PUR is widely applied in films, foams, coatings and adhesives [1,2].When PUR is exposed in the surroundings, the irreversible or non-meltable chemical crosslinking reaction goes through between the NCO of PUR and ambient moisture. "values": [{ { They were cured under atmospheric moisture to get hyperbranched polyurethane-urea coatings and were named as THBPUG-1, THBPUG-2, and THBPUG-3. { }], "Sheen_Gloss": 67, "sequence": "175.00000", }, ZGUzZWZmNmQ2ZWRlYjYwNGIzNWRlY2ZiMDk1ZmQyYjYwMDJmYzY2ODk4YTY0 "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Ultradeep Tint Base", "values": [{ Your Sherwin-Williams account number that you received from your local store rep. "18423": "640330825", "comparable": true, OGM0MmM0ZDYxMDhkMDY3MDlmY2I0MjI3N2I3MTM5NDhlNGVkMDQ2ZmJlNTNl LIQUID NAILS Polyurethane Construction Adhesive (LN-950)
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LiquidNails is a registered trademark of PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. Legal Notices & Privacy Policies | PPG Terms of Use | PPG Architectural Coatings Privacy Policy | CA Transparency in Supply Chain Disclosure, The Facts About Moisture-Curing Adhesives - Home Decorating & Painting Advice, Most adhesives are either latex or solvent-based. Key benefits 40% reduction in project costs, Increased number of refurbishments annually. "facetable": true, "sequence": "510.00000", "Sheen_Gloss": 67, "language": "English", Likewise the corresponding hard phase is born from the di- or polyisocyanates that through water reaction produce a highly crosslinked material with softening temperature well above room temperature. 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