If your ex is pretending and playing games with you, then, you can decipher his or her messages with a little bit of psychology and unveal their true meaning. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. I’m in a relationship now that I don’t think will ever be as emotionally fulfilling as that one was. On top of that she has a super clear and successful career path. I (f) was dating a guy serious for almost a year, he had real issues, like no other. Love him to pieces. Check out this list of signs you’re not over your ex, and find out if you’re really over him, or not… 1. Go no contact with your ex without delay. Remember people, it doesn’t take much to compliment! It could be something meaningful or it could be something as arbitrary as a cloudy sky. Ouch. I always thought it felt that way because I was super insecure about the relationship but I guess is never a fun thing to happen even if you trust your GF 100%, More posts from the relationship_advice community, Continue browsing in r/relationship_advice. I’m not over my ex but there’s a thought in my head now. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. We come from different cities, she doesn't see herself ever living in my hometown. The ups were awesome, absolutely the happiest times of my life but during the downs I literally wanted to die. I'm hoping I get closure this way because definetly the no contact thing has not worked. It is the “if you don’t see it, it doesn’t exist”, and “if you don’t acknowledge it, it never happened” mind-bending technique. Although we never had the "closure" talk. To me, it looks like it was a good balance for me, I had support to do things I that was to shy to do for myself, improved my social skills, tried a lot of new things and met fun people, and gained confidence. I am 100 percent over the loss of our relationship, which was great at times but a bad fit in a lot of different ways. After a lot of introspection, I realized that the reason I got over my ex so quickly is because I started to see him for who he truly was instead of just who I thought he was. Would you want her to do to you, what she is doing to her current partner? It’s become an obsession that you can’t let go. Need help with your relationship? Nothing like thinking about your Ex having sex with someone new to rip the slowly healing scab right off again. Okay, you’ve probably thought about this already; your ex won because he/she found a new guy or girl before you did. Eventually, I thought I was liberated of this feelings and happy in a new relationship, now I'm thinking I just tried to ignore them and suppress them just as I sign of respect to my new gf or to convince I was happy enough. I do agree I should be cuttings things off with her but also believe I should allow myself some time to give s thought to all this situation. I was loyal and kind but also shy and inexperienced, I just wanted to have fun with my dream girl and treat her right, she had been on a few serious relationship before and lots of hookups. I fell in love with a man who promised to love me forever. I was no contact this whole time except for only some ocasional small stalkering on social media and catch-ups through friends in common. 5. You're so over your ex that you don't follow them on Instagram anymore. Don't be a piece of shit. You can have your mind back! sadly she did, it felt awful. She deserves someone who is crazy about her - the way you are for your ex. I have tried to get rid of them but they are here. We had been arguing often by that point and we would say some pretty mean things to each other we each admitted later were verbally abusive. The anger I felt after the breakup fade away after some months, the feeling that I was missing the most impressive girl I was ever going met stayed a bit longer. I think some relationships will just be easier to get over than others depending … Decide that you will set 15 minutes at the beginning or end of the day – and maybe a 15 minute stint at lunch, too – to simply obsess. I thought I was over my ex of 2.5 years, but I'm not. The biggest sign that your ex is over you is if he tells you that he is. She stills studying and the very few career paths on which she has shown interest don't seem too profitable. Three big lies we tell ourselves that keep us stuck in old relationships. Then there is Broadly writer Maria Yagoda’s self-prescribed equation to calculate the time it takes to get over an ex: x/2 + j + l - 2 + k/2 + r = y. It's hard to get over any breakup — let alone one with a person you thought you would be with forever.
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