He spent the whole day at 10 Downing Street, first in private talks with Eden, during which he advised that to call off the operation at this late stage would lead to "dreadful consequences". [130], Throughout November and into early December Lloyd, like Butler who was acting Prime Minister from 22 November (with Eden away in Jamaica), was strongly attacked in the House of Commons both by Labour as a scapegoat for the original invasion and by Conservative backbenchers for the enforced withdrawal. The House became so rowdy that it had to be suspended for the first time since 1924. Marriage registered in the Wirral Registration District in the first quarter of 1951. Orders over $90 qualify for Free Shipping within the U.S. (Use coupon code: FREESHIP). Das offizielle Grndungsdatum des ersten Colleges, Peterhouse, war 1284. [228], Lloyd married his secretary Elizabeth Marshall, known as Bae, daughter of Roland Marshall of West Kirby, a family friend. 2237, 229]. [11] He became President of the Cambridge University Liberal Club. The press were told that Lloyd had a cold so that he could go to Paris in secret to meet the Israelis. [203], Lloyd became a popular figure with Conservative Party members after travelling the country in the bitter winter of 1962-3 (the worst since 1946-7) to write his report on party organisation. [140] Although Lloyd was not particularly interested in the job, Macmillan tried to encourage him to think of himself as a potential Prime Minister, as a rival to Butler. Born and raised in Cheshire, he was an active Liberal as a young man in the 1920s. [5] In public he was "a stiff-necked, prickly, rather off-putting figure"[226] and even in private, after his dismissal from the Exchequer "he had a ruffled, sad look as though bad news had only just reached him. 18 out of the 22 nations looked likely to agree. Eden recalled Lloyd from New York after Nutting had suggested that no decision could be taken without the Foreign Secretary. [136], Macmillan retained Lloyd as Foreign Secretary, declaring that "one head on a charger is enough" (i.e. [197], Macmillan planned to break the news of his impending dismissal to Lloyd, but Butler leaked it to the press first the news appeared in the "Daily Mail" on the morning of 12 July. As was customary for former Speakers, he was made a Viscount, taking the title Viscount Dunrossil, of Vallaquie in the Isle of North Uist and County of Inverness. [3]:383 On 7 July 150 supporters of Rockingham met at Fitzwilliam's house and decided to withdraw support for Lord Shelburne's administration. [187], Many industrialists also felt that Britain's economic problems, especially her balance of payments deficit, should be solved by expansion, not by contraction, a view shared by Labour Leader Hugh Gaitskell, and by Roy Jenkins, who in the budget debate quoted the "Financial Times" to the effect that the budget had done nothing for exports or for investment. The Osborne baronetcy, of Kiveton in the County of York, was created in the Baronetage of England on 13 July 1620. [112] At Cabinet on the morning of 30 October Lloyd reported that the USA was ready to move a motion at the UN condemning Israel as an aggressor, and proposed a delay in order to bring the Americans on board. [5][239] Charles Williams writes that Lloyd "had a dubious private life" and that his "private life was the subject of much gossip" but offers no further details. He was a long-serving cabinet minister before serving as Speaker of the House of Commons from 1951 to 1959. [95], Lloyd lunched on 18 October with Monckton, who was also a doubter but had not opposed the decision to use force. He later became critical of the Conservative Government's clampdown on trade unions, e.g. [19], Lloyd finally graduated with a third-class in Part II of the Law Tripos in June 1928. [91], Lloyd continued to press his doubts, but to no avail. Rockingham did this without parental consent and Cumberland wrote to Rockingham's father, saying that his "zeal on this occasion shows the same principles fix't that you yourself have given such strong proofs of". Eden told that Cabinet that, based on what Lloyd said, and contrary to Eden's comments of 18 October, an Israeli attack on Egypt now seemed less likely. [223] Nutting accused Lloyd not of lying but of not telling the whole truth to the House of Commons. Browse Artists Alphabetically Artist Names Beginning Complete List A-Z : Maria A'Becket - American Painter Hans von Aachen - German Painter Alvar Aalto - Finnish Architect Magdalena Abakanowicz - Polish Sculptor Masseot Abaquesne - French Potter Riza-i Abbasi - Persian Painter Louise Abbema - French Painter Edwin Austin Abbey - American Illustrator/Muralist Berenice The Osborne baronetcy, of Kiveton in the County of York, was created in the Baronetage of England on 13 July 1620. [15], Rockingham's second term was short-lived, for Lord Rockingham died fourteen weeks later at the beginning of July from an influenza epidemic. He also proposed setting up a National Economic Development Organisation (NEDO), whose chair would be drawn from outside the civil service, to advise NEDC. [205] Macmillan later compared Lloyd to Augustine Birrell for his links to the nonconformist vote of North West England. History of silver hallmarks. Afterwards Lloyd reported on the summit to Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer. Morrison had a long ministerial career under four Prime Ministers (Ramsay MacDonald, Stanley Baldwin, Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill). Die University of Cambridge (deutsch Universitt Cambridge) im Vereinigten Knigreich wurde im Jahr 1209 gegrndet. These attributes would tend have been depicted through various shield designs, colour(s) and symbols, known as charges, Queens' College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge.Queens' is one of the oldest colleges of the university, founded in 1448 by Margaret of Anjou.The college spans the river Cam, colloquially referred to as the "light side" and the "dark side", with the Mathematical Bridge connecting the two.. That's because it took 140 years for someone to notice that in the artwork, a bunch of people are gathered in a cluster to gaze at nothing. [32] Between June and August 1943 Lloyd was sent on a fact-finding trip to Algiers, Malta and Sicily, to examine German beach defences and to learn lessons from the recent Operation Torch and Operation Husky landings, and on his return had to make presentations to senior officers. [3]:3 The march of the Jacobite army into northern England caused the Wentworth household to flee to Doncaster and Rockingham rode from Wentworth to Carlisle to join the Duke of Cumberland in pursuit of the "Young Pretender". [143] Whilst in Bermuda Macmillan, after consultation with Lloyd, agreed to release Archbishop Makarios, who had been exiled to the Seychelles in March 1956, after being advised that this might calm EOKA down. [85], Pineau was less cooperative and left New York on 13 October. He regarded it as a lawyerishly careful statement[116] although it has been portrayed by some writers as an outright lie to the House of Commons. He also served as a minister under Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill, including as Minister of Food (19391940), Postmaster General (19401943), and Minister of Town and Country Planning (19431945). He was then appointed as the 14th Governor-General of Australia, in office from 1960 until his death in 1961. Princess Alexandra was attended by eight bridesmaids Diana Beauclerk, Victoria Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Victoria Howard, Elma Bruce, Agneta Yorke, Emily Villiers, Eleanor Hare and Feodorowna Wellesley.She was supported by her father, Prince Christian, and by The Duke of Cambridge.The Prince of Wales was supported by his uncle, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and [62] It had been undermined by President Eisenhower's press conference on 4 September, opposing the use of force. Jupp, Peter. Grenville's influence was at the maximum during the formation of the Second Coalition. Gandon was responsible for three of Dublin's finest buildings, the Custom House, the Four Courts and the King's Inns. Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, PC (30 May 1757 15 February 1844) was an English Tory statesman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1801 to 1804.. Addington is best known for obtaining the Treaty of Amiens in 1802, an unfavourable peace with Napoleonic France which marked the end of the Second Coalition during the French [6][incomplete short citation], Dropmore House was built in the 1790s for Lord Grenville. By early September the "Musketeer" Plan, which the British military had secretly been drawing up to seize Alexandria, had been replaced by "Musketeer Revise" to seize Port Said at the mouth of the Canal. is a county in the East of England, bordering Lincolnshire to the north, Norfolk to the north-east, Suffolk to the east, Essex and Hertfordshire to the south, and Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire to the west. They returned via Ottawa (where Alexander had recently been Governor-General) and Washington, where they visited President Truman. Fitzwilliam Darcy Esquire, generally referred to as Mr. Darcy, is one of the two central characters in Jane Austen's 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice.He is an archetype of the aloof romantic hero, and a romantic interest of Elizabeth Bennet, the novel's protagonist.The story's narration is almost exclusively from Elizabeth's perspective; the reader is given a one-sided view of Darcy for much "[201], Having refused the offer of a peerage from Macmillan, on 20 July 1962 Lloyd was appointed a Companion of Honour. He told him that sacking him had been a mistake and that he was looking for a way to bring him back. Lloyd gave a dissenting voice on the Beveridge Broadcasting Committee,[52] and was sometimes known as "The Father of Commercial Television" after his minority report of 1949 helped inspire the setting-up of ITV in 1955. The first section is characterized by the Eighty Years' Types of hobby horse. He became the patron of many Whigs, known as the Rockingham Whigs, and served as a leading Whig grandee. In our gift store you will find hundreds of unique products bearing any coat of arms / family crest. Newnham College is a women's constituent college of the University of Cambridge.. [132], When Eden resigned in January 1957, Lord Salisbury interviewed the Cabinet one by one, asking each whether he preferred Butler (believed to be the favourite by most outsiders) or Macmillan (the overwhelming choice of the Cabinet) for the succession. I have never listened to one.' Susan Longueville, 13th Baroness Grey de Ruthyn, The Hon. [3]:20 In 1755 the King appointed him to the honorary office of Vice Admiral of the North. Bloy, Marjorie (1986) Rockingham and Yorkshire: The political, economic and social role of Charles Watson-Wentworth, the second Marquis of Rockingham. [114] At the 4.30pm Cabinet, records for which were closed until 2007, Lloyd was concerned about the effect on Britain's Arab client states of being seen to be too closely linked to Israel. [48], When the Conservatives returned to power under Churchill in 1951, Lloyd served under Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs from 1951 to 1954. The news of Nutting's resignation came through at 6.30pm while Lloyd was attending a sherry party at 10 Downing Street ahead of the State Opening of Parliament. General Moshe Dayan (Israeli Chief of Staff), Shimon Peres and Mordechai Bar-On were also part of the Israeli delegation. [3]:45. [3]:11 Rockingham's uncle William Murray, the Solicitor-General, believed him to be poorly educated so he employed Quarme as Rockingham's tutor again. [7], Lord Grenville married Anne, daughter of Thomas Pitt, 1st Baron Camelford, in 1792. [47], Lloyd was elected to the House of Commons to represent Wirral in the 1945 general election by a majority of 16,625. [146], Lloyd again offered his resignation after a poor performance in the two-day Foreign Affairs debate in February 1958, but Macmillan refused to accept it as he had recently had his entire Treasury team (Peter Thorneycroft, Nigel Birch and Enoch Powell) resign. It was Edward I (1272-1307) who first passed a statute requiring all silver to be of sterling standard a purity of 925 parts per thousand ushering in a testing or assay system that has survived for over 700 years. The division was part of XII Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Andrew Thorne, but he was replaced in April 1941 by Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomery, who soon noted Lloyd as a promising officer. Charles Mosley, Burke's Peerage Ltd, 2003, p. 3868, Secretary of State for the Home Department, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, Member of the Privy Council of Great Britain, "GRENVILLE, William Wyndham (1759-1834), of Dropmore Lodge, Bucks", Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, "William Wyndham Greenville, Lord Grenville", More about William Wyndam Grenville, Lord Grenville, Speaker of the House of Commons of Great Britain, Leaders of the Opposition of the United Kingdom, Foreign Secretaries of the United Kingdom, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Grenville,_1st_Baron_Grenville&oldid=1119902786, 19th-century prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Peers of Great Britain created by George III, British Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs, Children of prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Members of the Parliament of Great Britain for English constituencies, Members of the Privy Council of Great Britain, Government ministers educated at Eton College, Secretaries of State for the Home Department, Speakers of the House of Commons of Great Britain, Commissioners of the Treasury for Ireland, Whig prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the ODNB, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with incomplete citations from May 2021, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from EB9, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [154] Lloyd accompanied Macmillan to Moscow in FebruaryMarch 1959. Military tactic. In the years after the fall of the ministry, Grenville continued in opposition by maintaining his alliance with Lord Grey and the Whigs, criticising the Peninsular War and, with Grey, refusing to join Lord Liverpool's government in 1812. Overbury soon became [90], He became an honorary fellow of his old college, Magdalene. He also had private talks with Churchill that summer to seek his advice. He was less fortunate in the timing [Foreign Secretary during Suez then Chancellor at a time of relative economic decline] there is no evidence that he understood economic arguments he was a man tied to his brief, lacking the conviction or understanding to make an independent contribution". Rockingham wished for repeal of the Stamp Act 1765 and won a Commons vote on the repeal resolution by 275 to 167 in 1766. He returned to office under Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home as Leader of the House of Commons (196364), and was elected Speaker of the House of Commons from 1971 until his retirement in 1976. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; [90] On 3 December Lloyd made a statement announcing British withdrawal to a very hostile House, followed by an angry scene, then Butler made a similar announcement, leading many Conservative MPs feeling that Butler should have made the statement himself. is a county in the East of England, bordering Lincolnshire to the north, Norfolk to the north-east, Suffolk to the east, Essex and Hertfordshire to the south, and Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire to the west. Alberta is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. [237], Edmund Dell describes Lloyd as "not up to the job" of chancellor. S. Lloyd, 'Suez 1956: A Personal Account', p. 33. Scottish arms", contributions in Parliament by the Viscount Dunrossil, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Morrison,_1st_Viscount_Dunrossil&oldid=1117734246, Agriculture ministers of the United Kingdom, Conservative Party (UK) MPs for English constituencies, Knights Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, Members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, Ministers in the Chamberlain peacetime government, 19371939, Ministers in the Chamberlain wartime government, 19391940, Ministers in the Churchill caretaker government, 1945, Ministers in the Churchill wartime government, 19401945, People educated at George Watson's College, Speakers of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Viscounts in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Pages containing London Gazette template with parameter supp set to y, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 October 2022, at 08:39. Dunrossil took office on 2 February 1960. The college has various distinguished or interesting alumni including The Parliament of Ireland (Irish: Parlaimint na hireann) was the legislature of the Lordship of Ireland, and later the Kingdom of Ireland, from 1297 until 1800.It was modelled on the Parliament of England and from 1537 comprised two chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.The Lords were members of the Irish peerage (lords temporal) and bishops (lords [73] Lloyd helped to negotiate a formula for a new convention, in which Egypt would receive increased canal revenues and would have a place on the board of a new operating company. He wanted the lands cultivated by people "employed in husbandry & handicrafts" who repudiated "plunder, rapine & rebellion". [4], Lloyd was promoted to Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in February 1945[39] and was promoted to acting brigadier on 8 March 1945. The Marquess of Rockingham, FRS (17511761), The Most Hon. Traditional family crests stemmed from heraldic arms, also known as coat of arms or armorial bearings. Betty Boothroyd, Baroness Boothroyd OM PC (born 8 October 1929) is a British politician who served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for West Bromwich and West Bromwich West from 1973 to 2000. [48][56] Lloyd visited Cairo in March 1953, where he met the new Egyptian leader General Neguib, and his right-hand man Colonel Nasser. Es handelt sich um eine der angesehensten und [5], The actor Anthony Booth (in his 1989 book Stroll On) claimed that he had been accosted on the Mall by a clearly drunk Selwyn Lloyd, who made a pass at him under the pretext of asking for a light for his cigarette, a recognised courtship ritual among gay men at the time, inviting him back to Admiralty House (which was Lloyd's official residence in 1963-4). [193] At the by election the Conservative share of the vote dropped from 48.1% in 1959 to 24.2%. The animal in her arms twists in a similar manner, resulting in considerable contrapposto with the lady, a technique Leonardo explored earlier with the angel It had one significant achievement, however, in the abolition of the slave trade in 1807.[4]. [89] In Paris Eden and Lloyd had talks with their French counterparts Prime Minister Guy Mollet and Foreign Minister Christian Pineau. [4] He was commissioned as a regular second lieutenant on 27 June 1939,[26] and by August, with war seeming ever more likely, he was an acting captain and acting brigade major to Brigadier Cherry, CRA (Commander, Royal Artillery) of the 55th (West Lancashire) Infantry Division, a first-line Territorial Army formation. These honours came about due to the patronage of Henry Pelham. Right click on your mouse to save your new family crest. [192], Macmillan was pushing for a full-on incomes policy, led by the NEDC, in the hope that his growth policy would not lead to inflation. Privacy policy, Enter your family name & motto. [2] His father, John Wesley Lloyd (18651954), was a dental surgeon and Methodist lay preacher of Welsh descent; his mother, Mary Rachel Warhurst (18721959), was distantly related to Field Marshal Sir John French. [37], In October 1944, although not yet a member of the Conservative Party, he accepted an invitation to apply for the Conservative candidacy for the Wirral, where the sitting MP was retiring. [191], Macmillan, disingenuously, as he had already decided to sack him, wrote to Lloyd on 11 April congratulating him and asking him to begin preparing an expansionary budget for 1963 to help the Conservatives win re-election. [98], Lloyd, accompanied by his Private Secretary Donald Logan, then went to Sevres, just outside Paris, on 22 October. "He was proud of the things he was patronised for" (being called "the Little Attorney" by Macmillan, or "Mr Hoylake UDC" by Bernard Levin). [3]:8 When in Herrenhausen, Hanover Rockingham met George II and made an impression: the King told Rockingham's uncle Henry Finch that he had never seen a finer or a more promising youth. Hall is a surname of Scottish and Irish origin. Browse Artists Alphabetically Artist Names Beginning Complete List A-Z : Maria A'Becket - American Painter Hans von Aachen - German Painter Alvar Aalto - Finnish Architect Magdalena Abakanowicz - Polish Sculptor Masseot Abaquesne - French Potter Riza-i Abbasi - Persian Painter Louise Abbema - French Painter Edwin Austin Abbey - American Illustrator/Muralist Berenice [3]:385. Lloyd helped to negotiate the treaty (12 February 1953) which gave Sudan (in theory jointly administered by Britain and Egypt) self-government for three years as a stepping-stone to a decision on full independence. In 1960 Britain suffered the worst balance of payments crisis since 1950, masked a little by the inflow of foreign money into London. The painting was executed in oils on a somewhat small, 54 39 cm (21 15 in) walnut wood panel. [107] The Plan for an Anglo-French invasion was revealed to the Cabinet. [69] It was decided that Nasser's action should be opposed on the grounds that the Canal was an international trust (he was entitled to nationalise the Canal Company, provided compensation was paid to shareholders) and that Britain, if necessary acting alone, should use force as a last resort. At 4pm Eden and Lloyd flew to Paris. [5] Given his health, it surprised many when it was announced shortly thereafter that he had been chosen to succeed Sir William Slim as Governor-General of Australia. [139] Lloyd was allowed to use Chequers, normally the Prime Minister's country residence, although Macmillan did not formally renounce the use of the place as by law he would not have been allowed to claim it back in the space of that Parliament (Macmillan had a country home of his own, Birch Grove, and so had no need of the place). Robert Kerr was born in Wrington, Somerset, England, the younger son of Sir Thomas Kerr (Carr) of Ferniehurst, Scotland, by his second wife, Janet Scott, sister of Walter Scott of Buccleuch. [8] Lloyd played rugby and was disappointed not to get a Blue. [67], Dulles withdrew US financial help for the building of the Aswan High Dam on 19 July, in retaliation for Colonel Nasser's recognition of Mao's regime in China. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; [90] Lloyd asked John Profumo whether he had had an affair with Christine Keeler, and passed on his denial to Macmillan, adding his own opinion that he did not see how "Jack" could have had the time. [5][6], In October 1923 he went up, as a scholar, to Magdalene College, Cambridge, where A. C. Benson was Master. G. Thomas, earl of Albemarle [G. T. Keppel]. [3]:3 Rockingham wrote to his father that Cumberland "blamed me for my disobedience, yet as I came with a design of saving my King and countryit greatly palliated my offence". The Cabinet approved, but then moved on to Eden's disingenuous warnings that negotiations might be overtaken by hostilities between Israel and Egypt. [74] The conference opened at 11am on 16 August, and Lloyd was elected chairman. [4], Like many young politicians, in 19301931 Lloyd was sympathetic to Oswald Mosley's New Party and was disappointed that it made so little headway. [2] He became Leader of the House of Lords when he was raised to the peerage the next year as Baron Grenville, of Wotton under Bernewood in the County of Buckingham.[3]. [90], Lloyd left his black Labrador, "Sambo", for whom there was no room in his London flat, behind at Chequers, where he had been living since his divorce. [200] Nigel Birch, who had resigned along with Chancellor Thorneycroft in 1958, wrote to the newspapers on 14 July 1962: "For the second time the Prime Minister has got rid of a Chancellor of the Exchequer who tried to get expenditure under control. There was a stormy meeting of the Cabinet on 21 September, at which only John Hare and Lord Hailsham supported him, but covert support for the proposal from Macmillan swung other ministers behind the scheme. [4] He was selected in preference to a VC bearing rival, who refused to pledge to live in the constituency; when asked Lloyd replied that he had "never lived anywhere else". Lloyd coordinated with Dulles and US troops were sent to Lebanon in accordance with the "Eisenhower Doctrine". Sir William Hayter, who worked with Lloyd in Ankara during the Baghdad Pact conference in January 1958, commented on how he had a higher regard for Lloyd after the latter had ceased to be Eden's assistant. [17], Rockingham's estates, but not his marquessate, passed to his nephew William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam. Kilmuir (Lord Chancellor) was later added; Butler was initially ill but later took to attending and even on occasion chairing Egypt Committee meetings. He also raised the question of what would happen if both Israel and Egypt agreed to a ceasefire before British and French troops had gone in. This was in line with current rates of growth in continental Europe, but the Treasury were sceptical that the UK could achieve it, rightly as it turned out. In Mount's view, just as Suez was a watershed in foreign policy, so Macmillan's sacking of Lloyd was a watershed in economic policy, opening the way to the inflation of the 1970s. His resignation in 1801 was caused primarily by the king's refusal to allow Catholics to sit in Parliament. Trinity has some of the most distinctive architecture in Cambridge; its Great Court is said to be the largest enclosed courtyard in Europe. [176] Lloyd refused to use his power to increase Employers' NICs in the July measures, saying it was "a dead rat". [5] Sir Ferdinand Mount writes that he was clearly attracted to the young Jonathan Aitken (his godson, who also worked for him in the early 1960s) but showed no interest in Diana Leishman, an attractive young woman who also worked for him. The objective of any Anglo-French action would be to control the Canal and secondly to topple Nasser. It depicts a half-height woman turned toward her right at a three-quarter angle, but with her face turned toward her left. [34] By March 1944 Montgomery, who, after commanding the Eighth Army in North Africa, Sicily and Italy, had returned to England in late December 1943 to take command of the 21st Army Group, knew him well enough to call him "Selwyn". [221] He sat as a crossbencher. [128] In Washington Lloyd managed to speak to Eisenhower's adviser Walter Bedell Smith, and addressed the UN General Assembly on Friday 23 November, the day Eden left for Jamaica. Lloyd later wrote that agreement had been reached on the Six Principles, but not on how to implement them, although he conceded that Nasser had never accepted the principle that the Canal could not be under the control of any one country. In a speech which was essentially an acceptance of an Argentinian motion, Lloyd offered to hand over to a UN peacekeeping force and claimed that Britain had prevented a small war growing into a larger one. [88], Lloyd arrived late and jet-lagged for the 16 October meeting of the Egypt Committee in London; Anthony Nutting, junior Foreign Office minister, had stood in for him for the first part of the meeting. There is no mutual affection, communication, or concert between them". He was indeed nervous to such a degree that, to the very close of his life, he never rose without great reluctance and embarrassment to address the House of Lords. He was educated at Westminster School. [145], In October 1957 he likened himself to a "human Sputnik" because of the amount of flying he was doing. [152], In July 1960 Macmillan moved Lloyd to the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Salisbury was away ill. Butler did not object although Macleod would have backed him had he done so. At his retiring debate in November 1927 Samuel Hoare and Rab Butler (then being selected as Tory candidate for Saffron Walden) spoke. For other uses, see, Notable people with the surname "Hall" include, "Hall Coat of Arms, Family Crest - Free Image to View - Hall Name Origin History and Meaning of Symbols", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hall_(surname)&oldid=1119135330, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Someone who lived in or worked in a hall or manor house", This page was last edited on 30 October 2022, at 22:31. [180] He told them of his plans to set up the National Economic Development Council (NEDC) in imitation of the French Commissariat du Plan, chaired by the Chancellor, and containing a few other ministers, as well as other appointed members who would include leading trade unionists and business leaders, as well perhaps as other economic thinkers.
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