Weeds hardened-off by cold weather and/or drought stress will be less susceptible.Where recommended the addition of Glyphosate will enhance knockdown and control of weeds. $249.95 Add: (1) Fontelis Fungicide - 80 Ounces. The Clearfield trait can be sprayed from V2 to V8 with the Beyond herbicide at four ounces per acre. KEEP OUT OF REACH . DuPont Oust XP Herbicide Version 2 .1 Revision Date 01/04/2011 Ref. DuPont Express herbicide is a dry flowable formulation to be mixed with water and applied as a spray. THE MATERIAL MUST BE KEPT IN SUSPENSION AT ALL TIMES BY CONTINUOUS AGITATION.In tank mixes, Express herbicide must be in suspension before adding the companion herbicide or surfactant/wetting agent.CompatibilityDuPont Express herbicide is compatible with glyphosate herbicides e.g. LUXXUR. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNINGGROUP B HERBICIDEDuPont Express herbicide is a member of the Sulfonylurea group of herbicides. Name DUPONT EXPRESS XP HERBICIDE EXPRESS HERBICIDE EXPRESS PX HERBICIDE 1 - 3 Information about Product Registrations and Transfers. ExpressSun is a trademark of E.I. ,9\64cqIXThT95 fgOeX"\2y2iWy$5qBtI> ACTION PLAN 1. Herbicides Dupont Herbicides + Filter results Dispatch in 1 days Express 50 SG, 150 g + Vivolt, 1.25 litres 126.9 Free Shipping Dispatch in 1 days Granstar Super 50 SG, 200 g 73.6 Dispatch in 1 days Titus 25 DF, 50 g + Vivolt, 250 ml Pack 40.07 1 Review (s) Free Shipping Dispatch in 1 days Principal, 180 g 104.69 Dispatch in 2 days Top up with water making sure the tank is completely full and allow to stand for 15 minutes with agitation engaged. DuPont's liability shall in all circumstances be limited to replacement of the product or a refund of the purchase price paid therefore.APVMA Approval number: 46440/0607. 4 CHEMICAL GROUP: B - sulfonylurea 5 RELATED HERBICIDES: Ally, Glean, Logran, Oust. %PDF-1.3
GROUP 2 HERBICIDE . APPLY WITH GROUND EQUIPMENT ONLY. Based on animal data, repeated skin contact with DuPont Express Herbicide (with TotalSol soluble granules) may cause allergic skin rashes. 0000003162 00000 n
Express SG herbicide takes glyphosate to the next level for pre-seed dandelion control. Weeds Controlled:Caltrop/Yellowvine(Tribulus terrestris),Common Sowthistle/Milk thistle(Sonchus oleraceus) Rate g/ha:25Weed growth stage at application:Apply up to the 10 leaf stage. 0000002305 00000 n
Not sure where to start? For weed resistance management, Express herbicide is a Group B herbicide.Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group B may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. Unlike other herbicide-tolerant crops currently. Unless indicated, trademarks with , or sm are trademarks of DuPont or affiliates. TRIBENURON METHYL: 0000001627 00000 n
With DuPont Express SG herbicide you will get: Other crops that can be planted 24 hours after application: alfalfa, canary seed, red clover, alsike cover, smooth or meadow bromegrass, timothy and creeping red fescue. Overview: Express herbicide is a fallow weed control herbicide specialist that allows you to target a specific spectrum of broadleaf weeds while retaining flexibility for your cropping program. Estimation based on data obtained on active 0000004672 00000 n
Drain tank completely.- DO NOT spray the tank rinsate onto sensitive crop or land intended for cropping with sensitive crop.NOTE: If not possible to drain the tank completely, step 3 must be repeated before going on to step 4.Crop OptionsLand previously treated with Express herbicide may be sown to any of the specified crops after the interval indicated in the following table: Minimum interval:3 days Crops**:Barley,Oats,WheatMinimum interval:# 7 or 21 days Crops**:Maize, Mung beans, Sorghum, Soybeans, Sunflowers. EXPRESS PRO Herbicide contains two active ingredients formulated as dry flowable or water soluble granules. Express Herbicide. If you rotate your wheat or barley with other crops, such as sunflowers, grain sorghum, soybeans or corn, a two-way tank mix of Express herbicide plus 2,4-D or MCPA delivers the broad-spectrum control you need without soil residual for the rotational flexibility you want. This herbicide kills invasive crabgrass, dandelions and other unsightly weeds and suppresses other weed species on pretreated sites. 0000004465 00000 n
DuPont herbicide (with TotalSorM soluble granules) Soluble Granule For Use on Wheat, Barley, Triticale, Fallow and as a Pre-plant or Post-harvest Burndown Herbicide Active Ingredient' Tribenuron methyl MethyI2-[[[[(4-methoxy-6-methyl -1 ,3,5-triazin-2-yl)methylamino ]carbonyl] amino ]suIfonyl )benzoate Inert Ingredients DuPont , the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ,,or are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted. The rate will depend on weed spectrum at time of application. Resicore XL Herbicide When Farmers Succeed, Everyone Wins. Sunflowers have a lower end (44 vs 50 degrees F) and higher end (no top end vs 86 degrees F) of growing degree days than corn. It is absorbed through the roots and foliage tissue to quickly prevent the growth of susceptible weeds. Herbicide. Partially fill the spray tank with water. Our Solution Finder can find DuPont brands and products to help your company solve its challenges. : 32458 . trailer
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var year = new Date();document.write(year.getFullYear()); DuPont. All right reserved. EPA Reg. DUPONT AFFINITY 2 HERBICIDE: DUPONT HARMONY X-TRA 2 HERBICIDE: 1 - 4: Information about Product Registrations and Transfers. SECTION 4. No. Partially fill the spray tank with water. DuPont Express Herbicide (with TotalSol soluble granules): Oral LD50: > 5000 mg/kg in rats Skin absorption LD50: > 5000 mg/kg in rats Inhalation 4 hour LC50: > 5.0 mg/L in rats DuPont Express Herbicide (with TotalSol soluble granules) is a moderate skin sensitizer, but is not an eye or skin irritant in animals. No. DuPont is teaming up with Shell to sponsor the 2022 Shell Eco-marathon, one of the worlds leading student engineering competitions focused on building and driving energy-efficient vehicles. EPA Reg. FALLOW and PRE-CROP(Refer to Crop Options section for minimum intervals betweenapplication and sowing) Weeds Controlled:Black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus)Rate g/ha:25 + Glyphosate (450 g/L)600 mL/ha Weed growth stage at application:Apply up to the 10 leaf stage. APPROVED FMC TANK MIX PRODUCTS FOR SELECT HERBICIDES. 0000001403 00000 n
Carcinogenicity Information None of the components present in this material at concentrations e as a carcinogen.-----FIRST AID MEASURES Active Ingredient: 750 g/Kg Tribenuron Methyl. has banned the sale of DuPont's Imprelis Herbicide. Weeds Controlled:Turnip weed(Rapistrum rugosum) Rate g/ha:20 Weed growth stage at application:Apply up to flowering. From protective equipment, to delivering clean water and enabling smarter, faster electronics, see how we use science and innovation to make so many of the things you use every day possible: Enabling connectivity, smart technologies, and next-generation semiconductor chips and printed circuit boards. Be the first to review this product. Critical Comments:For best control, apply to small actively growing weeds. 2. 130000012165 3 / 11 Sodium carbonate 497-19-8 5 - 10 % Other Ingredients 25 - 35 % The specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret. It is non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-volatile and does not freeze. Provides great control to maximize yields. EXPRESSSUN SUNFLOWER HERBICIDE SYSTEM: Sunflower hybrids with the DuPont ExpressSun trait for tolerance to DuPont EXPRESS herbicide with TotalSol soluble granules. Active Ingredient: Chlorsulfuron 75.0%. Weeds Controlled:Prickly Lettuce(Lactuca serriola) Rate g/ha:30 Weed growth stage at application:Apply up to the 4 leaf stage. In 2021, the global top five players had a share . varieties designated as "STS"). hb```,E| 0000004037 00000 n
These resistant weeds will not be controlled by the product or other Group B herbicides.Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, DuPont accepts no liability for any losses that may result from failure of this product to control resistant weeds.Large numbers of healthy surviving weeds can be an indication that resistance is developing. The degree of control and duration of effect are dependent on rate used, sensitivity and size of target weeds and environmental conditions at the time of and following application.DuPont Express herbicide stops growth of susceptible weeds rapidly. Right now. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSBest results are obtained when Express herbicide is applied to young actively growing weeds. Weeds Controlled:Medics (Native)(Medicago spp.) We're dedicated to protecting your yield, your land and the world's food supply. du Pont de Nemours and Company. : 352-768 Remark : CA, MN, SC, WA Dupont Matrix SG Herbicide - 20 oz delivers contact and extended soil residual control of grasses and broadleaf weeds, including glyphosate-resistant marestail/fleabane, in tree nuts, stone/pome fruit, grapes, potatoes, citrus and tomatoes. Find Crop Protection Products Tank-mixed with Group 9 glyphosate, that makes three modes of action and an . DuPont EXPRESS should be applied in combination with other suitable registered fallow herbicides (See the "TANK MIXTURES" section of this label for additional . Apply 1/4 to 1/2 oz EXPRESS per acre to fallow fields. Using the DuPont Ally herbicide measuring cone provided, measure the amount of DuPont Ally herbicide required for the area to be sprayed. This sunflower is a mid-oleic, mid-maturity, disease-tolerant hybrid with outstanding yield potential bred for the NuSun oil market. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill at their own discretion and risk. 53 0 obj
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Using the Express measuring cone provided, measure the amount of DuPont Express herbicide required for the area to be sprayed. This unique sunflower system from DuPont and Pioneer is designed to maximize weed control in sunflower crops, enhancing ease of production and yield. Express herbicide gives you reliable control even under cool fall temperatures and the application flexibility to work around the weather. Enter your [postal] code to see information about local products, representatives and retailers, along with special offers in your area. DuPont has introduced the first sulfonylurea (SU)-tolerant sunflower hybrids in EuropePioneer-brand sunflower hybrids with the Express SX Herbicide-Tolerant trait. FIRST AID MEASURES Application in 30 L/ha will improve performance reliability. Language: english. In a trial conducted by Dr. Franois Tardif and Peter Smith at the University of Guelph, Plant Agriculture Department, we compared the performance of Express SG herbicide versus a competitive add-in product. As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. With DuPont Express SG herbicide you will get: An excellent glyphosate add-in that enhances control of tough weeds with no re-growth prior to soybeans, cereals and other select crops. Pioneer hybrid P64ME01 is a sunflower hybrid with the DuPont ExpressSun trait for tolerance to DuPont EXPRESS herbicide . {"items":[{"timeOfDay":"default","htmlMarkup":"
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