This is the translation of the word "polysemy" to over 100 other languages. The adaptation of Zulu with special reference to the fields of politics and technology . Outnumbered British soldiers do battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke's Drift. Polysemous words can cause difficulty in contexts where the meaning … The term "polysemy" derives from Greek for "multiple signs." In deciding between polysemy or homonymy, it … he further extension to antipassivity of a compound extension including *-an- has not (yet) been observed in other Bantu languages. All the same the question seems simple: everyone knows that a word may well have several senses. Thus, it turns out to be a useful resource as a reference corpus for getting word frequencies. the phenomenon … The Zulu are the single largest ethnic group in … Dictionary Entries near polythene. No two words are synonymous in all respects, i.e. Directed by Cy Endfield. Semantic Scholar profile for B. Zawada, with 5 highly influential citations and 13 scientific research papers. Tired 4. POLYSEMY. The development of polysemy is a common means whereby languages encode new referents or alter the encoding of existing ones (Witkowski & Brown in press; Witkowski et al. For instance, daisy and rose are hyponyms of flower.Also called a subtype or a subordinate term.The adjective is hyponymic.The term is pronounced "HI-po-nim" (with the emphasis on the first syllable), and its etymology from the Greek, "below" plus "name." Join our community of language learners to get started. Homonymy is an accidental phenomenon, and may be more appropriately thought of, not as a single word having two or more unrelated … 'Zulu' shows that even history’s darkest moments can inspire rousing cinema If you haven't yet seen this dignified portrait of heroism, seek it out soon – … The intensified exposure of Zulu native speakers to the fields of politics and technology, amongst others, have caused the speakers of … Polythene in all languages. did explore polysemy focussing primarily on the differences between polysemy and homonymy. Polysemy is thus distinct from homonymy—or homophony—which is an accidental similarity between two words; while homonymy is often a mere linguistic coincidence, polysemy is not. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Polysemy in Traditional vs. Cognitive Linguistics 7 1992, etc.) polysemy meaning: 1. the fact of having more than one meaning: 2. the fact of having more than one meaning: . Since I've been home from South Dakota, subsequent investigations have unearthed words like palindrome and polyseme. I98i). Join our community of language learners to get started. Find more similar words at! Ultraviolet Zulu (Bosch 1985). No two words are synonymous in all respects, i.e. he further extension to antipassivity of a compound extension including *-an- has not (yet) been observed in other Bantu languages. What does ZULU mean? Teeming with double-meanings and polysemy, this story about a triple agent in Southeast Asia could not be shown in Shanghai as a result of government censorship. Learn more. Alsina, A. serving the … 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. By Fanyana Stanley Madonsela. Polysemy (2013) by Two Oceans, released 01 February 2013 1. They recognised that the various senses of a polysemous word could be derived from a basic sense but did not go further than that. & Mchombo, S.. 1990. The article seeks to investigate the extent of the phenomenon of semantic variation in Zulu, especially the notion of the expansion of the range of an item which has resulted in the development of polysemes. English to Zulu Dictionary (Free). In this article I seek to study the three lexical relationships, firstly, from the point of view of ‘pure’ semantics, by defining them in terms of governing criteria and semantic combinations of words in Xhosa and by analysing the devices used to present polysemy, homonymy and hyponymy in … Definition of ZULU in the dictionary. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Read answers to learn more. Meaning of ZULU. in all their contexts of occurrence. The bulk of the studies on NA in Xhosa – as well as on other coordinators and (dynamically) related categories … Polysemy is motivated, and to the extent that patterns of meaning relatedness occur throughout the lexicon, polysemy introduces a degree of redundancy into the mental grammar. Registered in England & Wales No. The film is notable for showing the Zulu army as disciplined and governed by … activity or place for lodging guests; place for treating an ill. 3. Mathonsi study is crucial in this study as it informs it on how polysemy is reflected in Zulu … What does POLYSEMY mean? Saying polysemy in Austronesian Languages. Diese Geschichte voller Doppel- und Mehrdeutigkeiten um einen … Polysemy is very characteristic of English vocabulary due to its monosyllabic character and the predominance of root words. We have shown that this ex- tended polysemy is to a great … Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. the phenomenon whereby a lexical item may have meanings varying according to the context of use or discourse. The Zulu ditransitive verb phrase. We hope this will help you to understand Zulu better. When a symbol, word, or phrase means many different things, that's called polysemy. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago. Margaret, you did a talk at last year’s LCC about it, right? Start studying Zulu, Homophones. Learn more. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be polysemies e.g. Polysemy in Language "Sports Illustrated can be bought for 1 dollar or 35 million dollars; the first is something you can read and later start a fire with, the second is a particular company that produces the magazine you just read. It has auto-suggestion feature which will save you a lot of time getting any meaning. POLYSEMY meaning - POLYSEMY pronunciation - POLYSEMY definition - POLYSEM... POLYSEMY meaning - POLYSEMY pronunciation - POLYSEMY definition - … In the article, it is shown that the semantic changes that extend to many indigenous words often result in the occurrence of polysemy, i.e. Saying polysemy in African Languages . I just recently managed to watch that. Zulu is a 1964 British epic war film depicting the Battle of Rorke's Drift between the British Army and the Zulus in January 1879, during the Anglo-Zulu War. We extracted semantic polysemy values from WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) ... (Zulu, Romani, Greenlandic...). Abstract. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. It is a quality of a word that remains relative. Zulu girls in traditional outfit arrive at the opening ceremony of the African Union (AU) in Durban July 9, 2002. 2. 2001.. 'Capturing a Sound Change': A Real Time Study Over 15 Years of the NEAR/SQUARE Diphthong Merger in New Zealand English. There exists a law (Zipf’s law) that expresses the correlation between frequency, word length and polysemy: the shorter the word, the higher its … The treatment of polysemy and homonymy in monolingual general-purpose dictionaries with special reference to Isichazamazwi SesiNdebele [ Article ] Authors: Ndlovu, Eventhough ; … Anything but Monday 3. Teeming with double-meanings and polysemy, this story about a triple agent in Southeast Asia could not be shown in Shanghai as a result of government censorship. In the article, it is shown that the semantic changes that extend to many indigenous words often result in the occurrence of polysemy, i.e. It is associating a single word with two or more distinct definitions, and a polyseme is a multi-significant word or phrase. If you want to know how to say polythene in Zulu, you will find the translation here. This article re-examines the distribution of the class 17 locative prefix ku- and its variants kwi- and ko- in the locativisation of nouns in Zulu. Synonymy is also problematic because absolute synonymy is very rare. Homophony vs. Polysemy Traditionally, two types of lexical amibiguity are distinguished: homophony refers to cases in which two words “accidentally” have the same phonological form (e.g., bank ), whereas polysemy refers to the phenomenon that one and the same word acquires different, though obviously related, … polysemy, on the other hand, is described by Apresjan (1974:16) as cases where the semantic distinction between the meanings a i and a j for a word A cannot be found in any other word of the given language. Australian Journal of … Saying polysemy in European Languages. German »The Name« ist das Pendant zu Ho Tzu Nyens ursprünglich für die Shanghai Biennale 2014 produziertem Film »The Nameless«. The verb "get" is a good example of polysemy — it can mean "procure," "become," or "understand." He therefore suggests how polysemy should be treated in a Zulu dictionary. Here is the translation and the Zulu word for polythene: polythene Edit. Ministry. Such polysemy can give rise to a special ambiguity (He left the bank five minutes ago, He left the bank five years ago). The longest day: Dino Campana and Walt Whitman across Italy and South America. A word which has several related meanings is thus a polyseme. Start studying Zulu, Homophones. It has been reported for other Bantu languages, such as Noni (Grassields Bantu) (Hyman 1981: 38–40), Eton (A71) (Van de Velde 2008: 129), Xhosa (S41), and Zulu (S42) (Buell 2005: 30). Alsina, … Like in Zulu, the morpheme "nga" is used in Shona as a preposition also: 7. titaurirenyi ngegadheni renyu. 2007. Zulu, a nation of Nguni-speaking people in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Example The word 'head' is a polyseme because it has several related meanings: 'My head hurts' 'He heads the news section' 'We'll head … 2007. Saying polysemy in Middle-Eastern Languages. It has been reported for other Bantu languages, such as Noni (Grassields Bantu) (Hyman 1981: 38–40), Eton (A71) (Van de Velde 2008: 129), Xhosa (S41), and Zulu (S42) (Buell 2005: 30). South African Journal of African Languages 30:1 pp. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. Polysemy plays an important role in lexical change. 11 ff. Since we use two different sources for estimating word … For instance, Mathonsi (2009) explored on semantic variation and the notion of polysemy in Zulu language. EXAMPLES. For some reason I had not watched it before. Conceptual integration and intercategorial polysemy. 3099067 The noun polysemy can be countable or uncountable.. These can be compared to homonyms, which are words that have several completely different meanings. Facebook, Follow Polysemy and Situational Meaning 6.1.1. The English verb run may be an example of this: its different senses in run a mile, run a shop, run late, run on gasoline, etc. In this book, Adrian Koopman describes the complex relationship between birds, the Zulu language and Zulu culture. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Zawada, Britta. Find us on the phenomenon … Read answers to learn more. Zawada, Britta. The article seeks to investigate the extent of the phenomenon of semantic variation in Zulu, especially the notion of the expansion of the range of an item which has resulted in the development of polysemes. Polysemy is the existence of several meanings for a single word or phrase. In the article, it is shown that the semantic changes that extend to many indigenous words often result in the occurrence of polysemy, … Conceptual integration and intercategorial polysemy. Synonyms for polysemy include equivocalness, equivocation, ambiguity, equivocality, doublespeak, equivoque, polysemousness, double-talk, double-entendre and double meaning. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 14. Synonyms for polysemy include equivocalness, equivocation, ambiguity, equivocality, doublespeak, equivoque, polysemousness, double-talk, double-entendre and double meaning. Synonymy is also problematic because absolute synonymy is very rare. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be polysemy.. However such apparent simplicity is misleading. Polysemy, homonymy and hyponymy produce problems in meaning discrimination in dictionaries. Polysem is a French brand offering protective products such as gloves for veterinarians, artificial insemination professionals and farmers. They are d seem idiosyncratic to this particular lexical item, and … 11 ff. With Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, James Booth. With homonymy, the various senses are unrelated. Saying polysemy in Asian Languages. Information and translations of ZULU in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … German »The Name« ist das Pendant zu Ho Tzu Nyens ursprünglich für die Shanghai Biennale 2014 produziertem Film »The Nameless«. The greater the frequency of the word, the greater number of meanings that constitute its semantic structure. The noun polysemy can be countable or uncountable.. Diese Geschichte voller Doppel- und Mehrdeutigkeiten um einen … Start studying Synonyms - Zulu. Zulu noun classes revisited: A spoken corpus-based approach. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 8, 493 – 506. Zulu families used to choose a husband for the women, in most situations the girl is chosen to marry an older man while she is still young (between age 16 and 25), only to find that she is the fourth or fifth wife of her husband. For instance, Mathonsi (2009) explored on semantic variation and the notion of polysemy in Zulu language. The word polysemy comes from the Greek words πολυ-, poly-, “many” and σήμα, sêma, “sign”.In other words it is the capacity for a word, phrase, or sign to have multiple meanings i.e., a large semantic field.Polysemy is a pivotal concept within the humanities, such as media studies and linguistics. This article offers a spoken corpus-based re-analysis of the Zulu noun classes within a cognitive semantics and socio-cultural approach. Alsina, A. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be polysemies e.g. 1996. Polysemy 2. polysemy; References in periodicals archive? The verb "get" is a good example of polysemy — it can mean "procure," "become," or "understand." 4, 673 – 723. 2 Zulu ; 1 Setswana ; 1 Spanish ; 1 Swahili ; 1 Xhosa ; Filter by subject keywords. The article explores and distinguishes polysemy from other related phenomena such as homophony, homography and homonymy, and then makes a suggestion on how polysemy should be treated in a Zulu dictionary. Polysemy is the capacity for a word or phrase to have multiple meanings, usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field. They are a branch of the southern Bantu and have close ethnic, linguistic, and cultural ties with the Swazi and Xhosa. Lexicographers know how difficult it is to determine the number of senses of a word, to define them, to say … in reference to various types of polysemies or a collection of polysemies. Please find below many ways to say polysemy in different languages. We use cookies to improve your website experience. South African Journal of African Languages 30:1 pp. In the article, it is shown that the semantic changes that extend to many indigenous words often result in the occurrence of polysemy, i.e. us on Twitter, Follow us on The new soil classification system in South Africa, its history, important changes made and implications for... Meromorphic function sharing entire functions IM with its first derivative. The families are the ones who decide on the Lobola (dowry given from the husband to the wife’s father, paid in cattle) and other formalities; they just tell … LinkedIn, South African Journal of African Languages, « Empowerment through indigenous literature: The case of Shona novels, Divination expressed through poetry: The divinatory poems of Johannes Mokgwadi », International Year of Plant Health Special Issue, Linefish Resilience in the Anthropocene - Special Issue, Southern Ground-Hornbill awarded Bird of the Year, Assessment of genetic diversity in sorghum germplasm using agro-morphological traits, A characterisation of wetland soil types on the Maputaland Coastal Plain. Polysemy. Saying polysemy in Other … The article seeks to investigate the extent of the phenomenon of semantic variation in Zulu, especially the notion of the expansion of the range of an item which has resulted in the development of polysemes. Typically, this involves expanding a word for one referent to another when both bear a common 'meaning relation' to one another (Ullman … (36) The grass here, as in Whitman, is a polyseme standing for nature, democracy, connection with the past, and renewal of life. is a platform for academics to share research papers. James Booth in KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa is subjected to change in these changing times the appearance of..: Dino Campana and Walt Whitman across Italy and South America the capacity for word... Explored on semantic variation and the Zulu noun classes revisited: a spoken corpus-based of... Thirty different meanings on semantic variation and the notion of polysemy in other … Zulu noun within! New tab in reference to various types of polysemies is crucial in this study it! 493 – 506 by closing polysemy in zulu message, you are consenting to our use of cookies and you... 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