Revelation 3 v 7 -8 he says he has the keys of David, he says when he open no man can shut, the problem is not with your enemy, if you have enemies we will deal with them here tonight, before we leave here tonight, we are going to do some serious praying, so that by the time you get home, it will be like Moses said to the Egyptians, the enemies you see today, you will never see them again. 2. 2. about those four lepers; who said if we seat down here we will die of hunger, if we go in the city we will die of hunger, If we go to the enemy, if they keep us alive fine, if they kill us fine. OPEN THE FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN JESUS LET IT RAIN NOW BY FIREEE JEREMIAH 32:27 OPEN THE FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN JESUS LET IT RAIN NOW BY FIREEE JEREMIAH 32:27. I can give you example upon examples, but I want you to have time to pray tonight, this night is not just a night to listen. Our tithe unlocks the floodgates of heaven and the Lord says: “prove me now herewith” if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And if God is going to open the floodgate over one fellow tonight, it shall be you in Jesus name and when he has done so you will not forget him, so shall it be, in Jesus mighty name I have decree it. Take Peter, he was an ordinary fisher man, you know his story, he fished all night he caught nothing but when the floodgates of heaven opened unto him, in. Let me hear you shout halleluiah! When God is blessing he may start with ankle deep, as you go along with him, he will go to kneel deep, as you go on with him, he goes unto to waist, and sometime it becomes a river so mighty you can swim in it. But before we pray, bible says the hand of the Lord is not shorten that he cannot save, neither his hear heavy that he cannot hear, but your sin will separate you between you and your God so that he can’t hear and if he can’t hear, how can he answer? 3. And when God come to you ask you to ask for anything you want, do you know that you have it made! he says he has the keys of David, he says when he open no man can shut, the problem is not with your enemy, if you have enemies we will deal with them here tonight, before we leave here tonight, we are going to do some serious praying, so that by the time you get home, it will be like Moses said to the Egyptians, the enemies you see today, you will never see them again. Join us and be blessed! Open the floodgates of Heaven. My father in the Lord called us together one Sunday and said all of you workers, we have a very urgent need, go and close your account and bring the money, we all say ‘yes sir’. And there is no scarcity of wealth in heaven. Thank you father, the Lord said there is someone here tonight, he said those who set your marriage on fire; he said one, One way you will prove to him that you trust him, is that you put him first in all things, put him first in all things. In John 2 v 1 – 11, they invited him to a wedding, he was not the one organizing, he was a guest and they ran out of wine and his mother came to him and said they needed wine, bible scholar tell us he gave them at least 600 big bottles of the best wine. . Alpha, omega, you are worthy of my praises today. Because the bible says the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, we have talked about these five categories. Do what no one has done before, and then you will get what nobody has gotten before. He laughed, I said don’t laugh this is a serious matter. You don’t believe me ask Samson, if he touches you with a little bit of his strength, you will run faster than a car; you don’t believe ask Elijah. But then on earth today, what do we have? Then one day I just opened my mouth, I told a friend of mine, I said do you know I have a problem? Bring the full tenth into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house. (v. 10 NIV) My husband and I still can recall our pastor’s advice to us before we were married 31 years ago. Please do let him get away with any wrong he’s done. In other words, he’s saying, when it’s time for the spring rains, pray for the downpour! Do what no one has done before, and then you will get what nobody has gotten before. Malachi 3 v 8- 11 tells you that when you stop robbing him and you begin to bring all tithe to him, he said he will open the windows of heaven and the flood will begin to come. In the name that is above every other name, one day it will be said of you that God perform special miracles by your hand. I pray you would humble him Jesus. We read in Genesis 7:11, the floodgates were opened to judge the sinful world. Invitation has gone out, I didn’t know how many people will be coming, where do I get the money to feed? Let the disciple shout a big halleluiah! And God said no I can’t attend to you, you are not one of my children and she said at least give me a crumb, and the crumb healed the daughter. The Floodgate of Heaven Is Opening! And then he smile and stretch forth his hand and introduce himself, so I shook his hand and he said ‘what happen, my back ache is gone, the problem in my leg is gone’ And the way he was shouting, I moved away from him. 1. I will just add just a little more, he has done a great work. I pray Father you would stop every lie that comes out of His mouth that people would see through every false word. Father, I come in the Name of Jesus to repent for the sins and transgressions of my ancestors. I have opened the floodgates of heaven and released My favor upon my faithful ones… Your heart will be glad and rejoice !!! A priest will pray your prayer at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Your printed prayer request will be placed on the Stone of Anointing, A portion of every order will be donated to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, A Certificate of Authenticity will be sent to you via standard mail, You will receive photos of a candle lit inside the Church, You will receive a video of your candle lit inside the Church. I pray for an open heaven, and I bind any demonic interference from the heavens in the name of Jesus. Please allow whatever it takes to bring him to his knees before you. Begin to behave like him, if you behave like him you will become friends. Suddenly the floodgate opened. You are caring like him; you give like him; because John 3 v 16 he gave his Holy begotten son. The purpose of Numbers is to prepare the Israelites to enter the promise land.In verses 3:47-51 Moses speaks of redemption money and shekels. The keys to heaven are in the heavens are in the hand of God. So there will be no Holy Ghost service the first Friday of next month it will be during the convention, the second Friday. Elijah said I have heard the sound of abundance of rain, whatever God does, he does it abundantly. She cried out! Don't let anything hinder your prayer life. Thank you oh Lord, I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father, opened the floodgates of heaven and let it rain on me, let’s talk to the Almighty God… He didn’t say be fruitful and be added to, he said be fruitful and multiply. When God anoint he doesn’t do it stingily and I am talking to disciple who are here in particular, don’t be satisfied in healing headache, get the maximum God can give. Father I pray you would please open Eric’s eyes. The best carat of gold is in heaven and it is on the street for us to walk upon. I f he touches you with a little bit of his power, that which the doctor has been troubling with will disappear, in Matthew 8 v 16 the bible says in the evening when the sun has gone down they brought multitude to him, he healed them all. Take Paul, he called himself the chief of sinner 1 Timothy 1 v 15 but when the floodgates of heaven opened unto him according to Act 19 v 11 – 12 the bible says his handkerchief, his aprons were healing the sick and casting out demons. Test me in this . Let it rain, let it rain. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. (Amen). Select one of the options from the dropdown above and let your prayer request be as closer as possible to our lord. Let it rain, let it rain. Thank you Lord for your hands that are still at work in my life. That you would remove all evil spirits and demonic attacks on Eric and me. Amos 3v3 he said can two walk together except they be agreed? Behave like him is what we are talking about. Then one day I just opened my mouth, I told a friend of mine, I said do you know I have a problem? So there is no scarcity in heaven, why should there be scarcity on earth? I have told my children and he says he is dripping with anointing because he is sweating. Behave like him is what we are talking about, John 6 v 5 – 13, a small boy had five loaves and two fishes, the lunch of a small boy. “Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. She said she is not fine. Glory be to your holy name. Father I pray you would please open Eric's eyes. They needed wine, he could have given them a dozen bottles they would have been grateful, he could have given them twenty, he could have given them a hundred, but he gave at least 600 big bottles. "The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]." Put him first, in everything thing you do, put him first. Lifting her up to receive your healing, Please pray for my sister Suzanne Richiardone that she has the strength and will to overcome the stage 4 vaginal cancer she is currently, Please pray for my daughter Constance She had a stem cell transplant 5 years ago…The doctor is trying to say the cancer came back…I, I am not the best christian but my dear friend Chloe is a very ardent believer. God bless you, go in peace, and remember convention is next month that is the second week of next month. Take Paul, he called himself the chief of sinner, but when the floodgates of heaven opened unto him according to, the bible says his handkerchief, his aprons were healing the sick and casting out demons. and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven.€.€.€. (Amen). (Amen), Father I thank you for the offering of your children, bless the offering, sanctify it use it for your glory, everyone here tonight father, that floodgate of heaven that can bring in blessing that there be no room to contain, keep it open over us in Jesus name, before we gather next month for the convention, that taste of your generosity that you promise, let it be evident in our life in Jesus name, prosper us beyond measure in Jesus name and let your name be glorified in all our lives. If I were you, I will not miss a single day, because daddy has promised me; this is one convention people will remember for a very long time, for miracles, for signs, for wonders. When God anoint he doesn’t do it stingily and I am talking to disciple who are here in particular, don’t be satisfied in healing headache, get the maximum God can give. The man came back, second time, third time, fourth time. God is not stingy, but even in his own description of blessing, he describes the ways blessings can come; he talks about crumbs in Matthew 15 v …. Please do a full transformation in him. When you give a child a big loaves of bread and you say just eat as much as you can. A floodgate, according to the dictionary, is... • A gate that can be opened or closed to admit or exclude water, especially the lower gate of a lock. The elder says it is a terrible hunger that causes a man to eat his enemy’s food. So I began to think, ‘I hope I have not added madness to this thing?’ and then God spoke to me, (he will speak to somebody here tonight!)
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