Plow,” and episodes that test the Simpson family dynamic, like “Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie.”, NEXT: All 30 Seasons of The Simpsons, Ranked. 15 of the best Simpsons episodes to stream now on Disney+. It has its good episodes, but some of the rest can be pretty mediocre ("Love is a Many Strangled Thing" in particular is one of the show's all-time worst episodes). Season 15 was the best.The first 3 seasons were crap. Am I the only one who likes the new simpsons series? ... Top 10 Best Season 31 Episodes on The Simpsons. After this season, the shows downfall began, very slowly, but surely. It's got two really bad stinkers ("The Principal and the Pauper" and "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace") but was good otherwise. this episode should be no. During the third season of The Simpsons, the writers transitioned from the grounded nature of the first couple of seasons to the absurdist comedy that would go on to define the show. Season 23 is excellent. Bush, who insulted the show during his one Presidential term. After all these years of mediocrity in the later seasons, there’s a chance that the show will never return to its former glory. “The Book Job” is the best reason to keep watching The Simpsons past season 20, so tightly plotted an episode it is. Ok, I prefer the old simpsons seasons like from 4-10, but this season is great. There's literally no good episodes in this season. Better than 13. This season was a slight improvement of Season 18. Top 10 Changes that Should Be Made in an Among Us Update, Top 10 Best Things that Have Happened in 2021, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases, Best Fitness Center Chains and Gym Franchises. Bart the Daredevil is the greatest episode ever. Why? But before we start, we must define the golden years of the show. FOX. Here's some examples: I loved Bart's "brother" and the South Park-esque scene. Perhaps the last truly great season of The Simpsons, Season 15 has such classic storylines as the family’s ill-fated trip to London in “The Regina Monologues,” the Star Wars-skewering, booze-soaked “Co-Dependent’s Day,” and Lisa’s starring role in a catchy musical parody of Evita in “The Princess Wore Pearls.”, It played around with the show’s well-established formula in interesting ways, right before it would drop off a cliff and land in the realm of relying on storytelling gimmicks. I can watch the old episodes over and over but I don't even want to watch the new ones once :-(. Bart Gets Famous5. Season 1 is part of the Golden Age, regardless whether its Seasons 3-8.Seasons rankings (Pre-Movie: Seasons 1-18) best to worst-6-8-1-4-3-2-5-7-10-12-9-15-17-18-14-13-11-16. show ever! More of a "sweet and sour" season. Old Money, Bart gets an "F", Simpson & Delilah, The Way We Was, and Lisa's Substitute all end in beautiful wholesome scenes that fill my soul. Al Jean returns as showrunner, a position he has held since the thirteenth season. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Here are the 10 worst Simpsons … Apparently Harry Shearer (voice actor for Mr Burns, Mr Smithers, Ned Flanders, and Principal Skinner) thinks this is the last truly good season. The Simpsons Thanksgiving marathon: the 25 best episodes to gorge on. Homer loves Flanders1. Although it's not done yet, Season 21 is looking to be a really good one. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Season 14 plays around interestingly with the audience’s familiarity with the characters, without using it as a crutch. The season also has some pretty thoughtful installments, like “She of Little Faith,” in which Lisa questions her Christian faith and converts to Buddhism in an honest reflection on freedom of religion. The Simpsons didn’t get into any wacky or absurdist territory until the Springfield Gorge jump in season 2’s “Bart the Daredevil” marked an integral stylistic turning point. It even has great emotional depth (demonstrated with "The Way We Was", "One Fish Two Fish Blowfish Blue Fish", "Bart Gets an F" and "Bart vs. Thanksgiving). However, to break the tedium when rewatching The Simpsons, it is possible to watch the series backward, starting from the last completed season and ending with season one. Very good season, shows that the smpsons can is still good if mot better after 20 years. Not only does it look amazing, they haven't really done any "bad" shows yet. Best season of a T.V. So sweet. (Steps in rake and shivers)-The Italian Bob. In addition to writing for Screen Rant and Comic Book Resources, covering everything from Scorsese to Spider-Man, Ben directs independent films and does standup comedy. By those standards, season 26 is, well, perfectly cromulent. Season 6: by far the all-time best season of The Simpsons. ), All the seasons were the best until 21th and so on I miss the old classic simpsons. It includes the episodes "The Book Job" and "How I Wet Your Mother" which are unique, stand out episodes. Even though Season 19 was a disgrace, it had some fine moments and episodes. The old ones are way better than the new ones. And episodes like “Homer at the Bat” show The Simpsons using high-profile guest stars right, as opposed to the lazy overuse of celebrity guests in modern installments. This season has only 1 problem that the simpsons are green, I don't even care the homer and the dog episode was so sas, Season 24 is not that bad, it's number 7 in my list. In its first season, it was a traditional family sitcom. Terrible season, wacky story lines that make no sense, filled up with bad jokes, flat characters, uninteresting and lazily shoved in guest-stars, and shallow and fake emotion. Season 3 has my FAVORITE episode in it, so I have to vote for it. This Season was also the Season of "wacky endings" - most of the episodes have a very strange last minute, which I choose to ignore these days. IT SUCKS! There were also still a lot of Bart-focused storylines, because Homer wasn’t yet the lead character. Maude Flanders is dead, Bart sees his future and Homer becomes a missionary. So wholesome. I watched the first episode of Season 1 and it didn't grab my attention. So, here are The best seasons of The Simpsons, ranked. This season is so funny! (Dental plan), Some of the most hilarious episodes ever example. I wouldn't go that far, but I can see why he might think that. (Unfortunately, this season also has “Homer vs. Dignity,” which has that infamous panda scene.). Cast your votes on various polls for your favorite episode/character/season! With maybe the exception of Seinfeld, The Simpsons was the best network show during the 1990's. Favorite episode is the future episode, it was just incredible and the best episode I've seen in 18 years. Season 19 is a slight improvement over Season 18. But while almost seemingly every idea possible has come to Springfield, some concepts never saw the light of day, like the never-produced episode "Simptasia", an extended parody of Disney's Fantasia.. Also the second best season after season 6. This one is so underrated. From “Colonel Homer” to “Radio Bart,” Season 3 hits the sweet spot between having storylines that are relatable, whether it’s Moe stealing Homer’s cocktail idea or Homer jealously sabotaging Flanders’ new business, while telling them through a surreal prism to give the show its unique style. "The executive producers for the first production season were Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon.. ). It also has some terrific Lisa-centric episodes, such as “Lisa’s Sax,” “Lisa the Simpson,” and “Lost Our Lisa.” This season’s “Treehouse of Horror” installment is delightfully eerie, too. "The Principal and the Pauper", "Lisa the Simpson", and "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" are the bad seeds of this season. Perhaps one of the funniest seasons, we see Homer chasing Uder (the chubby German kid) around a change room with a wet towel, Bart gets his first (of many) girlfriends and Australia gets cheesed off at "Bart vs. Australia". Sideshow Bob: Uh, Tuscany. Bart Gets an Elephant9. Here's some examples:1) Last Exit to Springfield2) Marge vs. the Monorail3) The Front4) Lisa's First Word5) Homer's Triple Bypass6) Duffless7) Mr. Plow8) Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie9) Homer the Heretic10) Kamp Krusty11) Lisa the Beauty Queen, Lisa needs braces. The best ‘Simpsons’ episodes from each season ... the pair is in top form here as Homer tries to jump-start his churchy neighbor’s sense of fun with a disastrous Vegas trip. Don't hate it is my own personal opinion. Lisa Simpson taking Happy Pills (Anti Depressants) was funny and creepy at the same time. He owns a factory downtown. Along with windows vista, 8 and the wii u? Worst episode: Marge be not Proud. The simpsons proves that it is not old. Despite its decline in quality in the past few years, The Simpsons still has a claim for the greatest TV series ever made. To celebrate, on Sunday FXX is running a 15-hour marathon of episodes, starting at 9:00 a.m. Next Sunday, December 23, Fox will re … In this season, we see the death of Homer's vegas wife who, unless I'm mistaken, hadn't been seen since season 13. 24 minutes was an excellent episode, too. The tone of the series might not be there yet, but Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and even Maggie arrive as fully rounded characters, unlike Family Guy’s Griffin family, who morphed into more distinguishable characters a couple of seasons down the line. ... so the best years will be defined as the episodes between Season 2 to Season 8. ‘Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire’ Season: 1 The first full Simpsons episode to air on TV begins at a Springfield Elementary Christmas pageant. What makes the show so great is its blend of grounded, relatable family situations and outlandish, surreal, absurdist humor. They were too emotional and the voices and animation was crap.Seasons 4 to 9 were ok, kinda funnySeasons 10 to 13 were very good with good story linesBut seasons 14 and onward were the best, especially season 15. (: Its treehouse of horror not treehouse of terror. RELATED: The Simpsons: 5 Reasons It Should Be Canceled (& 5 Why It Should Stay On The Air), Still, as far as ridiculous, far-fetched storylines go, Season 8 is still just as sharp, insightful, and hysterical as the show has ever been. So many classic episodes and moments in that season alone. Deep Space Homer2. My favorite episode is Viva Ned Flanders ( Desperate to enjoy his life, Ned Flanders goes to Vegas with Homer and gets drunk and marries some bar girls. I loved how Homer and Bart were chained together in the second episode. With The Simpsons kicking off its 30th (!!!) Bart-Mangled Banner, especially, is such an atrocious episode. Granted after season 10 the simpsons became quite boring with already used plots but this season is pushing the boundries and reinventing the family we came to love. He's currently in pre-production on his first feature film, Hunting Trip, and has been for a while because filmmaking is expensive. Homers enemy. It’s not just one of the best Simpsons episodes ever; it’s one of the best episodes of television, period. This is clearly the best season! Days of Future Future7. And it has the all-time classic “You Only Move Twice” and the heartfelt Bart/Lisa episode “The Secret War of Lisa Simpson.”. HILARIOUS! Season 11, the tormented season. Not a bad season, not as good as Season 12, but surely better than Season 11. My favourites from the season are, Three Men and a Comic Book, Bart the Daredevil, Homer vs Lisa and the Eighth Commandment, Blood Fued, The War of the Simpsons, Brush with Greatness, Treehouse of Horror and Simpson and Deliah. one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. With over 600 episodes to choose from, the team are here to help. Marge vs. the Monorail, Last Exit to Springfield, Mr. Stream The Simpsons Season 1 Now. Season 2 is the best though. My second favourite season behind season 7, Absolutely the best time for The Simpsons. It’s not that the post-Golden Age episodes are bad; it’s just that compared to the dizzying heights of the Golden Age episodes — some of the finest installments of television to ever hit the airwaves — they seem that way. "This is my son Bart. But it’s still a great season, containing “Lisa’s Substitute,” which established Homer and Lisa’s relationship as one of the sweetest, most complex and important relationships in the family, and “Bart the Daredevil,” which series creator Matt Groening has described as a turning point for the series. Pretty good season. Future Drama3. Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! This allowed the writers to come up with self-referencing concepts like “HOMR” and surreal premises like the existential, paranoid “The Computer Wore Menace Shoes.”, Season 12 also has a ton of great episodes based around ancillary characters: “Skinner’s Sense of Snow,” for example, is one of the best Skinner-focused episodes. The 10 Best Simpsons Episodes, Ranked By Mark Stock September 15, 2020 You don’t just become one of the longest running animated series in the land without great content. Homer bad man lisa's wedding Bart of darkness treehouse of horror v my opinion the best treehouse if horror ever. Homer at the Bat is right there with Mr. The Simpsons started broadcasting in High Definition, with a new opening scene and stuff. This is the season where the Simpsons started gaining popularity. ), I was convinced it was one of my favorites... until Homer's vegas wife came and ruined it. Ben Sherlock is a writer, comedian, and independent filmmaker, and he's good at at least two of those things. The first season of the American animated television series The Simpsons originally aired on the Fox network between December 17, 1989, and May 13, 1990, beginning with the Christmas special "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire. Some were even outright bad. Among the season’s other fantastic episodes are “Lemon of Troy,” “Bart vs. Australia,” and “The PTA Disbands.” The Simpsons’ sixth season is one of the greatest seasons of television ever aired. Season 28 is perhaps the best of the later Simpsons seasons, purely for its ambitious episodes like the hour-long “The Great Phatsby,” a combo spoof of The Great Gatsby and Empire, and its skewering of current issues like T--mp University and Pokemon Go. Today the show is mediocre at best. The Simpsons … Ah season 1. Nobody likes this season. Cape Feare is the absolute best episode of all time in all of T.V.! I believe the episode Oreanta is referring to is in this season, this season also contains "Homer Badman", possibly the best episode ever made. It has some good episodes like "The Parent Rap" and "I Am Furious (Yellow)". Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Amazing Details That Maintain Continuity, The 15 Best Seasons Of The Simpsons, Ranked, The Simpsons: 10 Ideas For A Movie Sequel, the dizzying heights of the Golden Age episodes, Family Guy: 5 Things It Copied From The Simpsons (& 5 That Set It Apart), morphed into more distinguishable characters a couple of seasons down the line, hysterical caricatures of such iconic rockers as Mick Jagger, Lenny Kravitz, and Tom Petty, The Simpsons: 5 Reasons It Should Be Canceled (& 5 Why It Should Stay On The Air), the all-time classic “You Only Move Twice”, one of the sweetest, most complex and important relationships in the family, The Simpsons: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From One-Off Characters, their fair share of fans claiming they’re the best episode of the entire series, The Most Hated Series Finales Of All Time, Disney+: The 10 Best Sitcom Episodes To Watch For Valentine's Day, Bridgerton: 10 Best Memes For Fans Of The Period Drama, How I Met Your Mother: Ted's 10 Shadiest Burns, Ranked, Gilmore Girls: 5 Ways Rory & Logan's Relationship Was Toxic (& 5 Ways It Was Perfect), Friends: 5 Things The Highest-Rated Episode Did Wrong (& 5 Things The Lowest-Rated Did Right), 10 Most Questionable Life Choices Main Characters Made In How I Met Your Mother, New Girl: 10 Side Characters Worthy Of Being The 5th Roommate, WandaVision: 5 Times Scarlet Witch Was A Hero In Marvel Comics (& 5 Times She Was A Villain), Harry Potter: 5 Things Voldemort Was Right About (& 5 He Was Wrong), WandaVision: 10 Reasons They Could Be In An Alternate Reality, Schitt's Creek: 10 Ways To Live Your Best Life Like Alexis Rose, Young Sheldon: 5 Reasons Why Missy Is The Best Cooper Sibling (& 5 Why It's Georgie), Supernatural: 10 Things You Forgot From The First Episode, Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Things You Forgot From The First Episode, The Office: 5 Ways Jim Was The Real Villain Of The Show (& 5 Ways It Was Pam), New Girl: 10 Times Jess And Cece Were Friendship Goals, American Dad! In later seasons the emphasis was gags over good story. Whether the episodes focus on the gluttonous eating habits of Homer Simpson, the show's anti-paterfamilias; Bart, the ever-mischievous son and most popular character; Marge, the steady and sensible wife; Lisa, the genius but ever … So many greats: Grimes, X Files, Bootleg Homer, Insanity Pepper, Kang vs Kodos, Laddie, Shary Bobbins, the Denver Broncos, this was peak Simpsons. People who think this season was funny obviously NEVER watched any of the older episodes. The Simpsons is still brilliant.Season 13 is on Channel 4 at the moment and showing episodes that are great. I wouldn't go that far, but I can see why he might think that. But the most recent seasons have still featured some fantastic episodes that are just as good as anything from the show's classic era. “Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade,” in which Bart is dropped down a grade and Lisa is bumped up a grade, forcing them into the same class, is a hilarious and heartfelt study of their relatable sibling relationship. The last good season, though there are still some great episodes after this season such as "Brick Like Me", "Barthood", "Flander's Ladder", and so forth. Previously, he wrote for Taste of Cinema and BabbleTop. So many brilliant episodes. Season 17, on the other hand, was a bit of an improvement over Season 16. The Simpsons has been on the air for over 30 years. These 15 seasons of the show mark the stronger half of its 30-year life. This is the best time for the Simpsons. The Italian Bob, Marge's Son Poisoning, The Girl Who Slept Little, and so on. Plow, I Love Lisa, Brother from the Same Planet, A Streetcar Named Marge, Homer the Heretic, Krusty Gets Kancelled, New Kid on the Block, Kamp Krusty, Treehouse of Horror III, The Front, Lisa's First Word, etc.This is the best season of the Simpsons, with a very close tie to season 5. The Simpsons’ fourth season is when the show really hit its stride. Season 4 is the pinnacle of this beautiful comic style. I've seen other places that said Season 3 is the best place to start and after Season 10 the series began to die. While some episodes weren't that bad, others were way worse than said some episodes. But even beyond that one, there have been plenty of other ideas for … Like any show that's gone on for decades, though, it's understandable if someone fell off the show after a point. 1 1 . It had The Bob Next Door, Boy Meets Curl, The Squirt and the Whale, to Surveil With Love, Ob Brother Where Bart Thou, and one I think is really underrated The Color Yellow. My favorite episode is called "Bart the mother". Season 16 (2004)Best episode: "Sleeping with the Enemy"Worst episode: "On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister"Season 16 rating: 7.75/10. Lisa meets JK Rowling, Homer turns into a robot and Bart goes to juvie and is pushed around by a girl named Gina, I lauged out loud. I know it's not finished but it's brilliant! (Didn't like how they made fun of Christianity in the zombie one, though). A ton of quality episodes, but the amazing backstory created by I Married Marge really set a nice backbone and Homer at the Bat puts them over season 4 in my opinion. Okay, this season really doesn't deserve to be on this list. An amazing, hilarious season. In its eighth season, The Simpsons moved into more ridiculous, far-fetched storylines, like Bart getting his own credit card under the name Santos L. Halper, Homer becoming the third main cast member in The Itchy and Scratchy Show, and Mulder and Scully visiting Springfield in a crossover with Fox’s other hit ‘90s show, The X-Files. The Simpsons: The Best Episode Of Each Season (From Season 1 To 10) Most of The Simpsons' greatest episodes land in its first ten seasons. I love "There's Something About Marrying"! In its second season, The Simpsons was still grounded in our reality and hadn’t segued into its own skewed reality yet. Homer Goes to College6. "My favorite is You Only Move Twice, but lots of good episodes in this season. Contains the best episode of all time... 'The Telltale head'. Season 13. The second installment of "Treehouse of Horror" appeared, sealing the deal that a new one would come back. Perhaps, even greater than Season 11, the worst season of the Silver Age (11-18). The iconic show has attracted millions of fans and even praise from critics.But choosing the 20 best episodes of "The Simpsons" is difficult. It was also a degrade from the previous seasons. They were funny, the animation is great, their not too emotional (cringy), the jokes are fresh, they have some well known celebrity guest appearances. This is the DVD season they'll be coughing up next, skipping ahead of seasons 13-19 (for now) and will offer it on Blu-Ray Disc because of the HD format. This was also the season that survived Y2K, ending in May, 2000. I love this season! honestly love that episode. That was probably the best episode so far (O Brother, where Bart Thou? Episodes like “Bart to the Future,” “Alone Again Natura-Diddly,” and “Saddlesore Galactica” might represent early low points for the series, but like the Joker movie, the controversy those episodes invited makes them fascinating. A resurgence of the Silver Age ( 11-18 ). Lisa's Wedding2. Bart to the Future. Season four, episode three, written by George Meyer ... Homer decides to take matters into his own hands and start … I don't care what people say about 90s episodes. Episodes such as “Lisa the Vegetarian” and “Bart Sells His Soul” explored the characters in more depth than the average installment, while “22 Short Films About Springfield” tried out an intriguing new format and “Radioactive Man” made Milhouse a movie star. Worst episode: Homer's Night Out. Barthood4. This one's proof that the Simpsons weren't going downhill, they were just on and off. The 20th season of the Simpsons... it started out... interesting (what with the erotic cakes and stuff) but soon got amazing. Season 12 was great. show history. Season 2-8 are excellent with seasons 2-4 being the most consistently brilliant but 5-8 have some very strong standout episodes and as I already stated are excellent. (Dental plan) Lisa needs braces. This wasn't a good nor a memorable season. Cape Feare, Cape Feare, Rosebud, Homers Barbershop Quartet, Deep Space Homer, Bart Gets Famous, Bart Gets an Elephant. This season was truly one of the best seasons to ever date.Seasons 11-18 (Silver Age) rankings12>15>14>18>17>13>11>16, Season 18: 7/10Season 17: 8.5/10Season 16: 7.75/10Season 15: 8.75/10Season 14: 8.5/10Season 13: 7.25/10Season 12: 9/10Season 11: 6/10.
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