Home. Apollo 12 marked the first lunar deployment of an electric generator powered by the decay of a tiny plutonium source. It took Houston a few minutes to find somebody willing to swear that the Surveyor had originally been lily-white, and by then Bean had noticed that even the camera mirrors appeared light brown. 140:45:08. After a quick meal, they got busy preparing themselves, their suits, and the LM for the day's activities. This journal covers the flight of Apollo 11 from launch to splashdown. One pair of large rocks looked as though they were almost touching each other and it seemed to Whitaker that he might be able to find them when he started to examine the appropriate Orbiter pictures through the microscope. During the second EVA, they used about 30 percent less than the predicted amount. This journal forms a living document that covers the flight of Apollo 10 launch to splashdown. On the inner slopes, the soil was just as dark as on the surrounding plain; and, based on their observations from the first EVA, the astronauts expected that the footing would remain good as they descended into the crater. The diurnal variation of temperatures in the lunar surface layer is calculated using the measured properties of the Apollo 12 samples. Individual Pages- photographed by Ulli Lotzmann on 15 March 2001. On the way back to the spacecraft, Conrad and Bean made good time, covering the two hundred meters in about five minutes. Bean lifted them down with a pulley and attached them to the ends of a carrying bar - which would double as a radio antenna mast - in dumbbell fashion. One of Al Bean's first jobs was to take the TV camera off the Modular Equipment Stowage Assembly (called the "MESA"), mount it on a tripod and move it to a position 20 feet southwest of the LM so Houston could watch the deployment of the U.S. flag and the S-band antenna which would provide improved communications. He'd lost track of the landmarks while he concentrated on rocks that he could see through the dust so that he could see if he was moving left or right, forward or back. 2 (Leslie Bianchini, Miss January 1969) While critically involved in their construction, astronauts were not the only individuals with access to in-flight documentation, and ground personnel frequently annotated the materials with messages, cartoons, jokes, and their signatures. "Stand by?! Home. Second, the astronauts would be able to collect rocks and soil samples from another of the great lunar plains and, most interestingly to the geologists, from a place covered with ejecta from the young, prominent crater Copernicus which lies some three hundred kilometers to the north. He is about a third of the way from the Surveyor Crater to the (Snowman's) Head. There were rocks and boulders lying all over the place, some of them up to a meter across, and the astronauts had no trouble filling a bag with representative samples. They were both relaxed - with heart rates dipping down into the 80s - and Conrad would have whistled while he worked, had whistling been possible at 3.7 psi suit pressure. With the stiffer suits, Conrad and Bean needed a brief stop for rest and some sampling. The length of the leg could be adjusted with a complex set of laces at the ankle. They stopped, caught their breath, and then moved off again at a slower pace. By using Lunar Orbiter photos and, as well, photos returned by the prior Apollo crews, NASA was able to construct a fairly realistic model of the landing site so that, during training in the LM simulators, the view out Conrad's window - actually a TV picture of the model - looked enough like the real thing that, at pitchover, Conrad would have a comfortable sense of deja vu. The goals of Apollo 12 focused on science, including investigating the lunar surface environment, emplacing the first Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP), obtaining samples from a second lunar mare and enhancing the capability for human lunar exploration. The amount of time that the astronauts were able to stay on the surface increased with each mission. There were no disastrous tripping episodes during Apollo 12, but the need to dodge cables slowed the work. Was Houston sure, they asked, that the spacecraft had, like the mock-up they'd used in training, been bright white when it left Earth? He spent several minutes working with Houston to try and diagnose the problem but then abandoned the camera so that he wouldn't fall any farther behind the timeline. The Apollo 11 Telemetry Data Recordings: A Final Report (0.6 Mb PDF) TV and Communications Documentation Processing and Duplication of Apollo 11 Film, 25 … Seismological signals of such local phenomenon as astronaut footfalls, the impact of jettisoned backpacks, and the bounces of rocks thrown into craters would give indications of the depth of the soil at the ALSEP site; and the presence of rock fragments around young craters big enough to have reached bedrock could provide direct visual evidence. Surveyor Crater is a member of a distinctive cluster of craters. Of course, Gordon had a real advantage in that he knew where Intrepid was supposed to be. Right down the middle of the road!". He is looking at me. There was the Snowman. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. Midway through the EVA, he realized that he could use it as a kind of toddler's harness or belaying rope to steady Conrad as he reached down for a rock. Twenty minutes didn't give them much time for careful consideration or comment; it was very much a matter of jog, stop, take a minute to marvel, take a few pictures, grab a sample, and jog again. Avoiding cables was a matter of watching one's feet or, from a more practical point of view, of watching the other guy's feet. The suits were bulky enough that, although the astronauts had to lean far forward to balance, they rarely saw their own feet and had a tough time keeping clear of obstacles. The only thing that had gone really wrong during the EVA was the loss of the TV camera. Like the Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo flights to the Moon, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity. However, on the Moon, the cables hardly seemed to notice the weak gravity and retained loops and bends they had acquired during storage inside the LM - loops that stood up from the ground rather like sections of a frozen garden hose. Because the suits were pressurized, the glove fingers were necessarily stiff and hard to move. Successive impacts churned the rubble layer down to a depth of about five meters, breaking up the rock and making smaller and smaller fragments. Conrad couldn't quite believe what he'd just heard. Apollo 10’s lunar module would not physically land on the moon; this would happen during Apollo 11. When viewed from the approach trajectory, the cluster looks not unlike a Snowman, with Surveyor Crater forming the fat torso. 115:58:41 Here is the TV. What did Gene Cernan, the last Apollo astronaut to walk on the lunar surface, say about his experience on the first day, then the second day, of the mission? The suits also slowed the work in other ways. "I can't believe it!". Also see the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, a complete and thoroughly annotated transcript of astronaut activities on the Moon. I see the Surveyor! In light of shrinking budgets, NASA immediately announced that the remaining Apollo schedule would be stretched. Apollo 12 LMP Cuff Checklist . Son-of-a-gun! As he said at the time, he could easily have spent the whole EVA at just one of the stations. Apollo 12 was launched on Nov. 14, 1969, surviving a lightning strike which temporarily shut down many systems, and arrived at the Moon three days later. But, then too, Armstrong and Aldrin had to work in an atmosphere of intense public scrutiny, constantly aware of the attentions of a global audience and of history. Along the way, they found beads of glass lying out on the surface, and, at Middle Crescent Crater, hints of bedrock exposed in the inner walls. Throughout most of the traverse they both had heart rates in the range of about 110 to 130 beats a minute. But, still, I woke up four hours later...I remember, that's all I slept. "Never come to the Moon without a hammer.". Sur-1, LM/CSM Timeline, 110 to 126 hours (27k), Sur-2, LM/CSM Timeline, 126 to 142 hours (55k), Sur-3, First Rev Activity, PDI+20 ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-4, Doff Helmets and Gloves ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-5, PDI+45, P57 Star Sightings ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-10, Partial Powerdown, Circuit Breaker Panel 11 (CDR) ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-11, Partial Powerdown, Circuit Breaker Panel 16 (LMP) ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-12, Switch Configurations ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-13, Switch Configurations ( 0.25 Mb ), Sur-14, ECS and Camera Configurations ( 0.27 Mb ), Sur-15, Window Photography and Description ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-16, Surface Description, Part 2 ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-17, Surface Description, Part 3 ( 0.29 Mb ), Sur-18, Surface Description, Part 4 ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-19, Eat Period and P22 CSM Tracking with the Rendezvous Radar ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-20, Platform (IMU) Powerdown ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-21, 112:40, Cabin Prep EVA-1 ( 0.11 Mb ), Sur-22, Circuit Breaker Panel 11 (CDR) EVA Configuration ( 0.26 Mb ), Sur-23, Circuit Breaker Panel 16 (LMP) EVA Configuration ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-24, Transition to One-Man EVA ( 0.27 Mb ), Sur-25, LM Repress Failure Procedure ( 0.25 Mb ), Sur-26, Equipment Prep for EVA-1 ( 0.27 Mb ), Sur-29, Complete PLSS Comm Check ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-30, Final Systems Prep, OPS Connect, Helmet/Glove Donning ( 0.29 Mb ), Sur-31, Pressure Integrity Check, Cabin Depress ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-32, final Prep for Egress ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-33, EVA-1 Timeline 0+00 to 1+00 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-34, EVA-1 Timeline 1+00 to 2+00 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-35, EVA-1 Timeline 2+00 to 3+00 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-36, EVA-1 Timeline 3+00 to 3+30 ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-37, EVA-1 Timeline 3+10 to 4+00 ( 0.11 Mb ), Sur-38, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities 0+10 to 0+18 ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-39, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities 0+23 to 0+26 ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-40, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities 0+40 to 0+45 ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-41, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities S-Band/TV Deployment ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-42, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities to 1+02, SWC/Flag Deployment ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-43, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+07, Pans and LM Inspection ( 0.19 Mb ), Sur-44, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+07, Part 2 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-45, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+07, Part 3 ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-46, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+07, Part 4 ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-47, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+15, ALSEP Off-load ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-48, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+36, ALSEP Traverse ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-49, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+48, ALSEP Interconnect ( 0.22 Mb ), Sur-50, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 1+58, PSE/SWE Deployment ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-51, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 2+06, LSM and Central Station Sunshield Deployment ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-52, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 2+14, Antenna/SIDE Deployment ( 0.25 Mb ), Sur-53, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 2+30, Return to LM, SRC Packing, Core sample ( 0.30 Mb ), Sur-54, EVA-1 CDR/LMP Activities at 3+02, LEC Transfer and LMP EVA Termination ( 0.17 Mb ), Sur-55, EVA-1 CDR/LMP EVA Termination ( 0.10 Mb ), Sur-56, EVA-1 4-hour Extension, SRC Packing, Core Tube ( 0.25 Mb ), Sur-57, EVA-1 Geology Traverse ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-58, EVA-1 Trench Sample and EVA Termination ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-60, Post-EVA-1 Systems Configuration ( 0.29 Mb ), Sur-61, PLSS O2 Recharge, PLSS/OPS Doffing ( 0.22 Mb ), Sur-62, Post-EVA Cabin Configuration ( 0.35 Mb ), Sur-63, Eat Period, PLSS Recharge ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-65, Rest Period, Wake-up, Status Reports ( 0.22 Mb ), Sur-67, Equipment Prep for EVA-2 ( 0.29 Mb ), Sur-70, OPS Connect, Helmet/Glove Donning ( 0.27 Mb ), Sur-71, Pressure Integrity Check ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-72, Cabin Depress / Final Prep for Egress ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-73, CDR / LMP Time Line EVA2 0 - 1 hour ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-74, CDR / LMP Time Line EVA2 1 hour - 2 hour ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-75, CDR / LMP Time Line EVA2 2 hour - 3 hour ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-76, CDR / LMP Time Line EVA2 3 hour - 4 hour ( 0.11 Mb ), Sur-77, EVA 2 Start Activities ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-78, EVA 2 Initial Activities ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-79, Geology Traverse Prep ( 0.19 Mb ), Sur-81, Documented Sample Collection ( 0.17 Mb ), Sur-82, Documented Sample Collection Part 2 ( 0.18 Mb ), Sur-85, Gas Analysis Sample Collection ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-86, Surveyor Site Activities (Part 1) ( 0.18 Mb ), Sur-87, Surveyor Site Activities (Part 2) ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-88, Surveyor Site Activities (Part 3) ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-89, Geology Return Traverse ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-91, Eva Termination (Part 1) ( 0.22 Mb ), Sur-93, Post Eva 2 / Prep for Equip Jet ( 0.27 Mb ), Sur-94, Surface Photography from LM ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-97, Post Eva Cleanup / EVA 2 Debrief ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-101, Panel 16 CB for Launch Prep ( 0.19 Mb ), Sur-102, Lift off - 2:35, Gravity Alignment and Star Sightings ( 0.17 Mb ), Sur-103, Lift off - 2:35 (Continued) ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-104, Lift off - 2:35 (Continued) ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-105, Lift off - 2:05, Gyro Calibration, Lift off - 1:30, RCS Hot-fire Check ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-106, Lift off - 1:30, RCS Hot-fire Check(Continued), Lift off - 0:45 ( 0.28 Mb ), Sur-107, Platform Alignment with Gravity and Star Sightings ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-108, Lift off - 0:45 (Continued), Lift off - 0:35 ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-109, Lift off - 0:30, Switch Configurations ( 0.17 Mb ), Sur-110, Switch Configurations (Continued) ( 0.18 Mb ), Sur-111, Switch Configurations (Continued), ECS Configuration ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-112, ECS Configuration (Continued) ( 0.18 Mb ), Sur-113, Lift off - 0:17, Lift off - 0:15 ( 0.18 Mb ), Sur-114, Circuit Breaker Panel 11 (CDR) Configuration ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-115, Circuit Breaker Panel 16 (LMP) Configuration ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-116, Lift-off minus 0:10, Lift-off minus 0:05 (Go to LM Timeline Book) ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-118, One-Man EVA Prep (Continued) ( 0.19 Mb ), Sur-119, One-Man EVA OPS connect and Helmet/Glove Donning ( 0.28 Mb ), Sur-120, One-Man EVA Pressure Integrity Check ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-121, One-Man EVA Cabin Depress, Final Prep for Egress ( 0.28 Mb ), Sur-122, Final Prep for Egress (Continued) ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-123, EVA 1-Minimum Time-One Man, 0+00-1+00 ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-124, 0+00 - 0+18, One Man EVA 1 (Minimum Time) ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-125, 0+23 - 0+28, One Man EVA 1 (Minimum Time) ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-126, 0+38, One Man EVA 1 (Minimum Time) ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-127, 0+40, One Man EVA 1 (Minimum Time) ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-128, EVA 1-Full Time-One Man, 0+00-1+00 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-129, EVA 1-Full Time-One Man, 1+00-2+00 ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-130, EVA 1-Full Time-One Man, 2+00-3+00 ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-131, EVA 1-Full Time-One Man, 3+00-3+40 ( 0.11 Mb ), Sur-132, EVA 1-Full Time-One Man, 3+00-4+00 (Extension) ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-133, 0+00 - 0+18, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-134, 0+23 - 0+26, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-135, 0+40 - 0+47, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-136, 0+47 (Continued), One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-137, 1+07 - 1+33, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.17 Mb ), Sur-138, 1+45 - 2+03, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.21 Mb ), Sur-139, 2+13 - 2+30, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.24 Mb ), Sur-140, 2+42 - 3+02, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-141, 3+04 - 3+13, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-142, 3-14, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-143, 3-36, One Man EVA 1 (Full Time) ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-144, EVA 2-One Man, 0+00-1+00 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-145, EVA 2-One Man, 1+00-2+00 ( 0.11 Mb ), Sur-146, EVA 2-One Man, 2+00-3+00(3+30) ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-147, EVA 2-One Man, 3+00(3+30)-3+30(4+00) ( 0.11Mb ), Sur-148, 0+00 - 0+17, One Man EVA 2 ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-150, Documented Sample Collection, One Man EVA 2 ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-151, Documented Sample Collection, Core Tube Sample Collection, One Man EVA 2 ( 0.15 Mb ), Sur-152, Trench Sampling, Gas Analysis Sample Collection, One Man EVA 2 ( 0.19 Mb ), Sur-153, Go/No Go for Extension, 2+46(3+16) - 2+48(3+18), One Man EVA 2 ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-154, 2+59(3+29), One Man EVA 2 ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-155, 3+10(3+40) - 3+20(3+50), One Man EVA 2 ( 0.13 Mb ), Sur-157, Emergency Lift-off Stowage ( 0.23 Mb ), Sur-159, Emergency Lift-off, Circuit Breaker Panel 11 (CDR) Configuration ( 0.20 Mb ), Sur-160, Emergency Lift-off, Circuit Breaker Panel 16 (LMP) Configuration ( 0.16 Mb ), Sur-161, MSFN Update, AGS Activation ( 0.12 Mb ), Sur-163, Target AGS, Enable Controls ( 0.14 Mb ), Sur-164, T-5:00, Begin Final Countdown ( 0.10 Mb ). 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apollo 12 lunar surface journal
apollo 12 lunar surface journal 2021