max = t max = I Ign 2 4.41 = = 32.7 A X d" 0.135 2 op . Checking engineers will review and separately calculate the settings to verify the settings engineers work. All rights reserved. Relay Settings Calculations - Electrical Engineering This technical report refers to the electrical protection of all 132kV switchgear. Generator Over-voltage59G 7 6. min = 0.866 S b 0.866 100000 = = 1.45 A ( X + X T ) 3 230 nTA (0.08 + 0.07) 3 230 1000 ,, d I res. This relay is not sensitive for single line to earth faults as the earth fault current is limited due to the high neutral earthing resistance. %%EOF
87H Unrestrained high-set differential current protection. TV Fuse-failure160G 21.1 Basic Parameter rated secondary current I gn 2 4.41A 21.2 Setting Calculation Blocking current I set = 1.2 I gn 2 = 1.2 4.41 = 5.3( A). endstream
Generator Differential Protection87G 3 2. Stator Earth Fault 100%64G2 ..17 16. External three-phase short-circuit the maximum short-circuit current: The max unbalanced current of differential protection when the generator is, Put the condition of the differential protection wont error operate under the max. The relation mode between the generator short time withstanding negative-sequence over-current multiple and allowed duration time is t= I 22* A I 22 Thereinis the per-unit I 2 value of generator negative-sequence current is the per-unit value of generator long term allowed negative-sequence current A is the time constant of withstanding negative-sequence current ability of rotor surface Reverse time specified startup current The reverse time specified startup current I op . 05 ) 1 . Ventilating air (cu.m/min.) i = 3% I gn 2 = 3% 4.41 = 0.13 A. u = 1%U gn 2 = 1% 110 / 3 = 0.63V. 3660 0 obj
Generator Stator Overload49G ..9 8. . It is accompanied by unit transformers, auxiliary transformers and a bus system. Reverse Power Protection32G; Low Forward Power Protection37G 6.1 Basic parameter Generator rated power Pn 135WM Generator rated secondary power Pn 2 672.6W 6.2 Setting Calculation 1Min operation power Pop = K rel P1 + P2 ) = 0.5 (3% + 1 98 .6%) 672 .6 = 14 .8W Suggest to select Pop = 10W Therein K rel is the reliable coefficientselect 0.5~0.8 P1 is the min loss when steam turbine is in reverse power operationgenerally select 2~4 of the rated power P2 is the min loss when steam turbine is in reverse power operationgenerally select (1 - )P gn Pgn is the rated capacity of generator. F AU LT C UR RE NT CA LCU LA TI O NS , R, Generator relay protection setting calculation instruction Instruction: This setting calculation instruction is only for reference, protection device running setting is confirmed by user. no longer supports Internet Explorer. 19.1 Basic parameter Generator neutral CT ratio 8000/5=1600 Generator terminal CT ratio 13.8/0.11=125.4 19.2 Setting calculation 1Reduced generatortransformer to the named unit (ohm)value with the generator side voltage is 13.8kV. ' XJ Electricity Co., Ltd 2010.11 Catalog 1. 3611 0 obj
Adding the optional neutral voltage connection to the SEL-700G provides 100 percent stator ground . These settings may be re-evaluated during the commissioning, according to actual and measured values. K rel is the reliable coefficient K rel = 1.3 ~ 1.5 f i( n ) is the transformer ratio error of the current transformer under rated current. 100% found this document useful (8 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Generator Relay Protection Setting Calculation For Later. Search for jobs related to Generator protection relay setting calculation or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. Stator Earth Fault 100%64G1 ..16 15. Our experience in the development of relay settings includes the following: Breaker control breaker failure, sync check and reclosing. TETCO GADARIF STRATEGIC DEPOT PROJECT Otherwise, the field could not be used. Generator Pole Slipping78G . 11 10. 242491924 Generator Protection Calculations Settings (1), 60% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 40% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save 242491924 Generator Protection Calculations Settin For Later, when it is desired to provide the phase voltage-based, elements (27, 59, 24 functions) with phase-to-phase voltages, They will not operate for neutral shifts that can occur during, stator ground faults on high impedance grounded generators, The oscillograph in the relays will record line-ground voltage, to provide stator ground fault phase identification, Use of L-L Quantities for Phase Voltage-based elements. 2Time delay Reverse Power Protection32G t1 = 5s (32G ) t 2 = 60s(32G ) Low Forward Power Protection37G t = 1s (37G ) 3Output model Reverse Power Protection32G: Time delay t1 : Alarm Time delay t 2 : Trip All CBs Low Forward Power Protection37G: Trip All CBs 7. Stator Earth Fault 100%64G1 14.1 Basic parameter 13.8 / 0.3kV Neutral earthing transformer ratio Neutral earthing transformer secondary resistance ( Rn ) 1.3 Neutral earthing transformer primary resistance ( RN ) 2750.8 Neutral earthing transformer secondary CT ratio( nTA 0 ) 100 / 1 Generator 3 relative capacitance ( 3C0 ) 1.392F Generator capacitive reactance ( X C 0 ) 6860 14.2 Setting calculation 1) earthing resistance The setting of earthing resistance low set value should be set by the principle of one point earthing in the distance within 20% of generator neutral, the earthing fault point current 3I0 safe earthing current Is(1A). Generator 95% Voltage Check59GB 18.1 Basic parameter rated secondary voltage U gn 2 110V 18.2 Setting Calculation 1Operation voltage U op = 0.95U gn 2 = 0.95 110 = 104V 2output model: Alarm 19. Relay setting Calculation Base MVA=100 Fault MVA=1200 Source impedance=0.083 Cable impedance=.015*4=0.06 ohm Transformer Principle ,the low setting value zero-sequence voltage should be set by the max unbalance fundamental wave zero-sequence voltage of neutral single phase voltage transformer when normal operation or three phase voltage transformer open triangle winding at generator side. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 10 8.2 Setting calculation 1Time specified overload The negative-sequence time specified over-load should be set on the condition of under the generator long term allowed negative-sequence current I 2 can reliable return I op = K rel Therein I 2 Ign 2 Kr = 1.05 0.08 4.41 = 0.39 A 0.95 K rel is the reliable coefficient select 1.05 K r is the return coefficient select 0.850.95 I 2 is the per-unit value of generator long term allowed negative-sequence current Time specified overload time delay: t = 5s 2Reverse time specified overload The reverse time specified negative-sequence over-load was confirmed by the allowed negative-sequence over-current ability of the generator rotor surface. , Relay setting Calculation Base MVA=100 Fault MVA=1200 Source impedance=0.083 Cable impedance=.015*4=0.06 ohm Transformer, GENERATOR ROOM VENTILATION CALCULATION Generator capacity General setting guidelines are not possible. Generator X d = 0.237 13800 = 0.267( ) 3 7060 Main transformer X t = X k System X s = 7.8 (220 13.8)2 U gn Sn 2 13.8 2 = 0.125 = 0.132( ) 180 = 0.031( ) X st setting of system relation impedance X st = X t + X s = 0.132 + 0.031 = 0.163( ) ' 2Reduce X d X t & X st to the secondary side value of generator side TVTA. Xd ' 2 ' = Xd Xt2 = Xt nTA 1600 = 0.267 = 3 .4 ( ) 125.4 nTV nTA 1600 = 0.132 = 1.68() 125.4 nTV X st 2 = X st nTA 1600 = 0.163 = 2.08() 125.4 nTV 3Setting lens principal axis obliquity Select system impedance angle : z = 85 0 4Setting of operation power angle set R1. Stator Earth Fault 95%64G3 .17 17. Generator Under-voltage27G 13.1 Basic parameter Generator terminal PT ratio 13.8 3 0.11 0.11 3 3 13.2 Setting calculation U set = 0.6U n = 66V Time delay: 0.5s 13.3 Output model: Alarm 14. 2) Fault branch negative-sequence direction elements. Back Up Impedance21G Based on actual engineering experience, this protection is valueless ,we suggest dont use it. 10. 3Reverse time specified startup current Reverse time specified startup current I op . 5 0 . Calculation of IDMT Over Current Relay Settings (50/51/50N/51N) Calculation model for thermal relay Siemens 7SJ6 Motor Protection Relay Selection Curves Over-current protection - INVERSE TIME O/C PROTECTION CALC - 51 (N) - Directional OC Filter Design Calculation uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. max = t min = Ign 2 4.41 = = 8.38 A X + X G 2 + 2 X t 0.135 + 0.141 + 2 0.125 " d A 10 = = 2.76s 2 I I 2 8.38 2 2 0.08 4.41 2 2* 3Output model Time specified overload: Alarm Reverse time specified overload: Programming Trip 9. Generator protection distance, volts per hertz, under/over voltage, reverse power, loss of excitation, phase overcurrent, negative sequence overcurrent, stator ground, out of step and differential. The modeling of protection relays is required to determine the effects of network parameters and configurations on the operation of these relays. Generator Stator Overload49G 7.1 Basic parameter Rated secondary current I gn 2 4.41A allowed heat time constant of stator winding K 37.5 7.2 Setting calculation 1Time specified overload Stator winding time specified over-load can be set by the condition of the long term allowed loading current can reliable return. The generator relay details are: Beckwith Electric Company M3425A Model Number = M3425A#8736 Frequency = 60Hz Output Contacts = 23 Input Contacts = 14 Aux = 125VDC Comprehensive Generator Protection Connect the SEL-700G across small, medium, or large generators for complete primary and backup protection. The ratio brake coefficient S is S= I op.max I op.0 I (3) max I res.0 = 4.9 1.324 = 0.12 32.69 3.53 Suggest to selectS=0.3 4Sensitivity check Sensitivity check principle : Generator terminal side of two-phase metallic short-circuit occurs when generator is parallel off: I k . [emailprotected] 0
P O W ER E N G I N EE R IN G T R A I N I N G C O URSE ON min generally be set by the operation current in correspondent with specified delay lower limit I op . 50/27 Inadvertent Energizing The current can be calculated as follows: I = ES/(X2 + XT1 + X1SYS) = 100/(16.4 + 10 + 6.25) = 3.06 pu The relay secondary current : = 16004/RC = 16004/1600 = 10 A Set the overcurrent pickup at 50% of this value = 5 A For situations when lines out of the plant are removed . To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. U is the error caused due to the regulation of transformer tapping (relative to the percent of the rated voltage). Generator loss of excitation protection, 13, .14, ..15, 16, ..16, ..17, .17, .18, ..18, 18, ..19, Setting by the max unbalanced current under the condition of avoid the normal. Other methodologies and techniques may be applied to calculate relay settings based on specific applications. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. min = 0.9U n 0.9 13800 COS = 0.8 = 0.71() 3 1.15I n 3 1.15 7060 1.54 RL. Protection selectivity is partly considered in this report and could be also re-evaluated. Search for jobs related to Generator protection philosophy and relay settings calculations or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. min should be set by the condition of matched with time specified over-load protection I op . The protections of generator are the most complex and elaborate due to the following reasons: Generator is a large machine, connected to bus-bars. Stator Earth Fault 95%64G3 16.1 Setting calculation The fundamental wave zero-sequence voltage has two sections protection including high value and low set value. H H V D %PDF-1.6
Generator Protection Setting Calculations AIR TEMPERATURE ( C)13.813.813.8RATED VOLTAGE (kV) 6.4856.2765.230STATOR CURRENT (kA) 0.85 / 600.85 / 600.85 / 60POWER FACTOR / FREQUENCY (HZ) 131.7127.5106.2ACTIVE POWER (MW) 155.0150.0125.0APPARENT POWER (MVA) CURVE B @ 10.0 C CURVE A @ 15.0 C RATED @ 40.0 C DESCRIPTIONS By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. hbbd```b``""@$i0DIF 6w4Ru[ Back Up Impedance21G18 20. D. GENERATOR LOW FORWARD POWER PROTECTION (37G [GR2]) The setting of the forward power protection depends strongly on the intended purpose. 674 = 0 . The generator protection system design takes into account the types of faults and abnormal operating conditions that could be present at the generating plant and provide means for detecting and acting upon these conditions. & # x27 ; s free to sign up and bid on jobs 5Output model: Trip CBs. Incomplete matching of transformer ratios of TA and TAA, m takes generator protection relay setting calculation in general 16. > Genertor protection Functions and Test Methods < /a > generator protection relay for generator and units. Power Protection37G.8 7 is used and the 59P operates, the 27-3N protection is enabled Fault95G 6! The commissioning, according to actual and measured values could be also.. 0.8 = 0.71 ( ) 3 1.15I n 3 1.15 7060 1.54 RL min 28.3 = = 32.7 X! From generator protection relay setting calculation.7 5 caused due to the Suggest to select: U op of motor from manufacture relative the! 1.15 7060 1.54 RL auxiliary transformers and a bus system and TAA, m takes in. Unbalanced zero-sequence voltage under the condition of main transformer HV side two phase metal short circuit I.. 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