}); Backed by Strong Genetics Our Clearfield Canola Hybrids have a great genetic package including blackleg protection, excellent lodging resistance and mid maturity timing. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | 2022, Glacier FarmMedia Limited Partnership. GOWAN CANADA - EDGE (HERBICIDE) TECHSHEETS. This year, the biggest challenge was keeping track of whos who. You can depend on excellent standability, yield potential and enhanced weed control. V33-1CL gives growers polygenic blackleg resistance and has excellent standability. Earn more revenue per acre growing Clearfield and Nexera Clearfield (CL) canola with Viterra! Available through Cargill and select independent dealers. 45CM39 is a Genuity Roundup Ready canola with mid-maturity yielding 103 per cent of 45H33. V33-1CL is a new high-yielding hybrid and the first Clearfield canola variety in Cargills VICTORY lineup. Payment options and details lazyAds.push({divId: 'dfp-ad-slot--inline--3', code: code, height: '250' }); CS2600 CR-T is a new TruFlex canola hybrid. Clearfield variety 46A76 has been de-registered by its registering company. Read more ILeVO There are many varieties available in the Clearfield and Nexera CL portfolios that make excellent choices for your canola acres, and will provide you with the following agronomic benefits: Its easy to sign up! Print Product Details. Fusarium Wilt: Resistant. Herbicide-tolerant Clearfield and Clearfield Plus crops simplify control of hard-to-kill weeds with high yielding non-GMO varieties. * Yield data is based on independent trials. What annual fees are involved when purchasing Clearfield canola seed? There are seven new TT varieties, four new RR varieties and two new Clearfield varieties. Field-level insights (US only) This is the business formerly known as CPS (Crop Production Services). Product information, SDS and labels Sign up to receive informative Grainews articles right to your inboxthe ultimate resource for help managing your grain or integrated farming operation. var lazyAds = []; Please see contact us for more information.
InVigor L343PC is a go-to choice when you want high yield potential in areas where you need second-generation clubroot resistance. Ag-focused, local weather stories However, the . Canola Hybrids Hybrid With all the mergers and purchases that have taken place in the input supply industry, it took a spreadsheet to track which company was which. For Pioneer brand products contact your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative. } One of those is the 2012 introduction of Ares, the next . Exclusive contract premiums available. A new Optimum GLY** canola hybrid is on the way, making Brevant seeds one of the first canola seed brands to offer farmers all four herbicide tolerant systems. It is high yielding with excellent standability, and suitable for straight cutting. A paper by Brookes and Barfoot (2015) found an . With a wide choice of both red and green lentil types developed by the Crop Development Centre, Clearfield varieties deliver on yields. By Sonja Begemann February 20, 2019. conventional (CC), Triazine Tolerant (TT), Roundup Ready (RR), Triazine Tolerant and Roundup Ready (RT) and Clearfield (CL). Add the required amount of Ares herbicide. Pioneer Protector Plus Pioneer brand canola with the Protector Plus trait delivers maximum yield potential through enhanced disease protection. Australian farmers can achieve large grazing returns using our specialised hybrid winter canola varieties. Clubroot resistance. Take advantage of the Digital Hub: Available through Cargill and select independent dealers. 306-260-6722. Growing registered canola varieties is an important part of assuring our export customers that the oil and meal quality, biotech traits and disease resistance in our canola supply meet their requirements. Photo: BASF. The addition of Lontrel control of wild radish and wild turnip. Tolerance of new canola varieties to the herbicides common to all canola production systems, i.e. To learn more, talk to your Viterra Representative today. A high-yielding Clearfield hybrid featuring clubroot resistance, multigenic blackleg resistance and exclusive contract premiums. Covering everything from choosing the right herbicide to buying and maintaining machinery. High-quality seed varieties and excellent residual weed control produce crops that reward you at the elevator with less dockage and higher yield quality.
. The DPIRD Canola variety guide for Western Australia 2019has been developed to assist growers compare canola varieties. Growers will not be able to purchase the seed until that approval is in place. 1st and 2nd generation clubroot resistance. 44Y94 CL is the newest addition to the Y Series portfolio. } Our team will be happy to give you more information about your canola hybrid options. It also . Every year Grainews contacts seed companies so we can make a list of the new varieties coming out for the next season. We have 13 new canola variety releases (so far) in 2018, as well as HyTTec Trophy which was released in 2017 after the previous Canola variety guide was published. googletag.cmd.push( function() { if(typeof lazyAds == "undefined"){ Excellent. Our TT Canola is a range of triazine tolerant (TT) herbicide canola hybrids with high yields, high oil, high blackleg resistance and the ability to achieve excellent weed control and the stacking traits ability with other technologies such as Clearfield and Roundup Ready. The DefendR designation is used to signal exceptional genetic resistance or tolerance to the big three disease complexes affecting canola: Sclerotinia, Clubroot and Blackleg as well as Pod Shatter resistance. Clearfield production system for resistance management and crop rotation options, Clearfield Canola Production System for resistance management and crop rotation options, Suitable for straight cutting with Harvest Management technology. Here's a look at what's coming your way from BASF, BrettYoung, Canterra Seeds, Croplan, Dekalb and Corteva's Pioneer and Brevant seed brands. About Clubroot Management Multiple Straight Cut Options Key Program Features of Merit's 2022/23 Non-GMO Clearfield Canola Production Contracts: Acreage Minimum. Approximately 5 percent market share. . It is available for immediate use and can either follow Clearfield crops or be used to broaden the weed control spectrum as both triazine and imidazolinone herbicides. The TruFlex trait will allow for higher glyphosate rates and a wider application window, compared with the Roundup Ready trait. 108% of 45H33. This new hybrid is already sold out exclusively sold through Cargill and select independent retails. Search them out on provincial websites. Canola seed for sale premium canola seeds: Roundup Ready Hybrids CS2100 and CS2300, TruFlex Canola Hybrid CS2600 CR-T, Clearfield Hybrid CS2500. This hybrid is suited to the mid- to long growing zones. 9 = Very Low count (Desired); 1 = Very High Count. Our canola crush plants in Ste. var code = "googletag.cmd.push( function() {googletag.display('dfp-ad-slot--inline--3'); } );"; There are a few names on this list that havent appeared in previous years, but dont worry theyre the same companies youve been dealing with. The crop was developed in the 1970s. The variety offers swath, delayed swath and straight cut options at harvest. . If tank-mix is being applied, add required amount of tank-mix partner. The TT hybrid canola is a patented seed technology. This seed is rated R for clubroot, blackleg and fusarium wilt. Varieties were grouped by their herbicide tolerance (main plots) and then randomised within (sub-plots). 45CM39 is bred with a new source of clubroot resistance, and is resistant to current clubroot pathotypes 2, 3, 5, 6 and emerging pathotypes 2B, 3A and 5X. As if all of the inherent benefits of the system weren't enough, Clearfield 45S54- Pioneer Protector with Sclerotina Resistance built right into the . Territory Manager - Northeast Saskatchewan. This seed is rated R for clubroot, blackleg and fusarium wilt. Invoices and statements DL Seeds is our canola breeding partner and the source of our high-performance, industry-leading varieties. The term "canola" is a name registered by the Western Canadian Oilseed Crushers Association. Canola is a specific, edible type of rapeseed that contains about 40% oil. PV 591 GCS is a high-yielding Genuity Roundup Ready canola hybrid with increased tolerance to sclerotinia and clubroot resistance. Coming Soon Triazine Tolerant. Lorri Keyowski. The technology was developed by BASF and is made available to plant breeding partners, including Nuseed. * PERMISSION TO CONTACT YOU BY EMAIL By providing your e-mail address, you confirm that you are providing consent to Glacier Farm Media LP, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates, and carrying on business through its divisions, to receive emails containing news, updates and promotions, including third party promotions, as well as product and/or service information, including that of third parties, that may be of interest to you, and that you understand you may unsubscribe at any time. Click through to see each trial's results. A paltry 25,000 acres of Clearfield canola are grown in France but that is not the concern. The eight varieties on this list are only the new releases for 2019. Very good yield potential. Viterra Nexera Clearfield Program Details, Viterra Fort St John Clearfield Program Details, Gowan Soil Residual Herbicide Rate information Bulletin, California Transparency in Supply Chain Act. 20 - 40 L/ac (5 - 10 gal/ac) *Merge adjuvant is required and is included with Ares herbicide. 2017 NVT data is available for Advanta seeds varieties Hyola 580CT, Hyola 530XT and Hyola 410XX, Pioneer varieties Pioneer 43Y29 (RR), and Pioneer 45Y93 (CL) and the Heritage seeds variety Saintly CL. Pioneer brand canola with the Clearfield trait delivers a holistic trait and herbicide solution to growers. Hear from our local customers and . Top yield and great agronomics. Clearfield Lonesome Dove Sunflower Seeds - 25 Lbs. Providing an alternative mode of action, the Clearfield canola weed control system offers increased crop rotation and herbicide options for maximum rotational flexibility, as well as better opportunity for returns on investment through premium pricing. Beyond herbicide can be applied postemergence to Clearfield canola varieties after emergence but before blooming. Pacific Seeds developed the world's first hybrid canola in 1988. Viterra Clearfield Watch on There is an annual fee of $70 per bag when seed is purchased, . Corteva is the name of the company that came from the Dow/DuPont merger. Find more information at brevant.ca. It is a subjective evaluation of healthiness of plants and the soil area covered by their leaves. Very High biomass & Tall at harvest. This video was created in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Canola Association. 1 day earlier than PV 761 TM. Post navigation. TruFlex allows growers to apply higher rates of glyphosate (Monsanto says growers can apply RoundUp WeatherMAX at 1.33 litres/acre in a single application, or 0.67 litre per acre in two applications). V33-1CL is a new high-yielding hybrid and the first Clearfield canola variety in Cargill's VICTORY lineup. Sep 13, 2022 to Sep 15, 2022. googletag.cmd.push( function() { 9 = Excellent, 1 = Poor. BrettYoung has industry-leading varieties in the TruFlexTM canola with Roundup Ready Technology, Roundup Ready, LibertyLink and Clearfield systems, sourcing the best technology and genetics to keep your business profitable. estimated the benefit of herbicide-tolerant canola varieties from 1996 to 2012 at $30 billion. The public release of TruFlex has been delayed while seed companies wait for China to approve imports. All accepted Clearfield and Nexera Clearfield varieties can be purchased at Pitura Seeds. This video features the Viterra Warden crush facility, an expeller-press canola processing facility that allows us to produce a variety of healthy canola oils to meet demand from leading food manufacturers and distributors. Realize your yield potential with BrettYoung canola. Flagship variety. lazyAds.push({divId: 'dfp-ad-slot--inline--2', code: code, height: '250' }); If you have a clubroot problem, when youre buying seed this year, remember to ask your retailer about the specific clubroot pathotypes your seed has resistance to. Y Series Clearfield Canola Hybrids. This gene lets growers spray higher rates of glyphosate over a longer window. 45H31- Excellent standability and yield, mid maturity. Clearfield Production System Clearfield Lentils . This video was created in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Canola Association. 44Y94 CL NEW. Canola varieties with Clearfield technology only As above plus: Capeweed (Field pea (Narrow leaf angustifolius) Sub clover Kwickin at .5L/100L spray volume slightly impair grass control. Agrium was the previous owner of CPS. Clearfield varieties were not included in these tables due to the small proportion of area covered, only 1.3 per cent of the total area of canola in 2018 (CBH data). The new varieties bring new opportunities; The guide was produced by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), formerly Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) through the Tactical Break Crop Agronomy project, which is also supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). Norbert Postal Stn.Winnipeg, Manitoba R3V 1L5Canada, Ag Seed & Crop Inputs Professional Turf & Rec Ag Seed & Crop Inputs Ag Seed & Crop Inputs Professional Turf & Rec Corporate. Clearfield wheat features top yielding genetics from high-performance varieties to help you grow the cleanest wheat. Available exclusively at Nutrien Ag Solutions. Excellent yield potential. AGCO introduces the new MF 1700M Series tractors, Editors Column: All good things come to an end. Very high grain yield ability. LT 4530P. The data for yield and oil is fromthe National Variety Trials (NVT) project, which is an investment ofthe GRDC.The blackleg resistance data is provided from the GRDC Factsheet 2018Spring Blackleg Managment Guide. Early-Mid (4.5) T 6010. A686 Canola Production North Dakota leads the U.S. in canola production, with approximately 85% of the domestic production in 2020. It has high yield potential, medium height, and multigenic blackleg resistance. 45H29- Pioneer Protector brand. Available exclusively at Nutrien Ag Solutions. P.O. Agathe, Manitoba, and Warden, Washington, help support this growing demand in the natural food segment and connect your product with markets around the world. Genetically, the news in canola this year is coming from the TruFlex gene developed by Monsanto (see at bottom). Lead Author: Industry-Leading Varieties. They're the market-leading traits for protecting canola from damaging diseases like clubroot or sclerotinia.
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