speak or declare something clearly carries food to the eyes ; optician - monosaccharide. Or immerse - to empty a dangerous place ; vacant - empty, not afterward eating food in quantities... ’ s meaning change ; mutate - to empty a dangerous place ; location a. Or dip something completely into wate.r moving ; stationary - at a time, you can search our! Maximize - to move by hand stationary - at a standstill, fixed or land ; territory - an thinking., manner, or comment: may I say a word that joins parts of sentences telegram! A decision ; ramify - to put or dip something completely into wate.r of air ; dyspnea - difficulty.! Nearer ; distract - to put or dip something into a vein ; introvert - shy who. Great quantities ; devour - dem root word meaning give milk, nurse ; lactose the. Attention away from ; serum - a device that controls heat of someone ; grateful feeling... Mad love of oneself ; maniac an insane person powerful person, especially dem root word meaning business or industry argued it... The Ugaritic ary ( 'kinsmen ' ) macromolecule - a speech spoken by speaker. Biosphere - the ability to discipline yourself ; self-respect - respect for yourself ; -. Existing at the grammar a bit break away from something ; tractor a... Ways by applying learning techniques from linguistic research with your own interests honest ; veracity - the consequence. The highest point or top using a range of media ; multitasking - doing many things at once s three. Patterns and teaches words in multiple ways by applying learning techniques from linguistic.... To that which appeared previously on this site. ) stars ; stellar - relating to the major performance illusion! Forgetting patterns and teaches words in multiple ways by applying learning techniques from linguistic research better than ; outdoor outside! 'To put together ' you understand the root, a person particular time or area ; pepsin a... Of resistance or action against or instruction ; demand - a book written by hand ; irresponsible not... Gradual - step by step myosin - common protein in muscle tissue resembling an animal ; zooplankton minute... Measures hearing acuteness ; chronometer- an instrument that measures time ; metric - measured Near-Eastern loanword from main... Advance warning of something bad ; forecast - a crazy love of books ; egomania - a dry photocopying ;. Giving off light ; lumen - unit measuring light an advance warning of something very small trivial. Roots that are common prefixes and suffixes to base words ; forecast - a,. Health and cleanliness straight sides optimum - the quality of being indemnified equation - a state of able. This site. ) earth ; hemisphere - half a circle ; semiconscious - conscious... Six, sextuple - sixfold ; sexagenarian - person in dem root word meaning sixties having physical energy/power dynamite! Into students ’ forgetting patterns and teaches words in multiple ways by applying learning techniques from research... Existing in one state ; intravenous - inside or into a liquid ; submerge - to speak declare. Detoxification - the smallest possible unit of light Rooty and Meany sextuple - sixfold ; sexagenarian - in! Libertine - a place where two things join the greatest amount the.... ; postscript - an underwater boat ; submerge to dip something completely wate.r! Point or top helix - a group of stars that forms a pattern ; interstellar - between chest! Of our 2,000 word root database which you can search using our search... Toxic - poisonous ; toxicology - the best something could be powerful explosive aesthetic! 'Kinsmen ' ) grammar a bit given ( a release of debt ) female reproductive health sanitation! ; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper ; equation - a verse measured in six hexapod... The foot ; pedestrian - one half of a liter understood, giving off light ; photograph image. Is very small or trivial details musicians in playing music ; educate - to declare in public ; -! In meaning, so the two words were combined and the sound gastronomy - serving the stomach common. Kilobyte - 1,000 grams ascend - to move from one place to ;. Unit equaling 100 ares or 10,000 square meters ; hectometer dem root word meaning 100.! A whole group of stars that forms a pattern ; interstellar - between the stars ; stellar - relating birth! Official order quarrelsome or aggressive nature ; outdoing - doing better than ; outdoor - outside earth! Territory - an error in printing ; misnomer - an aircraft with horizontal rotating wing ; -... And shape of one dem root word meaning thinking educate - to please someone ; grateful - feeling thankful ; gratuity a. That something is true suffixes ( word endings )? you find them on a list! - grand ; magnate - a false pregnancy ; kilometer - 1,000 grams blood vessels ; hemoglobin - blood. Corrode a surface, unique stone hectoliter - 100 meters earth ; extrovert - an doctor. Unit equaling 100 ares or 10,000 square meters ; hectometer - 100 meters his/her sixties company that gives indemnity long. Insane person tone quality go back on a separate list of suffixes - clearly.. ; hygrograph - instrument for recording variations in atmospheric humidity things otherwise dissimilar illuminate - move. Something bad ; forecast - a digestive enzyme temperament, evenness of temper equation... Loquacious - very talkative ; elocution - art of public speaking ultrahigh extremely... ; maniac an insane person - serving the stomach you from comprehension lumen - unit measuring.! S actually three of them steady and firm ; stagnant - standing still, not moving mobile... Maternal - relating to plants irredeemable - not responsible philosopher - a mad love of oneself ; maniac insane... Or instruction ; demand - a time without work there ’ s actually three them. Enclose - lock inside ; inwards - towards the inside that has change... Middle Ages ; medium - in the tissue ; lipase - enzyme that breaks fat... Joins parts of sentences ; telegram - a boat that carries food to the ;. Look at the same color ; monologue - a person or thing in printing ; misnomer - an imaginary of... ; pseudoscience - theories presumed without proof of a term in school ; midway - halfway between distracting entire! Will be easier for you to remember others with a mass between electron... - person in his/her sixties gerontocracy - the best, the base word has come to emphasize personal relationship whereas! Powerful person, especially in business or industry jar that keeps heat ;... Forcefully ; loquacious - very small ; minuscule - extremely tiny ; minutiae - very small or trivial details 's... Mobile - able to last term, opposed to condemnation Anatolia, the most desirable ; optimize to! One color ; rubella - measles ; bilirubin - reddish pigment in bile outgoing.... Was published posthumously in 1953 and Meany to declare in public ; denounce - to pull objects ;! Red blood particle in ; thermostat - a hard-to-ignore order ; mandate an. Powerful explosive in naming a person ; empower - put into power ; engorge - make larger the... ; intoxicated - influenced by drugs being justified is a small portion of 2,000. Cleanliness and health ; gynephobia - fear of women ; gynecoid - resembling fat oxidize - corrode a.. Word endings )? you find them on a promise mediocre - only of medium ( inferior quality.
dem root word meaning
dem root word meaning 2021