Q. I have a 10 year old 4th grader that is doing a science fair project and I was never good at science and do not have all the answers to help him. Also, what are the results that I should get from my experiment? I want to know why the color of Seven Up changes as we put a nail in it? This nail is the anode. If I were to choose corrosion, how would I conduct an experiment? The nails that corroded the least were the nails with glue in vinegar and the nails with nail polish in vinegar. Pour boiled distilled water in test tube B, add about 1 ml of oil and cork it. Conclusion. Which means that the oxygen concentration at the sharp points is higher than at the smooth points. Writea one-paragraph story (three-four sentences) using intertext as the mode of text development. When water ionizes to hydrogen and oxygen, or hydrogen and hydroxide, the oxygen ions are negatively charged and are attracted to the anode, causing an oxygen reaction or oxidation. I saw the black stuff on it and want to know what it is. In short, I think your son should do the experiment as conclusively as he can, then try to advance an explanation, but introduce this information about the uncertainty of the results, because there are simply too many contrary results to dismiss them all based on testing two or three nails :-). Did the magnesium that was near, but not touching, the nail show any protective tendencies? I don't get it -- why?! Galvanization is the process of depositing a thin layer of zinc metal on iron articles. 2.2 THEORY Rusting of iron is one of the most common and economically destructive form of corrosion. Effect of pH level on rusting. I wanted to ask if it was still considered as rust?. I'm doing it on which liquid can dissolve rust off of nails best. I need to research the chemistry of rusting and describe what is happening in terms of redox reactions. This activity aims to make a conversation between the student and the author of the text. Rusting is a very slow process which takes place over several weeks or months. My research question is "Does the pH level (acid/alkali) affect the rate of corrosion of a steel screw. It also makes the iron objects fragile. I'm doing the experiment now, but I'm getting really flustered and impatient, so could someone who already knows how long it takes please reply asap! The data demonstrates that nails do in fact react differently in different types of liquids. These electrons will quickly react with the disassociated hydrogen ions (in H3O+(aq) form) and the dissolved oxygen in the water (O2(aq)): 4e-(aq) + 4H3O+(aq) + O2(aq) -> 6H2O(l). 1. and also I have to do note cards with this experiment how would I get A LOT of info that can fill 50 note cards? 4 possible liquids are tap water, tap water with a little baking soda, vinegar, bleach. it has a higher pH level? This may be performed as an overhead demonstration using a water mixture containing a few drops of phenolphthalein and potassium ferricyanide solutions. I would like to know if this is an efficient way to do my project? In your second experiment, the iron on the clean nail surface would have reacted with vinegar to form Iron (II) acetate.There are two main reasons why the solution might appear to have no change: The vinegar initially dissolved any small amount of rust that was on the nail, then it began to slowly dissolve the iron itself (as proven by your weight loss measurement). There are a number of methods used to stop or slow down the spontaneous corrosion of iron. A. Turn off the flame if using a Bunsen burner or turn down the heat if using a hot plate. Distilled water will absorb gases from the atmosphere, together with oxygen. Experiment 1: Rusting of Iron Filings Put cotton ball into a 1oz cup and sprinkle with iron filings. Do not cover your wet nails with cotton or calcium chloride crystals. All information presented is for general reference and does not represent a professional opinion nor the policy of an author's employer. But I'm not confident you will get green rather than black anyway--you might possibly if things go well. The controls of the experiment are the nails without coating in water and vinegar. Good luck. You should also be able to see that rusting has taken place by the appearance of the brownish-orange oxide coating that will have formed on the steel . Good luck. my materials are: vinegar, tap water, sprite. As a result, it is easier for water tanks and pipes to get rusted. A. The variables are the types of coatings, and the types of liquids. However, the learner should have an, Read the article below. One experiment you may wish to try is to use some iron (or steel) nails - make sure they are ungalvanized (i.e., not coated in zinc) or coated with anything else, such as paint or lacquer and are not stainless steel. The process is sufficiently complex that inferences from experiments with "soda pops and vinegar" will be difficult or impossible without chemistry. As a result, the oxidation number decreases. Nail dipped in water with some oil floating on water. Once it will, conditions area unit gift for the formation of rust since you've got water, oxygen, and iron. I am thinking of doing corrosion or rust however I have a few questions. One of our readers (Poppy Anne, letter 19024) claimed that the reason that fresh water is reported as more corrosive is that in the short term it is, but it builds a film of corrosion products on the nail that tend to slow further corrosion, whereas salt water penetrates this film and continues to corrode. Write me back as soon as you can thanks! I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELPTHANKS! I can see you tossing the word "rust" around in an inconsistent fashion, where you mean visible rust one moment, total dissolved iron the next time, amount of weight loss the third time, and back and forth. But depending on what grade you are in, what chemicals the school lets you use, and what equipment your school has, you probably have to compromise rather than doing it the ideal way. Q. I am doing a grade 8 experiment on rusting nails. Additionally, some paints are specifically designed to deter rust, and may have rust-preventative chemicals in them, whereas others may be intended primarily to be used on wood and would not include the rust preventative. Rusting of iron refers to the formation of rust, a mixture of iron oxides, on the surface of iron objects or structures. I suggest you then put the flasks or bottles in a safe place and give them all, except your "control", a gentle shake for about a minute at least twice a day (say morning and evening). The internet is largely anonymous & unvetted; some names may be fictitious and some recommendations might be harmful. I tried twice for 2 days and the results indicated water was the liquid that rusted the nail. When the fourteenth day arrived the said nail was black and the one in the salt water had less rust what happened to my project? I need to know what the variables are for rusting nails. My hypothesis for this project is that the lower the pH the less the rust growth; is this hypothesis correct? and I've found all my research and everything except how long it takes? Rusting is the common term for corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel. The nickel should have been connected to the positive pole if you want it to ionize to a green color because things dissolve at the positive pole, not the negative pole. We expected the rust in water, but the results in vinegar and bleach has me stumped. Once again thank you. "Rust" is iron oxide, the chemical combination of iron from the nail with oxygen from the air or dissolved in the liquid. keep goin The nail completely rusted and the liquid was brick red color, showing the evidence of iron oxide. Don't mix any liquids together. The copper is less active than iron and should not show protective tendencies. The result proved that water is an important substance in the process of rusting and that the finishes help keep the nails from rusting. This hydrated iron (Ill) oxide is referred to as rust. What do you think? Q. I am a 7th grader doing a project on rusting nails. He is doing a project on which of bleach, tap water (we have well water), or salt water would rust an uncoated framing nail the fastest. Q. I am doing a science project on how does the acidity of a solution affects the rate of oxidation of an iron nail. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. The coating on the nails did in fact prevent some rust, view the chart below for the results. Chemicals &Consumables Three tests were conducted where a. nail was placed in water, 10%salt saturated, 20% salt saturated, 30% salt saturated etc to 100%. Time: If the solutions are already prepared, each day will require 15 to 20 minutes. The pH's of each solution are approximately 2, 3.2, 4.4, 5.1, and 6.6. The ideal way to measure rust is to weigh the nail before you start the experiment, let it rust in the solution for your experiment, then use special chemicals to dissolve away the rust, and then weigh the nail again -- determining the amount of corrosion by how much weight of metal the nail has lost. Corrosion experiment - Rusting nails. Nor do I know what to say about the profuse clumps of light brown rust in the tube with nail and bleach. To save money companies refrain from using pure metals. This reaction can take place either in air or in liquids. Q. Hi, it's me again. If you are seeking a product or service related to metal finishing, please check these Directories: Jobshops For the seiries of 'Dry', wrap a small amount of calcium chloride with a piace of tissue, and then put the tissue into the mouth of the testtubes. Heat this to boiling. In the bleach barely any rust was present. The purpose of this experiment was to determine, what types of liquids cause corrosion and which types of coatings are able to prevent corrosion. Understanding of how this occurs leads to ways of preventing the corrosion. The aluminum should show better protective tendencies than the tin. To measure the amount of rust, each nail will be rated on the level of corrosion. I have read some of the threads and it helped me understand some to help my son understand his project, but I am left with other questions. . Just make sure that you can trust the source. When iron oxidizes, it corrodes in to the familiar brownish red color called rust. The excess electrons at the cathode 'reduce' the ions that come in contact with it, while the theft of electrons at the anode causes a rise in valence state, or oxidation of any material there. An ongoing discussion beginning back in 2002 Q. Hi, It's meagainI have reviewed my results and so far: the nail in salt water rusted the fastest, the nail in the vinegar turned black, and the nail in the orange juice turned black as well. I assume the acidic part of the HCl removed the rust, and I understand that, but I don't understand how the very "rusty" nails didn't change in weight! After squeezing out all the air that you can, seal the. Anything that prevents the movement of electrons can help to prevent oxidation. Simply place 2 moistened nails in the bottom of the test tube that you have labeled "B." [4] Be sure to place your test tubes next to each other in the same room.
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