The Romans adopted most of these Greek gods and goddesses, but with new names. Many legendary characters have more than one name. Our formal knowledge of the ancient Greek gods can be traced back to the writings of Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey (8th century BC). This page is a list of the names of Greek gods in ancient mythology and their roles. The god Eros was necessary to draw Chaos and Gaea together so that they would produce offspring. Achelous. ARGOS (Άργος): Greek name derived from the word argos, meaning "bright, shining" and "swift." Greek Mythology Boy Names (Greek God Names) 1. Copyright © 2002-2020, All Rights Reserved. AIRSTRIKE on April 20, 2018: I'm a Greek mythology nerd, so this is obviously interesting to me. It will be continually updated with additions, corrections and more information on each of the gods. With the exception of Earth, all of the planets in our solar system have names from Greek or Roman mythology. Moralis. Apollo: Was the god of music, prophesy, arts, knowledge, and enlightenment, according to Greek mythology.He was also the son of Zeus and Leto. Furthermore, the ancient Greeks did not believe in absolute truth as practiced by modern faiths such as Christianity and Judaism. As a result of this conflict, Zeus established a new regime on Mt. Greek mythology provides a rich territory for baby names, with names like Athena, goddess of wisdom, Europa, a Greek princess, Hermes, the god of travel, and Paris, a Trojan prince from Greek mythology. Achelois, Achelous, Acheron, Achilles, Acidalia, Adamanthea, Adastreia, Adephagia, Adonis, Adrastea, Adrasteia, Adrastia, Adrestea, Aeacos, Aeacus, Aedos, Aegaeon, Aegina, Aegle, Aello, Aellopos, Aeolos, Aeolus, Aer, Aesculapius, Aethalides, Aether, Aethon, Aetna, Agave, Agdistis, Aglaea, Aglaia, Aglauros, Aglaurus, Agraulos, Agrotara, Agrotora, Aiakos, Aidos, Aidôs, Aigle, Aiolos, Air, Aither, Alcides, Alcmena, Alcmena, Alcmene, Alcmene, Alcyone, Alcyone (2), Alecto, Alectrona, Alexandra, Alkyone, Aloadae, Alpheos, Alpheus, Amalthea, Amaltheia, Amarynthia, Ampelos, Amphion, Amphitrite, Amphitryon, Amymone, Ananke, Andromeda, Antaeus, Antaios, Anteros, Anticlea, Antiklia, Antiope, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollon, Arachne, Arcas, Areon, Ares, Arethusa, Argeos, Argus, Ariadne, Arion, Arion (2), Aristaeus, Aristaios, Aristeas, Arkas, Artemis, Asclepius, Asklepios, Asopus, Asteria, Asterie, Astraea, Astraeus, Astraios, Astrea, Astria, Atalanta, Ate, Athamas, Athamus, Athena, Athene, Atlantides, Atlas, Atropos, Attis, Attropus, Augean Stables, Augian-Stables, Aurai, Autolycus, Autolykos, Auxesia, Bacchae, Bacchantes, Balios, Balius, Bellerophon, Bia, Bias, Boreads, Boreas, Briareos, Briareus, Bromios, Cadmus, Caeneus, Caenis, Calais, Calchas, Calliope, Callisto, Calypso, Cassandra, Castor, Cecrops, Celaeno, Celaeno (2), Celoneo, Ceneus, Cerberus, Cercopes, Cerigo, Cerynean-Hind, Ceryneian Hind, Cerynitis, Ceto, Chaos, Charites, Charon, Charybdis, Cheiron, Chelone, Chimaera, Chimera, Chione, Chiron, Chloe, Chloris, Chronos, Chronus, Chthonia, Circe, Clio, Clotho, Clymene, Coeus, Coeus, Coltus, Comus, Cottus, Cotys, Cotytto, Cratus, Cretan Bull, Crius, Cronos, Cronus, Cybele, Cyclopes, Cyclops, Cynthia, Cyrene, Cytherea, Danae, Daphnaie, Deimos, Deimus, Deino, Delos, Delphine, Delphyne, Demeter, Demphredo, Deo, Despoena, Deucalion, Deukalion, Dice, Dike, Dione, Dionysos, Dionysus, Dioscuri, Dithyrambos, Doris, Dryades, Dryads, Echidna, Echidne, Echo, Eileithyia, Eileithyia, Eirene, Ekhidna, Ekho, Electra, Electra (2), Electra (3), Elektra, Eleuthia, Elpis, Empousa, Empousai, Empusa, Enosichthon, Enyalius, Enyo, Eos, Epaphos, Epaphus, Ephialtes, Epimeliades, Epimeliads, Epimelides, Epimetheus, Epiona, Epione, Epiphanes, Erato, Erebos, Erebus, Erechtheus, Erichtheus, Erichthoneus, Erichthonios, Erichthonius, Erinyes, Erinys, Eris, Eros, Erotes, Erymanthean-Boar, Erymanthian Boar, Erytheia, Erytheis, Erythia, Ether, Eumenides, Eunomia, Euphrosyne, Europa, Euros, Eurus, Euryale, Eurybia, Eurydice, Eurynome, Eurystheus, Euterpe, Ga, Gaea, Gaia, Gaiea, Galeotes, Galeus, Ganymede, Ganymedes, Ge, Geryon, Geryones, Geyron, Glaucus, Gorgons, Graces, Graeae, Graiae, Graii, Gratiae, Gyes, Gyges, Hades, Haides, Halcyone, Hamadryades, Hamadryads, Harmonia, Harmony, Harpies, Harpocrates, Harpyia, Harpyiai, Hebe, Hecate, Hecatoncheires, Hecatonchires, Hekate, Hekatonkheires, Helen, Heliades, Helice, Helios, Helius, Hemera, Hemere, Hephaestus, Hephaistos, Hera, Heracles, Herakles, Hermaphroditos, Hermaphroditus, Hermes, Hespera, Hesperethousa, Hesperia, Hesperides, Hesperids, Hesperie, Hesperis, Hesperos, Hesperus, Hestia, Himeros, Hippolyta, Hippolytos, Hippolytta, Hippolytus, Hope, Horae, Horai, Hyacinth, Hyacinthus, Hyades, Hyakinthos, Hydra, Hydriades, Hydriads, Hygeia, Hygieia, Hymen, Hymenaeus, Hymenaios, Hyperion, Hypnos, Hypnus, Hyppolyta, Hyppolyte, Iacchus, Iambe, Iapetos, Iapetus, Icelos, Ikelos, Ilithyia, Ilythia, Inachus, Ino, Io, Ion, Iphicles, Irene, Iris, Kadmos, Kalais, Kalliope, Kallisto, Kalypso, Kekrops, Kelaino, Kelaino, Kerberos, Keres, Kerkopes, Keto, Khaos, Kharon, Kharybdis, Kheiron, Khelone, Khimaira, Khione, Khloris, Khronos, Kirke, Kleio, Klotho, Klymene, Koios, Komos, Kore, Kottos, Kratos, Krios, Kronos, Kronus, Kybele, Kyklopes, Kyrene, Lachesis, Laertes, Lakhesis, Lamia, Lamia, Lampetia, Lampetie, Leda, Leimoniades, Leimoniads, Lelantos, Lelantus, Lethe, Leto, Limoniades, Limoniads, Linus, Maenads, Maia, Maiandros, Maliades, Mares Of Diomedes, Meandrus, Medea, Medousa, Medusa, Meliades, Meliads, Meliae, Meliai, Melidae, Melpomene, Memnon, Menoetius, Menoitos, Merope, Metis, Minos, Minotaur, Mnemosyne, Modesty, Moirae, Moirai, Momos, Momus, Mopsus, Mormo, Mormolykeia, Moros, Morpheus, Morus, Mount-Olympus, Mousai, Muses, Myiagros, Naiades, Naiads, Naias, Neaera, Neaira, Nemean Lion, Nemeian-Lion, Nemesis, Nephelai, Nephele, Nereides, Nereids, Nereus, Nike, Nikothoe, Niobe, Nix, Nomios, Nona, Notos, Notus, Nox, Nymphai, Nymphs, Nyx, Oannes, Obriareos, Oceanides, Oceanids, Oceanus, Ocypete, Odysseus, Oeager, Oeagrus, Oenomaus, Oinone, Okeanides, Okeanos, Okypete, Okypode, Okythoe, Olympus, Omphale, Ondines, Oreades, Oreads, Oreiades, Oreiads, Oreithuia, Oreithyia, Orion, Orithyea, Orithyia, Orpheus, Orphus, Orth, Orthrus, Ossa, Otus, Ourania, Ouranos, Paeon, Paieon, Paion, Pallas, Pallas (2), Pallas (3), Pallas (5), Pallas-Athena, Pan, Panacea, Panakeia, Pandemos, Pandora, Pasiphae, Pasithea, Pegasos, Pegasus, Pelops, Pemphredo, Penia, Penie, Persa, Perse, Persê, Persêis, Perseis, Persephassa, Persephone, Perses, Perseus, Perso, Petesuchos, Petsuchos, Phaethousa, Phaethusa, Phaeton, Phantasos, Phema, Pheme, Phemes, Philammon, Philomelus, Philomenus, Philyra, Philyre, Phobetor, Phobos, Phobus, Phoebe, Phoebe (2), Phoibe, Phorcys, Phorkys, Phospheros, Pleiades, Pleione, Pleone, Ploutos, Plutus, Podarge, Podarke, Poderge, Pollux, Polydeuces, Polyhymnia, Polymnia, Polyphemos, Polyphemus, Pontos, Pontus, Poros, Porus, Poseidon, Potamoi, Priapos, Priapus, Prometheus, Proteus, Psyche, Pyrrha, Python, Rhadamanthus, Rhadamanthys, Rhamnousia, Rhamnusia, Rhea, Rheia, Sabazius, Salmoneus, Sarapis, Sarpedon, Scamander, Scylla, Sea Nymphs, Seilenos, Seirenes, Selene, Semele, Serapis, Sibyl Of Cumae, Sibyls, Silenos, Silenus, Sirens, Sisyphus, Sito, Skamandros, Skylla, Spercheios, Spercheus, Sperkheios, Sphinx (2), Sterope, Stheno, Stymphalian Birds, Stymphalion-Birds, Styx, Syrinx, Tantalus, Tartaros, Tartarus, Taygete, Telchines, Telkhines, Terpsichore, Terpsikhore, Tethys, Thalassa, Thaleia, Thalia, Thamyras, Thamyris, Thanatos, Thanatus, Thanotos, Thaumas, Thea, Thebe, Theia, Thelxinoe, Themis, Theseus, Thetis, Thetys, Three-Fates, Titanes, Titanides, Titans, Tithonus, Triptolemos, Triptolemus, Triton, Tritones, Tyche, Tykhe, Typhoeus, Typhon, Zelos, Zelus, Zephyros, Zephyrs, Zephyrus, Zetes, Zethes, Zethus, Zeus. The Greek goddesses covered everything from fertility to death and from poetry to war. (that is, the low-numbered 700s or high-numbered 600s BC). Godchecker™ is a trade mark used under license. The ancient Greek gods listed here laid the very foundation of Greek mythology that keeps on enchanting readers, writers, and storytellers to this day. Furthermore, unlike the Greek myth, Noah and his family were saved along with sufficient animal life to repopulate the planet. Metaxas. Zeus had become disgusted at the degeneration of humans, and in particular, the practice of human sacrifice. Olympus. Name Ancient Greek Description Abas: Ἄβας the name of several mythological figures Abderus: Ἄβδηρος aided Heracles during his eighth labour and was killed by the Mares of Diomedes: Abia: Ἀβία nursemaid of Glenus, a son of Heracles: Abrasax: Αβρασαξ name of a divine being in the Greek Magical Papyri: Abrota: Αβρώτη wife of Nisos, king of Megara: Acallaris: Ἀκα Greek god … What is Greek mythology? The most important gods of the Greek pantheon were the Twelve Olympians, so-called due to the belief that they resided on the peak of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece.. The creation of human beings is the result of conflicting myths. The range of Greek sea gods of … This page is a list of the names of Roman gods in ancient mythology and their roles. Protector of Women Goddess of Wisdom, War, Art, Industry, Justice, and Skill Greek Goddess of Corn, Grain, and the Harvest Greek God … Roman gods and goddesses were named after objects and did not possess a gender, whereas Greek gods were decided by human characteristics and traits. One myth states that humans were created out of earth and water, aided by the Titan, Prometheus, with his gift of fire. For example, there is evidence that the biblical flood took place closer to 2500 BC. Greek Gods - The Religious & Social BackgroundThe Greek gods were created by man to explain the world around them, act as a means of exploration, provide legitimacy and authority to ancient Greek aristocracy, and provide entertainment for the masses. This list includes both major and minor male gods from both Greek and Roman mythology. Most of us have heard of famous Greek Gods such as Zeus and Apollo a well as demi-gods such as Heracles and Perseus and many others from myths and legends. The gods, much like the GREEK GODDESSES of history, have very exaggerated personalities and they are plagued with personal flaws and negative emotions despite they immortality and superhero-like powers. These included well-known figures such as Aphrodite, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Greek name English name Description The Twelve Titans: Κοῖος (Koîos) Coeus: God of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved. Hermes acted as a messenger for the gods and was honored for his diplomacy, cleverness, and social skills. It will be continually updated with additions, corrections and more information on each of the gods. He married his sister Rhea. Ares is her lover and she loves him as well. Don't be afraid to venture into the realm of fantastical creatures, folk heroes, and gods and goddesses for naming ideas. This list is frequently updated — we are constantly discovering more names! The following is a list of male Greek god names. This list of names from Greek mythology compiled by the data dwarves at This group of deities consisted of Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, … These Olympians had come to power after their leader, Zeus, overthrew his father, Kronos, leader of the Titans. Greek mythology is the name given to the store of myths (stories) created by the ancient Greeks about their gods and goddesses. These gods were not only significant in their own realms and mythological paradigms, but they also had a noteworthy impact on the civilizations that succeeded the ancient Greeks. God of archery, music, poetry, prophecy, medicine, and later on the god of the sun. This site is devoted to the heroes, gods and monsters of Greek mythology. However, the Romans would assume this was a depiction of Jupiter, the king of gods. In ancient Greece, men and women had unique first names; they had no middle and last names. I could name a crap ton of Greek gods & goddesses. Achelous. What were the names of the all the Greek gods and goddesses? This is a list of female gods only. 6 Ares - God of War. The Greek mythology names of the gods and goddesses varied from the Roman names, although each culture ascribed to deities with comparable powers and spheres of influence. List of Greek gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. When Paul … Famous Ancient Greek Names Reserved for Gods and Mere Mortals. She was married to Hephaestus. Deucalion and Pyrrah survived the flood by floating in the chest they built. The Twelve Olympians were the main deities that made up the Greek pantheon. Persephone: The goddess of vegetation … Many legendary characters have more than one name. It will be continually updated with additions, corrections and more information on each of the gods. Alastor. She was one of the three Charites and the wife of the god Hephaestus. Copyright © 1999-2020 Godchecker, Inc. All rights reserved. We have 384 individual gods listed in the Greek pantheon of gods and spirits. Please do not copy without permission. The ancient Greek gods listed here laid the very foundation of Greek mythology that keeps on enchanting readers, writers, and storytellers to this day. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! The list does not include creatures.. Matthiou. Greek name English name Roman name Description Image Aφροδίτη (Aphroditē) Aphrodite: Venus: Goddess of love and beauty. Aeolus. Try entering just the first three or four letters. The most important gods of the Greek pantheon were the Twelve Olympians, so-called due to the belief that they resided on the peak of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece.. They floated in the chest for nine days and nine nights and came to rest on a mountain in Phocis. Although Greek Gods are arguably better known, Greek and Roman mythology often have the same Gods with different names because many Roman Gods are borrowed from Greek mythology, often with different traits. The name refers to the ‘son of Matthias.’ Matthias means the ‘gift of god.’ 61. How many gods were in the Greek pantheon. You will learn some interesting facts about each God as you read down the page. Greek goddesses are good archetypal figures because of their exaggerated personalities. AEGLE (Aigle) The goddess of the radiant glow of good health. Their children were Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.
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