However, while there are some people who suffer from a form of agoraphobia that causes them to be scared of being out in open spaces, it is more complicated than that. In fact, researchers have found out that up to one-third of human beings are ophidiophobic. Therapies beneficial to the treatment of phobias include: Pharmacotherapy Medication for phobias are SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants. It is one of the most common phobias. Ryan Coogler remembers their final conversation. They will likely avoid visiting friends who have cats or stay away from those co-workers who constantly talk about everything to do with their pets, from cat food to cat insurance. More females are affected by this phobia than males. Some academic research suggests that arachnophobia is hard-wired into our psyche as a survival technique because venomous spiders have been a danger to our ancestors for millions of years. Xenophobia, the fear of strangers or foreigners, is the second most common phobia in the world with 19.17% of countries reporting it as their most searched for phobia. [emailprotected]. However, electrophobia is much less common despite the threat being far more real in countries like the UK, whereas . However, no matter the phobia, they have common reactions, including: Phobias in children can lead to tantrums, crying, clingy, and refusing to leave their parents. They are extremely afraid to engage in a conversation with a stranger. Also, I was still in denial that my life was unmanageable and that I could still control my drug use and/or the lifestyle I was living. Likewise, trypophobia can be triggered by certain wounds as well as certain kinds of diseases that disfigure the skin. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); Arachnophobia dominates the global leaderboard by being the biggest animal phobia in 78.33% of countries on our list. Acrophobia: Fear of Heights. These are the most common phobias in the country, study finds. Some of the victims get irritated when they see another person undergoing medical procedures that involve injections. Two, this is because a phobia is excessive. This plants scientific name is the Hibiscus Sabdariffa, but it is also known as Agua de Jamaica. However, living in a big city can be a problem if a person fears crowded places. It is characterized by extreme fear and anxiety of being in a social event or situation. Somniphobia is the fear surrounding the thought of going to bed, also known as sleep anxiety or sleep dread. A bit harder to have 'Islamaphobia' if you're in the same fantasy . For this reason, the treatment of phobias should include all co-occurring disorders. Feeling nervous in some social situations is normal. Like claustrophobia, it is suspected that acrophobia might be something that we are predisposed towards because it helped our ancestors avoid situations that could have resulted in them killing themselves by falling off of high places. A significant portion of Americans struggles with phobias. Domatophobia - Fear of the House. In short, there are some people who feel incredible unease when they come upon long words. Cynophobia often develops after a victim has a nasty experience with a dog, such as being bitten or chased, or after hearing horrible stories about dogs from other people. People may use drugs and alcohol to ease their fears. Myctophobia -- the fear of darkness. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Claustrophobia sufferers will often avoid confined spaces such as lifts, tunnels, tube trains, and public toilets. While the list of specific phobias is potentially nonexhaustive, we created a list of all known phobias to explore where in the world these phobias are most frequent. States where this is the top fear: 10 The goal of this therapy for phobias, Fear, anxiety, and panic are intense and disabling, Avoiding specific places and events because of fear. But, phobias also co-occur with other mental health disorders such as SUD. Agoraphobia can be suppressed by counseling the victims and putting them through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is common, so much so that some people think that there are more individuals who experience some kind of anxiety when speaking in public than individuals who do not. Mysophobia is the fear of dirt due to contamination by bacteria and germs. According to Medical News Today, arachnophobia is "an intense, paralyzing fear where someone actively avoids contact with spiders. 3. However, benzodiazepine drugs are helpful on an as-needed basis who have specific situational anxiety. Dana has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement. Exactly How Bad is Instant Ramen For You? There are various effective phobia treatment options. Experts have identified dozens of phobias. There are a few different reasons why your health care provider may schedule an MRI test for you. Cynophobia is when someone has an excessive fear of dogs. The victims not only fear live snakes, but also get extremely scared by just watching a snake video or looking at snake pictures. In short, agoraphobia is characterized by sufferers experiencing anxiety when they feel that their environment is unsafe. I really believe that the structure program is working for me. When about to be injected, the affected people get extremely irritated and experience symptoms like excessive sweating, nausea, high heart beat rate, and in extreme cases the victims might faint. This medication for phobias changes serotonin levels in the brain, which controls moods. Firstly, its useful to define what a phobia actually is the NHS Choices website defines phobias as an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place or situation, feeling or animal. Atelophobia. With that said, people with glossophobia go beyond anxiety, which can result in serious impairment in the relevant scenarios. The fear of heights may lead to an anxiety attack among more than 6% of acrophobic's. Acrophobics avoid going to tall buildings, mountains or tall towers in fear of falling down. They often cover their ears with their hands and seek for extra shelter during thunderstorm. Freaky Facts The most common experience is a feeling or fear of losing control. Zoophobia comes in second place, with 11.67%. Acrophobia, or fear of heights, is a very common phobia. . All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2022, The 10 Most Educated Countries in the World. 3 Claustrophobia 8.33% of all Countries effects. Specifically, phobias are often co-occurring with substance misuse and substance use disorder (SUD). Three, this is because a phobia is unrealistic. For this reason, controlled use is needed. Throughout this process I have learned that my addiction is a disease and with the help of my amazing counselor, Lauren & the wonderful staff here, I am on the road to recovery. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can also be administered. It is often the case that a person with zoophobia will fear all or many types of animals, a fear that spreads across species and even breeds within the same species, like fluffy cats. Bacteriophobia and bacillophobia specifically refers to the fear of exposure and contamination to bacteria and microbes in general. The good news is that the fear is highly treatable with methods such as exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. 33%-40% of the general population experience anxiety related to flying. Even mentioning or seeing pictures of spiders can trigger a fear response in people with arachnophobia.". if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Hover over each phobia to reveal its definition. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Agoraphobia is a social phobia commonly understood as the fear of public spaces and crowds, however, Agoraphobia is actually a more complex condition that covers an irrational fear of being in a situation or place in which you feel trapped, embarrassed, or helpless, and can even be so severe that sufferers cannot leave their own homes. One of the most common phobias is Arachnophobia the fear of spiders. However, there are some people who take the fear of death to extremes, thus resulting in thanatophobia. A person struggling with a phobia will avoid their fear at all costs. During the storm, the victims can feel nauseated, cry, tremble, sweat excessively, sudden and urgent need to urinate, and a rapid heartbeat. In some extreme cases, just a sight of a web or drawings of spiders triggers a sudden outburst of fear. It is unclear how people pick up arachnophobia. 80 Conover Rd I have been working the program for 25 days and everyone agrees, Im a totally different person. Other interesting state phobias include nomophobia which is the fear of being without your phone. For this reason, the phobia treatment options, including therapy for phobias and medications for phobias, is beneficial. Mysophobia is the fear of germs as well as being contaminated by germs. All Rights Reserved. One, this is because a phobia is persistent. Other than Japan, the countries that saw nuclear weapons as their biggest danger included Russia (29%), Ukraine (36%), Brazil (28%), and Turkey (34%). Some individuals with germophobia may also have other phobias such as zoophobia (fear of animals, nosophobia (fear of disease), ataxophobia (fear of untidiness), thanatophobia (fear of death), and microphobia (fear of small things). Hemophobia, or "the irrational fear of blood," is the most searched for fear in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington. In particular, interested individuals might have seen depictions of it in which someone engages in compulsive hand washing, which is one of the most famous manifestations of the phobia. ", In addition, oftentimes the fear "extends beyond meeting an arachnid in real life. Claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces or of being confined. Repeated exposure to lightning and thunder helps to build immunity. However, there are plenty of people who either never grow out of astraphobia, or develop astraphobia as adults for one reason or another. However, phobias being phobias, people who suffer from arachnophobia arent exactly rational when it comes to the subjects of their fear. The largest age group with phobias is 45 to 49-year-olds, Over 32 percent of adults with specific phobia receive treatment of phobias, Most Americans report experiencing symptoms of phobia at age 7, Life-Limiting symptoms significantly impact life, Avoidance avoids feared situations and objects, Anticipatory anxiety focusing on future events causing extreme anxiety. The fear of public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is considered to be one of the most common phobias in the country. Constant air travel helps eliminate aerophobia. Xenophobia includes the fear of anything strange or foreign, not just people. Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. Situations such as going to school, enclosed places, and airplanes, Animals or insects such as dogs and spiders, Blood, injections, and injuries including needles, accidents, and medical procedures, Others such as clowns, loud noises, choking, and vomiting, Immediate, intense fear, panic, and anxiety when facing the fear or even thinking about it, Being aware that phobias are irrational but being powerless in controlling them, The closer the object or situation time, the greater the fear and panic, Avoiding objects or situations at all cost, Physical reactions including trouble breathing, tight chest, rapid heartbeat, and sweating, Feeling dizzy and nauseous around blood and injuries, Fear of situations where judgment may happen, Fear of being called out on looking anxious, Fear of physical symptoms of phobias blushing, sweating, shaky voice, and trembling, Avoiding things out of embarrassment fears, Staying in a social situation even though it causes fear and anxiety, Analyzing every detail of the social situation and looking for flaws, Expecting the worst consequence from a negative social situation, Entering a room when others are already seated, Astraphobia fear of thunder and lightning, More than 8.5 percent of adult Americans struggle with specific phobia symptoms. So many, in fact, that it is the second most common fear in the U.S., according to the YourLocalSecurity study. is part of the Meredith Health Group. Although the place might not be considered very high by other people, to the acrophobic it can still be a source of extreme fear. On the other hand, a specific phobia is an unrealistic fear of an object or situation. It is common for people to confuse social phobia with shyness, but social phobia is a much stronger problem, so much so that people who suffer from it cant get a handle on it in the same way that someone can overcome their shyness. 1. It has also been known to be hereditary. Spiders tend not to be very threatening to humans. Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders. RELATED: Leaving This One Thing in Your Bathroom Is Attracting Spiders, Experts Warn. The victims of aerophobia get anxious and very afraid at the mere thought of being in an airplane or a helicopter. Common categories of specific phobias are: Specific phobias have their own terms. There are several different reasons why, Read More The 10 Main Types of Headaches You Can Get and What to DoContinue, Eating ramen noodles is something that every college student has experienced and in most cases, they have become a staple of any persons diet who is on a serious budget. To find each state's most-searched phobia, the YLS team analyzed search volume for nearly 40 different "fear of" terms, focusing on the top 15. "They don't intentionally reject love from another. The victims usually get panic attacks, faint, sweat excessively, cry, or scream at the sight of spiders and other arachnids. This can impact a person's day-to-day life as it restricts where they can go and what they can do. Ombrophobia is the fear of rain and is the second-highest reported unusual phobia on our list. ", "Although it was a short stay at Discovery, I feel I got a lot out of meetings, commitments, feed back, and advice from my family.". Common benzos include: Side effects from low dose benzos include: Even though phobias are common, they dont always significantly disrupt life or cause distress. Im truly grateful I had the chance to be a part of Discovery Institute and had the counseling Ive had since coming here. They may hide under a bed or in a closet to help them suppress the sound and light. fear of spiders). However, the most common phobias include: Arachnophobia - fear of spiders Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes Acrophobia - fear of heights Aerophobia - fear of flying Cynophobia - fear of dogs Astraphobia - fear of thunder and lightning Trypanophobia - fear of injections Agoraphobia - fear of being alone Mysophobia - fear of germs But most of all, I felt great progress happened in group and one on ones with counselors. In the treatment of phobias, it can be challenging to differentiate between phobias symptoms and SUD. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. arachnophobia) along with their definition (e.g. Younger children are known to suffer from ombrophobia more so than adults. Its also useful in treating SUD. In extreme cases, some victims experience panic attacks. In fact, some of the victims go to an extent of owning a collection of disinfectants reserved for washing their hands. } With that said, people with monophobia take this to an excess, which can make even common tasks such as eating and sleeping a serious hassle for them as well as their loved ones. I had no clue as to why I abused drugs & no reasoning for my unspeakable actions. Excessive fear of germs and dirt is one of the most common phobias seen that is known as Mysophobia. Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get Aerophobia: an intense fear of flying. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder whereby the victims perceive certain environments outside their residence as unsafe. The statistics say that air travel is acutally safer than driving a car. SSRIs are a group of antidepressants. However, it is important to note that xenophobia is more encompassing than that because it is the fear of that which is considered to be either foreign or otherwise strange. For example, there are people who are about anxious about speaking in public but can either dance, sing, or put on other performances in public with no issues whatsoever. RELATED: If You Live Here, Prepare for a Massive Influx of Snakes, Authorities Warn. Marlboro, NJ 07746. Sometimes, this is because they are concerned about being mocked when they pronounce them. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliopho- bia is considered a social phobia and can result when a person experiences a hard time learning words as a child leading them to panic when they see long words. 4. The goal of CBT is changing self-defeating thought patterns and unrealistic views of the world. This makes plenty of sense seeing as how dead things are just crawling with who knows what, meaning that it is a good idea to avoid them as much as possible. Ophidiophobia: an intense fear of snakes. In short, it is the fear of thunder as well as lightning, which can be debilitating during thunderstorms when it comes to the more serious cases. For US states there was a lot more equality between the search data for more weird phobias and so we were able to record a greater variety when looking within the USA compared to whole countries. However, there are times when interested individuals might come upon herpetophobia used instead, which is a more generic fear of reptiles. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, characterized by an uncontrollable, irrational, and intense fear of a specific situation, object, or activity. Thalassophobia - Fear of the Sea. Acrophobia - Fear of Heights. Mysophobia. The questionnaire included socio-demographic information, extra . Most spiders are harmless to humans. While in high places, they sweat excessively, experience panic attacks, increased heartbeat, and might even pass out. The victims go a long way in trying to avoid a place that they think could harbor spiders. Astraphobia, also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia, is the fear of lightning and thunder. As such, Thanatos was considered to be both merciless and indiscriminate, which speaks volumes about how the ancient Greeks perceived death. The fear of failure, otherwise known as atychiphobia, is the most common phobia in the U.S., according to the YourLocalSecurity study. We recorded the most searched for phobia and the most searched for animal phobia. She never gave up on me but instead stuck by me until the end because she believed in me. However, there are some overlapping criteria. Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder in human beings which is characterized by the persistent fear of objects and situations. Agoraphobia - Fear of Leaving the House. Even the thought of one crawling on their skin can make them shudder in fear. Sociophobia -- the fear of . Social phobias As the name suggests, it is the fear of embarrassment, humiliation or something bad happening in a social situation. Each state, however, did show some interesting data when it came to some of the more unusual phobias on our list. A person with ailurophobia may demonstrate extreme anxiety when seeing or thinking about cats, no matter how cute they are. In contrast, someone with a phobia of open spaces might have to change their entire lifestyle unless they can bring their phobia under some measure of control. Arachnophobia -- the fear of spiders. . She also enjoys creative writing, content writing on nearly any topic (particularly business and lifestyle), because as a lifelong learner, she loves to do research and possess a high skill level in this area. Unsurprisingly, we dont perceive death in any better light under normal circumstances. If you have it, you may experience physical symptoms such as difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling, and dizziness. The phobia is also referred to as verminophobia, germophobia, bacillophobia, or bacteriophobia. Acrophobia: an intense fear of heights. My experience here at Discovery Institute has been very valuable during my 90 day stay. The fear comes with the thought of falling, and symptoms begin to subside when back on the ground. Even if the threat is minimal, the affected persons will feel very anxious. Cynophobia is the fear of dogs. Acrophobia is the fear of heights. We looked at 24 of the biggest fears and phobias and mapped them by state. Humans arent nocturnal animals. I have learned a lot from her. My experience at Discovery has inspired me to help the sick & suffering who have been through the same hell as I have. Glossophobia Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. Exposure Therapy Slowly exposing people to their fear is exposure therapy. But, avoidance of objects, activities, and situations because of fear interferes with daily life. We all have things that spark feelings of fear and anxiety. Specific phobias are actually fairly common, with approximately 7 to 10% of the worlds population suffering from a specific phobia. They become very irritable and distressed when a planned air travel approaches. Atelophobia is the fear of disappointing others. People just do not like scary heights, for example. Contact us today and find out how we can help. Being at heights will cause sufferers to experience classic anxiety symptoms such as heart palpitations, shaking, and sweating. Most people find dead things wrong on an instinctual level. On top of that, dead things are a reminder of . } ); var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=26d0585d-e127-4212-b4ad-b54e94ab829f&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7357433919384390611'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); Below you will find the top ten phobias most commonly found in people. Due to this, people with this issue tend to avoid social situation, which tends to make their social life much, much worse. Claustrophobia is very common, but in most cases, people can manage to some extent. ", "Dear Steve and Pete, I enjoy my time here at Discovery Institute. For this reason, phobia treatment options are needed. Some are intense and debilitating and others are mildly annoying. For that matter, it is possible that there are multiple causes, with examples ranging from it being learned from other people to it being a product of past trauma. They've reportedly been overcharging shoppers. Agoraphobia can be very detrimental for those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from it, but there are mental health professionals who can help should sufferers find their case impairing their work, their socialization, and the rest of their day-to-day life. 5. Although some phobias are based on real experiences, they can become disproportionate to reality. Photophobia - Fear of Light. As such, elevators, crowded rooms, and even small cars can be no-go zones for people suffering from a particularly bad case of the phobia. Antidepressants and ant-anxiety drugs can be administered to help reduce the fear. An estimated 10% of American adults suffer from trypanophobia. Sometimes called social anxiety disorder, social phobia is when someone has an irrational fear of being judged, rejected, and otherwise evaluated in a negative manner. For the most unusual phobia, we recorded what we felt was the strangest phobia that had a relatively high search request for each country and state compared to the rest of the phobias listed. Url: For instance, a fear of snakes may not be an issue if a person lives in the city. Xenophobia is a concept that most people should be familiar with to some extent. I arrived at Discovery broken, scared and spiritually bankrupt hurt with an unfillable void. Spiders, teenagers, sleep, rain, and chickens are but a few examples of what can really frighten people around the world - enough so that people can suffer from phobias of them. Discovery saved my life. For more interesting information sent straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Twitter users on Sunday flagged a tweet from the official presidential handle @POTUS that had President Biden touting "the most common gas price" in the country at $3.19, drawing attention to . The victims will always try their best to avoid these places, with some unable to leave their homes. To an extent, it is understandable. The problem is most common in children, but it isnt exactly an uncommon occurrence in adults. Agoraphobia is sometimes believed to be a fear of open spaces. In some extreme cases, just a sight of a web or drawings of spiders triggers a sudden outburst of fear. While it may seem irrational to someone without a phobia, we should all be respectful that phobias are real anxiety disorders that often cause unpleasant experiences for the sufferer. I feel new and improved. Learn how your comment data is processed. 3. Aquaphobia, or the fear of water, is the most Googled phobia in seven of the 50 states: Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Oregon, and Pennsylvania. Cynophobia is the irrational fear of dogs and was the biggest animal fear in just 1.67% of countries, yet still makes it into our top three animal phobias. For instance, the common specific phobia of being trapped in small places is claustrophobia. Some of the most common phobias are discussed below. Some might fear weather conditions that accompany heavy rain and so this phobia can often be accompanied by several weather-related phobias such as the fear of lightning and thunder, fog, or flooding, and also the fear of drowning. And to see what the most common phobias in the country are, we consulted a recent study from, which identified 15 of the most common phobias in the United States and used Google Trends to identify the most searched for fear in each state. Standard diagnostic criteria include: There are various phobia treatment options. This type of procedure is called rhinoplasty. Open spaces can trigger such symptoms, but so can everything from crowds to the outdoors. Each phobia has a unique set of criteria, according to the DSM. However, according to the Area52 study, Mississippi is the only state in the country where it is the top phobia among residents. This is one of the phobias that can have a very noticeable effect on a persons lifestyle because there are millions and millions of dogs in just the United States. We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including If you or a loved one struggles with substance use disorder and co-occurring phobias, we can help.
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