Below is the final version of the script. Theres a PyPI module for parsing Terraform syntax (pyhcl), so lets use that: You get an output that looks something like this: The first key is the type of Terraform object youre creating (output, resource, module, and so on), the second key is the name of the object, the third key is the inputs being passed to that object. The above explains why Terraform returns an unhelpful error in this situation, but it doesn't explain why the "remote system" portion of the address (what we previously called "provider", but never actually enforced it being a provider name in practice) has a more restrictive validation rule than the other two parts. The hashicorp/google-beta provider has emerged as a rather interesting exception to this rule. And that string is exactly what the registry page suggests I use. Sign in This example comes from the following Terraform source: output "topic_arn" { value = "$ {module.reindex_worker.topic_arn}" } What is happening here is Terraform is failing to parse the ambiguous source address as a Registry module, because the provider component is invalid. However, I find it strange that terraform is not able to handle the - in names in a registry. In real-world modules I've seen a mix of two seemingly-equally-common patterns: Of course, as I noted above we no longer consider the final portion of the registry module address format as directly a provider name, and instead leave it up to module developers to choose a suitable short descriptor for whatever remote system the module primarily works with. ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Terraform cannot detect a supported external module source type. Then youd use the module to create all your buckets: When you use a module, the source input tells Terraform where the module is defined that is, the files that tell it which resources the module should create. So here we're, // using some regular expressions from the original module source, // implementation, rather than using the IDNA rules as we do in, "must be between one and 64 ASCII letters or digits", // We also skip normalizing the name to lowercase, because we historically, // didn't do that and so existing module registries might be doing. I tried all the ways below. # Skip the .terraform directory, which is a local cache of. It walks a directory tree, and generates tuples (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) for each directory dirpath in the tree, what directories and files does it contain? If we were to relax the rules then this function would be the place to do it. count = 2. source = "./module". } The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: However, if I use the git reference like this : If there is no hostname or protocol in the source field, Terraform must assume that it is going to use the default Terraform registry to locate the module. to your account. Initializing Terraform configuration. You resolved the invalid character and expression errors, and they don't appear again. For example, maybe youre creating some S3 buckets, and you want every bucket to have the same access policy. I need help with sourcing terraform modules from a gitlab repository with multiple modules in it like ec2, vpc etc. We can't. With this source code (after republishing the module without hyphen in the registry), everything works fine: I publish modules very often in the Terraform public registry and it' possible to have hyphen in the module names. Terraform cannot detect a supported external module source type. A module path addresses a module within the tree of modules. source_address_prefixes - (Optional) List of source address prefixes. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Thanks for the report. Create any resource in the new module compute and run terraform apply to make sure the module is added to the state. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. Already on GitHub? One additional constraint which they don't seem to mention, is that the system path segment for external hosts must not contain any dashes for compatibility with various systems. If we later devise a more precise solution then we can discuss that in a different issue, but since there isn't a ready design for that right now I'd like to move forward with this compromise for the foreseeable future, as a "better than nothing" answer. Regarding what you said, it might be due to the fact that private registry has a domain name in their source and so, the parsing is not done the same way as the public registry. Terraform is a tool for doing infrastructure as code everything that defines our AWS resources is kept as text files in a Git repo, alongside our application source code. The source parameter tells Terraform where the module can be found. The Terraform Cloud documentation is outside of my typical scope, so I'll let the usual documentation authors be the ones to review that change, but for what it's worth it seems like a reasonable set of updates to me! privacy statement. 3. """, #!/usr/bin/env python The new version has some breaking changes, including a new version of HCL, the markup language used to write Terraform code. The module registry protocol allows to have a hyphen in the name of the provider but they do not exist on the Terraform registry because the procedure to publish a module on this Terraform registry requires to have a git repository in the format terraform-
-. @BzSpi, for your case, the source address of your module needs to be Hands-on: Try the Reuse Configuration with Modules tutorials. Can't download a module on a registry for a provider with a hyphen, // For historical reasons, whether an address is a registry, // address is defined only by whether it can be successfully, // parsed as one, and anything else must fall through to be, // parsed as a direct remote source, where go-getter might, // then recognize it as a filesystem path. These files are intended to be read-only. So this example would be fine, and use the module defined in the s3_bucket directory: If you try to run the snippet above in 0.12, you get an error: The module address s3_bucket could not be resolved. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Could you be more specific? If youre running Terraform 0.11 and havent upgraded to 0.12 yet, you might want to run this script so you can fix your own module references. I don't have a strong opinion on the answer to this question right now; I think it'd be worth doing some research into how existing modules are being classified and what motivated those classifications. Even a simple configuration consisting of a single directory with one or more .tf files is a module. Assuming that changeset passes review and we merge it, that'll close out this issue for now. This constraint arises from the fact that the target system portion of the module address syntax the last part is conventionally the local name of a provider, and local names of providers can also not contain any dashes or underscores. Unfortunately we didn't end up defining, // these exactly equivalently: provider names can only use dashes as, // punctuation, whereas module names can use underscores. versions of Terraform, a module could not have multiple instances. I doubt many people want this exact script, but I hope youll learn something useful from the write-up anyway. (Although breaking changes are always annoying, I dont mind this one so much Im getting to delete a lot of ugly workarounds Id written for limitations in the old HCL.). I originally wrote modules = tf.get("module", {}), then replaced it with try except KeyError. only refers to a module as a whole, or that omits the index for a Open the files in .terraform/modules/hello to view the module's configuration. Im not going to pull it out as a generator right now, but Ive done it below.). """, Preparing for Terraform 0.12: fixing module sources. Tags may not be used. Over in #30053 I've implemented the partial solution I described above of using the presence of the version argument as a heuristic to show a registry-address-specific error message instead of treating an invalid registry address as if it were a direct remote module source. By Alex Chan. Terraform is working as intended here, even though some of the rationale for those intentions is lost to history, and so I'm torn about whether to classify this as a documentation bug, which we would close by updating the documentation, or as an enhancement request which would represent us trying to find a backward-compatible way to permit more flexibility in "remote system" names. Its a bit neater than what I actually ran, because Ive tidied it up for the blog post, but its the same basic structure. I happened to do some refactoring of the address-parsing codepaths recently and so I ended up reading back through the history of registry module address parsing and adding some notes in the code based on what I learned, which I'll summarize here in the hope it helps with thinking about what we might do in response to this issue. My terraformrc file content my credential. ADDRESS must be a valid resource address. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. And voila! The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: // Similar to the names in provider source addresses, we defined these, // to be compatible with what filesystems and typical remote systems, // like GitHub allow in names. Terraform try download the module on the registry. We need to start by finding all our Terraform files. ), // If we get down here then we treat everything else as a, // remote address. Writing Main Terraform Codes You've completed setting up your modules and auxiliary files, so you can now start working on the main code. Have a question about this project? A module is a container for multiple resources that are used together.. Every Terraform configuration has at least one module, known as its root module, which consists of the resources defined in the .tf files in the main working directory. (I dont know if it really makes sense to define a cluster autoscaler in Azure in particular, but this can be useful for provider-agnostic abstractions like e.g. are using which parses resource addresses. Some say that Terraform modules are a way of extending your present Terraform configuration . This site is licensed as a mix of CC-BY and MIT. If I was running in a big codebase, I could split the messages about invalid HCL and ambiguous module sources, and inspect them separately. This is a perfect case for a throwaway Python script. The following specifications apply to index values on modules and resources with multiple instances: Refers to only the last instance in the config, and an address like this: Refers to only the "example" instance in the config. Its a tiny change, and backwards-compatible with 0.11, so it wont break anything. Checking the version. My version is well present in the registry. Ive mentioned before that we use Terraform to manage our infrastructure at Wellcome. Since this does not represent a bug in Terraform itself, I'm going to close the issue. We have a lot of modules that use local paths, and after Id fixed this a few times, I decided to find all the places where we had these ambiguous sources, and fix them all at once. Import will find the existing resource from ID and import it into your Terraform state at the given ADDRESS. so you'll need to refer to the documentation for the specific feature you While I don't consider that an ideal solution, it feels to me like the best compromise to give better feedback here without risk of breaking the v1.0 Compatibility Promises. Once that you have the latest modules, is necessary to initialise the Terraform workspace to start downloading the providers and modules (already completed through the first command) and initialise the terraform state backend terraform init It's possible to also use the -upgrade option to force the update of providers, plugins and modules. This is a local cache of all the modules youre using, created by terraform get. Because it's not a Registry source, we don't support a version constraint. the module if a single module, or all instances of a module if a module has multiple instances. In those cases, the meaning depends on the context, Terraform expects to find a fully-qualified hostname in that position, and so if you are literally writing x then it may help to add to the end whatever domain this x belongs to, like The specific constraint about the target system consisting only of letters and digits is inside Terraform CLI itself and not something that should be able to vary between registries. I use os.walk() a lot, and I always create little generator functions like this. Fixed by #30053 jeremmfr commented on Sep 7, 2021 Set the hashicorp/google-beta provider to have a local name of just google, which then makes Terraform automatically associate resource "google_anything" "." with that provider without explicitly stating it. This is required if source_address_prefixes is not specified. Double fail for me. You could define a module that creates an S3 bucket with the right policy, which takes the name of the bucket as a variable. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further. A Terraform module is a collection of configuration files that represent a single resource or multiple resources that are used together. I went in and fixed them by hand, then ran the script a second time to confirm Id fixed them all. k8s. This means the file has invalid Terraform syntax, so pyhcl cant parse it. In the post Terraform Plans, Modules, and Remote State, I use local modules in the root configuration. Although if you are exclusively using AWS this design wont be of much benefit to you yet, the intent here is that if you are using modules to provide similar abstractions over multiple target systems then you might also have e.g. Sorry again for the noise and thanks for your replies. Lets open those files and see what they contain. I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days . // provider addresses have three slash-separated components of their own. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. instances in your overall configuration. The terraform init command will also initialize backends and install plugins. Heres how to use it, printing a path to every Terraform file under the current directory: If you run this, you might see lots of entries in a .terraform directory. If that parser fails then unfortunately we end up reporting its error, which is typically of much lower quality because go-getter was designed under the principle of guessing what the input probably meant, rather than of giving good feedback about ambiguous input. In order to access this module through their registry, the system segment will need to be renamed to only contain characters within the set [0-9a-z]. Initially I had incorrectly implemented this to allow underscores, but tightened the regular expression after I saw it fail some existing unit tests. In practice there's very little that, // go-getter doesn't consider invalid input, so even invalid, // nonsense will probably interpreted as _something_ here, // and then fail during installation instead. // the registry source parse error gets returned to the caller, // which is annoying but has been true for many releases, // without it posing a serious problem in practice. If not, you can manually write credentials blocks.. You can have multiple credentials blocks if you regularly use services from multiple hosts. Looking back at your original question it looks like you are using the module registry hierarchy a little differently in your registry: you have the name portion set to aws-modules and the system portion set to note-termination-handler. If not, I hope you found the post interesting, and picked up a tip or two to use the next time youre writing your own scripts. terraform apply (and confirm changes and they are applied successfully). Ive fixed all the ambiguous module sources, in a script that only took me a few minutes to write. Previously, if you put a raw string as the source, it would treat it as a local path. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. I located some gitlab module registry documentation here, which shows the expected source format, including the hostname. My version is well present in the registry. Can you say a little more about what you've experienced, ideally including some reproduction steps, so we can understand how what you saw relates to the problem we've been discussing in this issue? That being said, I understand well that there's no easy way out about this. (One of the things I like in 0.12 is the improved error handling.). The ./ prefix indicates that the address is a relative filesystem path. As Im writing a new script, I like to test on one file to start with, before I run the whole set. With all of this said, it does seem like our compatibility promises may be a practical blocker for any change to the registry module address syntax, and so we might find that the best we can do here is just document that requirement more explicitly in all of the relevant places, including in the module registry protocol documentation. Many users will configure only one, for either . This is required if source_address_prefixes is not specified. without a module path prefix would match resources with the same type and name This is where the os.walk() function in the Python standard library comes in handy. Hello, From one day to the next, I encounter the following problem on my modules : Error: Invalid module source address Module "node-termination-handler" (declared at line 287) has invalid source address "x/x . in any descendent module. Tags may not be used. module "hello" {. module "consul" { source = "hashicorp/consul/aws" version = "0.1.0" } terraform/internal/addrs/module_source.go. Thanks! applies to every resource within Whenever you add a new module to a configuration, Terraform must install the module before it can be used. My terraformrc file content my credential. That makes the code a bit simpler, gives us a reusable generator, and makes it easier to use control flow statements like break and continue. into modules as well as directly into the root of your state. I have two branches in module repo - develop and main. Here is terraform apply for command for running/applying single resource - terraform apply -target=module.module-1.aws_instance.ec2_example Let breakdown the command furthermore to understand it - module - In case if you are using modules in your terraform project then you should add the prefix module We could inspect the output from this manually, but it gets quite long I ran this in one of our repos, and there are 138 lines of output. such as[0]. So in this sense, every Terraform configuration is part of a module. source_address_prefixes - (Optional) List of source address prefixes. Module Blocks. In reality, I tried download a module on a private registry (with a Gitlab instance), with a custom provider which have a hyphen in his name. Generates paths to all the .tf files under the current directory. Terraform Error: Invalid value for module argument when running tf plan for cloudfront module 2 terraform when using data sources no stored state was found for the given workspace in the given backend Terraform cannot detect a supported external module source type. Modules on the public Terraform Registry can be referenced using a registry source address of the form <NAMESPACE>/<NAME>/<PROVIDER>, with each module's information page on the registry site including the exact address to use. It has the following syntax: In Terraform v0.12 and later, a resource spec without a module path prefix You signed in with another tab or window. This of course says nothing specific about dashes, but I think that's just because idiomatic names within Terraform itself always use underscores to separate words, and the Terraform language permits dashes in identifiers only to make it easier to write configuration settings for remote systems that have different naming conventions. a module representing a kubernetes cluster where the details of how to set one up vary by vendor but once set up the cluster itself behaves in a mostly-consistent way across vendors. In the AWS load balancer case, add a map representing service objects and their expected attributes and type. One particular concern is that it might cause existing modules containing legacy-style filesystem paths (which go-getter is currently handling) to be understood instead as containing module registry paths, which would be a breaking change not permitted under the Terraform 1.0 Compatibility Promises. "Google beta" is the name of a provider rather than of a remote system, so it creates a rather awkward edge-case to the naming scheme: should a module using that provider just be classified as targeting "google", or is the fact that it's using the beta provider significant enough that it ought to be codified in the source address of the module? Hi @qdupuy, I recommend taking this to the Community Forum - it should be easier to dive into this question there, and there are more viewers on the forum who could help troubleshoot and answer this question. Terraform integration in merge requests Troubleshooting Create Kubernetes clusters Amazon EKS Google GKE To do this, I glanced at the output, and started writing checks to filter out common patterns: This gave me a list of a dozen modules where the source was an unadorned local path. I would speculate (but have no evidence) that the current constraint on "remote system" names in module addresses was originally following the precedent that we required provider names to consist only of letters and digits, even though we've relaxed that into only a default assumption rather than a requirement in subsequent versions of the language.
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