The Missile Defense Agency plans to hold an industry day for the RGPWS project on December 18 and solicit industry proposals thereafter. In order to accomplish this, MDA is developing missile interceptors to literally hit a hypersonic missile with a hypersonic missile and is termed . The Missile Defense Agencyand industry representatives held a meeting at MDAs Alabama headquarters to discuss potential ways of targeting hypersonic missiles and lay the groundwork for the Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase, Receive the Daily News Briefing And Events Updates Straight to Your Inbox. In the United States, hypersonic weapon systems are in a relatively early state of development. The purpose of the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) effort was to reduce interceptor key technology and integration risks, anchor modeling and simulation in areas of large uncertainty . U.S. Navy Admiral Michael Gilday, the Chief of Naval Operations, the service's top officer, discussed plans for the . The CSIS Missile Defense Projects monthly newsletter has info on the projects latest publications, events, and missile defense news. A Navy warship may be able to fire an interceptor from its Vertical Launch Systems fast enough and far enough to destroy an attacking hypersonic weapon traveling at five times the speed of sound. The SRD was available upon request (and proper authorization). He also has a Master's Degree in Comparative Literature from Columbia University. 17 Other HGV-defense systems are This is due to resulting data collected from live fires during experiments ship-based Aegis radar models and ground systems. The program is intended to complement another defense effort designated the Hypersonic Defense Weapon System (HDWS), which began in September 2018 and refined five concepts in September 2019. Raytheon will continue maturing its GPI design using advanced materials and technology . Masao Dahlgren, "MDA Reveals New Hypersonic Defense Program," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, December 12, 2019, last modified December 12, 2019, Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) - Northrop Grumman photo. 03 February 2020. Missile Threat is a product of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The U.S. armed services are working together to build offensive hypersonic weapons, but tweaking them as needed for service-specific requirements. MDA Director Vice Adm. Jon Hill said the Defense Department has decided to. MDA's latest effort with the RGPWS shows that it is moving . We think we should actually be using a hypersonic [system] to take out a hypersonic weapon, he said. The entire concept, from launch on remote to satellite missile tracking technology, is based upon target detail networking and a need to establish a continuous track on a fast moving hypersonic missile. We're building on that knowledge to advance the missile defense system for future threats," said Tay Fitzgerald, vice president of Strategic Missile Defense. The Missile Defense Agency and industry representatives held a meeting at MDA's Alabama headquarters to discuss potential ways of targeting hypersonic missiles and lay the groundwork for the . The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) plans to launch a new Glide Phase Interceptor(GPI) initiative to advance the hypersonic missile defense program. The draft RFP notes that an intercept flight experiment is currently outside of the scope of the effort. The Missile Defense. MDA leaders recently explained the rationale for this kind of massive R&D focus as something of crucial necessity given the rapid emergency of a large number of new threats. The MDA had planned to award in a contract late 2020 for a Regional Glide Phase Weapon (RPGW) prototype, as the first step towards adding a new interceptor to the Aegis weapon system portfolio focused on defeating hypersonic boost-glide vehicles. The Military Issues & History Forum is a venue to discuss issues relating to the military aspects of the Indian Armed Forces, whether the past, present or future. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them on our Privacy Policy. A Final Request for Prototype Proposal (RPP) for a Regional Glide Phase Weapons System (RGPWS) will no longer be issued by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), according to a 26 January 2021 statement. The classified meeting will begin laying out the basics for what's being called the Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapon System. Kris Osborn, Warrior Maven - Center for Military Modernization The program is intended to complement another defense effort designated the Hypersonic Defense Weapon System (HDWS), which began in September 2018 and refined five concepts in . We are pleased to have these contractors working with us to develop design concepts for the GPI, said Rear Adm. Tom Druggan, MDAs Sea-based Weapon Systems program executive. Missile Defense Agency, "Draft Request for Prototype Proposal: Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapon System," January 30, 2020, p. The RPP will include a Request for White Papers (RWP) and/or a Request for Prototype Proposal (RPP) to the Consortium Management Firm (CMF). Launch-on-remote is something which became possible in recent years through upgrades to ship-integrated Aegis radar systems and networking developments enabling dispersed assets to pass targeting information and other crucial data to shoot off interceptors. MDA intends to issue a Technical Data Library containing threat data, trajectories and other technical data. MDA is calling this approach a glide phase interceptor. The Air Force wants to field its air-launched version in 2022. So when you're in the glide phase -- which is higher up from the terminal, right, where a hypersonic vehicle is likely in its most vulnerable phase -- that's actually a pretty tough environment to be in. by Robin Hughes . MDAs intent with regard to RGPWS was to reduce technology and integration risks with two (2) Progress Reviews and one (1) Gate Review for each Period. The definition of a "prototype project" in the context of an OT was as follows: a prototype project addresses a proof of concept, model, reverse engineering to address obsolescence, pilot, novel application of commercial technologies for defense purposes, agile development activity, creation, design, development, demonstration of technical or operational utility, or combinations of the foregoing. The Pentagon is beginning a new weapon system project to defeat hypersonic glide vehicles, briefing industry next week on what is likely a decades-long project to expand the reach of the Ballistic Missile Defense System to counter these ultra-fast, maneuvering menaces that exploit current seams in U.S. defenses. Dec 1, 2021. The immediate emphasis is through the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) prototype project to demonstrate an interception capability against a medium- or intermediate-range threat. While MDA is focused on the defense against hypersonic threats, the Defense Department is also making headway on the development and testing of offensive hypersonic weapons with a plan to flight test a prototype as early as this spring, rapidly working to keep pace with hypersonic developments of near-peer competitors China and Russia. Presume this is the RGPWS, Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS), an anti-hypersonic glide missile funded by the MDA. On Dec. 5, the Missile Defense . GPI will be integrated into the U.S. Navy's Aegis Weapon System, a ship- and shore-based defense system. The Glide Phase Interceptor is the follow-on program to the MDA's Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) program that began in December of 2019. MDA requests that initial questions or comments regarding the DRPP/SRD be sent to no later than 03 February 2020 @ 0700CST, to support meaningful one-on-one sessions. The initial development phase will focus on reducing technical risk, rapidly developing technology, and demonstrating the ability to intercept a hypersonic threat. We are requesting $207 million for the hypersonic defense program to assess architecture alternatives and develop a regional glide phase weapon system to keep pace with these evolving threats.. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency says that a new hypersonic interceptor under development must be able to be fired from the Navy's Mk 41 vertical launch system, reports Aviation Week & Space Technology. He added that the department could not rely on the technology of today to address the threat of tomorrow. Are their Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapons System current roles increasing or decreasing costs and the interceptor. Without naming a specific country, the Missile Defense Agency outlined the Glide Phase Interceptor's intended application, explaining that "the GPI concept fits into the MDA's missile defense architecture to provide the warfighter and its allies with reliable layered defense against regional hypersonic missile threats from rogue-nations." MDA decided that it will no longer release a. A process, including a business process, may be the subject of a prototype project. According to American media reports, the agency's budget for the 2021 fiscal year allocated to RPGW was $ 127 million, and it was planned to spend $ 272 million on protection against hypersonic weapons. Interestingly, the budget provides for specific funds to better defend Guam in the Pacific. Discover new opportunities in your sector. The Agency that he currently chairs has been trying to implement the GPI (Glide Phase Interceptor) program to improve the American missile defense system for two years already, but in vain. As much as $7.2 billion has been slated for R&D, MDA officials explained. This poses new challenges to our missile defense systems, she said. A common hypersonic glide body (C-HGB) launches from Pacific Missile Range Facility during a Defense Department flight experiment, Kauai, Hawaii, March 19, 2020. The detailed objectives provided are to be used in the development of a CSOW and are segregated into programmatic, acquisition, and technical objectives for the RGPWS effort. The MDA also intends to integrate GPI with an emerging now-in-development high-tech, hypersonic weapons tracking satellite called the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor, HBTSS. We also aim to spotlight various federal government employees and interview key government executives whose impact resonates beyond their agency. Today's U.S. missile defense architecture is designed for legacy ballistic missiles, but may be adapted to counter hypersonic threats. So, you may think you know where its heading, but then suddenly it turns and heads unperturbed to a target 200 km away, he said. These threats can travel at exceptional speeds with unpredictable flight paths. The primary task of RGPWS and now GPI is the interception and defeat of Hypersonic Glide Vehicles (HGV), which are a type of weapons that do not fly a ballistic arc trajectory as regular . On 3 February, however, the agency announced. the request directs industry to submit whitepapers by march 19 to build a hypersonic defense regional glide phase weapons system interceptor, with plans to select at least one prime contractor to build a prototype that would culminate in a flight test, according to the draft rfp issued jan. 30 and posted to, the federal government's GPI will be developed in phases to deliver increasing regional defensive capabilities to the U.S. warfighter over time. Industry Engagement: The following timeline was provided for planning purposes only and may be adjusted: MDA conducted an unclassified general session, followed by a classified general session and Prime Performer one-on-one meetings. SD Qubec is a portal that brings together local & international companies in the Security and Defense industry. - Kris Osborn is the Managing Editor of Warrior Maven and The Defense Editor of The National Interest --. It became clear that the DoD needed a well-constructed, put-together way to address the hypersonic threat, St. Onge noted. Osborn has also worked as an anchor and on-air military specialist at national TV networks. While details of the program were scarce, its name may . Negotiations may result in the award of none, one or multiple awards. Where we were a couple years ago, it was a science and technology focus that the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System -- so when we say weapon system that covered everything from sensors through . The effort was scoped for one Flight Experiment in a non-intercept demonstration of key performance attributes of the interceptor. So the idea is to keep competition in early, given the complexity of the mission. Potential Prime Performers must have a facility clearance with the ability to access classified information, in accordance with DoD 5220.22-M, National Industry Security Program Operating Manual, dated February 28, 2006, and thus companies under foreign ownership, control or influence (FOCI) will be excluded from performing under the prototype project agreement. These will be specifically annotated in the proposed terms and conditions (Attachment 1) accompanying this RPP. This agreement was NOT governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations and the Government strives to provide flexibility in the use of commercial terms and conditions. Collaboration and prototype development under this Prototype OT Agreement will reduce risk through early determination of technology with continuous design improvements and technology refresh rates to maximize the Probability of Kill (Pk) from new technology. The Missile Defense Agency is maturing technologies to succeed in firing an interceptor capable of reaching and destroying a hypersonic weapon during its glide phase, Related File Video Above:B-1B Hypersonic Weapons Bay, *ICYMI A Top Warrior Maven Article of 2021. (Washington, D.C.)Could there truly be a way to track and intercept or destroy enemy hypersonic missiles speeding at more than five times the speed of sound while skipping along the upper boundaries of the earths atmosphere before descending upon targets? On December 5, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency revealed the existence of a new counter-hypersonic weapons program, the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS). Given the speed at which hypersonic missiles travel, it could otherwise be difficult for separate radar apertures or fields of view to pass target tracking flight details from one geographical segment to another, given the pace with which hypersonics can transit from one major area to another. ", In the early 2010s, our government noted that near peer adversaries had started developing hypersonic weapons, explained Tyler St. Onge, Senior Manager for the Launch and Missile Defense Systems division of Northrop Grumman. The Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) supports the hypersonic defense mission to accelerate the required defenses needed against advanced threats. It will provide an additional layer of defence to the US and its allied nations against regional hypersonic missile threats. What Are The Top General Dynamics Government Contracts? The objective of the RGPWS effort was to mitigate the design risks for a future fielded regional glide phase interceptor by demonstrating the interceptor in flight test experiment(s) prior to final product development. The request directs industry to submit whitepapers by March 19 to build a Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapons System interceptor, with plans to select at least one prime contractor to build a prototype that would culminate in a flight test, according to the draft RFP with an updated issue date of Jan. 30 and posted to, the federal governments contact opportunities website. the boost phase, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking to develop a "glide breaker" system to do just that.16 The US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is also looking to develop a broader protective umbrella through a Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapon System. The development supports the US and its allies with a "regional layer of defense against hypersonic missile threats.". MDA's 2021 UFR list includes $224 million for hypersonic defense, principally for the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (Figure 10). The purpose of the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) effort was to reduce interceptor key technology and integration risks, anchor modeling and simulation in areas of large uncertainty, and to increase the interceptor technology readiness levels (TRL) to level 5. }, Page last modified:
Although there is no timeline yet for the defensive system, the offensive hypersonic project has been fast-tracked. However, there are a number non-negotiable terms and conditions that are based on law, process limitations, or other reasons. Hypersonic capabilities require a blend of proven technology with cutting-edge developments in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, guidance, navigation and control, space capabilities, high-speed processing and communications. GPI will intercept hypersonic weapons in the glide phase of flight, which occurs once a missile has re-entered Earth's atmosphere and is manuevering toward its target. The Ultimate Guide to Winning Government Contracts Let us show you how top executives are winning so you can replicate it, Digital News Coverage of Government Contracting and Federal Policy Landscape, hypersonic defense regional glide phase weapon system. The Government will select one or more offerors with the most advantageous solutions for agreement negotiation using a four-step approach: Step I: White Paper Submission; Step II: Oral Presentation; Step III: Negotiations; Step IV: Agreement Award. MDA issues DRPP for new hypersonic defence programme. The RGPWS Scope of Work will consist of a technology development and demonstration prototype experiment, involving the design and development of prototype interceptors that, if supported by necessary fire control and sensors, would be capable of engaging regional-class hypersonic threats during their glide phase of flight. The request directed industry to submit whitepapers by March 19 to build a Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapons System interceptor. Price is the least important factor, according to the draft RFP. We found that we can close the fire control loop with an Aegis ship that has already proven queuing launch-on-remote and engage on remote capability, Hill said. This agreement opportunity was fully opened to offerors capable of producing and meeting the requirements outlined in the RPP and System Requirements Document (SRD). MDA instead shifted focus to nearer-term solutions and, in April 2021, initiated the Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI), which is to be integrated with the Aegis Weapon System and notionally provide a hypersonic missile defense capability by the mid . U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Jon Hill, head of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA), offered the new details on what is formally known as the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) program at the . The agency plans to prioritize technical approach as the most important factor in assessing merits of proposals. In January 2020, the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) had issued a draft request for prototype proposals for a Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapons System interceptor intended to be fielded in the mid-2030s; however, the program was later canceled in favor of a nearer-term solution, the Glide Phase Intercept (GPI). 2371b; Authority of the Department of Defense to Carry Out Certain Prototype Projects. The Missile Defense Agency is pursuing a ship-based interceptor as the "first instantiation" of the Regional Glide Phase Weapon System for defending against hypersonic threats, according to the agency's top official. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) initiated a Hypersonic Defense Regional Glide Phase Weapon System (RGPWS) Prototype Project under the authority of 10 U.S.C. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) awarded Other Transactional (OT) Agreements on 19 November 2021 to Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon Missiles and Defense to complete an accelerated concept design of the Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) for MDAs regional hypersonic missile defense program. As for the growing sophistication of enemy ballistic missiles, Atkinson said enemy systems are becoming more mobile, survivable, reliable and accurate, and can achieve longer ranges. The Regional Glide Phase Weapon Systema concept for an interceptor against a hypersonic glide vehiclewill be initially constrained to a ship launch application with a Mk. While many observers, lawmakers and Pentagon weapons developers may express some measure of disappointment that the Missile Defense Agencies 2022 budget request is slightly lower than last year, there is a massive focus on innovation and new technologies likely to inspire both attention and praise given the current threat environment.
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