Meanwhile, with effective coping strategies instituted by these distance learners, the impact of these challenges could be reduced. Finally, the sample could be expanded to include other higher education institutions offering distance education models. God bless you all.. MS conceptualised the topic, wrote the methodology, and carried out the analysis, discussion, and conclusions of the study. This exposes distance learners to transportation risks and delays which might affect their ability to get to their study centre on time. That is if the causative factors of challenges in the external environment change, then the coping strategies must change. The strategy of observing American students and making behavior adjustments in American class settings (M = 2.21, SD = 1.19) ranks the lowest among the six strategies. Key: COPS=Coping Mechanisms, EDUOUTPUT=Educational Output, ICH=Instructional Challenges, INSTCH=Institutional Challenges, PSCCH=Psychological Challenges,SRCH=Socio-Religious Challenges, FINCH=Financial challenges. The CISS breaks its responses into 3 main coping types: task, emotion, and avoidance. (2017) criterion of using a bootstrapping sequence of 5000 samples to assess a structural model. However, studies using this person-centered approach are still scarce in the academic context. The strength of the model was enhanced by using items with a value of 0.70 for the respective variables as can be seen from the results presented in Figs. Despite of the many studies on this topic, there is a lack research that has examined whether the different social aversive personality traits are associated with different coping preferences. The site is secure. The results, therefore, corroborate the findings of Schwarzer and Knoll (2007) that individuals and, in this case, students are dynamically motivated to devise coping strategies for their challenges. Effect of Perceived Academic Stress on Students Performance., Nakalema, Gladys & Joseph Ssenyonga. I. The results in Table3 mean that discriminant validity was therefore achieved. Therefore, the current study was aimed at examining the association between Dark Triad personalities and coping strategies. 148). The relationship between academic stress and emotion-oriented coping style is moderate, and the relationship between academic stress and avoidance-oriented coping style is week. In the long run, managers of distance education programmes should construct their own structures suitable for university or higher distance education delivery requirements. The determination of the path significance of the model was conducted, and the results in terms of graphical presentation can be seen in Table7. People differ in particular styles of coping or prefer to use certain coping strategies over others. Thus, the findings of this study agree with that of Bampo (2008) and Osafo (2017) that module-related challenges affect the academic performance of distance learners. Moreover, the most frequent strategies used to cope with academic stress were praying (84.4%) and maintaining some control over the situation (61.9%). In a series of community and clinical studies, Compas, Connor-Smith, and colleagues identified three broad stress-response styles: engagement coping, disengagement coping, and (Transdiagnostic Treatments for Children and Adolescents: Principles and Practice). Reasons for student non-attendance at lectures and tutorials by nursing mothers: An analysis. Work, academic and life conflicts further pose high-level stress upon distance learners and ultimately affect their academic performance (Segbenya & Peniana, 2021). These two factors were followed by the other three motivators, high expectation from parents (M = 2.95, SD = 1.17), feeling guilty about parental sacrifices (M = 2.90, SD = 1.10), and social comparison with other Chinese students in terms of educational achievement (M = 2.88, SD = 1.22), all of which have a similar rating of importance. Bookshelf The quantitative and descriptive survey design was adopted, and a sample of 1358 university students pursuing distance programmes was drawn from a study population of 44,458 distance undergraduate and postgraduate students. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help
, Khan, Mussarat Jabeen, Seema Altaf & Hafsa Kausar. Descriptive statistics were used to generate means, standard deviations (SD) and frequencies for a list of demographic variables. HR managers must recruit competent counsellors who will continue to provide academic and non-academic counselling to distance learners. Though the Cronbach alpha values and rho_A values were below the 0.70 thresholds for variables such as institutional and psychological challenges and coping strategies, these variables were not deleted from the model because they obtained acceptable composite reliability and AVE values acceptable for using the PLS model. The usage of the problem-focused coping strategy means that distance learners did not blame others for their challenges but took the bull by the horn and devised ways to handle the challenges. Psychology, Development and Social Policy in India. The results suggest that the lack of appropriate coping strategies for the distance learner could aggravate the propensity of the effect of psychological challenges on the distance learner. Carina Coulacoglou, Donald H. Saklofske, in Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment, 2017. Academic stressors as predictors of achievement goal orientations of American and ESL international students. This study examines the relationship between academic stress and coping strategies. Determining sample size for research activities Measurement, E. P., Vol. and transmitted securely. Several institutional factors contributed to the significant effect of institutional challenges on coping strategies and educational outcomes among distance education learners, as found by this study for hypotheses one and two. Delay in printing course materials could be responsible for late distribution of modules to distance learners (Bampo, 2008; Osafo, 2017) found subletting the production function of modules to private entities as a cause of delay in supplying course materials to distance students. They may be clearly differentiated on the basis of the psychological processes . FAA Wrote the introduction and literature review, carried out the references, and proofread the finale manuscript. Even though both coping strategies are used in most stressful encounters, they depend on how one appraises the situation (Schwarzer & Knoll, 2007). This makes it very difficult for distance learners to partake in such activities since their face-to-face session crushes with such activities even if the celebrants are close friends or family members. Table 5.7 Unpaired t-test for differences between social science and engineering students in the frequency of using the strategy of observing American students and making behavior adjustment, Table 5.8 Unpaired t-test for differences between female and male students in the frequency of using the strategy of observing American students and making behavior adjustments. The results also mean that if distance learners fail to find appropriate coping strategies/ies to mitigate the impact of challenges they face during their academic pursuit, they stand to perform poorly academically and could delay completing their academic programmes (See appendix for details on coping strategies). The conflict between these multiple roles thus could easily affect the academic performance of the distance learner as was earlier found by Kwaah and Essilfie (2017). The academic authorities in recognizing the coping strategies of students with stress in clinical setting, can provide necessary training on effective coping strategies for students. One of the measures adopted by the government of Ghana and other developing economies to address the enrolment challenges was the introduction of distance education as a viable alternative to the conventional/regular campus face-to-face education and training. In fact, the use of tobacco in order to appear more social is actually decreasing academic performance. 3. In order to know which factors are important in motivating Chinese students to study hard in the United States, on a 5-point scale, with 1 being not important at all and 5 very important, I asked respondents to rank the relative importance of five factors. Results indicate that problem-focused. Rather than the, (Stepfamily Relationships: Development, Dynamics, and Interventions). Therefore, it is recommended that distance learners give more attention to the usage of proactive coping strategies instead of the problem-solving coping strategy in vogue. Best coping strategies for academic stress, Changes in Societys Views Regarding Domestic Sexual Assault, Psychoananalytic, behaviourist, biological and cognitive psychology, International students in the United States of America. Socio-religious challenges were also found to have significantly influenced both coping strategies (hypothesis seven) and the educational output of learners (hypothesis eight). In developing economies like Ghana, most social events such as marriage ceremonies, funerals and religious activities such as church meetings and other social gatherings occur at the weekends (Segbenya et al., 2019). Those results showed significance of future studies on understanding more effective emotional strategies for student-related stress and investigating how teachers use several types of emotional coping strategies coincidently. These universities were the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and University of Ghana (UG) (Ohene & Essuman, 2014). Some have the mechanisms in place to be resilient, while others struggle. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. The availability of numerous coping strategies may be an important precursor to coping flexibility, given that flexibility can only be obtained if an individual is able to access and use . In most of this in-person interaction between students and tutors, most of the sections of the course materials are also not covered. Copyright 2020 Freire, Ferrads, Regueiro, Rodrguez, Valle and Nez. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The distance mode has contributed to increased enrolment figures for all these universities and several other institutions that have resorted to the distance mode for delivering their educational content. For this reason, they relied on franchised facilities or infrastructure/study centres in various communities to roll out their distance programmes. Detailed descriptive results on types of coping strategies adopted by distance learners can be found in Appendix. This is because nations worldwide have resulted in the use of education as a conduit for achieving national development and social change. On that basis, this current study had two objectives: (a) to examine the existence of different profiles of university students based on how they combined different approach coping strategies (positive reappraisal, support seeking, and planning) and (b) to determine the existence of differences in general expectations of self-efficacy between those coping profiles. In order to understand the coping strategies students used to overcome their academic difficulties, a question was asked about the relative frequency of six strategies. Before The relationship between stress coping skills and Grade Point Average (GPA) was not strong 24. The role of higher education in the national development of human resource for both social and personal advancement cannot be underestimated (Agbofa, 2012). The results show that educational output of distance education learners (EDOUTPUT) had a statistical significant relationship with institutional challenges (ICH) (r=0.310**; Sig.= 0.000); instructional challenges (INSTCH) (r=0.134**; Sig.= 0.000); Psychological challenges (PSYCH) (r=0.114**; Sig.= 0.000); and Coping Strategies (COPS) ((r=0.303**; Sig.= 0.000). Table1, therefore, presents the results for the demographic characteristics of respondents. Female students (M = 3.5, SD = 0.84) more prefer to use the strategy of observing American students and making behavioral adjustments than male students do (M = 2.5, SD = 1.14) (see Tables 5.7 and 5.8). Specifically, this paper seeks to find answers to the following questions: Academic stress is brought about by several causes. Two hundred individuals (82 men) completed the short Dark Triad questionnaire and two different self-report coping scales (CISS,WCQ). Furthermore, the results have shown that with the right coping strategies in place by the distance learner, the instructional challenges could be reduced to enable him/her to perform well academically and to complete their academic programmes on time. This study examined challenges and coping strategies among distance education learners and their implications for human resources managers. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Affect. Please check it and try again. A prospective study into the enduring effects of optimism on adaptation moderated by the controllability of chronic illness, Relationship between Religious Attitudes and Coping Strategies for Stressful Conditions in Mothers with Epileptic Children, Rasch Analysis of the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations in Individuals With Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, A COMPARISON OF SOCIAL, FAMILY AND INTER-PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN MALAYSIA, Personality Traits and Coping Strategies for Contrasting the Occurrence of Traumatic Reactions in Emergency Rescuers, Stress and coping strategies in the emergency room, Which constructs can predict emotional exhaustion in a working population? 4 agrees with Hair et al. The Student-Life Stress Inventory (SLSI) was used to measure stressors and reactions to stressors among university students. coping flexibility; coping strategies; self-efficacy; stress; university students. Also, hypotheses five and hypothesis six also obtained statistical significance in that psychological challenges (PSCH) has a statistically significant relationship with coping strategies (COPS) among distance learners at (=0.210, t=6.363, p<0.05) and educational output (EDUOUTPUT) at (=0.229, t=8.005, p<0.05). This research proposal hypothesizes that the best coping strategy for academic stress is changing ones mindset into a positive one. About 7,537 untrained teachers received professional training through some sort of distance education and were awarded Teachers Certificate A through the MTTP. It is also recommended that educational institutions should provide academic counsellors to distance learners. The descriptive statistics results for the variables of the study are presented in Table4. Thus, human resource managers need to play a critical role in reducing institutional challenges faced by distance learners. Problems. The results suggest that the inability of distance learners to obtain good grades and early completion of programmes could be contributed by these institutional challenges. Distance learners, especially in developing economies, could be found among the least paid workers. Based on the review, this study hypothesized that: The last challenge category of challenges of distance learners to be reviewed is socio-religious or community-related challenges (Bampo, 2008; Mamhute, 2011; Segbenya et al., 2019). Also, the usage of hired facilities belonging to a second circle institution to deliver a university course content also comes with associated institutional-related challenges regarding the suitability of furniture and washrooms, among others, for distance learners (Segbenya et al., 2019). Anticipating and preparing to avoid problems, Observing American academic settings and other American students to make behavior adjustments. All these challenges could affect the academic performance or outcomes of distance learners.The face-to-face tutorial and the dependency on the print media- modules/course material for teaching and learning also come with inherent challenges to the distance learner. To analyze the coping strategies using emotional intelligence by students to overcome academic stress. Most of these facilities are somewhat below the standard existing on regular campuses. RESULTS 94% of students reported alcohol consumption during past year. 2022 A modified instrument from Ohene and Essuman (2014) on students challenges was adopted for measuring students challenges. You may alternate between several of the above coping strategies in order to cope with a stressful event. HR managers will also need to ensure expert reviewers are in place to ensure that modules produced are free from typographical errors to facilitate easy understanding among learners. S., & McElwain, A. Strategies for Coping with Academic Stress, Stress Management International Journal of Researc h & Review ( 187 Vol.6; Issue: 10; October 2019 9. Thus, further studies could consider undertaking a similar study involving postgraduate facilitators and managers of distance education programmes in order to ascertain challenges associated with the provision of distance education in general. Categories and Codes of Coping Strategies. common coping strategies in sport include arousal control, relaxation, concentrating on goals, time management, isolation, deflection, seeking social support, increasing effort, wishful thinking, venting, refocusing, information seeking, learning about opponents, practicing, increasing training, visualizing and imagery use, Henseler et al. The internal consistency of the SEM model was determined by examining the models reliability and convergent discriminant validity. That is ensuring that examiners mark students scripts on time, give feedback on continuous assessment, and release students results on time. The Huffington Post also recommended coping strategies for academic stress that they said have been proven to be effective many times. Rajesh C, Ashok L, Rao CR, Kamath VG, Kamath A, Sekaran VC, Devaramane V, Swamy VT. J Educ Health Promot. Fricke A. Use Campus Resources The Center for Academic Resources (CFAR) has drop-in study groups, study skills groups, time management groups, and study mentoring. This also significantly affects their academic performance in the longrun. Good management of time by these distance learners will also help reduce work and life conflict among this category of distance learners. The cross-sectional survey design from the positivist perspective was used for this study. These challenges include low motivation and competency-related challenges with tutors on the distance mode, alienation and separation from tutors/facilitators. Examples of avoidant coping methods include drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and behavioral disengagement. Folkman S. The case for positive emotions in the stress process. -, Beiter R., Nash R., McCrady M., Rhoades D., Linscomb M., Clarahan M., et al. 10. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Evaluacin de la autoeficacia: adaptacin espaola de la escala de autoeficacia general [Evaluation of self-efficacy: spanish adaptation of the General Self-efficacy Scale]. Risky or harmful alcohol use was found in 16% of med students and 22% of dentistry students, high risk of alcohol dependency was diagnosed in 2% of cases. Coping strategies are the specific efforts, both behavioural and psychological, that individuals employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimise stressful events . The idea that humour acts as a coping strategy is closely connected to the idea that it acts as a form of conflict management, that it allows for events to be dealt with that might otherwise cause distress. Other causes of academic stress include too much use of television and computer. There is a significant difference across the majors with regard to behavior adjustment (t = 3.34, p = 0.002 < 0.05). Distance learners in Ghana are largely adults, married and parents, suggesting a huge demand on their time. The Academic Coping Strategies Scale (the ACS Scale) developed by Sullivan (2010) was applied to Turkish undergraduates in order to conduct its adaptation. Also, module related challenges have some implications for HR managers in that they need to ensure early or timely production and distribution of course modules to distance learners. Tutorial attendance and student performance. This study found that the distance learner used four main coping strategies, with the problem-focused being first followed by the proactive coping strategies, the emotion-focused coping and lastly, the preventive coping strategy (See Table8 in the Appendix). Open and Distance Learning in Developing Countries: The Past, the Present, and the Future. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. 5. The students use more frequently task oriented coping style. Schwarzer and Knoll (2007) concluded that individuals using proactive coping strategies do not react to challenges with distress but are rather motivated to deal with the challenge when it surfaces. The lack of academic counsellors at the various study centres and tight tutorial sessions makes it highly difficult for distance learners to get some academic counselling at the various study centres. These changes may bring anxiety to those who are directly affected. The findings of this study have implications for the transactional coping theory that guides this study. PLS Algorithm for Confirmatory factor analysis. PLS Algorithm for all items measuring each variable. In addition, policy recommendations are proposed. eCollection 2022. 2016 Oct 13;7:1554. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01554. This is because most institutions in developing countries offering distance education depends on hired and franchised facilities of other non-tertiary institutions. Coping strategies that were statistically significantly applied more often were blaming oneself and being self-critical, seeking advice and help from others, and finding comfort in religion. The commitment and qualification differences could affect tutors delivery of course materials and could also affect distance learners ability to do well in their academic programmes. Due to the number of distance learners involved and their characteristics, face-to-face counselling could be supplemented with electronic or online counselling sessions to cover every distance learner to enable them to obtain good grades, complete their academic programmes on time, and enhance their satisfaction level for the distance education programme pursued. Well write your essay from scratch and per instructions: even better than this sample, 100% unique, and yours only. Students challenges were measured from five dimensions: financial challenges, instructional challenges, institutional challenges, psychological challenges, and socio-religious challenges. Challenges faced by distance education students of the University of Education, Winneba: Implications for strategic planning. Internalizing and externalizing symptoms, J. N., & Publications, Thousand Oaks,. For a new criterion for assessing discriminant validity After your students have completed short. 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