Head through the exit to the outer courtyard when you're ready to proceed with the quest. Sniper shot works exactly the same as critical strike, except that it only works with pistols and other ranged weaponry. Sand People will occasionally ambush you in groups of three while you're in the Dune Sea, and we can only suppose that Anakin Skywalker wiped out Tuskans that were watered down by millenia of inbreeding, because these guys are tough, especially if you come to Tatooine without a lot of levels under your belt. It's also useful to point out that these skills don't make it any easier to actually repair a droid or use a computer; they simply make it so that your character uses fewer computer spikes and parts when performing the action. As it is, it doesn't just reduce your travel time; it also gives you a defense bonus, and, most importantly, gives you free, unpenalized extra attacks per turn. setcomputeruse (number) ), but we won't spoil those for you. The DC check of a thermal detonator is 15 against a character's reflex save. Matrik is squirreled away in the apartments in the Lower City across from the Upper City elevator. There are some tough fights in KOTOR, to be sure. Even before you feel the calling of the Force, a charismatic individual will have much greater success in persuading others to see his or her side of an argument. If you did everything correctly, you should find yourself with 1,310 experience; if you solved only parts of the case, you will find yourself with a substantially smaller reward. The best method of questioning is to insinuate that something will happen to Tela; simply ask him about her, then select all three of the persuasion options that appear. g_w_shortswrd03 - Teta's Blade, Vibro Swords:g_w_vbroswrd01 - VibroSword So, upon reaching level four, you gain an attribute point, and again at level eight, level 12, and so on. Trask will display his courage by pushing you out into the hall to take the Sith on by yourself, giving you merely a lame battle cry as support. The scoundrel is also the only class that can easily learn the persuade skill, and since this skill is not usable by party members, you'll be able to do some things that will probably be beyond the ability of the other classes to access, unless they overload themselves on charisma. Um die Gruppe im Gefecht erneut zu koordinieren, kann der Spieler das Gefecht jederzeit pausieren und Angriffsbefehle verteilen. Un-equip Zaalbar before you get too close to the guard; he'll be leaving your party, and any equipment he has on him will be inaccessible to you for a while. Destroy them, then open the tomb (DC 28) to obtain Marko Ragnus' gauntlets and a sigil crystal. Feats can be upgraded; once you possess both a basic feat and whatever prerequisites are required, and obtain a feat purchase point at a level-up, you may advance that feat to the next level, which allows you to obtain more bonuses to the special ability that the feat affords you. If you've obtained Bastila's side quest, you'll find her father's holocron next to the Star Map. Speak to the Wookiee fighting the Mandalorians and heal him to get the Hidden Hunters side quest, then head south to find Freyyr in a small cul-de-sac. Skills: Repair is the obvious winner here, but since HK gets two skill points every round, you'll need to find something else to pump. [5] The interface has been streamlined from the original game and party management has been made easier; for example, the player can switch between two selected weapon sets in the menu. They've got you there, and there's no avoiding justice in this situation. He'll spin you a tale about an underwater facility that the Republic has built, and you can guess where you'll head off to next. g_i_implant103 - Memory Package, Implants Class 2:g_i_implant201 - Biotech Package Bring the journal you find on her corpse back to Rukil to open the Promised Land quest. Once you have every single piece of evidence you can find, proceed back to the judges and begin the trial. Note that players with some persuasion ability can easily bribe him to lie in court; this gives you a minor Dark side hit, but will help out your case later on, so you should do it unless you're really into role-playing the virtuous path. Die anfngliche Wahl der Klasse besitzt einen direkten Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Charakters, da die Klassen eigene Fertigkeiten mitbringen und die Entwicklung bestimmter Attribute, Fhigkeiten oder Talente begnstigen. Once the generator makes your item in laboriously slow fashion (keep in mind that the game doesn't pause while you're on the computer, and that Sith are no doubt rushing towards you, so keep things speedy), pop over to the bin and pick up your swank new super robes. g_i_implant309 - Beemon Package As soon as the battle begins, you'll want to keep it paused and throw down some Force powers to knock the Wookiees on their collective ass, if indeed you have been investing in the ass-knocking powers (again, Force whirlwind is your friend). Fear is a counterpart to the Light side's stun power, though it is marginally weaker, since the Dark side's emphasis is on destruction, rather than mere stunning effects. Apparently Matton's shipmates decided to abandon him on Kashyyyk instead of paying his debt, leaving him high and dry until he works it off. g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina You should do the Krayt Dragon mission first as later on in the game Calo is extremely tough to beat if you don't beat him during this mission. When you're done, take the westernmost path to the Matale grounds. Stun does not work on droids; they get their own special stun droid power. KOTOR is a game that no Xbox owner will want to be without. The Selkath target is your first priority, seeing as he lives elsewhere on Manaan. These points are simple additions to an attribute; you can raise a score of 18 to 19 just as easily as you can go from 10 to 11. When you reach the second floor, gear up for a fight; Gadon may be blind, but he can still kick some ass when his back is up against the wall. You can wander through this area, killing all of the Kath hounds that you find. Allein im ersten Jahr wurde es mit ber 40 Preisen prmiert. Um die gesuchte Karte auf einem Planeten zu finden, muss der Spieler in der Regel zunchst die Gebiete erforschen und zahlreiche Auftrge mit wechselndem Umfang erledigen. After he's dead, check Calo's body for an excellent set of armor. Canderous was a Mandalorian of the Ordo clan who fought the Republic in the Mandalorian Wars under Mandalore the Preserver. Luckily, he's quite good at it. Dark Side Solution: Congratulations, you just became a bounty hunter. It probably isn't worth your while to pump awareness up too high; it is, after all, a somewhat passive skill that merely seeks to let your character avoid damage. Hit the flow control panel outside the left room. Follow up to the acclaimed and original Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. The affair was over, and that's why the Sith killed Elassa. While you're leveling him up, you will probably want to pump his repair and computer use skills, as well as give him another rank in gear head, since all of this put together should get you up to at least the 16th rank in each skill, which will save you spikes and parts over the long term. Zuulan is on Dantooine, near the Matale estate. Feats: Get lightsaber focus to begin with; the dual-bladed lightsaber you'll be running around with on Taris will hurt Bastila's attack rating. Attributes: Just pump dexterity whenever possible. g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack (Well, hopefully.) Head into the corridor, but if you're a Light side player, loot your party members of equipment before you open the far door, and use their items to outfit your PC with the best gear in your possession. You'll gain a new party member, Juhani, assuming you didn't punch her ticket back in the grove, and be granted permission to leave Dantooine. Note that giving him money to improve his swoop bike actually gives you lower times to beat during the final tier, which merely goes to show that it is sometimes literally true that nice guys finish last. g_a_class6007 - Davik's War Suit He volunteers to shut down his healing mods for a few minutes, then detonate a grenade nearby to give the Sith the impression that he's about to die. If you find yourself having an extremely difficult time connecting with a lightsaber, you can go the unconventional route and attempt to take down Malak with grenades. Lightsabers are not balanced; you'll need to use a short lightsaber in the off-hand if you want to reduce your main-hand penalty. If you stop a couple meters short of the end of the metal walkway that leads into the room, then lay down mines, you can easily lure him across after you dispense with all of the trapped Jedi. Once all of the enemies are dead, you'll obtain Bacca's Blade, which is arguably the best non-lightsaber melee weapon in the game. Awareness is the natural choice, since it dovetails with Jolee's wisdom bonus, and is easily boosted by a large number of headgear items. They can dish out a fair amount of damage with their vibroblades, though, so if you don't have much vitality, you'll want to track down Zaalbar quickly and let him be your furry tank. The mod features over 190 maps from all the Star Wars eras and features custom maps. Before you begin your adventure, you will need to create the character that will become your alter ego in the world of KOTOR. The first character will probably be somewhat more deadly in strict weapons-based combat, due to the extra Feats from his soldier levels, but the latter character will be more dangerous overall, due to the larger Force point reservoir and the greatly increased number of Force powers. Once you find the holocron, bring it back to Helena in the cantina. Go ahead and accept the quest; you'll immediately be granted a license, with the understanding that the Czerka will pay a bounty for each gaffi stick you bring back to them. He'll ask you to find the blade of the mighty Bacca, an ancient Wookiee tribal leader, which was lost in the hide of a ferocious beast elsewhere in the Shadowlands. It seems that the Tuskan raiders have been attacking the Czerka's sandcrawlers, apparently out of anger at the technological intrusion into their land. Diese seien auf komplexe Weise verzweigt und miteinander verknpft, bieten viel Auswahl und regen daher an, das Spiel mehrmals zu spielen. g_w_vbroshort08 - Mission's Vibroblade He and his cronies can pose a tough challenge for an under-leveled team of adventurers; if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, you may want to skip these guys for now and come back when you have a bit more vitality under your belt. If you don't kill them, or even if you do, you can proceed further back towards the Hawk to encounter yet another crazy Sith who wants to kill people. Unfortunately, the attack penalties are still absolutely horrendous at the first level, so unless you want your enemies to think that you got weapons training from Greedo, you'll probably want to stick with a single weapon until you reach the second rank of this feat. Nach einem kurzen Gefecht wird Karath mit seiner Eskorte von Revan und seinen Gefhrten berwltigt. g_i_mask22 - Circlet of Saresh g_a_class5003 - Zabrak Battle Armor Diese werden durch das Sammeln von Erfahrungspunkten ermglicht. g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. g_w_sbrcrstl07 - Jenruax Crystal A character or monster's defense rating is an aggregate of any bonuses from armor, their dexterity attribute, and any feats or Force powers that are active. Any character that you pick to be involved in the rescue will start completely unequipped, with only their skills and Force powers to rely on. If Zaalbar is using a melee weapon, don't hesitate to heal him with one of your advanced medpacs; he'll be getting hit hard, and the regular medpacs won't be enough to outpace the damage that he'll be taking. Why? Apparently the Sith can't hold their ale--has our intrepid hero found the key to ending this horrible conflict once and for all?!? Whrend dieses Einsatzes beginnt Malak mit dem Bombardement von Taris, da er nicht riskieren will, dass Bastila flieht. Run towards them a bit, to ensure that the reinforcements arrive, then throw a frag grenade at one of the soldiers in the middle of the group; this should take out most of them and severely weaken the survivors. Dazu fertigten die Entwickler eigene Charaktermodelle, Spielumgebungen und Tonaufnahmen an. The Jedi guardian's class-specific feat is Force jump, which is a combat-oriented feat that allows a Jedi to cover massive amounts of ground and deliver a powerful blow when combat begins. Mekel possesses the strength of ten men!. If you travel to Korriban and meet up with Dustil, you'll have to choose between killing him, or obtaining a datapad from Uthar's rooms and convincing Dustil of the error of his ways. You did bring bantha fodder, didn't you?
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