Separate mishaps dogged a SEAL mini-sub and a littoral combat ship. Once the GPS is on of M777 it takes only 10min for Russin army to detect the actual location of M777. The M777 Howitzer is a 155mm artillery piece that has been in service with the US military since 2005. Designed to be light and capable of long-range strikes due to a short barrel and back-sloping breech, the weapon saw service in the Indian and Civil Wars. They found themselves surrounded instead by Ukrainian artillery, which shredded their pontoon bridges, laid waste to tanks and weaponry, and left more than 400 Russian soldiers dead. Ideally, a crew of eight people operates the M777, but in theory, as few as three soldiers can fire it, Abrams said. The material, titanium Ti6AI4V alloy, had to be able to take the stress of cannon fire and recoil without warping or breaking downthe Army and Marine Corps standard calls for an average of 900 rounds fired between anomalies that force a stop in operationsand undergo a 20-year corrosion test, according to the trade publication Azo Materials. However, the north bank of the North Donetsk River is now under the control of the Russian Army, if the artillery is placed on the south bank, it is far from the Russian army on the northern front, but closer to the Russian army on the southern front. And were getting enough of the systems and enough ammo in their hands to be able to make a difference, McDonald, the retired major general, says of the M777. A Coast Guard probe found Capt. Despite being smaller than Russias monster howitzers, the Triple 7 is still imposing. A US Army officer with 20 years of experience commanding infantry units told Coffee or Die Magazine the M777 gave the Ukrainians a vital boost in firepower in a war where artillery was key. Soldiers with Ukraine's 55th Separate Artillery Brigade cleaned and carried out maintenance on the howitzer. Retired Army Major General Mark McDonald, former commander of the Armys Fires Center of Excellence and current president of the U.S. Field Artillery Association, explains how well-trained crews do this: While one howitzer is fired, others should be advancing and moving into position, to keep the enemys head down and avoid becoming a sitting target, he says. But the howitzers shipped from the U.S. to Ukraine did not include those computer-aided systems, says Chris Tavuchis, a retired Marine Corps colonel who commanded the U.S. Marine Artillery Detachment at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, from 2019 to 2021. What followed was a shouting, chaotic ballet of motion. Russian artillery unit destroys Ukrainian army M777 155mm towed howitzers using a drone to collect data position. It should be noted that the United States does not plan to stop the transfer of weapons to Ukraine and soon the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive not only a new nomenclature of weapons systems, but also additional batches of systems previously transferred to the Ukrainian military. An artilleryman carries a howitzer shell to his teams gun during a live-fire exercise. At the beginning of May, the Ukrainian Army began to equip the US-aided M777A2 155mm towed howitzer; When starting to equip the M777, many experts rejoiced, believing that the Ukrainian Army had acquired a real weapon to destroy Russia. Since then, the U.S. has raised that total to 90 of the Marines' M777A2 systems and 200,000 rounds of ammunition, including M982 Excalibur precision-guided munitions. Between 2003 and 2016, according to the authors of the Rand report, training and readiness for Army field artillery atrophied as the service reduced its active field artillery battalions by nearly half, from 96 to 50. M777 Howitzer was sent by the United States, which believes the weapon can change the course of the war. The howitzers have been featured prominently in countless social media photos and videos from Ukrainian land forces and government officials, and they are renowned for their ability to fire quickly and accurately, then relocate before enemy forces can return fire. The design began in the 1980s with concepts from Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering, a British company that was later bought by the U.K. defense giant BAE Systems. The record-shattering evacuation flight launched the Kabul airlift. The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. American M777 howitzers were perceived as a miracle weapon capable of turning the tide of hostilities in Ukraine. BAE said several countries had expressed an interest in buying M777s, production of which is currently being wound down. Ukrainian soldier operates an American M777 . The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. Therefore, the M777 guns that were recently destroyed by Russian counter-attacks, the battlefield of these cannons is less than 10 kilometers from the front line. Whats going on with Americas super artillery? All weapons must prove their vitality through actual combat, possibly the M777 cannon suitable for low-intensity conflicts, or wars against terrorism waged by the US. But Colin Kahl, undersecretary of defense for policy, told reporters it would take about three weeks for Ukrainian soldiers to be trained on the systems. But numbers dont tell the whole story in a fight. Once the GPS is on of M777 it takes only 10min for Russin army to detect the actual location of M777. April 29, 2022 | By David Vergun , DOD News | Shipments of U.S.-made M777 155 mm howitzers continue to arrive in Ukraine, a senior Defense Department official said during a news conference with. This is not only about the range of the shot, where the M777 is ahead of the Soviet the 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, but also about accuracy and ergonomics. The howitzer showcases a longer-ranged 155mm projectile that weighs about 100 pounds - Ukraine's Soviet-era guns usually fire 152mm and 122mm projectiles with a shorter range and less accuracy than the M777. By the time the hefty M198 entered service in 1979, Army leaders already knew they wanted a system light enough to arrive on the battlefield from the air, and they began seeking a way to get that without sacrificing range. A select batch of wine survived a Russian missile strike and became a symbol of Ukrainian resistance. This range is significantly greater. Unlike the cannon, it used a shorter barrel and shot rounds farther, with a higher arc. Thats what this terrain lends itself to, thats what Russian doctrine sort of tends to dominate when theyre in this kind of environment.. The words "from America with love" are seen scrawled across the barrel of a US-made M777 howitzer in a May 14, 2022 video. The operations of the M777 gunner are still mostly manual. Agni-5 Vs Shaheen-3: How does Pakistans longest-Range Nuke-Capable missile fare against Indias Agni-5 ICBM? Since it is cant move independently, the performance of the M777 cannot exceed the performance of wheel or track based howlizer; The first is to occupy the firing range, but the howitzer in a fighting position, artillery equipment, takes direction, get the firing element, load the bullet, and shoot. Distribution and use of this material are governed by Each hammer strike applies roughly 200 tons of pressure. Taking into account the relatively low mobility of the M777 artillery, this allowed the Russians to quickly launch counter-attacks on the positions of Ukrainian artillery. At 9,300 pounds, the cannon weighs 40 percent less than its 150mm predecessor, the Rock Island Arsenaldesigned M198, affectionately known as the hernia maker because of the strain it put on troops maneuvering it on the battlefield. Ukrainian forces love their US-made M777 howitzers; at least, they do if social media is any indication. My guys know the value of artillery, Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhnyi said in the video description. BAE . Find more details on the theme in a publication by Defense Express: Defense Express reported that the Ukrainian warriors are already using American M777A2 howitzers on the battlefield - and they are having their first successes. All Rights Reserved, Hannah Ray Lambert is a former staff writer for. Russian cruise missiles and aircraft have targeted power plants and infrastructure in recent months. Every Nov. 11, businesses offer discounts and freebies to active and former military personnel. The Quest for Mach 2: Can We Go Hypersonic Again? US Army photo by visual information specialist Gertrud Zach. A stack of 155mm shells sat in a wooded area near a base in the Donetsk region of . Military artillery specialists are at notoriously high risk for hearing loss, a hazard exacerbated by the refusal of some to wear hearing protection. The first widely used U.S. Army howitzer, a 12-pound gun called the mountain howitzer, entered service in 1841. This projectile can target everything from tanks and armored vehicles . US Army photo by Sgt. The initial velocity of the projectile is 827 m / s. The howitzer has a maximum firing range of 24.7 km with standard projectiles and 30 km with EFRB (Extended Range Full Bore). The clank and ratchet of metal on metal and the thunk of a round being rammed into the breech all recalled the mechanics of ancient cannon and trebuchet, despite the advanced targeting hardware. In a counter-battery fight, where cannon crews are working to shoot and scootthat is, deliver rounds and then race to a new location before enemy radars locate their position for targetingmobility and speed are king. Almost immediately after their arrival in Ukraine in May, reports of M777 systems destroying Russian targets began emerging on social media. (Picture source Screen Russian MoD Video) In the past artillery units has to use observers deployed on the battlefield to detect targets, but with the use of drones, the detection is increased as well as the precision through the use of onboard GPS systems allowing the detection of . Continue reading your article witha WSJ membership, Already a member? In a brief interview with Associated Press, a Ukrainian artilleryman lieutenant with a call sign "Wasp" praised the M777 towed howitzers provided to Ukraine by the United States. Because it is an anti-tank gun, the MT-12 has a low flight path, and even the artillerys reconnaissance radar cannot detect the ballistics; In the opinion of some independent military analysts, many Ukrainian military leaders have an excessive cult of NATO weapons; they fall into the doctrine of worship of weapons, but forget the old saying: It is people, not weapons, that determine the outcome of the war. The most common M777 shells are high-explosive rounds that have a blast radius of approximately 70 meters. But in an all-out war with high intensity, the opponent is Russia, the M777 howitzer (and many other weapons), which has revealed fatal weaknesses. The M777 howitzer uses a digital fire-control system to provide navigation, pointing and self-location, allowing it to be put into action quickly / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine To understand the difference, it should be noted that in Soviet 152.4 mm projectile, used by enemy artillery, the weight of the explosive varies from 4.8 kg to 6.8 kg. There are many reasons, as mentioned before, how well the M777 howitzer, no matter how well shot, cannot hide the weaknesses of a light trailer cannon. Ukraine's 23S-Akatsiya 152mm self-propelled howitzer has a range of just 10.5 miles. By early May, Ukraines military focus had fully shifted from defending Kyiv and other cities to engaging Russia in the eastern regions of the country, where Russia had amassed much of its army. Photo courtesy of the US Embassy in Kyiv, via Twitter. Russia loses three missile launchers as Ukraine deploys M777 Howitzer to wipe out enemy WATCH! I am glad that a lions share of this feedback is extremely positive. During the two decades that followed those battles, big guns took a back seat as the U.S. shifted focus to counterinsurgency efforts during its protracted war in Afghanistan and ongoing fighting in Iraqi cities. The towed 155mm cannons have already changed the dynamic of the war by providing necessary cover for Ukrainian infantry lines and answering Russian advances, destroying troop bridges, and delivering chaos from above. The heir to that battlefield throne, the M777, owes its enviable power-to-weight ratio to a precision manufacturing process developed over decades. Boston is a former U.S. Army field artillery officer whose research includes an emphasis on Russian ground capabilities. Downloads News M777 is the world's first 155mm Howitzer weighing less than 10000 lbs (4218 kg). The Ukrainians 2A65 Msta-B 152.4mm towed howitzer, by comparison, weighs about 15,000 pounds. Because the M777 is new to Ukraine, US personnel have been training forces on how to use it in Grafenwoehr, Germany, and on other NATO bases. This ultralight quality enables the M777 to be transportable via sling underneath a CH-47 Army Chinook or Marine Corps MV-22 tilt-rotor Osprey, or like cargo inside any of the Air Forces airlift transport planes. Rus claims to have destroyed about a dozen m777 yesterday while being offloaded near some frontal position. Advanced US-built anti-aircraft missiles have arrived in Ukraine, according to a defense official there. This is an advantage cannons have over higher-maintenance rocket launchers: Because you can fire 200, 300 rounds in a day. With such a battlefield situation, the arrangement of the firing range of Ukrainian artillery is only within a range of more than 20 km. For five months, a single Marine battery laid down indirect fire on ISIS positions in and around the city, firing more than 35,000 rounds and blowing out two gun barrels from overuse in the process. Defense Express has received public materials from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which allow to consider the most interesting features of this new artillery system for the Ukrainian army, as well as to hear how Ukrainian artilerymen themselves respond to the new weapon. Pound for pound, as boxers say, this is one of the most fearsome pieces of artillery in modern warfare. That mobility is crucial to allowing Ukrainian forces to fire fast and then pack up and move before Russian troops can return fire and potentially destroy their artillery, the senior Army officer told Coffee or Die. The inquiries come after Ukrainian forces have been using the artillery piece to deadly effect against Russian troops in recent months. The skies free of planes, I watched as the Triple 7 was towed into position on two wheels via a seven-ton military truck; then it was stabilized via its flat titanium spades, which the crew manually buried with rocks and earth to further secure it. But it was the northern front where the main fighting took place. Ukrainians used WW II era 152 mm guns before the U.S. donated the M777s. At the same time, the battlefield situation, which the Ukrainian Army faced in the Sieverodonetsk region, also caused great difficulties for Ukrainian artillery;due to the depth that the Ukrainian Army controls is just over 20km, especially at the T-1302 highway, on the southern line of the Sieverodonetsk region. At the same time, the battlefield situation, which the Ukrainian Army faced in the Sieverodonetsk region, also caused great difficulties for Ukrainian artillery; due to the depth that the Ukrainian Army controls is just over 20km, especially at the T-1302 highway, on the southern line of the Sieverodonetsk region. In particular, Ukrainian artillerymen are very pleased with the American M777 howitzer because it turned out to be much better than Soviet systems. Powerful Russian rocket and cannon barrages devastated cities like Mariupol on the coast of the Azov Sea and pinned down Ukrainian military positions. But theres evidence that the howitzer can deliver with its speed, precision, and agility. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are already actively, and most importantly - effectively, using American 155 mm M777 howitzers in battles against occupiers. According to official information from the US and open sources, only about 10 M-777 in service with the Ukrainian Army are still fighting, while about three dozen other cannons are being repaired and temporarily unusable. Maneuvering quickly through the spring mud, they delivered accurate strikes against Russian targets. And the Ukrainian army, which has reportedly been identifying artillery targets via drone and using camouflage to conceal the weapons from the enemy, seems determined to use them to maximum advantage. In late June, amid heavy artillery fire and intense urban fighting, Russia took the major city of Sievierodonetsk. The M777 can fire as far as 25 miles and is capable of striking within 10 yards of a target when coupled with the M982 Excalibur precision guided munition. According to the news of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the video was released about the destruction of more than 10 M777A2 howitzers, by Russian counter-fire. How did does the damage to to the USS Cole compared to the damage on board the Moskva? Its standard M795 high-explosive shell has a range of 19 miles. Ukrainian military uses howitzers M777, May 2022, Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces The howitzers initially had all-steel barrels but were upgraded with full-bore chrome-plated tubes in the mid-2010s. More seriously, the Ukrainian Army did not dare to place the M777 battlefield too far behind, for example, placing it on the banks of the North Donetsk River, with the aim of being as far away from the front line as possible; in order to limit the ability to counter artillery fire from Russian artillery. It should be noted that the M777 uses a digital fire-control system similar to that found on self-propelled howitzers such as the M109A6 Paladin to provide navigation, pointing and self-location, allowing it to be put into action quickly. MORANA 155/52mm: The new self-propelled artillery system from the Czech Republic, Ukrainian soldiers create a record by hitting Russian Ka-52 combat helicopter at a distance of 8 km using MANPADS, The first image of the sank Russian cruiser Moskva appeared. The M777 is mostly made of titanium and is about 40% lighter and 25% smaller than the Armys previous towed howitzer, the M198, according to the Fires Center, making it faster in and out of action than any Russian towed howitzers. Even without the computer-aided targeting, the M777s have an advantage. The mighty and accurate M777 But it was the northern front where the main fighting took place. Taking into account the relatively low mobility of the M777 artillery, this allowed the Russians to quickly launch counter-attacks on the positions of Ukrainian artillery. By spring, the Ukrainian army had mostly repelled Russia from Kyiv, but that early offensive was followed almost immediately by an offensive in Ukraines flat eastern Donbas region. The M777 packs a 16,000-pound gun into a 40% smaller . UK F-35B VS Israel F-35i: Battle of same aircraft but different variants & performances. More recently, defense officials said Ukrainian forces had moved artillery, including some of the M777s, into Kharkiv to help defend against Russian attacks. Firing a standard M795 projectile, an M777 can shoot up to 30 kilometres away, farther than most of the Russian artillery stationed in Ukraine's east. Soviet deep battle theory, popularized by Soviet Union Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky in the 1930s, emphasized inflicting devastation on the enemy not just on the front lines, but also to the far reaches of the battlefield. The M777 155mm howitzers are now being used by the Ukrainian military in its war with Russia. Seventeen weeks pregnant on the range at Twentynine Palms in 2015, my ears plugged with foamies and my torso securely covered by a flak jacket, I wondered if my unborn daughter sensed the vibrations too. A welded band replaces the swaged rotating band of the M107, allowing the M795 to be fired with M119 or M203 propelling charges, increasing range by 6,000 metres (6.0 km; 3.7 mi). With nearly two decades of time served in war zones worldwide, the M777 is proving the enduring relevance of agile artillery on a modern battlefield. The battle proved the outsize effect a small artillery contingent can have, if its well supplied and skillfully operated. Heavy artillery began to dominate the action as the armies attacked each other from miles apart without ever seeing the enemy. Later in the month, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that M777s had scored five direct hits on the pontoons and took as many as 40 tanks and armored combat vehicles out of action, firing from a distance of about 12 miles. The United States sent to Ukraine 90 weapons of the Howitzer M777 type, a howitzer (a kind of cannon) to fire projectiles. It can fire a wide variety of shells, many of which are guided, over distances between 24km and 40km. With such a battlefield situation, the arrangement of the firing range of Ukrainian artillery is only within a range of more than 20 km. The 200-year-old plant, just north of Albany, New York, has made every Army gun barrel for nearly 50 years. The words from America with love are seen scrawled across the barrel of a US-made M777 howitzer in a May 14, 2022 video. What the M777 brings to Ukraine. While M777s are unlikely to send the Russian army into retreat on their own, theyre delivering a punishing response to invaders with unclear objectives. As Defense Express reported Ukraine's Armed Forces destroyed another russian artillery battery trying to fight like in Syria. The Ukrainians are putting up a heck of a fight. Why did, In your article you state there is no difference between the USAF and State National Guards. At the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms in California, home to one of the few ranges that can safely accommodate the weapon, Marine officers told me they always alerted the local airport whenever they planned to shoot, because rounds flew high enough to disrupt air traffic. Ashley Morris. A 155mm howitzer tube is en route to the rotary forge after leaving an arsenal furnace where it was heated to nearly 2,000F. Meet various types of armour that make Tanks stronger, 10 interesting quick facts about the PHALANX Close-in Weapon System. Before a barrel is deemed combat ready, Watervliet applies a minimum of 900 tons of pressure and then runs hydraulic fatigue tests that simulate firing 1,000 rounds through a barrel in a day. It is among the newest shipments of US arms to arrive in Ukraine as part of the latest round of military aid. Within this 20 km range, the Russian Army has deployed a large number of reconnaissance UAVs guarding 24/7, continuously observing in real time, able to immediately detect Ukrainian artillery positions. Also, for convenience, everything you need to work with M777 is already included in the software of Ukrainian Kropyva artillery control system. U.S. M777 howitzers have arrived in Ukraine and are in use on the front lines providing high-explosive weaponry and heavy artillery systems supplied by Western nations. Here seems another case dont know if related, dharmic aeroplate v2 (@daeroplate_v2) June 21, 2022. The M777 first entered service with the Marine Corps in 2005 and with the Army in 2006, according to the Fires Center experts. The fact that Ukraines M777 artillery units use GPS satellite navigation systems to detect the location of the Russian weapons. The U.S. was using 155mm cannons by World War I with its version of the French-made 1917 Schneider, which boasted a range of seven to 10 milesabout 15 times that of the mountain howitzer. Thats the capability that Ukrainian forces need in order to defend themselves against Russia. The U.S. responded by announcing that it would send 126 M777 howitzers (along with some 200,000 rounds) to Ukraine inside two separate $800 million weapons packages. Its much more lightweight than just about any other howitzer in the world, the Army officer said. Selected by the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army as their next generation Medium Force weapon, designated M777. A cannon crew member hands an M777 howitzer round to another soldier. For example, howitzer guidance is performed simultaneously by two members of the gun team - each on its own axis, and all corrections could be put in a digital fire-control system. It was during the start of this drawdown, in 2005, that the U.S Army first used the M777 in combat, and it would be another decade before the artillery could prove its full value in battle. Were talking thousands of guns and rocket launchers and mortars, Boston says. It also shaved minutes off emplacement and displacement timethe time it takes a gun crew to stabilize a gun for firing and then secure it for transport. The M777 provides indirect firepower capable of . More than 10 M777 Howitzer, which the US aided to Ukraine, were destroyed in just one day; The US quickly removed the GPS navigation device from the M777 artillery that aided Ukraine. The fatal weaknesses of the American M777 howitzer in Ukraine battlefield. As a result, well-trained crews can complete those processes in about three minutes each. But the Excaliburs cost about $70,000 per round, compared to less than $1,000 for a standard HE round. The embattled country also uses long-distance 2A36 Giatsint-B and 2A65 Msta-B field guns used by district-level artillery brigades. June 11, 2022 - by admin@defenceview - Leave a Comment. Photo courtesy of the US Embassy in Kyiv, via Twitter. US soldiers conduct a direct fire exercise with M777 howitzers Nov. 17, 2014, in Germany. The 2S7 has been spotted in both Russian and Ukrainian service on social media, but the massive gun system has several drawbacks. Ukraine's National Guard has destroyed three of Russia's multiple rocket launch systems (MLRS) using M777 howitzers, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Monday.
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