Learn More The Department of Education’s new Title IX regulation bolsters the legal right to equal access to education, provides new and meaningful protections for survivors of sexual harassment and assault, and balances the scales of justice on campuses across America. Build your security knowledge and earn CPEs all year long with a webinar subscription. All Arizona public schools, including district schools and charter schools, are required to properly administer state and federally mandated assessments. In this webinar, Kelly Mendoza, director of learning and engagement for Common Sense Education, leads participants on an exploration of news and media literacy and debuts the new News- and Media-Literacy Toolkit by Common Sense Education, with resources for educators to help build students' skills to be critical media consumers and creators. Watch. SNAP-Ed can help people learn how to make their SNAP dollars stretch. Convenient, Affordable Webinars. Minneapolis Public Schools, Minnesota Department of Education. Food and Nutrition The Board of Regents and the New York State Education Department (NYSED) are providing information and guidance for P-12 schools, colleges and universities, licensed professionals, adult education programs, and NYSED employees in response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Woodland Stewardship Education Online Courses. U.S. Department of Education COVID-19 Information. Avery August, chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, explains how our bodies utilize diversity to protect us from infection. Sara Qualls, Professor, Psychology Department, University of Colorado at Colorado ... all the latest in-demand tools created by organizations that are committed to providing consumer and professional education, and dedicated to the goal of justice for all. training videos) are the same as those used in live, interactive group training; however in self-paced training, you review these materials on your own. California also released guidance to help K-12 education leaders meet the needs of all students affected by school closures, with an emphasis on assisting low-income children and those with disabilities. Found 272 Results. Opportunity Zones: What you can do now This session provides a refresher on Opportunity Zones in Missouri and nationwide, what resources have been made available in the months since the designation and what activities States and Local governments can undertake to maintain an edge. Louisiana Department of Education's Educator Certification Portal. Dr. Carson presented a webinar to the Sanford Health Enterprise on November 11, 2020. The section works closely with educators in the development and administration of our assessments. Earn CEUs at a higher value than ever—on your schedule and online. Finance Information on school finance, funding and school governance. Gain access to all live and on-demand webinars on topics covering security operations, active assailant, ESRM, management and leadership, and more—plus up-to-the-minute hot topics on issues ripped from the headlines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also continues to … These presentations are provided to a closed audience that includes School Certifying Officials, Education Liaison Representatives, State Approving Agency employees, VetSuccess on Campus Counselors. Desktop View Archived Webinars. Self-paced online training allows you to review training materials at your own pace and at a time of your choosing. Special Education Programs. AHIMA’s webinars offer you professional development opportunities on trending topics including privacy and security, medical coding, and clinical documentation integrity. Many materials used for self-paced training (e.g. The National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER), IES’ newest Center, sponsors a comprehensive program of special education research designed to expand the knowledge and understanding of infants, toddlers and children with disabilities. COVID-19 Questions and Answers for State SNAP-Ed Programs. Special Education Process and Forms. Access the presentation. Using Covid-19 vaccine efforts as an example, this webinar will cover the components of the immune system and discuss how they are mobilized in effective vaccines. SEL as a Lever for Equity and Social Justice featuring Rob Jagers and Melissa Schlinger The Assessment Section is responsible for statewide assessment of students enrolled in Arizona public schools. View our MPhil, PhD and Doctor of Education (EdD) courses available in the Department of Education. Federal Programs Federal Education Programs affect Missouri. Evaluation System Find the latest information on educator evaluation systems. Each webinar offers 1 continuing education unit (CEU). Webinars Videos. AGNR Department of Environmental Science and Technology No-till veggies: Harnessing the Power of Cover Crops: This website includes a blog, videos, webinars, and podcasts. The Webinars provide information on the GI Bill, related legislation, and processes. Resources from the U.S. Department of Education on how schools can collaborate to disseminate critical information about the COVID-19 and its potential transmission to students, families, staff, and community. Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Webinars. Department of Education postgraduate research. ... AIDS Education and Training Centers Program. 1. Education Law and Regulations The office of Governmental Affairs provides legal counsel to Department staff. The Department of Education is an equal opportunity provider of ADA services. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized Tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian Tribes. LOGIN or CREATE your account. Education Service Webinars and Training. Webinar: Community Connections – Developing Strategic Partnership Alliances ... (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U1OHA30535, AIDS Education and Training Centers Program. The Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Studying our BA Education with Psychology at Bath has helped Sophie Vis ignite her passion for primary teaching. SNAP Education (SNAP-Ed) SNAP-Ed teaches people to shop for and cook healthy meals. Two perspectives on child education. Special Announcements: Quick reference guides for technical assistance: Historic Recognition of Sexual Harassment as Sex Discrimination NCSER also is charged with improving services provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and with evaluating … The California Department of Education has guidance on support for students, including: Distance learning; School meals First in a five-part webinar series on equity and racial injustice through the lens of SEL. Title-I-Resolution-2.png The purpose of Title I-Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (signed into law on December 10, 2015, replacing No Child Left Behind) is to "provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps". ... Webinars . Subscribe Now and Save With a slightly different spin than his webinar on October 29th and some new information, this webinar is full of useful information about COVID-19 vaccines! This includes the ongoing development of guidance and policies related to elementary and secondary education, special education, higher education, and other essential components of lifelong learning.
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