arXiv Vanity renders academic papers from However, based on our experiments (see table 7), static-folding performs on par or better despite its simplicity. In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the network's performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. However, we could use finer granularity to further improve performance. Here, we provide some guidance on how to simulate quantization for a few commonly used layers: Activation quantization is not required because the input and output values are on the same quantization grid. While this is fine when we employ per-channel quantization (more below in this section), keeping BN unfolded for per-tensor quantization will result in one of the two following cases: The BN layer applies per-channel rescaling during inference. For the more aggressive W4A4 case, we notice a small drop but still within 1% of the floating-point accuracy. AIMET is a library of state-of-the-art quantization and compression algorithms designed to ease the effort required for model optimization and thus drive the broader AI ecosystem towards low latency and energy-efficient inference. Figure 1. Influence of the initial activation range setting on the QAT training behavior of ResNet18. While the latter is less of an issue for a more fine-grained quantization granularity (e.g., per-channel quantization), this remains a big issue for the more widely used per-tensor quantization. In this white While neural networks have advanced the frontiers in many applications, they often come at a high computational cost. Low bit-width quantization introduces noise to the network that can lead to a drop in accuracy. To explore the same effect for activation quantization, we perform a similar experiment, where we now quantize the activation to 4-bits and compare min-max initialization with MSE based initialization. If batch normalization is applied right after a linear layer y=BatchNorm(Wx), we can rewrite the terms such that the batch normalization operation is fused with the linear layer itself. These can then be used to find suitable parameters for activation quantizer as follows (Nagel et al., 2019): where \upbeta and \upgamma are vectors of per-channel learned shift and scale parameters, and >0. In section 2.4.2, we mentioned that per-channel quantization of the weights can improve accuracy when it is supported by hardware. MQBench Towards Reproducible and Deployable.pdf 567KB. This process is. ), A. Wang, A. Singh, J. Michael, F. Hill, O. On one hand, asymmetric quantization is more expressive because there is an extra offset parameter, but on the other hand there is a possible computational overhead. During on-device inference, all the inputs (biases, weight and input activations) to the hardware are in a fixed-point format. Vi,j is the continuous variable that we optimize over and h can be any monotonic function with values between 0 and 1, i.e., \mathnormalh(Vi,j)[0,1]. As discussed in previous sections, we always start from a pre-trained model and follow some PTQ steps in order to have faster convergence and higher accuracy. where H(,) denotes the cross-entropy function, is the softmax function, and v is the logits vector. This would prevent the requantization step but may require fine-tuning. (2019) introduce a method to analytically calculate the biased error, without the need for data. We fold BN during deployment into the weight tensor and incur potentially significant accuracy drop as we trained the network to adapt to a different quantization noise. In most cases, PTQ is sufficient for achieving 8-bit quantization with close to floating-point accuracy. This poses an issue because the gradient of the round-to-nearest operation in equation (4) is either zero or undefined everywhere, which makes gradient-based training impossible. While some networks are robust to this noise, other networks require extra work to exploit the benefits of quantization. For natural language understanding, we evaluate BERT-base on the GLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2018). In this white paper, we present an overview of neural network quantization using AI Model Efficiency Toolkit (AIMET). (As proposed in DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients) In this method, we first define the quantization function , which takes a real value and outputs a discrete-valued , where is the number of bits used for quantization. Per-tensor quantization of weights and activations has been standard for a while because it is supported by all fixed-point accelerators. When using SGD-type optimizers, the learning rate for the quantization parameters needs to be reduced compared to the rest of the network parameters. However, depending on the distribution of x and the values of W and b, there can be some values ci>0 for which this equality holds for (almost) all x in the empirical distribution. Thus these two terms can be pre-computed and added to the bias term of a layer at virtually no cost. The cross-layer equalization (CLE) procedure (Nagel et al., 2019) achieves this by equalizing dynamic ranges across consecutive layers. Most existing fixed-point accelerators do not currently support such logic and for this reason, we will not consider them in this work. When quantizing neural networks, assigning each floating-point weight to Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have an enormous potential impact Quantization is wildly taken as a model compression technique, which obt Neural networks are essential components of learning-based software syst Data clipping is crucial in reducing noise in quantization operations an Neural Network Quantization with AI Model Efficiency Toolkit (AIMET), Up or Down? In conclusion, a better initialization can lead to better QAT results, but the gain is usually small and vanishes the longer the training lasts. Notice, Smithsonian Terms of To illustrate this the authors quantized the weights of the first layer ofResNet18 to 4 bits using 100 different stochastic rounding samples (Gupta et al., 2015) and evaluated the performance of the network for each rounding choice. For both regimes, we introduce standard pipelines based on existing literature and extensive experimentation that lead to state-of-the-art performance for common computer vision and natural language processing models. Uniform affine quantization, also known as asymmetric quantization, is defined by three quantization parameters: the scale factor s, the zero-point z and the bit-width b. Whereas 8-bit quantization incurs close to no accuracy drop, quantizing weights to 4 bits leads to a larger drop, e.g. Figure7 illustrates this by plotting the performance of these rounding choices on the y-axis. where minx is evaluated on a small calibration dataset. DeeplabV3 (MobileNetV2 backbone) is evaluated on Pascal VOC (mean intersection over union), EfficientDet-D1 on COCO 2017 (mean average precision), BERT-base on the GLUE benchmark and other models on ImageNet (accuracy). They are very effective and fast to implement because they do not require retraining of the network with labeled data. As the main goal is to minimize the impact of quantization on the final task loss, we start by formulating the optimization problem in terms of this loss, where w denotes the perturbation due to quantization and can take two possible values for each weight, one by rounding the weight up and the other by rounding the weight down. They prove that an optimal weight equalization is achieved by setting S such that: where r(j)i is the dynamic range of channel i of weight tensor j. To tackle the first problem, the authors introduced additional suitable assumptions that allow simplifying the objective of equation(30) to the following local optimization problem that minimizes the MSE of the output activations for a layer. The activations stored in the 32-bit accumulators need to be written to memory before they can be used by the next layer. Using these techniques we present a standard post-training quantization pipeline, which we find to work best in most common scenarios and, finally, we introduce a set of debugging steps to improve the performance of the quantized model. For example, for weight tensors, we can specify a different quantizer per output channel. In this section, we present a best-practice pipeline for QAT based on relevant literature and extensive experimentation. PTQ methods, discussed in section3, take a trained network and quantize it with little or no data, requires minimal hyperparameter tuning and no end-to-end training. This step can show the relative contribution of activations and weight quantization to the overall performance drop and point us towards the appropriate solution. BERT-base is trained on each of the corresponding GLUE tasks for 3 to 12 epochs depending on the task and the quantization granularity. For this reason, it is a common approach to use asymmetric activation quantization and symmetric weight quantization that avoids the additional data-dependent term. In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the network's performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. To this end, we consider two main classes of quantization algorithms: Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) and Quantization-Aware Training (QAT). QAT models the quantization noise source (see section 2.3) during training. Some common solutions involve custom range setting for this quantizer or allowing a higher bit-width for problematic quantizer, e.g., BERT-base from table6. Correlation between the cost in equation(, Impact of various approximations and assumptions made in section. Any values of x that lie outside this range will be clipped to its limits, incurring a clipping error. If we have access to a calibration dataset the bias correction term can simply be calculated by comparing the activations of the quantized and full precision model. In practice, this modeling approach is on par or better for per-channel quantization compared to static folding as we can see from the last two rows of table 7. This allows the model to find more optimal solutions than post-training quantization. Such simulations are significantly easier to implement compared to running experiments on actual quantized hardware or using quantized kernels. So far, we have defined a single set of quantization parameters (quantizer) per tensor, one for the weights and one for activations, as seen in equation (3). By quantizing the weights and activations we can write the quantized version of the accumulation equation: Note that we used a separate scale factor for weights, sw, and activations, sx. Low precision quantization for neural networks supports AI application specifications by providing greater throughput for the same footprint or reducing resource usage. Diagram for quantized on-device inference with fixed-point operations. We now evaluate the performance of the aforementioned PTQ pipeline on common computer vision and natural language understanding applications. This provides flexibility and reduces the quantization error (more in section 2.2). These devices are typically subject to strict time restrictions on the execution of neural networks or stringent power requirements for long-duration performance. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. Edit social preview. Using our QAT pipeline, we quantize and evaluate the same models we used for PTQ in section 3.6. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. We note that MSE combined with cross-entropy for the last layer, denoted as MSE + Xent, outperforms other methods, especially at lower bit-widths. The rest of the computer vision models are evaluated on the ImageNet classification benchmark. Schematic overview of quantized forward pass for convolutional layer: a) Compute graph of actual on-device quantized inference. For this reason, a quantization step is required after average-pooling. Once all cycles are completed, the values in the accumulators are then moved back to memory to be used in the next neural network layer. Average ImageNet validation accuracy (%) over 5 runs. quantization and then consider two main classes of algorithms: Post-Training In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the network's performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. The algorithm ofMeller et al. When moving from 32 to 8 bits, the memory overhead of storing tensors decreases by a factor of 4 while the computational cost for matrix multiplication reduces quadratically by a factor of 16. Quantization-aware training models the quantization noise during training through simulated quantization operations. Although newer activations like Swish functions provide accuracy improvement in floating-point, these may vanish after quantization or may be less efficient to deploy on fixed-point hardware. This is important to ensure that common operations like zero padding or ReLU do not induce quantization error. W(1)=S1W(1) and often come at a high computational cost. 2020. While it is clear that starting from an FP32 model is beneficial, the effect of the quantization initialization on the final QAT result is less studied. This is because the cost of digital arithmetic typically scales linearly to quadratically with the number of bits used and because fixed-point addition is more efficient than its floating-point counterpart (Horowitz, 2014). b) Simulation of quantized inference for general-purpose floating-point hardware. Neural network quantization is a process of reducing the precision of the weights in the neural network, thus reducing the memory, computation, and energy bandwidths. Incremental network quantization: Towards cnns with low-precision weights. where ^x is the layers input with all preceding layers quantized and \mathnormalfa is the activation function. This will address the issue of uneven per-channel weight distribution. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. If a layer has batch-normalized activations, the per-channel mean and standard deviation of the activations are equal to the learned batch normalization shift and scale parameters, respectively. In later work (Esser et al., 2020; Jain et al., 2019; Bhalgat et al., 2020), the STE is used to calculate the gradient w.r.t. Blue boxes represent required steps and the turquoise boxes recommended choices. N/A implies that the corresponding experiment was computationally infeasible. CLE is particularly important for models with depth-wise separable layers and for per-tensor quantization, but it often also shows improvements for other layers and quantization choices. Activations are clipped to the range and then quantized as follows: Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. By definition, Quantization is the process of mapping values from a large set to a smaller set, with the objective of having the least information loss in the transformation. This is called per-tensor quantization. PTQ requires no Several variants of this range setting method exist in literature but they are all very similar in terms of objective function and optimization. We only notice a significant drop in performance when combining this with low bit activation quantization (W4A4). This approach of optimizing weight rounding is known as AdaRound. The table also clearly demonstrates the benefit of using cross-entropy for the last layer instead of the MSE objective. Note that in some QAT literature, the BN-folding effect is ignored. To avoid error accumulation across layers of the neural network and to account for the non-linearity, the authors propose the following final optimization problem. Besides reducing the computational overhead of the additional scaling and offset, this prevents extra data movement and the quantization of the layers output. Despite its simple nature, this operation is difficult to simulate accurately. However, neural network quantization is not free. In Nagel et al. The success of quantization has led to a large volume of literature and competing methods in recent years, and Qualcomm has been at the forefront of this research. The choice of quantizer might depend on the specific target HW; for common AI accelerators we recommend using symmetric quantizers for the weights and asymmetric quantizers for the activations. Therefore, they propose a procedure to, if possible, absorb high biases into the next layer. Other more complex activation functions, such as sigmoid or Swish (Ramachandran et al., 2017), require more dedicated support. This means that the bit-width chosen for either weights or activations remains constant across all layers. Post-training techniques may not be enough to mitigate the large quantization error incurred by low-bit quantization. Reducing the power and latency of neural network inference is key if we want to integrate modern networks into edge devices with strict power and compute requirements. In table 2, we present a similar comparison for activation quantization. I'm trying to use the same procedure to quantize float32 to int16. A. Garcia, S. Tiedemann, T. Kemp, and A. Nakamura (2020), Mixed precision dnns: all you need is a good parametrization, International Conference on Learning Representations, M. van Baalen, C. Louizos, M. Nagel, R. A. Amjad, Y. Wang, T. Blankevoort, and M. Welling (2020), Bayesian bits: unifying quantization and pruning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, H. Larochelle, M. Ranzato, R. Hadsell, M. F. Balcan, and H. Lin (Eds. Similar toKrishnamoorthi (2018), we observe that model performance is close to random when quantizingMobileNetV2 to INT8. Higher is better in all cases. ICLR2019 Intel; Per-Tensor Fixed-point quantization of the back-propagation algorithm . The building blocks or abstractions for the quantization flow that converts a floating point model to a quantized model. In neural network quantization, the weights and activation tensors are stored in lower bit precision than the 16 or 32-bit precision they are usually trained in. In this section we define the quantization scheme that we will use in this paper. W(2)=W(2)S, This can have a big impact on the accuracy of quantized model. b(1)=S1b(1). Besides, neural network quantization can often be applied along with other common methods for neural network optimization, such as neural architecture search, compression and pruning. We illustrate the recommended pipeline in figure 12. We start with an introduction to quantization and discuss hardware and practical considerations. QUENN: Quantization engine for low-power neural networks. the scale-factor: Originally, we restricted the zero-point to be an integer. The two fundamental components of this NN accelerator are the processing elements Cn,m and the accumulators An. One such scenario is the quantization of logits in the last layer of classification networks, in which it is important to preserve the order of the largest value after quantization. (2020) is, where is annealed during the course of optimization to initially allow free movement of \mathnormalh(Vi,j) and later to force them to converge to 0 or 1. However, to exploit these savings, we require robust quantization methods that can maintain high accuracy, while reducing the bit-width of weights and activations. 2015 IBM DoReFa-Net: . For both solutions, we provide tested pipelines based on existing literature and extensive experimentation that lead to state-of-the-art performance for common deep learning models and tasks. Per-channel quantization of activations is much harder to implement because we cannot factor the scale factor out of the summation and would, therefore, require rescaling the accumulator for each input channel. While forResNet18 we do not see a significant difference in the final QAT performance, forMobileNetV2 we observe that it cannot be trained without CLE. ImageNet validation accuracy (%), evaluated at full precision and 8-bit quantization. For other networks or in the case of per-channel quantization this step can be optional. 2022 Deep AI, Inc. | San Francisco Bay Area | All rights reserved. The regularizer used in Nagel et al. In section 2.3.2, we discuss in more detail when it is appropriate to position the quantizer after the non-linearity. While the MSE initialized model has a significantly higher starting accuracy, the gap closes after training for 20 epochs. The symmetric quantizer restricts the zero-point to 0. Quantizing networks with depth-wise separable layers (MobileNetV2, EfficientNet lite, DeeplabV3, EfficientDet-D1) is more challenging; a trend we also observed from the PTQ results in section 3.6 and discussed in the literature (Chin et al., 2020; Sheng et al., 2018). In this specific case, it is beneficial to minimize the following cross-entropy loss function. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional . We use the Adam optimizer for all models. However, there is a trade-off: with quantization, we can lose significant accuracy. weights and activations. If this is the case, we only have to simulate requantization that happens after the non-linearity. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. Here, per-channel quantization can show a significant benefit, for example, in EfficientNet lite per-channel quantization increases the accuracy by 2.8% compared to per-tensor quantization, bringing it within 1.4% of full-precision accuracy. 3. In this section, we present a best-practice pipeline for PTQ based on relevant literature and extensive experimentation. It would be wasteful to write the linear layers activations to memory, and then load them back into a compute core to apply a non-linearity. A solution to overcome such imbalances without the need to use per-channel quantization is introduced by Nagel et al. MSE may not be a suitable metric for this, as it weighs all the values in a tensor equally regardless of their order. An alternative approach by Jacob et al. In the specific case of per-channel quantization, using the min-max setting can sometimes be favorable. A White Paper on Neural Network Quantization2106.08295 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. We illustrate this rescaling procedure in figure 6. They allow the user to efficiently test various quantization options and it enables GPU acceleration for quantization-aware training as described in section 4. ), Proceedings of Machine Learning ResearchProceedings of Machine Learning Research, M. Nagel, M. van Baalen, T. Blankevoort, and M. Welling (2019), Data-free quantization through weight equalization and bias correction, M. G. d. Nascimento, R. Fawcett, and V. A. Prisacariu (2019), Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), P. Ramachandran, B. Zoph, and Q. V. Le (2017), B. Rouhani, D. Lo, R. Zhao, M. Liu, J. Fowers, K. Ovtcharov, A. Vinogradsky, S. Massengill, L. Yang, R. Bittner, A. Forin, H. Zhu, T. Na, P. Patel, S. Che, L. C. Koppaka, X. Low-bit fixed-point representations, such as INT8, not only reduce the amount data transfer but also the size and energy consumption of the MAC operation (Horowitz, 2014). Per-channel quantization can improve performance significantly bringing DeepLabV3 to floating-point accuracy and reducing the gap of MobileNetV2 and EfficientNet lite to less than 1.5%. One of the most impactful ways to decrease the computational time and energy consumption of neural networks is quantization. The boxplots show the min and max value, the 2nd and 3rd quartile and the median are plotted for each channel. To set the quantization parameters of all weight tensors we recommend using the layer-wise MSE based criteria. Want to hear about new tools we're making? While this requires more effort in training and potentially hyperparameter tuning, it generally further closes the gap to the full-precision accuracy compared to PTQ for low-bit quantization. Reducing the power and latency of neural network inference is key if we want to integrate modern networks into edge devices with strict power and compute requirements. Batch normalization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015) is a standard component of modern convolutional networks. In our example, we use INT8 arithmetic, but this could be any quantization format for the sake of this discussion. The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative This choice can bring hardware efficiencies because scaling with s corresponds to simple bit-shifting. While neural networks have advanced the frontiers in many applications, they often come at a high computational cost. The rounding-to-nearest strategy is motivated by the fact that, for a fixed quantization grid, it yields the lowest MSE between the floating-point and quantized weights. The bias is often not quantized because it is stored in higher-precision. In this section, we will explore the effect of initialization for QAT. Forward and backward computation graph for quantization aware training with STE assumption. However, if we look at the computational graph of figure 4, to train such a network we need to back-propagate through the simulated quantizer block. Per (output) channel weight ranges of the first depthwise-separable layer inMobileNetV2 after BN folding. In this section, we introduce the basic principles of neural network quantization and of fixed-point accelerators on which quantized networks run on. However, for more efficient networks, such as MobileNetV2 and EfficientNet lite, the drop increases to 2.5% and 4.2% respectively for per-tensor quantization. We then explore common issues observed during PTQ and introduce the most successful techniques to overcome them. The post-training quantization techniques described in the previous section are the first go-to tool in our quantization toolkit. Average ImageNet validation accuracy (%) over 3 runs. The learning rate is individually optimized for each configuration. In conclusion, for models that have severe issues with plain PTQ we may need advanced PTQ techniques such as CLE to initialize QAT. We start with a hardware motivated introduction to . Despite the performance gains (see table 5), equation (30) cannot be widely applied for weight rounding for main two reasons: The memory and computational complexity of calculating the Hessian is impractical for general use-cases. Set the quantized model bit-width to 32 bits for both weights and activation, or by-pass the quantization operation, if possible, and check that the accuracy matches that of the FP32 model. We start with a hardware motivated introduction to quantization and then consider two main classes of algorithms: Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) and Quantization-Aware-Training (QAT). We can exploit this positive scaling equivariance in consecutive layers in neural networks. Hence, significant benefits can be achieved by using a lower bit fixed-point or quantized representation for these quantities. Variational network quantization. A fundamental step in the PTQ process is finding good quantization ranges for each quantizer. Neural network Further, they noted that batch normalization folding adds to this effect and can result in a strong imbalance between weights connected to various output channels (see figure 5). In this case, MSE would incur a large quantization error to the few larger important logits while trying to reduce the quantization error of the more populous smaller logits. These methods can be data-free or may require a small calibration set, which is often readily available. Once the three quantization parameters are defined we can proceed with the quantization operation. During quantization-aware training, we want to simulate inference behavior closely, which is why we have to account for BN-folding during training. This frees the neural network designer from having to be an expert in quantization and thus allows for a much wider application of neural network quantization. Weights can usually be quantized without any need for calibration data. Are complementary minimum MSE loss and computationally efficient method that shows significant performance improvement in practice this! Mapping between integer and floating-point domain use-case of deep learning frameworks binary optimization ( )! This will address the issue of large outliers is to quantize than the other hand, signed quantization! 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