That does not mean that you should race through yellow lights to avoid being rear-ended. If you stop because at the far end of a zebra crossing someone puts their foot on the asphalt, the car behind you will crash into you. Driving a car on a ferry can be a little intimidating at first because usually you have to back in and follow instructions in Greek that will enable you to squeeze your car into a space you never would have thought possible. Once your car rental is complete, your basic drivers license with photo is typically acceptable to Greek police officers should you be asked to provide it. Higher octane fuel - usually at 98 or 99 RON - is available at most gas stations in cities. However, if you plan to remain in-country for more than six months, you will be required to convert your U.S. license to a Greek license to continue to drive legally, and failure to do so can result in steep fines and other penalties. Going Straight : If you are driving straight through the roundabout, enter from the left or right lane. 3) The vehicles, unlike in the . Directions, no matter how precise always include asking someone else, thus increasing the possibility of being given the wrong directions. Move cautiously through the circle and watch other cars waiting to enter for sudden movements or mistakes. violations and radar detection equipment is illegal. the Maybe its a coincidence, but more likely it is a macho thing. The important thing here is to follow all the usual rules - yield to the right, don't change lanes without observing and making sure it's clear, and indicate properly. Alliance. The roads are pretty good and there is very little of the US Interstate-Autobahn kind of highway driving that makes driving boring. photographic proof of To exit the roundabout we signal right and enter the right hand lane an exit before ours. If so please show your appreciation by booking hotels through the travel agencies who contribute to my website when you book. So, before you stop, make sure that drivers following you see that you stop in time! What should we do when arriving at a roundabout? Drivers Ed Online | Learner's Permit | First Time Driver 3. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. European T.(+30) 2661026511 T.(+30) 2661044325. Signal right as you pass the exit before your exit. For visitors to Greece, dial 112, for all sorts of emergencies (similar to 911 in the US). You may see fluctuations of this price, with lows at 1.59+ and highs at 1.69+ euros/ liter. 4) Motorbikes don't obey any lanes or rules and there is usually one or more somewhere nearby. Ctrl & + to enlarge the font size). While they arent technically codified into law, theyre helpful rules of thumb to keep in mind when you get behind the wheel on Greek soil. are forced to walk in streets. It is almost impossible to find a parking spot in downtown Athens. In any case, special attention, patience and respect for other drivers is required. Average price (as of August 2018) is 1.60euros per liter, for 95 RON unleaded. Thats wrong of course and we do not suggest you do the same. take you countries: Some countries services. is still the Swift Rent A Car will actually pick you up and drive you out of Athens and if you ask, they may drive you in too though by then you will probably feel confident enough to do it on your own. in the back seat. Documents you are We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 3) The vehicles, unlike in the UK, who enter one of the very few roundabouts in Greece have the right of way. 18) Gas stations are common but be aware that in many cases they don't accept credit route, need Here is a detailed guide on how to drive around a roundabout in the UAE. to wait Drivers moving through a roundabout should be particularly careful and observe if at the entrances of the junction there are (octagonal) STOP signs or triangles that give priority. In paragraphs 4 and 5 concerning the priority it states: at junctions the priority shall be defined by appropriate signage. Speed limits are indicated in kilometers per hour. Always inform lane changes using our indicators. by the previous renter and not caught by the rental agency. 15) If you plan to do daytrips by car while staying in Athens each night try to find a hotel with parking or ask the hotel where the closest parking garage is. identity, such as a passport. 27) If you are driving on a weekend, particularly on a Sunday afternoon or evening you should assume that everyone on the road except for you, is drunk. 12) The Speed limit in Greece is 100-120 kmph on highways unless otherwise posted and 50 kmph in residential Riding/driving is on the right side of the road. emergency in EU nations, it required to stop and You need to consider where you are going and then pick the correct lane. more at ease A compass is not a bad idea either. At the junctions without such signage the priority belongs to the one who . They are very common throughout the countryside. In real life, filtering is done by all greek motorcyclists no matter what the conditions are and car drivers are used to this, so most often they keep their eyes on their mirrors for motorcycles that are passing by. While they help reduce the speed of vehicles coming to the junction, they provide better traffic flow and eliminate expensive light-signaling systems.But who has priority in a roundabout? Kids under 18 years old are not allowed to drive. Watch out for people parked in unbelievably stupid places like when you come around a mountain bend and someone is relieving himself or taking a picture of his girlfriend while his car is parked halfway in the road. Don't drive through roundabouts like this. Therefore, Article 26, which refers generally to junctions, applies. a Green Card. between the UK and Greece. It is not needed for countries in the EU but Payment is done at the booth, right before you pass the bar. When you see a vehicle put on its hazards lights on, keep a distance and expect anything to happen. Slovakia, have zero tolerance. However, one significant difference with roundabouts in Greece is that traffic already within the circle is expected to yield to vehicles waiting to enter it. Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists. Abs - Airbag - Brake - Child restraints - Dashboard lights - Distance - Driving license - Emotions - Esp - Fuel - Lights - Motorway - Overtaking - Parking - Reversing - Roadmarks - Roundabout - Scanning - Seatbelt - Shifting . Right Lane - pick the right lane . When picking up your rental, check it carefully to ensure that all safety features, including seat belts and airbags, are present and functioning properly. This In Greece, when on a roundabout you are required to stop and give way to traffic entering the roundabout (from the right). Follow the left lane when you exit the roundabout. Enjoyed your writing very much, I think it is helpful to stress on differences between driving in the UK and Greece, it can save lives. nav / gps devices that warn of safety (speed) cameras are 7) Road signs are mostly in Greek and English but that does not mean you will always see them, especially in central Athens. Ask about air-bags too. 01/07/12, see below), Warning When you see a yellow light, brake gradually and check your mirrors! Remember that no matter how outrageous the fine seems you can pay half price by paying it within 5 days. countries and will apply to at least one country you will But on the mainland or the larger islands send a little extra and get a bigger, safer car. More Greek Driving Rules 1) Flashed head lights, long or short means the driver is coming through. Running a red light or ignoring a stop sign is 700 euros. Usually, traffic approaching the roundabout gives way to traffic which is approaching from the right by stopping at a 'Give Way' marking. Unless you plan on doing some adventure riding over remote mountainous areas AND your motorcycles gas tank is small, you need not worry. 01/07/12 motorists in France will have to carry a portable Speaking of passing, drivers on busy roads engage in frequent passing, even in spots like blind curves and hills where visibility is reduced and passing may not be entirely safe. Information believed to be accurate at time If you do not agree, just There is especially a lack of lane discipline at night. phone, dialling 999 should get you through to the local Turning Left : If you are turning left (making the last exit on the roundabout . Unless you are drunk too. To put you
Failure to obtain a Greek license even if you are there temporarily can result in stiff penalties. A motorcycle with a fuel range of 150 kilometers will get you anywhere in Greece. stop and give way to Rental cars are not subject to these restrictions, but drive with extra caution in these areas and watch closely for pedestrians. home from work. A good rule is to not park on the street between the Athens Polytechnic University and the American Embassy on November 17th. In Greece the limit is lowered to But, you must keep in mind that in the unfortunate event of a collision during filtering, insurance companies will not cover you and also a court will most probably justify the driver of the car, no matter the conditions of the collision. Distances on road signs are shown in kilometers. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Regards,
brigade, police and the coast guard (I guess in case you fall into the sea). But that should not be your problem. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The same is also true about amber or yellow lights, almost everyone, as soon as they see a yellow light speed up. In this case the priority is given to the vehicle moving inside the junction. as legitimate but drivers must be able to produce Average price (as of August 2018) is 1.60 euros per liter, for 95 RON unleaded. breathalyser (in France w.e.f. Some roads include a paved shoulder on the right, which is separated by one white line. Do not enter a roundabout from the right lane if you want to turn left. Only indicate left when you're exiting at the next road, and look in all your mirrors before . country you are the countryside remember the advice of George the Famous Taxi Driver: Keep to the right. Permit. When driving on the National Road and in with them is useless and not recommendable. If you love to drive you will love driving in Greece. At the junctions without such signage the priority belongs to the one who comes from the right. However, this means that priority is given to the person who enters the roundabout. you hold a driving licence issued by an EU member state Motorbiking safety guidelines are the same no matter what country you ride in and our best advice is ride as if you are invisible, as if noone sees you and be prepared for the unexpected, always.
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