[5], Future Trunks makes his debut in Dragon Ball Super. Future Trunks apologized to Goku for attacking him. In the alternate timeline, Future Trunks is running and hiding from a mysterious being, causing destruction all over with its ki blasts. As Black prepares to finish the fight, Future Trunks finds his sword next to him and throws it to Black, who is distracted and his Ki Blast is destroyed. Goku and Whis teleport back to Beerus' planet, and Beerus is flustered over Goku's casual nickname for Zeno. Future Trunks realizes that since the two are standing side-by-side, Goku Black and Zamasu are not actually the same person, and wonders just who Goku Black is. Goku takes Krillin and tries to fly away from the illusions, suggesting that he and Krillin both use the Kamehameha to take out the illusions, which they successfully do as the illusions all disappear from the blast. Bulma, Videl, 18, Chi-Chi and Puar are spectating, and while 18 wonders if Yamcha was suitable as captain, both Puar and Bulma state that baseball was Yamchan's specialty, and noticed that everyone else from Beerus' team didn't understand baseball at all. Fused Zamasu meets his end by Future Trunks. Vados explains that Hit could store the time he'd skipped, and with that stored time, Hit could create a separate space, a parallel world, and could move freely to and from there, and states that was the reason he could be seen, but not touched. Goku says he will also do that, and Future Trunks is surprised to see Goku transform into Super Saiyan 3. Goku begins to eat like he usually does again, and when he's alone, Gohan and Goten approach him and ask him what's wrong. Krillin is then frightened as he's surrounded by a large number of fake Friezas. Final Judgement? Gohan offers Goten the same costume, but Goten, calling the costume lame, settles on just sunglasses. Goku falls out of the time machine disoriented, and Future Zamasu and Goku Black immediately sense that they have returned. Trunks and Goten happily greet their fathers, Chi-Chi greets her husband, and Trunks greets his mother. The award-presenting ceremony begins, and the winner of the best invention is announced to be Mr. Norimaki for his Reality Machine #2. As they prepare to leave, an explosion is made close to them, which destroys Future Bulma's equipment. Master and Pupil Reunited! Vegeta assures Future Trunks that not only Goku's, but Vegeta's true power is far greater than what was shown. Zamasu appears, apparently calm despite the appearance of Universe 7, telling Gowasu he brought his tea. Vegeta believes that Saiyans should continually strive to grow stronger and not only when enemies present themselves. Supreme Kai and Gowasu teleport out of the alternate timeline, and Bulma, Future Mai and Future Trunks climb onto and start up the time machine with Goku and Vegeta desperately hanging onto its legs. Goku kicks Dabura aside and tells Krillin he has to fight, too. During their match in the manga Goku sneakily uses the Super Saiyan God form to defeat him in one blow. Vados explaining to Champa about Hit's ability. The two begin to fight, and despite Krillin's aggressive assault, he notices that the heavy suit Goku is wearing is not affecting his movements at all. It was streamed live on the official website on the same date. For the "Xeno" characters the events occur after the Dark Empire and Dark King Mechikabura Sagas. Yamcha then passes out after saying that he may have his own different walk-out. Back at the battlefield, Goku and Vegeta are being held up by clones created from the rift Goku Black made. Mr. Satan is called by Videl so he asks Future Trunks to watch Pan, who playfully hits him and pulls his hair. Beerus says he should have destroyed him, but Goku says he wasn't such a bad guy, causing Beerus to say that Goku is too trusting. Bulma, frustrated, tries to hit Goku but Goku instinctively dodges it. Goku claims that Hit was stronger since the tournament, but states that Hit could go even further. Goku and Krillin agree to pick up the herb, and they fly to the island. Beerus then dismisses the fight while Whis says they must go, as it is time for Beerus' afternoon nap. The soldiers recognize Future Trunks and exchange greetings with him, also asking him for his autograph. Barry proves formidable. On Earth, at Capsule Corporation, Bulma feeds the beaten Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks each a Senzu Bean, and they wake up. Vegeta tells him to teleport to Korin Tower to get some, but Goku says he cannot sense Korin's ki as it is too far away. Seeing this, Future Mai rushes for Future Trunks, with Bulma and Future Yajirobe following her. Back in the past, Future Trunks is devastated over his destroyed time machine, realizing Goku Black returned to the alternate timeline and he will annihilate all of humanity with no one able to stop him. They hand Future Trunks a map to Gohan's area of work, and he waits there as Gohan walks past him and recognizes him. In the manga, Future Zamasu heals Black's injuries. After exclaiming he will beat both of them, Future Trunks fights with Goku Black and knocks him back, and Goku knocks Future Zamasu back. Kibito and Elder Kai wonder about this, also requesting Goku to watch his attitude. Vegeta throws the ball and hits Yamcha with it, and Vegeta believes he won, but Whis declares it hit by pitch, and Bulma asks Vegeta what was he doing, and Vegeta responds by saying that he wins by "beating" everyone, something that Goku also believes. Goku Black notes Future Zamasu's energy is disappearing and reappearing, also noting it is getting weaker, and uses Instant Transmission. Future Gowasu assassinated by Future Zamasu as speculated by Whis. Goku then calls out for Hit, knowing he was still around, and claims he was still alive. Goku then says that he will refer to Zeno as "All-chan" as he says that Zeno can refer to him as just Goku. As they head to an abyss near the ocean, Goku charges up, and Hit states that letting off his energy in the darkness was like telling him exactly where he was. Vegeta wins the battle as Future Trunks asks Vegeta if he could join in the fight. Goku is surprised to see the fake Vegeta catch his punch and knock him aside, as if he's completely solid. Gowasu uses the Time Ring to save Future Trunks and Mai. Vegeta throws down a very injured Goku to be taken to the infirmary. Goku then teleports with Whis to the Sacred World of the Kais. Goku then walks outside, and Gohan and Goten apologize to the skeptical storekeepers. In Universe 10, Gowasu has ran out of tea, and calls for Zamasu to brew some more, but receives no response. Pilaf, Mai and Shu are hiding, and Pilaf tries to wish for world domination, but he is interrupted by Trunks and Goten, who want their wish granted. Goku Black calls the blade the product of his anger, as he says that his level of anger would make him the strongest in the world. Using this ability, Black has grown strong enough to gain his version of the Super Saiyan Blue form: Super Saiyan Rosé. Pig announces that Arale Norimaki has arrived to Dragon Ball Super. At Kame House, Fortuneteller Baba arrives, and Master Roshi thanks her for her help. Gohan calls for Pan to come down as he dons his Great Saiyaman costume. Android 18 tells them about growing up working for what they earn as that is good for their education. Supreme Kai then uses a technique to instantly teleport himself, Goku and Whis to Zeno's palace, where the Great Priest is awaiting their arrival. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vegeta replies to their taunts by saying that this world will be their grave, and that they brought a coffin (referring to the urn) that they have to get used to as it is a little small. When the pair go to the roof the next morning, Barry gets the pictures of Gohan getting a kiss from Cocoa and revealing himself as Great Saiyaman. Goku promises not to disappoint them and to treat reviving them as a priority. Hit masks his energy, but his voice can be heard throughout the land, and tells Goku he indeed fulfilled his mission because Goku was killed, even if momentarily. The anime has been met with mixed reviews, with fans rating the anime from decent to soulless to trying to figure out what it's actually accomplishing. Future Mai gets the box of capsules from Future Trunks' pocket and brings out the time machine. At the police station, Krillin is confronted by Chi-Chi and Gohan, with the former constantly asking Krillin if he knew where Goku was, but Krillin replied that he did not, thinking to himself if he is still dealing with Goku Black. Goku Black then creates his Aura Slide energy blade, completely pushing it into his left hand. Outside, Goku is in his normal Dogi and is taking a nap, but wakes up when Vegeta is knocked out of the building and crashes right next to him. Gowasu wonders if that glove is a new item for tapping shoulders, while Zamasu is flustered and notices that the Universe 7 group has returned. Videl wins the junior tournament. Seeking revenge on Videl for his humiliation, Barry convinces Gohan to take over as the main stuntman for the film in order to embarrass and potentially maim him. Suddenly, an angry Future Trunks jumps out of bed and attacks Goku, surprising everyone. Goku immediately flies up and confronts Goku Black, excited to fight him. Goten suggests that he asks Krillin, but despite Chi-Chi saying that he's busy with his police officer duties, Goku leaves, and Chi-Chi prepares to call Android 18 to warn her. Meanwhile, Champa's team, composed of Champa himself, Cabba, Botamo, Magetta, Vegeta and Goten (replacing Hit and Frost), are also preparing for the game. Takes place in the alternate future where the Androids rule the world, before Trunks decides to go back to the past. Somewhere in Universe 10, a green-skinned man appears, who happens to wear clothes quite similar to Black. Future Trunks pushes back Future Zamasu as he and Goku Black fight head-to-head, using his sword as a decoy to land a series of blows on Goku Black, then pushing him back with a Galick Gun, also destroying the hideout. He wonders if Goku is training on his own on Earth, as he expects Goku to be able to impress Zeno with his strength at the multi-universal tournament in order to keep Zeno satisfied, calling Goku the lead fighter of Universe 7, much to Vegeta's chagrin. In the anime Goku as a Super Saiyan 3 was enough to defeat Trunks in one blow. Whis, Beerus, and Goku arrive at the Sacred World of the Kais and Zamasu is surprised at Goku for being on the Sacred World. They then make their way to Capsule Corporation, wary about their surroundings. Whis then performs his Temporal Do-Over, going back in time to before Zamasu kills Gowasu. Future Trunks, theorizing that Future Zamasu's regeneration must have a limit, uses a Super Explosive Wave attack, but he is stabbed from behind by Goku Black. The Universe 7 group leave, but not far from Universe 10, they stop and Whis forms a barrier. Vados claims that Hit wasn't holding back when showing his movements and states that Hit was actually enjoying the fight. Gowasu says that Beerus told him everything, and that he is ashamed of Zamasu. Goku and Krillin meet Fortuneteller Baba, who reveals Master Roshi asked her to observe their race with her crystal ball. While Future Mai smiles at him, she thinks to herself that Future Trunks needs to survive no matter what. In the anime, Goku Black immediately goes Super Saiyan Rosé. Yamcha claims that it was the combination of his Wolf Fang Fist and his Spirit Ball attacks, declaring his greatest technique. Goku was supposed to be carrying them, but recalls that he went to the bathroom before going to the future, and left the Senzu Beans there. Krillin suggests that Future Trunks go meet Gohan, but Piccolo says he is currently at a conference.
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