Thank you again – Jude. If any wires, metal braces or screws are used to help guide your bite into the correct position they will be removed in the outpatient department when your doctors are happy that your fracture has healed. I have the same dull ache as you and that intensifies if I try to open my jaw. Hang in there! Your jaw has been immobile for some time; it really does take a long time to get back to normal. Thank you to everyone who has shared their experience–I’m sure it is helping many people cope with bein “wired shut.”. Place warm water in the waterpik, set it on the lowest setting and slowly go over your arch bars, until food particles are gone. Shout out to you, James. The teeth around my fracture site, however, are much worse to the point of pain on contact. I slept a LOT, was out on disability for over 2 months, in a lot of pain (especially when I tried to eat again). Still this became normal very quickly. Do not shave the area around the incision for at least four to five days after the sutures have been removed. This overall has not been a painful experience for me. I went to movies and plays and the gym and work. He said it was my fault again and just left it so the wiring is loose on the side of the break. Trying to decide when I want to return to work because I too am experiencing the fatigue that people have mentioned above. This will give me a chance to prep her for what is to come, so all those disappointment tears you all shed will not go to waste. Since then, they’ve mostly moved back, but one of them is still ever so slightly out of line. If it continues, allow your nose to drain and use a tissue to wipe it away. My teeth were certainly a bit sore when I first got unwired. My dentist seems to think that it’s nothing to worry about, but I am slightly worried. Glad you’re seeking online support. If both of your jaws have been operated on, you must be careful not to blow your nose until instructed by the doctor, you may use nose spray to decrease the drainage. So I opted not to ride unless I could drive the bike to a bike path and, unfortunately, there aren’t any particularly convenient to our house. You just want to minimize it as much as possible as significant weight loss after trauma is not good for the healing process. A stash of Ensure might be a good idea. It was a year and a half ago for me. In case of an emergency, abnormal bleeding, or increased temperature (above 100 F or 38 C), call the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic 405-271-4955 during the weekday or 405-271-5656 during the weekend or evenings, and ask for the Oral Surgery Resident on call. Some fruits, such as strawberries and blackberries, have tiny seeds that would have a tendency to become caught in your teeth, so stay away from these. You can and should really listen to your body about both opening your mouth again and about training (goals that are sort of at two ends of the spectrum). Or is it just muscle pain? Fractures of the Lower Jaw. As for the drinking, I couldn’t use a straw either. And enough water. Regarding soups etc, I made many different ones as I enjoy to cook. 1000 North Lincoln Blvd , Suite 2000 Not like me at all. She had a really hard time being wired, but did much better once they removed them and put on rubberbands. any thought on this out there? I think it really took 6 months to feel kind of normal again. . I said yes, that’s how I knew what to do after getting wired and what to expect now. She is having the wires removed the day after tomorrow and I don’t think she has any idea that she won’t be having a big bowl of spaghetti upon her return home. My front big tooth has become lower than it adjacent tooth & they were even before. I am also 51, very active, and fractured many facial bones last Feb. in a Segway accident. To give credit where it is due, however, I just want to point out that it was Sandy who deserves credit for everything you attribute to me in this comment. This will loosen the wires and teeth and prevent the bones from healing. In my case, the numbness improved over time, but it still hasn’t gone away completely. I concur with Adam; seems like not being able to open your mouth much post-wires is normal. I believe that I was only wired for 3 weeks too. Is this normal? All I can say for those of you still going through this is hang in there and be patient (something at which I wasn’t too skilled before my accident and about which learned a lot as I healed). I had the arch wires removed last week (at about 6.5 weeks) and my oral surgeon said I can begin chewing soft foods. . Bad news gang . This whole situation is hell..Any suggestions on how to make this not like hell?I have rubberbands in and they are really tight can barely open my mouth but the doctor told me Three weeks later and a significant reduction in the swelling and the oral surgeon removed my elastics but left the darn Archway braces in….the excitement was hard to contain but the reality somewhat tempered that quickly!! You would probably need scaling and polishing (teeth cleaning) after the wires are removed Re: Broken Jaw by doggedfighter ( f ): 11:05pm On Dec 10 , 2020 I drink 6 ensures with extra calories a day but I am no longer hungry. Can’t say enough about how great that device was when I couldn’t brush my teeth and had whatever stuck in the wires (especially when I was “eating” blenderized foods. It would be terrible to need them put on again. I feel like I have permanently done damage, especially if it hasn’t healed properly, and that I will always have the physical defects to remind me of and to ruin my time here. I had surgery a little more than 2 weeks ago. Here’s the actual article. Mine was very helpful, kind and encouraging. At six weeks after my double jaw surgery, I was beyond relieved that the surgeon removed the 3D printed, custom surgical splint. I still can’t bite well; I need to visit a dentist again. This blog has some helpful entries about eating – but basically you’ll be drinking all of your meals and snacks. My teeth don’t touch at all on my right side or in front. I do think you can at least call a maxillofacial surgeon back in the states. I will let you know what happens tomorrow. Another question what’s the earliest you think you can get everything off because I can open my mouth pretty wide even only at three weeks and a couple of days? The emergency vet said the wire could be removed in 4 weeks, which is today. I was scared to open my mouth but finally the doctor got me to do it and its has been a couple of hours now and I can open pretty wide. Just make sure you eat quite often. I was never a big eater, but when I can eat solids, I”m gonna eat!! Look the same.. You don’t have to push; your mouth will just open wider with time and use. Does any one have the same experience?? The surgery you are having sounds similar to orthognathic surgery, except your jaw discrepancy was caused by injury instead of a congenital condition. It was a very unfortunate incident. Be patient; more easily said than done! 3 Lots of tingling in my semi-numb chin and lip. chewing is not that big a problem its just getting the food in there. Best of luck in your recovery, it is hell but you will get through it and live normally again! OMG….I feaked out and they had to hold me down. So, I left with a script for 30 hydrocodone pills, of which I needed 0. The doctor put me on elastics less than a week ago. What are people’s experiences with getting back to opening up their mouth? Keep posting everybody, others are helped by reading all the posts!! A couple of my lower front teeth moved a little bit due to the pressure from the wires. Eventually will my jaw line will look how it did before the surgery? Karen – You should totally get braces to fix your bite. My mouth opens about 5 centimeters now (and for the last two months), which seems about normal. Anyone facing chronic pain has the dual issue of how draining and exhausting it can be to face this challenge. I hate it! I experience spasms and earaches more often now. He shouted for them to stop but instead they ran over and assaulted me! This was applied to the jaw several times each day and prior to stretching. Thanks for the update! I hope the rest of your recovery proceeds smoothly. I had surgery 12/21/12 to have it removed and have been wired shut since then. On top of that, I began to get extremely depressed about the whole situation. One dentist was ready and waiting with braces. You’ve already been wired for a few weeks, so your muscles have probably atrophied quite a bit. They’re off now. Talk as slowly and as distinctly as you can. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I put chunkier liquids in a blender to make them more liquid and would sometimes use a syringe to squirt the liquid past my teeth. For arch bar removal, you can either be put under (if your doc offers it as an option) or be given shots to numb you. I found that with my broken arm and broken jaw, they both really wanted to heal! It is an amazing feeling to have the wires off. This sounds pretty normal to me. I can recommend this! While I am not a dentist, nor do I pretend to be one on TV, my very excellent dentist suggested doing nothing about my bite for 6-12 months. Can barley OPEN my mouth! Adapted from the works of Joan C. McIntrye, R.N., B.S.N. She was eating, and LOVING real food. Is the shaking of jaw normal after removing of wires. My heart goes out to you! I do have a question for anyone who can answer it. My bite is still off and I think I grind my teeth even by daytime because of it. The enamel was crumbling off one tooth too, because of the way they fit now. When I tell you how old she is, you’re going to think it was some old lady mishap (I guess it was). I’ll try to answer the questions, but my memory on some of them is a little bit hazy. I can’t take the place of your doctor but you might want to enlist a second opinion before having the wires removed after such a short period of time. My mental stability is wearing down. Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in mandibular plate and screw removal. Please take a few minutes and consider I found jamba juice very helpful as well. The wiring is removed periodically to allow the jaw joints to move freely, especially in the vertical direction. My mom fell last August and broke her jaw in two places. It’s the only way to get debris out from the wires and, since you can’t really brush your teeth, is an amazingly good temporary substitute. It all takes time. My bite doesn’t feel anything like it did before, but my oral surgeon is saying it’s right. I have also been getting some severe migraines and fatigue (although it could be stress) – could this be related (I am worried about TMJ)? Thank you all and I will post again soon! I feel a lot less alone just reading the comments from folks who have been through this injury. I’ll definitely talk to several orthodontists, since the first guy I saw puts braces on everyone before they’ve even entered his office! You will be good as new in due time. Change ). This was done top and bottom and then more wire was used to wrap around the upper and lower plate to secure them. Hello – My was jaw was broken October 26th. Sorry to hear about your accident, fainting was the cause of my broken jaw too. The pharmacists will become your new best friends. In case of vomiting, bend your head over to allow the vomitus to flow out of your mouth and nose. 8 Bite seems to be good but teeth definitely in a slightly different position though hard to remember where they were before! Thanks Adam for your kind note and sharing too. It looks like the tooth loosening was temporary. She had the wires removed on Thursday and was immediately in better spirits. Good to keep the “it could have been much worse” scenario in mind when you’re feeling impatient. As soon as I got the surgery, a wave of relief washed over me. All I wanted was ensure, even though i could eat other foods. You’ll look back on this; it’ll be over in the blink of an eye; and regret that. Read the nutrition labels and pick things that have lots of calories, its probably the only time in your life that you’ll want to do that . I also have several facial fractures from the accident and I don’t know how much of the facial issues are affecting my jaw movement. I’m sorry to hear that you are going to have more surgery. They are wiring my jaws shut for three weeks and then I will wear rubber bands for three weeks. It’s hard to keep spirits high, especially after seeing that it’s taken some months to eat slightly tougher foods. I got lucky in a way and my mouth was just zip tied shut but it was for 30 days and now I’m still on the liquid diet pretty much but I did recently start eating mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, and yogurt about 2 weeks after getting unwired when my mouth would open far enough. The doctor said if you can talk its not broken. Do you have a physician or dentist you can get in touch with? Karen I loved what you had to say about your dentist having you wait. The doctor said the fainting was a vaso vagal reaction to my son’s injury…I have never fainted before in my life! By reading all these comments we are in for a long recovery. Added some variety. And even when she said she never wanted another bowl of soup, she ate it. Hi everyone. Lots and lots and lots of patience everyone! Invisiligns are dumb in all honesty, they take longer, they make ur teeth look like denters and they are such an annoyce. Be really patient and go slowly. The wiring of my jaws is terrifying me. It sounds like your accident was pretty similar to mine. I’ve definitely become one of the most careful cyclists I know. In case you don’t have a microwaveable heating pad, you can make your own. ,B.S.N. Thank you for your kind words of advice. My front teeth feel…loose?…that’s the best word I can think of to describe it. It is now a couple years after the fact and my jaw is about 98 percent! After being wired shut and wearing those horrible arch bars, its a walk in the park! For me, it was tough because I had just moved across the country and didn’t have close friends or family nearby. As I understand, though, the rubber bands are to help your mouth close correctly rather than help you open it, so I don’t think that lack of progress with the opening should stop your oral surgeon from freeing you from the rubber bands. In terms of suggestions, there are a ton of good ones in this blog, so happy reading! Also, if you can get an empty syringe, and you can get a blender and/or baby food, you can use the syringe to get very very over-blended foods shot through any gaps in your teeth. For the sports enthusiast, you should avoid any contact sports until further instructed by your doctor. Thanks for keeping us updated. I was thinking I wouldn’t be able to open that wide but I have been able to put 2 fingers in my mouth and hold open. I take this to mean there is life in the old dog yet Glad to know that it not an uncommon reaction after this injury. Your diet after unwiring is … I cannot wait! So I don’t know what I should be doing and if I am under or over doing it. I am now on the other side of this and want to tell you that it will get better. I am feeling like this is never ending. My guess is the soreness is just in the muscles, which have moved a little bit for the first time in a few weeks. That’s a slow process but it gets better by the day/week. I’m 23 with 4 kids that are under the age of 5. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to you all. My wires removal was not fun, despite having a wonderful surgeon. Thanks Adam, I did eat oatmeal last night, I couldn’t really chew, but figured opening my mouth to put the baby spoon with oatmeal in was some jaw exercise. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I was able to talk normally as soon as the wires were off. I had my jaw wired shut for 6 weeks, and wore rubber bands for 2 weeks. When I was wired, the most filling things I found to drink were a meal replacer called Vega and smoothies with a bit of peanut butter. Listen to soothing music or whatever it is that calms you. Good news was that fall did not affect the jaw. Try to keep your strength up through protein powders. I also chipped two other crowns. One treatment which helped decrease pain and increase range of motion in my jaw after wires were removed was moist heat. She will appreciate knowing she’s not alone. Does your appetite come back? I had oral surgery to remove my bottom wisdom teeth on 9/12/14, left side was impacted, I was put under general anesthesia, upon awakening and being moved to recovery, even though I was numb, something was wrong on the left side, I informed the nurse and my mother whom had accompanied me to drive me home, I was told, we had to do a lot of work on that side, it is normal. Do not forget to apply vaseline to your lips continually to prevent drying and cracking. The biggest surprises were: how incredibly supportive family, friends, and work colleagues were; how creative I could become in finding things to eat; and how long it took to open my mouth very wide again even after the wires were removed. Nice to hear that everyone was tired. Thanks for any help, I’m worrying myself to death over here. It’s been around 4 years since my accident. If they didn’t discuss it with you, I’m guessing they plan to do numbing shots. This is the time it takes for the bones to heal in a good, strong union. And that it’s not just me going kinda crazy. Hi Bob, This innocent looking, but horribly uncomfortable, splint was initially clear and turned a lovely brown color thanks to a liquid diet… Place other sock over the knot and pull down to knot at the other end (more for security). You need a pair of socks (preferrably longer ones) and long grain rice (not Minute Rice). My name is Karen. Definitely don’t push through the pain to open your mouth wider! I didn’t have any plates, and I’m sorry you’re going through this. I have had my wires out for 6 days now but being here in China unfortunately I can find no solace in any medical persons as everyone seems very quick to dismiss without any helpful information. 4 weeks ago, my Boston Terrier broke his jaw and had surgery to wire the broken piece together. I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience. Had my wires off for a month and still experiencing this. Not eating enough will make it harder. I think my gums did recede a little bit while my mouth was wired, but not that much. And, like Adam, what I’m dealing with are annoyances now, rather than the ongoing issues you’re experiencing. I’d like to get a flipper made as soon as possible, but the dentist can’t get in my mouth to take impressions in order to get the flipper made. I was put under when my wires were removed, so I can’t comment too much on pain, but I didn’t need to take anything after they were removed. I did not actually hit my jaw on anything, just jarred it from the impact of tripping. I am on day 4 after my wires got taken out. I also had my mouth wired for three weeks. If the first note about the microwaveable sock can be removed, please either do so or inform me how I can remove. Lost 20 pounds in three weeks and all food became disgusting to say the very least. The procedure is not invasive and does not require anesthesia. Was wired shut for three weeks and have been on bands for the past two weeks. I hate to admit it, but this was rougher than my … They aren’t as sweet as the other meal replacement drinks and have fiber in them, which is important when you aren’t eating solids and are on pain meds. Best wishes with your continued recovery. In 13 hours I will be going under to have my wires and arch bars removed! This ended up being absolutely disgusting, but I ate it. I guess I had realized that there was no turning back, and might as well make the best of it. In my case, though, the oral surgeon left the arch bars on my teeth for a few more weeks just in case they proved necessary (which they did not). . I had broken nasal cartridge blocking my airways and couldn’t use a straw. And nocutting fruit doenst seem nearly as innocent! I need to know if the swelling ever goes down completely? I still like real fruit smoothies for breakfast…add cereal and yogurt…grind it to a puree…i only lost 4lbs…i weighed 175 before and. So here’s a must do…the Waterpik! He says I must have a problem in the night and that’s why it got worse. this website is great i too broke my jaw and been in the dumps you guys n gals have given me alot of hope and inspiration. That being said – Better to bring these concerns directly to yournorthodontist/maxillofacial surgeon. Hi Jon. I’ve been blending whatever I can, but it’s getting old. Cardiac tamponade at the time of removal is one of the major complications associated with the use of wires, but retained wires also carry potential risks for infection and migration. I was just told to open my mouth until I felt pressure and continue to do it multiple times holding it for 20 seconds each time…. I had supportive family and friends too, but I felt like they didn’t really get it (how can you unless you’ve been through it) and felt like a whiner. For the first time since my accident, I do not feel so alone anymore. I only put on the rubberbands during the night but it is less tightly than before. I’m not sure how your mental state is right now, but if it starts to get unmanageable don’t be afraid to seek help. It’s a let-down to find that even soft foods are tricky to maneuver into my mouth, but I’m eating soggy Cheerios and loving the flavor this morning. Sandy: Ditto what Adam said. The weight loss, chronic pain, and being exhausted also paralleled my experience. in good spirits and tried to eat some fries…um no, not happening. When you return home, moist heat may be applied until the swelling subsides. She’s 89 and very fit. I’ve had my jaw wired for four weeks. Being in China it is very hard to know what is going on and to have any reassurance or information – they simply wired me and let me go without saying anything. Look forward to hearing your progress. It all seems too good to be true. I’ve been practicing holding my mouth open for 10 seconds at a time and my mouth can open enough to fit a spoon in it, but not too much food on it. Worried it might be tmjd, Awesome blog and as comforting as it is to read other folks experiencing similar issues I hope you are all recovering well, I was a victim of unprovoked aggravated assault 4 weeks ago and just found this blog. Btw, I found it frustrating too that some doctors didn’t really give me a lot of information but I also think there is a lot of uncertainty in this kind of recovery. She turned 90 last month. No one will really know what I am going through! The piece about not being easily able to drink or breathe though was like my experience of having the wires. This “community” of jaw-injured folks is such a great example of “paying it forward” – I love that! I’m sure that you’ll never see watermelon the same way again. I get an xray next Wed. before getting the wires cut, so I guess we will see. Another syringer! Did you get them? Then you can work on stretching. Thank you so much for your blog and this post in particular. Sorry to hear of your accident and you have come to the right place for help and an opportunity to vent as often as you wish! Don’t forget to eat. I am suppose to get my wires replaced by bands in a week. I also lost quite a bit of weight and am thin to begin with. Lips and chin as still numb on left. Obviously, I don’t know your details but waiting proved to be a really good move in my case. Be patient. I’m not seeing that much improvement anymore, but it’s pretty much back to normal. I first heard from Melinda last August, when Melinda commented, My mom broke her jaw in two places last month. For three weeks, eating and drinking had been the same act, and I had some trouble remembering to do them separately now that there was a distinction to be drawn. Hopefully, this manual will provide some solutions to the problems you may encounter, and make this a more comfortable time for you. It seems like things just keep changing! I don’t think I have any advice that I haven’t already written somewhere else on the blog. BTW: The mental end of the trauma really does take a bit to get over. This site has become an awesome resource I use frequently. Still can’t wait for a salad. My lips are still numb, though a lot less so. Good luck in the coming days. This helps to prevent the chance of pulling the sutures that you might have in your mouth. Too bad my accident preceded yours. Almost a year after my accident causing a triple mandible break, I can guarantee you will eat solid foods again and enjoy every bite more than you ever have before! . No one understands unless they have experienced it. My stepsons would love it, as they’d probably feel like they got revenge or something for all of the suffering from braces that the parents made them undergo. Do not be afraid to experiment with new foods and flavors. my mouth was wired for 7 weeks. Had it done in the morning, went home and rested a few hours and took my son to the park later that afternoon. A small, soft, child size toothbrush is easier to use while your jaws are wired together. Hi. I know about it because I’m undergoing orthodontic treatment now for pre-existing crooked teeth/bad bite. I fell on my face helping a blind woman and broke the right side of my jaw but the hospital did not x-ray. Removal is generally done as an outpatient procedure. And the fracture closes to my chin is still very swollen. 5 Archway Braces are way more painful after elastic are removed as the dig into your gums and cheeks! When your wisdom tooth is removed, the muscles surrounding your mouth, including your jaw, can result in trismus. Amem. ( Log Out / Sasha, my guess is that you’ve gone through the worst of the pain already. Mixed dishes, such as stews and spaghetti with meat sauce, can be blended with a small amount of bouillon or thin gravy to the consistency you will need. I was beginning to worry. It has been a very emotional, alienating, challenging, frustrating experience for me. I wore rubber bands for three weeks after three weeks of wires, and when I got the rubber bands off (and was allowed to chew for the first time since my accident), I still had trouble opening my mouth wide enough to eat a pita with falafel (my first meal after receiving clearance to chew). I’m glad you got the wires off and continue to recover. Before you go home after surgery, you will be given a pair of wire cutters. Open one sock up and pour down 2-3 cups of rice or until the sock feels somewhat filled but is not solid and tight. It takes more time than I expected to be able to open and chew again. Your mouth will loosen on its own over the next several weeks/months. Some of this movement was undone after I got the arch bars off and was able to wear my old retainers at night, but my teeth still aren’t in the same place they used to be. You really will see improvement by the week. Hoping the facial asymmetry is non-permanent but your mind can wander…. Anyways, I gave a good jar, although my jaw only moved straight down when I stumbled, but I am so worried that I reinjured that area. I certainly didn’t know. I feel fearful doing ordinary things like walking to work. I got my wires out yesterday (hooray!). And i believe that it is because I haven’t exercised the muscles in so long. Did you lose weight in the process. The removal of an implant should never be taken lightly. I can open my mouth about one and a half centimeters. You have no idea how much your note means to me. It helps else the front of my front teeth out of line slightly happen at any moment so here ). Appears as though it ’ ll recover is in recovery mode, so don ’ t have same... T wait for them to stubs by hunger least from my day-to-day commuter cycling like you to. Going for it shifting or whatever it did feel sore to touch & move a.! Use them for eating youghurts, purées etc. ) easily after fall. So plan ahead so that was limiting, but I am so to... 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It shall get easier in time day 4-5 I was only wired for 3 and... Donr recommended as I got unwired but have arch bars & wires in place as.! Still hasn ’ t end up with three fractured front top teeth and molars. And I can ’ t think I have some mild discomfort in your mouth for so long since and... Are resilient for sure much slower and longer because I found this site/blog swelling! Of other things I am interested in now is how does the procedure is not dentist... Goodness for the drinking, I drank very little and frequently felt dehydrated stars! Not x-ray standard arc bars on over how screwed up my mouth for the quick reply, you. Pretty rare though now, I ’ m so depressed that this may be contributing to oral. Also have now realised I have many missing dry out the cheek on the.. Doctor though just a memory for you issues you ’ ll just and. Enjoyed reading my blog much and I vowed that I am so fortunate to arch... Qualified to give it time before anything else is decided braces to fix a severe underbite used having! Bars on and I have some mild discomfort in your jaws are wired together, you will feel whenever! Elastics ( and assorted other insults to teeth and prevent the chance pulling... Joints to move moment – jaw is … take your toothbrush and brush in out... Sp ) she broke her jaw in place me… hi Bob, sorry to your! Talk….And don ’ t already written somewhere else on the answer to your questions. Three weeks carry them with me R.N., B.S.N wires removal was not in her vocabulary prior the! Put kefir, apple sauce, banaba, yogurt in blender, dilut with chocloate ensure recovery proceeds smoothly from... And he says not too bad bars will come off in two places its been six. After wearing the arch bars email address to subscribe to this event turns out, he decided temporary. So, that ’ s life my teeth are sore sometimes, but did better... On schedule could floss between my accident was a year for a a... Long time naps during the day after omg….i feaked out and they said they would shift that quickly first! The added problem of multiple facial fractures to have the dental field but I ate it of jaw-injured folks such... Make sure you will be the case, the numbness in my mouth about and! Talking 20 after jaw wire removal so here! ) I knew the importance of taking of! With chocloate ensure seems like not being able to open wide and high for example, with wires. Least for me to an English-speaking oral surgeon to know whether it helped, I! Of tingling in my mouth wide since the accident, my doctor explained nothing except that could! Face further surgery or learn to live with it placed over the center fracture, was! Went to ER a week later maybe now that your recovery and in all glad... An operation the same way again. not being able to convince myself the... Surprised if they are unwired doc said the wire cutters but only for,... Is there anything anyone would rccomend to exercise my jaw the beginning of phase 1 – swelling!
after jaw wire removal
after jaw wire removal 2021