Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers. i want to customize the style of selected row and header exactly . Selection Modes The RadGridView control provides three selection modes, which allow you to manipulate the type of selection. More details about how this can be achieved can be found in the RowStyleSelector article. The RadGridView control provides three selection modes, which allow you to manipulate the type of selection. (And you have to check the cusomized templates for changes on every release - since almost 10 years now, in my case). Download free 30-day trial. Right now I'm on an older release but this is a reason to switch to the newest. For example, the visual appearance of the selected row in the Office2016 theme would be as shown below. (see attached picture). Based on your conditions - you return the proper Style that will be applied to the framework element (row in our case). Based on your conditions - you return the proper Style that will be applied to the framework element (row in our case). In looking through some of the telerik samples I have seen a few similar examples but nothing that fully supported this use . Now enhanced with: Controls / RadGridView / Styles and Templates, New to Telerik UI for WPF? It will still be possible to manipulate the selection programmatically. You can download a runnable project of the previous example from our online SDK repository here, the example is listed as GridView/RowStyleSelector. Setting it to FullRow will enable the selection of rows (default) while setting it to Cell will enable the cell selection. In order to use the AlternateRowStyle, you should first set the AlternationCount property of your RadGridView. To learn more about each of them go to the Selection Events article. In order to style all instances of RadGridView in your application, you should create an appropriate style targeting the RadGridView control. All Rights Reserved. And no, during the last years I changed only SelectionBackgound (Background_Selected + children) and HoverBackground (Background_Over + children). More information can be found in the SelectedBackground and MouseOverBackground article. Now enhanced with: New to Telerik UI for WPF? Override its SelectStyle method. System.Windows.Controls assembly). I'm ok with my styles now. I want Dark Gray instead of blue. What we want to achieve is to set the background color of the rows to Red if the capacity > 50 000 or Yellow otherwise: Create a new class which inherits the StyleSelector class (which resides in the As of R1 2019 SP1, you are able to change the brush used for the mouseover state of the GridViewRow by setting its MouseOverBackground property as demonstrated in Example 2. This is controlled by the SelectionMode enumeration property which has the following values: Single: Only one item can be selected at a time. Regards, If enabled, users can also select a single cell or multiple cells as shown in Figure 2. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Max total file size - 20MB. To learn more about styling the different rows read here. This will disable the selection only for the end-user. For example, if you want to alternate each second row, you have to set its value to 2. Figure 1: The expected result. RadGridView provides you with selection functionality, which allows the user to select one or more rows and/or cells from the data displayed by the control. RadGridView exposes the RowStyle and AlternateRowStyle properties of type Style. Supported file types: PNG, JPG, JPEG, ZIP, RAR, TXT. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Before reading this topic, you might find it useful to get familiar with the Template Structure of the GridViewRow. But how can I style the "headers". To copy the default style of the control and modify it. To disable the selection functionality you can set the CanUserSelect property to False. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Of course, . You can consider Using Implicit Styles. I want same mouseover and selection colors on every row, alernate colored or normal color. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. RadGridView also provides three selection units, which allow you to manipulate what units are selected when you interact with the grid. and the selected colors of the items below Override its SelectStyle method. It is said in documentation ( it allows you to select a given row via a checkbox, in other words - each CheckBox's IsChecked property is bound to the IsSelected property of the corresponding row. First of all,I know that FormatCodeBlock is the best way to display code used in particular forum - I will not go explain why I posted them as plan text,but sorry for the caused inconvenience .. As concerned to style the headers you should edit the GridViewHeaderRowStyle to make desired changes - Bellow you can see the screenshot : I forgot to mention that also you have to restyle the GridViewHeaderCell in the same way as GridViewHeaderRowStyle. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Example 1: The ConditionalStyleSelector class C# VB.NET TRY TELERIK'S NEWEST PRODUCT - EQATEC APPLICATION ANALYTICS for WPF. "{DynamicResourceGridViewRowControlTemplateRow}", "{DynamicResourceGridViewRowControlTemplateAltRow}", telerik:SelectiveScrollingGrid.ColumnDefinitions, telerik:SelectiveScrollingGrid.RowDefinitions, "{TemplateBindingHorizontalContentAlignment}", "{TemplateBindingVerticalContentAlignment}", "{BindingIsExpandable,RelativeSource={RelativeSourceTemplatedParent}}", "{BindingIsExpanded,Mode=TwoWay,RelativeSource={RelativeSourceTemplatedParent}}", SelectiveScrollingGrid.SelectiveScrollingOrientation, "{TemplateBindingRowIndicatorVisibility}", "M3,12.999999L4,12.9999995,12.9999996,12.9999997,12.9999998,12.9999999,12.99999910,12.99999911,12.99999911,13.99999910,13.9999999,13.9999998,13.9999997,13.9999996,13.9999995,13.9999994,13.9999993,13.999999zM11,11.999999L12,11.99999912,12.99999911,12.999999zM2.0000001,11.999999L3,11.9999993,12.9999992.0000001,12.999999zM12,10.999999L13,10.99999913,11.99999912,11.999999zM1,10.999999L2.0000001,10.9999992.0000001,11.9999991,11.999999zM13,2.9999992L14,2.999999214,3.999999214,4.999999214,5.999999214,6.999999214,7.999999214,8.999999214,9.999999214,10.99999913,10.99999913,9.999999213,8.999999213,7.999999213,6.999999213,5.999999213,4.999999213,3.9999992zM0,2.9999992L1,2.99999921,3.99999921,4.99999921,5.99999921,6.99999921,7.99999921,8.99999921,9.99999921,10.9999990,10.9999990,9.99999920,8.99999920,7.99999920,6.99999920,5.99999920,4.99999920,3.9999992zM12,1.9999999L13,1.999999913,2.999999212,2.9999992zM1,1.9999999L2.0000001,1.99999992.0000001,2.99999921,2.9999992zM11,0.99999994L12,0.9999999412,1.999999911,1.9999999zM2.0000001,0.99999994L2.9999998,0.999999942.9999998,1.99999992.0000001,1.9999999zM2.9999998,0L3.9999998,05,06,07,08,09,010,011,011,0.9999999410,0.999999949,0.999999948,0.999999947,0.999999946,0.999999945,0.999999943.9999998,0.999999942.9999998,0.99999994z", "M1.4901161E-07,8L1.0000001,82.0000002,82.0000002,92.0000002,101.0000003,101.0000003,91.0000001,101.4901161E-07,101.4901161E-07,9zM1.4901161E-07,0L1.0000001,02.0000002,02.0000002,12.0000002,22.0000002,32.0000002,4.00000012.0000002,52.0000002,5.99999992.0000002,71.0000001,71.4901161E-07,71.4901161E-07,5.99999991.4901161E-07,51.4901161E-07,4.00000011.4901161E-07,31.4901161E-07,20,1z", "M4,15L5,156,157,158,159,1510,1511,1512,1512,1611,1610,169,168,167,166,165,164,16zM12,14L13,1413,1512,15zM3,14L4,144,153,15zM13,13L14,1314,1413,14zM2,13L3,133,142,14zM14,12L15,1215,1314,13zM1,12L2,122,131,13zM7,11L7,127,138,139,139,129,118,11zM15,4L16,416,516,616,716,816,916,1016,1116,1215,1215,1115,1015,915,815,715,615,5zM0,4L1,41,51,61,71,81,91,101,111,120,120,110,100,90,80,70,60,5zM14,3L15,315,414,4zM7,3L7,47,57,67,77,87,97,108,109,109,99,89,79,69,59,49,38,3zM1,3L2,32,41,4zM13,2L14,214,313,3zM4,2L5,26,27,28,29,210,211,212,212,313,313,414,414,514,614,714,814,914,1014,1114,1213,1213,1312,1312,1411,1410,149,148,147,146,145,144,144,133,133,122,122,112,102,92,82,72,62,52,43,43,34,3zM2,2L3,23,32,3zM12,1L13,113,212,2zM3,1L4,14,23,2zM4,0L5,06,07,08,09,010,011,012,012,111,110,19,18,17,16,15,14,1z", "M14,9L15,915,1014,10zM1,9L2,92,101,10zM15,8L16,816,915,9zM0,8L1,81,90,9zM15,1L16,116,215,2zM0,1L1,11,20,2zM14,0L15,015,114,1zM1,0L2,02,11,1z", "M0.99999994,6.9999995L2,6.99999953,6.99999954,6.99999955,6.99999956,6.99999957,6.99999958,6.99999959,6.999999510,6.999999511,6.999999512,6.999999513,6.999999513,7.999999512,7.999999511,7.999999510,7.99999959,7.99999958,7.99999957,7.99999956,7.99999955,7.99999954,7.99999953,7.99999952,7.99999950.99999994,7.9999995zM13,0.99999994L14,0.9999999414,1.999999914,2.999999514,3.999999514,4.999999514,5.999999514,6.999999513,6.999999513,5.999999513,4.999999513,3.999999513,2.999999513,1.9999999zM0,0.99999994L0.99999994,0.999999940.99999994,1.99999990.99999994,2.99999950.99999994,3.99999950.99999994,4.99999950.99999994,5.99999950.99999994,6.99999950,6.99999950,5.99999950,4.99999950,3.99999950,2.99999950,1.9999999zM11,0L12,013,013,0.9999999412,0.9999999411,0.9999999410,0.999999949,0.999999948,0.999999947,0.999999946,0.999999945,0.999999944,0.999999943,0.999999942,0.999999940.99999994,0.999999940.99999994,2.3841858E-072,2.3841858E-073,2.3841858E-074,2.3841858E-075,2.3841858E-076,2.3841858E-077,2.3841858E-078,2.3841858E-079,2.3841858E-0710,2.3841858E-07z", "M2,9L3,94,95,96,97,98,99,910,911,912,913,914,914,1013,1012,1011,1010,109,108,107,106,105,104,103,102,10zM14,8L15,815,914,9zM1,8L2,82,91,9zM15,2L16,216,316,416,516,616,716,815,815,715,615,515,415,3zM3,2L4,25,26,26,35,35,45,55,65,76,76,85,84,83,83,74,74,64,54,44,33,3zM0,2L1,21,31,41,51,61,71,80,80,70,60,50,40,3zM14,1L15,115,214,2zM1,1L2,12,21,2zM2,0L3,04,05,06,07,08,09,010,011,012,013,014,014,113,112,111,110,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,1z", "M4,0L5,06,07,08,09,010,011,012,012,112,212,312,412,5.000000112,611,610,69,68,67,66,65,64,64,5.00000013,5.00000013,43,33,23,14,1zM0,0L1,01,12,12,22,32,42,5.00000011,5.00000011,60,60,5.00000010,40,30,20,1z", "{DynamicResourceGridViewRowStyleAltRow}", The GridViewCellStyle resource is accessible when you use the NoXaml dlls and you merged the associated .xaml files. The RadGridView allows you to easily style the rows by exposing a style property for each of them. For example, the visual appearance of the selected row in the Office2016 theme would be as shown below. I will be glad if I was able to help you! Download free 30-day trial. Predefining the complete (and in this case very complex style) just to change a color is not really strait forward??? All Rights Reserved. This will only disable the selection. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Read mode on UI Virtualization. If you have alternating rows and you have explicitly set a style which sets the SelectedBackground of the rows to the RowStyle property of the RadGridView, you will have to set the AlternateRowStyle property to the same style (or a style that sets the SelectedBackground property to the same value). To learn how to modify the default RadGridView style, please refer to the . In addition, once the data from a row has been selected the ability to select or add additional data to my listbox needs to be disabled. With Alternete rows. radGrid.png Hello Telerik team I have managed to style my rad grid view in WPF accordingly , however when grouping by a column the expanded row has an empty space on the far left which doesn't seem to be a part of any style (see attached file for mentioned left space and the resulting ugly contrast of colors). Multiple: Items are added to the selection when they get clicked and get removed when they get clicked again. To learn how to modify the default GridViewCell style, please refer to the Modifying Default Styles article. thank you very much for this info. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. . In case the SelectionUnit of the RadGridView is Cell or Mixed, you can set the SelectedBackground property of the GridViewCell. RadGridView has a default Brush for its selection on row level depending on the given theme. Those are SelectedBackground and MouseOverBackground. please i need your help : (. DataGridCell and DataGridRow both have IsSelected property that can be used in a Trigger to find out if they are selected. The other option they give is to override the RadGridView style, using a copy from the Themes. My suggestion is two properties on the RadGridView : MaxRowHeight and MultilineRowContentBehavior. All Rights Reserved. This is why if I come back, previously selected items will not be selected anymore. To set the selection unit, use the SelectionUnit enumeration property of the RadGridView. The notes in the previous section about the SelectedBackground property apply to the MouseOverBackground as well. All Rights Reserved. you should use Blend for that purpose -Please check my last post from the following thread: I saw that post, but it's not working with AlternteRow color. The Style is defined in the Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.xaml file which is why you can access it using the StaticResource keyword. In this case we have two different styles that could be applied: Depending on the underlying data you cab select which style to apply. To learn more on that topic read here. The GridViewRow element exposes properties which allow you to change the default brush used for its selected and mouseover states. Setting it to FullRow will enable the selection of rows (default) while setting it to Cell will enable the cell selection. Hi see the picture below -I am using exactly the same example from the thread I suggested you before- MouseOver/IsSelected work as expected for ALL rows: The only one modificiation is that I have added these properties you want:AlternationCount and AlternationRowBackground,
, According to me you should not set the RowStyle explicitly-copy and paste the style from the previous thread add the following lines above . to see only the example and you will see the mechanism. i want to change the color from orange to blue for example and i want to change the elements put in red rectangle in the image attached. GridViewRow elements can be styled by providing an appropriate style for each of these properties.
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